Death Knight

v1 Chapter 2: The feast of the dead

"Finally ..." Lord Wendell rubbed his temples nervously, but with inexhaustible exhaustion and nervousness in his tone, at this moment, Darlan's heavy gate was in front of him.

The ice-like flame in the eyes of the death knight lingered in his mind all the time, and even sleeping became a torture of nightmares. After escaping from Wendel, he kept running horses for several days, and when Kam finally arrived in the neighboring city of Dessac, he was almost guarded as a fugitive robbed after escape. However, even if he could not keep his eyes open, he still had no plans to rest.

"Master Kam, we have a regular army of 4,000 Elazia here. You don't have to worry about it at all?" The other side said blankly. But the lord like a bow-stricken bird just waved his hand, dragged his tired body, and walked towards the newly prepared square. Dessac's defensive power was probably not enough for half an hour before the death knight, and Lord Kam did not want to experience face-to-face encounters with the undead.

Relying on the power of magic, it took him only a cup of tea to cross the expansive plain that traverses the Naga Mountains, and to the Temple of Journey outside the capital of Elazia.

The morning sun smeared the gold evenly over the towers of Daralla, making it almost one with the crimson morning glow. It is precisely for this reason that the five-square obelisk formed by the French array will be named "Crimson".

The majestic towers are not only a symbol of royal power, they also cover the entire city with a layer of transparent and invisible curtains, completely isolating the magic flow inside and outside the city. Although it was necessary to set up a building called the "Temple of the Brigade" outside the city in order to catch the mage who used the transfer square, the six capitals of the Luvis Alliance did indeed greatly strengthen their defense— -The siege magic will be blocked before the wall is destroyed, and the tactics of using the transfer square to carry out raids are meaningless.

The lord silently looked at the sight of Tongyun in front of him, the magnificent tower finally relaxed his mind that he had been carrying for a while.

"Even the death knight can't take it down, not to mention that there is a block of flames in front of it ~!" The lord persuaded himself and took a deep breath. Then he urged the mount and slowly walked towards the gate under the shadow.

The magnificent reception hall in Daralla Palace was crowded by the urgent news of Kam LaSavis, and civilians and generals were placed on both sides of the hall, under the gorgeous statue of Luviz at the end. , Is the king sitting on the throne-Windham Orland III.

The goddess, with a gentle and eternal expression, stretched her wings wide and looked like she was sheltering the king from the front. However, for this ruler, this form of blessing implies another meaning-in the Luvis Alliance, priesthood is higher than kingship, as the statue of the goddess looks down on the throne. Mortal.

But even the shrewd and capable kings could not escape the imprisonment of that wing, and not only that, they never even thought of that. After all, it is not the secular power that restrains them, but the incomparable great power, which is the existence that people in the present world can never transcend and understand-the goddess Luvis.

Is there any mortal who dares to resist the only **** in this world?

For three hundred years, when the alliance had not yet been established, the followers of Luvis had defeated the enemy, expanded their territories, occupied resources and water veins again and again under the prophecy and protection of the goddess. In the end, they not only established a great patriarch across the continent, but also allowed the prosperity to continue to this day.

Because of this, the unscrupulous attack from the undead army made the people in Changyi and Jiu'an smell panic-the listeners of the holy capital did not give Elazia any prediction.

At this moment, almost all eyes are focused on the figure of Lord Wendel in the middle of the hall. The depressed atmosphere flooded the entire hall, and the whispering wafted among the crowds, all like the humid and dull heat flow before the summer rainstorm.

"Secretary, please be quiet, let us listen carefully to the report from the forefront." Winddam Orland, the supreme ruler of Elazia, finally spoke. Although half a year old, the long hair and the hair under the crown still exuded a golden light like a lion's mane, and those glorious eyes added several majesty to the king.

The hall was quiet for a moment, at least on the surface.

"Qam Qing," Windham's eyes turned to the focus of everyone's discussion, trying to cover up the disturbed lord with fatigue, "recount those shameless acts of the invaders here in detail, don't miss any details, then It is very important for the Cavaliers. "

Kam nodded and began to tell about the offensive and defensive battle that scared him a few days ago.

Harvesting life, spreading nightmares and cold death knights, is a unilateral attack of slaughter, faster speed than the north wind, and the cold and maddening dead spirit ... though Kam deliberately in front of everyone Suppressed his fear, but the shaking hands still betrayed the lord's heart. With the on-off narrative, restlessness and restlessness emerged from the quiet atmosphere from time to time.

"Those wicked undead don't sleep under the ground, but try to challenge Luvith's authority? It's unbelievable, the ugly monster wants to occupy the wealth belonging to God?" Kam hasn't finished his complaint yet, Windham's Two eyebrows were twisted together. "Kam, why are you so greedy for life and afraid of death as a follower of Luvis and Lord of Wendel?"

The lord's head was lowered at that moment, and even if wrapped in fear, his self-esteem was stabbed by the sharp words.

"I just hope that the capital can get the news soon so that the army can prepare for the battle as soon as possible," he murmured, while avoiding all kinds of eyes around him. The next moment, Cam remembered what Roland told him, and the lord immediately planned to use this to divert his eyes. "I'm not a coward ~! I had face-to-face negotiations with the leader of a death knight, but unfortunately met their tricks, and finally I have to take the approach of abandoning the city as a last resort ~! "

"Oh? Will the undead speak?" Windham asked involuntarily. "Kam, tell us what he said."

"The death knight asked me to take a message to Her Majesty ..."

"What is it?"

"He said,‘ Roland Strive is back, and he also brings a greeting from the blood sacrifice. '”The lord recite it exactly.

The calm and calm king suddenly turned pale at this moment, as if the sword was running through his heart, his body twitched obviously. The next moment, the heavy scepter slipped out of Windham's trembling fingers, the precious metal slammed against the marble floor, and the crisp sound of the collision stirred like a ripple, shaking the hall.

The restlessness lurking in people's hearts was ignited in an instant, and the speed was so fast that there was no time for rejection.

"Roland Streve? He wouldn't be the same paladin who betrayed the country ten years ago?" The nobles who knew it whispered below.

"What betrayal of the country? Why don't I even know?" The uninformed asked around, completely forgetting that he was in the reception hall of the palace. The priests and Paladins standing still aside, their faces sank—no one hoped that the former shame of the Church of Elazia was brought up again, and they silently looked at the chaotic hall. .

A thunderous sound erupted suddenly, and the chaotic and noisy situation was fixed.

"Enough ~! Shut me up ~!" The king came back and shouted loudly, the stagnant silence enveloped the people, and the lord who stood in the middle of the hall and inadvertently said that name tried to hide his own fear.

"Just because of an unproven confession, will you be confused like this? No matter what the other party claims to be, they are obviously the enemies of the goddess Luves, and they are the symbol of corruption ~ They are death! Knight, an undead that violates the laws of nature, I Elazia is the second largest country in the alliance, and has the responsibility and obligation to crusade it ~! And this is also a patriotic war ~! After passing the hall, I finally stopped on Kam. "As for you, you are so weak in front of the enemy. Not only have the people who abandoned the territory escaped by themselves, but they are not even aware of the rumors and real intelligence. Qualifications continue to be the lord of Elazia, and I will deprive you of it now! Come, take him to the cell ~! "

After speaking, Kam was immediately dragged out of the hall by two guards.

"Come here today, it's useless to say more, please prepare the pre-war for the Cavaliers ~!" After finishing Wendam, he left the reception hall without looking back. Behind him, the thawed suspicion and anxiety entangled people with greater strength.

"How is this possible !! He is still alive ~!" King Windham's voice echoed in the small room, unable to disperse for a long time.

The ordinary and simple decoration shows that this room is not used frequently, but the powerful law circle guarding the four walls is enough to prove that the importance here is no less than that of the round table conference hall in the palace.

This is the King's Chamber.

But the three who were fortunate enough to enter here have a bad face and mood. King Windham's majesty on the throne disappeared, anxiety and anxiety showed on his face, and the noise made by walking back and forth not only made him feel upset, but also affected the emotions of the other two.

One of them is the Holy Spirit's spokesperson here, who manages the Archbishop Fredek of the entire Church of Elazia. The white robe with green edging indicates that he is a senior priest.

"We should have sent troops to hunt him down at the beginning, otherwise such a difficult problem would not have happened ~!" The king seemed to shirk his responsibility as a child, but the uneasiness contained in the tone was far greater than He blamed them.

"Your Majesty, sending only the Knights of the Rose is also a helpless option. If the national army was involved at the time, it might not be able to conceal it to this day." Fredek shook his head to refute.

The meaningless conversation between the two was quickly interrupted, and another voice intervened.

"Your Majesty, Master Bishop, I think what we should discuss now is not what we did wrong in the past, but what we should do now! If you want to reflect, please wait until the end of the war. What do you think of this proposal?" Still keeping a calm tone belonged to Prime Minister Livus of Alazeia, and under the dim light, flickering shadows were floating on his face.

"Destroying them is a good choice, as I announced in the palace." The king replied, "I think the royal court will certainly make the same decision. For us, it is exactly two birds with one stone."

"But the other party is the death knight ~!" The bishop's expression was very serious. "If there is no assistance from the Holy Light and only use the sword to deal with it, you must remove the first party or break the heart to destroy them. If you let ordinary soldiers go To deal with it is just to increase the sacrifice in vain. Maybe ... should we ask for help from the Holy One? "

"If the Saints are involved, the situation will only get worse ..." The Prime Minister's brow frowned even harder, "All the secrets that have been hidden so far will be revealed ~! Yousser definitely hopes that this kind of thing will happen, he is in Ten years ago, he began to doubt us ... maybe he would come to check for himself ... "

"It seems that the only option is to send soldiers alone to destroy those death knights. Whether or not that person is really Roland Streve, we must also carefully destroy all undeads." Windham was saying the name He paused subconsciously, then looked up at the two men with helpless expressions.

"If I remember well, the area east of the Nagar Mountains can gather 35,000 troops, which is more than ten times the number of undead, and there are 180 of the Paladins and 340 of them. Pastor, is it still impossible for such an army to win the war? "Wyndham looked directly at the bishop and returned to his eyes with cruel and cold majesty.

"If that's the case ..." Frederick was lost in thought, "I believe it should be okay. Although the death knight is very resistant to physical attacks, it still takes time to regenerate. If you let the army hold the opponent's Action, and then let the Paladin and the priests attack with the Holy Light, there will be no accidents. After all, the gap in numbers is too obvious. "

The last sentence definitely made the king relieved: "Very well, then, Liver, please leave it to you. As for the holy capital, we can drag it and report again."

"But this method will bring heavy casualties to our army?" Rather than a statement of opposition, it is better to be ridiculed after a tense, the Prime Minister ’s deep frown finally opened, and his hazy face was restored. Calm and smile.

"Maybe, but it can be worth the price to end this matter." Winddam also seemed to be infected by the other side, his expression gradually relaxed, "This is to do everything possible to protect the people of the alliance By the way, by the way, the guy who claims to be Roland will die again! "

"Finally done ..." Even Roland, who has always been indifferent, could not help feeling the magic power when he saw such a scene.

The towering buildings are so eye-catching that they can echo the mountains in the distance. As if it couldn't bear its huge weight, even the hard frozen ground had cracks. The mist of chaos is like a majestic waterfall, pouring out from the deep darkness in the center of the building, and the cold atmosphere that gradually diffuses, but all the surroundings are settled into a deadly silence.

"This is the gate of darkness. It can cross any distance in this world, the magic channel that connects the two places, the highest crystallization of transfer." Richard said so, without concealing the pride in his tone.

"Just this world? Then why did I feel the breath of the underworld?" Roland glanced at each other.

"You have a keen insight. If you add curiosity, you may become a good mage." The Lich applauds the question. "In fact, the passage between the two dark gates is established in the Umbra. Yes, although that realm can also pass matter, the connection between soul and matter will be cut off in this transmission, in other words, living creatures will die if they enter or exit. "

"So although it is a great invention, it is of little use value to human beings. This is the reason why the channel summon is lost, right?" Roland took over the other party's words.

"Yes, not only that, the current technology of the Alliance is not enough to summon such things. But I can do it, and it seems to be a coincidence that the Dark Portal is the most suitable thing for the undead." Richard's The corners of his mouth rose slightly as before, "This thing will surprise all the mages. It is only a fool's job to soak in the pile of books. I will let them see what is the real magic ~!"

"I just hope that this thing will allow the troops to come as soon as possible so that the next offensive can be launched." The icy flames did not know when they returned to Roland's eyes.

As the Lich chanted the harmonies of the mantra, the Dark Door was slowly opening its huge lintel. The death knights stood far enough away to stare silently at the huge building that almost obscured the entire sight.

Strength is condensing to climb to the top. Ripple-like waves radiate outward along the lines of the air, and even creatures who know nothing about magic can easily feel it. Eventually, the flow of the white waterfall gradually slowed down, then stopped for a while, and finally suddenly reversed and contracted sharply towards the center point. When all the magic is condensed on one point, the channel connecting this world and the Umbra is finally melted into a cave, and the space trembles like a mirage at that moment.

With the huge and dull whistling sound, the power of energy explosion spread rapidly, and a whirlwind was blowing on the ground.

"Richard, are you sure this is normal?" Roland asked at the loudest volume. He was struggling to keep his balance from being blown off by the wind, and the black cloak flew up and down in the air, tearing. Muffled.

"Don't use your brain to doubt such a great mage ~! Of course, this is no problem. Natural power always seems scary, but in fact they are more obedient than kittens." The Lich half-knelt and kept the focus While refuting the other party's doubts, the next moment, a blue flame suddenly lit in his eyes: "Look ahead, the army of the undead is waiting for your mission."

As if in response to the words of the shouter, a crystalline white petal slowly drifted past the death knight's eyes, then disappeared into the snow.

"Snowflake !?" Roland blurted out.

The mottled wind that was stained with dust became a white curtain in the blink of an eye. The icy shards flew past Roland's ears with the unique coldness of Nordson, like silver wires.

"This is the smell of the ice crown ~! It is really nostalgic ..." As if the snow and ice had melted, Roland's tone softened and became a groan.

The next moment, the white wind and snow shattered into countless shining star shards, and from the rolled-up curtain, tens of thousands of tireless undead warriors appeared in front of the death knights. This army, centered on the gates of darkness, is arranged in a neat square array, waiting for the dispatch of superiors.

The ghouls, corpses, the remains of the ancient Spider Kingdom subjects, and the abyss shadows from the twisted void and good at manipulating magic, these powerful warriors are trembling with excitement in the vibrant world in front of them.

"I immediately asked them to build up a defensive belt to prepare for a strategic offense." Roland nodded with satisfaction at Richard.

"Don't worry, there are hundreds of thousands of troops that have not arrived yet. This is just the beginning ..." the other party reminded, "Ischutli shielded Luvis's ability to predict for us, although that was only temporary, but Is enough to build an unbreakable foundational defense here. "

"After 12 hours, the magic concentration in this area will return to the normal level, and then the Dark Gate will summon the next batch of soldiers waiting in the Frozen Crown ~! Within a few days, the undead army will open up Out of the road that belongs to Ishtoli. "The Lich said confidently, and the flames in the ice-blue pupils kept beating.

"Ishtoli's Shinto will be cleared, and my wish will be fulfilled together." Roland replied slowly, brushing out the long sword from behind, and stroking the sword gently with his sensitive fingertips. Graceful engraving.

A well-equipped large army is marching on the vast plains of the east of Elazeya. The emblem of the banner is drawn by golden silk threads—the crossed two halberds guarded by Pegasus. It is unquestionable that this is the army of undead crusaders of Elazia.

Before the war, the priests and mages had detailed the power of the death knight to the soldiers. Although the opponents were extremely powerful, no one believed that humans would lose the battle. After all, there are more than ten times more people than the dead. Once the death knight is besieged by dozens of soldiers, they can only wait to be burned to the ashes by the priest or the paladin's holy light.

However, it was not until the contact between the two armies that the confident knights found that the situation seemed a bit wrong.

"Master Lothar, we have detected the position of the undead, two kilometers directly in front." A scout passed through the gathering crowd and came to the head of the Knights, his voice mixed with an uneasy trembling.

"Really? Then prepare for the battle according to the deployed plan." The paladin on horseback nodded to the scout, and then began issuing combat orders, but his words were cut off by the scout.

"Sir, please wait ~!"

"What's wrong?" The Paladin turned back strangely.

"Our original information was completely wrong. The number of undead is definitely not only 2,500 ... At present, the initial estimate is more than 30,000." There was a flash of fear in the scout's eyes, as if he saw that it almost made him just now Asphyxiating sight.

"How is it possible? Say it again?" Lothar wondered if he heard it wrong. "Did you look at the flowers?"

But before he continued to question the scouts, a squad of gunmen in the forefront of the unit was already rumbling.

Two kilometers away, so soon? The Paladin did not want to continue asking questions, and hurriedly looked forward from the horse. The next moment, the black sword forest burned into his eyes, and the sharp blade reflecting the glare of the sun made the Paladin's pupil and heart tighten in an instant.

The black iron curtain stood in front of Elazia's army, a charge front composed of tens of thousands of death knights. The cold devoured the life and green under their feet, and even the pale golden sun was stained with a layer of morning frost, and then covered with the death knight's bright silver armor. The square-winged spider fighters hissed, trying to stretch out hairy and hard forelimbs from time to time, waving demonstrations at humans.

How could 30,000 undead? We ... everyone here will be killed ~! Fear infiltrated the Paladin's mind silently. He didn't have time to judge why the number of undead would increase dramatically, all he knew was that the only thing to do now was to retreat quickly. But before the new order was issued, several scouts crowded in-they were all scouts responsible for the flanks, which made Lothar smell the danger sign.

"Master Lothar, we are surrounded ~! A large number of undead ambushes have been found on the flanks and rear of the army ~!" The scout whispered to the commander, and his speech was interrupted several times by panic.

"What ~ !? How did they do it? This is not at all military sense ~!" The Paladin finally lost his calm.

As if mocking Lothar's so-called "military common sense", countless ghouls and zombies suddenly appeared on the side of the human legion, and in the rear, ghosts and spider warriors lying in the ground also appeared. Stature. At that moment, the suffocation swept across the entire human army like a storm. A few seconds later, human beings finally realized that the only option was to fight desperately, and the hustle and bustle of the battlefield was silent for a moment because of the soldiers' awareness.

The spider warrior's action is relatively slow, and the abyss's shadow is also very poor in melee ability. If you want to kill a way to concentrate your strength to break through the rear siege, it is a good way. But Lothar knew very well that if he turned his back on the death knight, maybe 35,000 troops would not be spared, so he eventually chose to face the enemy.

Immediately after the order was issued, the pikemen raised a five-meter-long carbine, aiming to keep the death knight away from human positions, while the heavy infantry posed a defensive posture behind them, and the priests whispered in prayer The curse of the word, let the care of Lu Weisi fall on the soldiers. In this way, the entire square array is slowly linked to each other, and the death knight who feels the enemy's war will respond at the same time.

Accompanied by the bright call sign of the assault horn, the ringing sound of ground shaking shattered with the pre-war silence.

The undead finally launched the charge, and the shards of shards of ice under the iron hoof rose up with the blackened mud. The black sharp formation easily broke through the human iron wall-the jagged knight rifle at the moment of impact, like a mowing sickle, broke the soldier's carbine. The death knight immediately rushed forward, jumping over the broken pole. Human soldiers are helpless with this, and their bodies imprisoned by surprise and fear can only watch the bloodthirsty sword strike at their first level.

At the same time, the other three undead forces also moved, and they gradually swallowed the human army from both wings and rear. Elazia's troops are disappearing at an alarming rate, like a white cloth cast like a black dye tank, which is instantly soaked in a large piece. The soldiers fought hard to resist, but all the pupils reflected in the pupils were broken limbs, splashing red, and the fighting spirit was quickly swallowed by fear without trace.

With the screams of screaming, the curtain woven by blood slowly dropped, surrounded by the opponent's superior forces, and the dying struggle of the army of Elazeya soon stopped. At this moment there are only a few sporadic places on the battlefield that have not yet returned to silence. The divided priests and paladins support each other and use their final strength to resist the attacks of the undead, but soon the dazzling lights are also extinguished.

Roland is galloping on the battlefield, surrounded by a layer of red mist. When the irritable mount stops or turns around, the smell of blood will splash everywhere, but the death knight still fails to find himself The goal.

Maybe that guy didn't participate in this battle at all? Roland reexamined his inferences. Immediately after, the tall figure that suddenly appeared in front of him interrupted the thought of the death knight.

"Alsace?" Roland was a little surprised.

The named death knight has bright red eyes like a fire flame. Although the armor on his body has been completely covered with blood, his mouth still has a careless smile. It seems that the game on the hunting ground is now playing, not cruel. battle.

"I'm resting." The other thought about it, and then answered.

"Rest? It's rare ... I thought you had forgotten the word." Roland did not intend to let go of the irony. "This is a war for Ishtoli, please be a little more serious ~! If you are so eager to fight, why are you lazy now? "

"It's really nerve-racking. How do you explain that when the leader of the regiment understands the difference between 'battle' and 'massacre'? I value the process, but it's not like you. I just want to get results." Replied arrogantly, "Thanks to Richard, I finally saw what the battle of 150,000 vs. 30,000 was like-before the sword could be waved, the poor worms entered the ghoul's stomach, What a grand banquet. "

"Is it all wiped out? I thought they could last a while ..." Roland frowned elegantly.

"It's not all, there happens to be someone who is still fighting somewhere. If you rush now, you might get a kick." His voice went down. "And ... that guy seems to be your goal ..."

"Where's that paladin?" The death knight interrupted the opponent's frustrated words.

Arthas paused deliberately, and then pointed out a direction with his hand. "I think he was entangled in the spider warrior, probably still there." The words did not fall, and Roland had swept away from him. A glance passed by.

"It's really anxious guy," Roland looked at the head without running back to the battlefield, Arthas licked his lips with his tongue, and the smell of blood came into his mouth. "Forget it, sooner or later, fate will be in you again I made the choice between you and everything before that. "

A fatal wound to humans can't cause any harm to the undead. Only a strong external force can completely destroy the opponent's body structure is the correct method of combat. Because of this, Lothar put in more effort than expected before killing the two spider warriors with open teeth.

However, while the Paladin was breathing on the broken body of the undead, the chill that made his breath tingle for a moment forced him to look up—the new enemy was a death knight—the Paladin immediately vigilantly pulled Open distance.

"You're really forgetful, don't you even know who I am?" The other side patrolled beside him, with a mocking tone hiding the smell of hatred.

"Who are you?" Lothar held the distance between the two sides.

"Do you remember a battle ten years ago? The stubborn dwarf warrior Muradin and the brave orc prophet Astaros died under your sword, but the young and stupid, so-called traitor, escaped. Hunting by the Rose Knights. Let me guess, if it wasn't for that mission, I'm afraid you can't be promoted to today's status, right? Lothar? "

As if struck by lightning, the Paladin overlapped the figure of the undead with the knight of blond hair in an instant. The beautiful blond hair that had been dazzling at this moment has been stained with the cursed color of death gray, and the hatred radiating from the water-colored pupils is like a hot flame. Although ten years later, his appearance seemed to be frozen, and he remained young and handsome when he disappeared, but was frozen at the corner of his mouth, but it was chilly.

A student who once achieved Elazia's highest glory, the first place for the paladin assessment, and proud of being a light guide, Uther, now appears in front of him as an undead monster.

"Roland? Are you ... that Roland?" Finally, Lothar shouted the name shivering.

"Since I have thought of the past, there is no need to say more. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, let me use your blood to sacrifice for them ~! You can die under this sword of revenge, it should be you It ’s a great honor. "Roland's eyes cruelly killed, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply, and the nervous paladin didn't even notice that his whole body was soaked in sweat.

The dismounted Roland did not make any further moves. The upcoming battle awakened the memories of the death knight. The nightmare that made him crazy caused the blood in his body to boil again-the painful roar and cold weapons coming from behind him. The sound of bumps, the bumps of the mount, the groaning of the flesh, and the cold body in her arms ... everything is too late, not even the right to regret it. The only thing left is the pendant that radiates nostalgia on the chest.

Hate it, kill it ~! There was a voice that said to Roland, only by destroying those who destroy her can the soul be truly relieved ~!

Never forgive the sinner in front of him ... The eyes revealing the breath of death seem to be so telling, Roland slowly raised his **** sword.

Are you planning to attack ~! When Roland held up the frost in his hand, Lothar, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately attacked immediately. The sharp sword pointed directly at the death knight in front of him, and the paladin's tongue gave the last syllable of the prayer.

Just like the action of the Paladin, in front of Roland, weeds in all directions immediately fell to the same center, and the bright golden flames spewed out from the ground, rising along the whirlwind. From a distance, it looks like a pillar of fire.

This is the Holy Light, the powerful ability given to her high purity believers by the goddess Luvis, which is a word that can manipulate the power of life, which is also the purification method that the undead fear most.

But Roland did not take a step back, and the flashing cold sword split the light storm. Immediately afterwards, his body leaned forward, rushing forward with unimaginable swiftness. At the moment of crossing the Holy Light, the golden flame seemed to be oppressed by a large hand, bending and changing the direction of burning.

It was too late to be surprised, and Frost with sword wind came to his eyes. Lothar immediately lifted his sword to resist it. After the crisp sound of metal, Paladin's hands were completely paralyzed.

"Is fireworks of this level worthy of being called a holy light? Stupid guy ~!" Roland's tone contained a strange enthusiasm.

He didn't care about the power of life flowing on the armor, but just slashed at the opponent. The stormy sword-mantle made Lothar tired. After several rounds of attacks, the Paladin's defense finally revealed a flaw. , Great Sword seized the opportunity to lightly brush across the chest. The blue steel armor immediately fell into a thin and neat incision. Suddenly, the dazzling red liquid radiated from the oblique line, and Lothar's body turned from tight to slack, and then twitched and fell to the ground.

"It's a boring battle. But then again, would you be sure you could win so easily without that necklace?" Arthas's voice sounded behind him.

"I didn't wear‘ long-lasting lights ’for this kind of thing. Alsace, can't you do anything other than provocation?” Roland subconsciously stroked the warm pendant and replied to the other in disgust.

"According to the scout report, Elazia's army has been completely annihilated," Richard stepped out of the iris to transfer to the Phalanx, "I believe those fleeing mages will describe this well in Daralla's palace Fighting. "

"We have taken the lead, but this time it ’s only a small victory. The real battle is still behind us ... assemble it for two, the undead war has officially broke out, and no one can stop it." Death When the knight turned around, his expression had returned to normal indifference.

In April 2227 of the Luvis calendar, the Battle of the Plain of East Elazia in just half a day ended with the total destruction of the human force.

On that day, the dark eagle brought by the cold current vibrated the ominous wings, causing the form of the entire world to collapse.