Death Knight

v3 Chapter 1: Emperor Feng

The youth walked alone, walking in the darkness alone. The pale light source outlined the strange shadows under his feet, the wind blew in all directions filled the entire space, and the street scene beside him was gray that could not be seen through, sometimes repeated repeatedly, but with a blink of an eye, it was completely unrecognizable.

Then, the lonely world suddenly surged in waves, and the ensuing darkness surrounded the overwhelmed youth, making him forget where he was, and soon he was drowned in the ink-stained ocean. Rolling, choking slammed. The young man in it seemed to be a piece of sawdust in a large vortex, unable to resist this mysterious and arrogant force. He had to take the fate of the heavens, sink into the bottom of the sea with the rapids, and bury it in this extremely vast cemetery.

The next moment, the curtains shattered into millions of pieces, and the endless land appeared in front of the eyes. The cracked earth greedily sucked every trace of moisture in the air, the desolate wind rolled up a large piece of loess, and circled in midair. But in the barren land, the most striking thing is the broken tombstone. Hundreds of thousands of lands are standing in shock, but they cannot escape.

where is this place? The young man rubbed his forehead blankly, looking around the empty world.

This is the place where people and things you forgot to sleep.

The hollow voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and the listener couldn't help but start to turn around suddenly—a shadow standing in front of him, the black outline outlines exactly the same appearance as the youth, but the corner of his mouth But a little more ridicule, a colder look.

Something forgotten? What have I forgotten?

There are so many things you have forgotten, and you may never remember them. But that doesn't matter. The shadow began to distort. The important thing is that you are still in the flow of cause and effect, and still in the memory of others ... Therefore, you still cannot escape the fetters of fate.

Perhaps you will still be on the same path ... the maze of love and hate.

The youth opened his eyes.

Along with the peculiar rust and odor in the prison, the first thing that came to his eyes was a green orc face. The other guy looked like he was in his forties, when the orcs were most energetic. There was also a dead white scar on his left cheek, as if to prove the hero's bravery or fierceness. Like all militant and arrogant soldiers, this guy looked at the youth with a look of disdain.

Typical desperate. The young man lying on the stone floor judged so, while he was thinking about how to get rid of this awkward look, the other party spoke first.

"Boy, what's your name?" Asked a low voice.

"Luo ... Roland ..." The young man answered groggyly, trying to get up from the floor. The unexplained pain made him feel his head burst, but even so, the word "Roland" was easily blurted out, as if he had introduced himself millions of times.

Is that really my name? Roland asked himself, but couldn't get the answer.

"Roland? Where did I seem to hear the name?" The orc frowned, and the second question followed. "Yes, I just saw a whole squad of soldiers holding you in. Tell me, call Roland, what have you done to make the idiots of the Empire so nervous? "

Roland felt very dissatisfied with this approach to interrogation, but he could only answer honestly-the young man had noticed that there were at least a dozen strong men in this large cell, all cold. Staring coldly, the orcs were clearly their leader. It seems that if he refuses to answer the question, he will inevitably be repaired.

"Just killed a cavalry captain ..." The youth reluctantly began to recount.

A week ago, Roland found himself on the coast somewhere in the Sofia Empire and was weak. When the nearby fisherman found this unscrupulous stranger, he brought him into the village. The kind village head not only took him in but also took good care of him. But the good times didn't last long. The next day, the Empire's tax team came here. Not only did they impose a heavy tax on a whole gold coin for each poor villager, but the captain of the knight with a moustache even planned to insult the village chief's daughter.

The next thing happened, of course, Roland snatched the sword from the soldier, and the first shot was inserted into the captain's head. But soon, he was caught alive by swarming enemies.

"Are you going to kill in one hit?" The orc snorted. "Although all the knights of the empire are scum, they can do this. No wonder they will send heavy soldiers to **** you."

"Speaking of it, how did you get to that coast?" Another curious voice interjected. The questioner was a young man, and even a hard life in prison couldn't cover up some of his attributes-perhaps keen or murderous. Roland couldn't help alerting.

"I don't know ..." After thinking for a long time, Roland could only answer in this way. Although I always took it for granted, it wasn't until I was questioned that the young man really found that he had lost all of his past. Like the shadow in the dream said.

But what am I forgetting? Roland pondered.

"Boy, what do you mean by 'you don't know'?" The orc frowned again.

"I mean ... I forgot." The young man replied gruntly.

"What?" The other side widened his eyes, and then a deafening laugh burst out in the cell. "That guy means he has amnesia ~!" The orc laughed, and turned around to tell the others, and the others also They all laughed, leaving only Roland flushed and sitting on the ground, unable to refute.

"Lost in memory?" The man next to him shook his head.

But the prisoners had no time to continue their interrogation, and the door of the cell opened. A total of 24 heavily armed soldiers of the two teams stood on both sides of the corridor, and a mage led the two captains to the door.

"The whole team," said the expressionless emperor coldly. All the prisoners were silent, and then stood silently in a row. Under the guidance of the sword jungle, these figures slowly walked out of the gate of the prison.

A total of more than 200 prisoners were selected. Under the escorting of a large number of imperial soldiers, they slowly moved along the stone road in steel prison cars. The surrounding atmosphere seemed strange and dignified.

"Where are we going?" Depressing his uneasiness, Roland whispered to the orc, "Is it punishable?"

The orc didn't answer, just nodded. Looking in the direction he pointed out, the young man saw a huge city at the end of the horizon-although the goddess' glory is no longer, the ancient walls and various temples lined with the temple still prove the traces of the care of the gods; The era is gone, but the neat streets and exquisite buildings exude an irresistible luxury. The most noticeable are the huge round buildings in the center of the city and the obelisk towers.

Roland's pupils contracted in an instant. Despite forgetting the past, did this not prevent him from remembering the great legends described in history books?

Standing in front of the youth is the Great Lourdes Arena, which has a history of thousands of years, and the heavenly stone, the Emperor Feng, built by people to commemorate the emperor.

"That's right, that's where these carriages are going." The orc laughed, taunting and sadness mixed in his expression, "boy, you are now a gladiator like us."

A long time ago, the Grand Lourdes Arena was synonymous with honor and blood. Every five years, no matter what the situation is, a grand competitive ceremony is held here, gathering the world's most famous fighters-including the well-known emperor Jagasi-for honor, status, fame or other Fight something that ordinary people cannot reach.

But now, everything is wrong. Although the arena is as grand as ever, the people who rule it are constantly declining. Since the dawn of Luvis, the Renas Alliance has split in just fifty years, and the largest part of it, the Sofia Empire, has become the new owner of Greater Lourdes. The ruler of this hereditary empire was incompetent from generation to generation. By eight years in Ishtoli, the current king, Alhanzo Linnot, was immersed in wine, and his heir, Prince Ed Linnot, Fascinated by **** gladiatorial battles.

As a matter of course, the Great Lourdes Arena became the Great Lourdes Arena. In order to satisfy the prince's hobby, a large number of slaves or prisoners will be marked with the red or blue group at intervals, and they will tore each other on the hot sand battlefield and under the emperor's front, until one of them sheds the last blood.

However, before the large-scale gladiatorial fight, Ed Linnot always liked to put on an appetizer, a one-man duel-a performance by a good death row against some kind of weird and weird Warcraft, the results are mostly terrible, but for the provocation The interest of the viewer and the fear of the prisoner in the fence had unexpected effects.

Today, Roland is the prisoner chosen for a single duel.

"Guerrero, what do you think?" Watching Roland be taken to the preparation room by two soldiers, the man who questioned him just now asked the orc.

"Weiwo, the stupid excuse that a third-class novelist like" amnesia "can only use in reality is not appropriate. As far as I know, this guy was inserted." The orc smiled scornfully, but then looked But he became serious and abnormal. "Suddenly, a guy of unknown origin suddenly appeared on this knuckle eye, I'm afraid the other person is smelling something."

"It's okay, we can get the answer when it's our turn to play." Vevo answered.

"Yes, but it's better to keep an eye on the boy named Roland." Guerrero insisted on his own view. "A single duel may be a blindfold or a bitter memory. Perhaps Warcraft is controlled by a mage, and not without prisoners The precedent for victory. "

"Perhaps." The human man shrugged, and said, leaning his head closer to the iron fence, along with the others, stared intently at the upcoming battle in the arena.

What kind of enemy will the youth face? Vevo speculated curiously.

What kind of enemy will I face? Roland thought uneasily, clenching the hilt of the two-handed giant sword subconsciously-this is the best-handed equipment he can find in the arsenal. As for why he called the hand, Roland himself is not clear.

With all the hustle and bustle from the spectators of the arena and the sympathetic eyes of the guards, the youth slowly entered the hot sand battlefield. This piece of land belonging to the soldiers is as bright as ever, and now it has a towering obelisk in the center-the emperor's front. So Roland stared at everything silently, remembering the legend that made all the soldiers boil, tightened his nerves, and tried to put himself into the best combat state.

But then, the roar from the other side almost tore his eardrums. When the opponent's six-meter-high body came into Roland's sight, the young man who thought he was fully prepared couldn't help shaking. The giant's entire body was wrapped in an iron plate-like armor, and the stick in his hand was thicker than the waist of a young man. Only his bloodshot eyes proved his identity.

"My God ... the cruelest and most bloodthirsty Cyclops ~!" Roland's teeth rattled. "Aren't I dreaming?"

"Do you still think he's undercover from the Empire?" Vevo asked the orc with a smile.


The sword-fighting death rower singled out a heavily armed Cyclops, and then continued the **** wheel battle. Such a gladiator is really exciting. But for Prince Ed, today his attention is focused on the VIP table in the arena, next to his seat-there, a beautiful elf woman leaning on the chair, she has Bi Xue With fairer skin and blue sea-like long hair, under the emerald green dress, it looks like a beauty only existing in fairy tales, a work of art that mortals can never touch.

Elf princess from a distant country, Oluha Chasari.

"But I didn't expect that the elves known for their elegance would like to watch such a gladiatorial battle." The prince was so close, "Dear Oluha, I think I have an obligation to remind you that the scene of the meeting will be very bloody. "

"For those who have been in exile for a long time, a little blood is nothing." The elf smiled charmingly. "If it wasn't for the hunting team of His Royal Highness who happened to be three days ago, I'm afraid I and my guards are at this moment. Already buried under the rebel's chaos. Those thugs killed the aristocrats when they saw them, and it was too cruel to let the envoys go. Right, Alberta? "

The elf swordsman standing behind them nodded silently.

"So now it's nothing to watch the captive rebels kill the beasts in the arena." Oluha concluded lightly.

"Of course, of course, now you don't have to worry about it. As the royal family of the Sofia Empire, I will never let those stupid people disturb us, and I will let them perform a good show." Ed said holding it naturally With the girl's hand, the delicate feeling instantly made his whole body boil.

This is a gift from heaven! Ed Linnot thought about it, almost laughing. He believed that with his wrist, this beautiful elf would lie on the bed in the harem in a few weeks. Maybe the attendant will be a little troublesome, but even if the sword skill is even more advanced, what is it in front of the entire Sofia Guards?

Moreover, they are really just a master-slave relationship. The prince thought about the expression of the other person when he tried to get close to Oluha for a few days, and then judged so. I must be thinking too much ... But what's the difference between killing more people and killing less?

Just as Ed revered, the roar of the Cyclops pulled his thoughts back to the stands. The bloodthirsty prince stared excitedly at the huge Warcraft, looking forward to the upcoming killing. But he didn't realize that when the blond man stepped out of the shadow, Oluha's watery eyes were completely frozen at that moment.

That's ~! ?

The elf covered her mouth desperately, for fear of shouting without notice, but the dusty memories still poured out like a tide, making her whole body tremble.

The next moment, the giant's iron rod smashed his head.

Roland hurriedly rolled over, avoiding the blow in a embarrassing manner—in fact, he had no choice at all. Although he had chosen the largest two-handed sword as a weapon, he thought that the "biggest" thing was no different from a toothpick.

This response method is very effective. After a few rounds, the big stick failed to hit the target that was rolling four times. Successive failures irritated the Cyclops. It then carried all its strength, and the iron rods instantly became a horrible windmill, and a cloud of dust followed the ground. Roland, who was quick-sighted, did not let go of this opportunity. The young man rushed into the smoke in an attempt to break through despite the stick that whistled past him.

But this time his judgment was wrong-the way Cyclops locates its prey does not rely solely on sight and hearing. When Roland hid slowly in the dust, he became the best target. When the stick was wrapped in the wind, the young gladiator was too late to dodge, and the only thing he could do was to block the front.

After a muffled sound, the fragile two-handed sword was immediately broken into two pieces, and the sword's head flew without a trace, leaving only two thirds of the bent blade still attached to the grip. Roland himself was thrown out by the impulse, and slammed into the obelisk in the middle of the arena. The tearing pain in his body made him almost faint. The Cyclops looked at the prey half-kneeled, growled with satisfaction, slowly approached, and then raised the weapon in his hand again.

"This kid is going to die." Guerrero thoughtfully looked at the center of the arena, and Vevo sighed.

"Kill him ~! The show is still behind." Prince Ed licked his lips excitedly, and subconsciously said to himself, "Blood makes the Cyclops even crazy ~!"

With a deafening roar, the giant launched an attack. The thick iron rod was wrapped in a blade-like wind, and pressed like a mountain against the youth who could not resist. But then, the space around Roland shrank violently, as if an invisible hand squeezed the air into a transparent and sturdy barrier. The iron rod was ejected at the moment of the impact, and the fierce recoil Even the Cyclops took a few steps back.

Oluha was still sitting in the VIP seat, but her pupil passed a dim light.

The unpredictable change in the deathmatch caused an uproar in the audience, but the young gladiator did not notice it-what deprived him of his eyes and thoughts was not the joy brought by luck but the endless blood red.

The hustle and bustle of the gladiatorial arena suddenly changed, as if returning to the heyday of a century ago. Countless soldiers rushed past Roland's side, struggling to kill in front of his eyes. Everything is red, whether it's the blade of a weapon, the flying sand, the light in the eyes of a soldier, or the blood flowing from the body. In this crimson ocean, the most dazzling is the obelisk towering in the center of the hot sand battlefield.

It looks like a burning tombstone, the pillars set by flames, dazzling and burning, making people dare not look squarely.

Probably the emperor did that, right?

Looking intently at the mirage displayed in the hot sand battlefield, the young man felt that an unknown power in his body was gradually waking up, and that power was brazenly burned into his soul, causing the whole body's blood to boil in an instant. Immediately after, he suddenly found that all his limbs were not obedient ~!

Roland suddenly sweated and turned pale. He struggled in an attempt to fight with his own power, but with little success, even though he had all his willpower, his body did not respond at all.

The next moment, his man and sword had turned into a flash of lightning, directed at the Cyclops who flew again. The iron rod slammed his head, but Roland did not dodge, but just let it pass slightly. The howling winds rolled up the young blonde's hair, reflecting the flame-burning pupils-and the two just judged just now.

A ghostly figure quickly ran up the giant's shoulder along the iron rod, then jumped lightly to the back of the giant, and began to severely cut the armor that protected the neck with the broken sword in his hand. The Cyclops had to throw down the iron rod, swinging his hands awkwardly, trying to catch the prey on his neck, but every time he lost it.

Roland dodged all the attacks, and at the same time cut a thin, narrow crack in the giant's armor's neck-wide enough to allow death to extend in. I saw a flash of silver light, and the gladiator's broken sword had plunged into the back of the Cyclops' neck, truncated the fragile spine, and then inserted it into the deadly aorta. Blood spewed out like spring water from all parts of the iron armor, and the Cyclops fell to the ground without even moaning, and the huge body could no longer move. At the same time, the blood-scarred young man has landed lightly, with a blank expression on his face.

The stand of nearly 100,000 people was silent. It took several seconds for the audience to respond to this gladiator who surprised them with a warm cheer.

"How is it possible?" Ed looked at the crimson battlefield with unbelievable eyes, turned his head and asked the minister, "Where did you find that guy?" He pointed to Roland in the distance.

"This ... he should be the death row in prison." The Minister replied intermittently, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "His prince, please forgive Wei Chen's fault. I really didn't expect that slave ..."

"Actually possesses such superb sword skills?" Ed smiled graciously, then waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I like the feeling of surprise." He said turning to the elf girl who had remained silent, "an unexpected gladiator Are you satisfied? "

"Very satisfied." Oluha responded with a charming smile again. "But I'm a little curious. Can His Highness Prince tell me the background of the gladiator? So young but mastered this skill, I believe his past must be full Mysterious. "

Ed immediately winked at the minister next to him, and the other nodded his mind, and quickly left the stand.

"You can get the answer at the ball tonight." The prince replied in a confident tone, but then sighed with regret, "but the battle will be more brutal. The giant is more cunning, and whether he can survive is still a question. "

The elf's face changed in an instant, and she reluctantly answered, "Let's look forward to it together."

Roland stood alone beside the giant's body, waiting warily. He remembers every detail of that power manipulating himself-fluidly reaching an unimaginable limit, rather than a puppet being manipulated-but even so, he still has no clue. To make matters worse, the gladiator does not have time to think about the problems in his body, because the next battle will soon begin, but he is still left here and is not given the right to rest or quit.

How many enemies do we have to face? Maybe they are just trying to kill me? Roland thought uneasily, but the desire to survive made him unwilling to miss the opportunity to rest anyway, even if it was immediately followed by despair.

The iron gate on the side of the arena made a harsh rubbing sound and then reopened. A group of heavily armed savages came out of it, holding either a heavy hammer or a huge tomahawk in their hands, each with a murderous murderous face-before entering the battlefield, these same bodies The gladiators, who are death row prisoners, have been told that as long as they can survive, they will be free, so they are desperately trying to cut all the obstacles in front of them.

The aristocrats of the Sofia Empire knew very well how to seduce the gladiator into **** and irritating.

Watching the barbarians rushing towards him like a mad cow, Roland swallowed, then raised the broken sword in his hand mechanically, but suddenly a sharp wind sounded behind him. The gladiator had too little time to think about it, and his body had been rolled up backwards, allowing the incoming sharp weapon to fly under him. When the body volleyed and his body turned upside down, Roland grabbed the end of the sharp weapon.

It's a brand new sword ~!

The young man landed on the ground with a sword. He found that he was no longer alone. The prisoners who laughed at him just now stood beside him, equally armed and holding sharp blades, waiting with him for the forthcoming battle.

"Hi, this is Vevo." The man who questioned him just greeted him kindly, then nodded. "That guy is Guerrero."

"You ..." Roland didn't know what to answer for a moment.

"The next is a long-term wheel battle. The annihilated side will be immediately replaced by the next batch of gladiators. If our group wants to end alive, at least three waves of offense will be needed." Vevo explained to himself, it was a Gladiator expert, "Save a little energy so that you don't fall down."

"In this way, you can be free." The orc whispered to himself, staring intently at the conspicuous emerald green figure on the stand.

The next moment, the two jungles of swords had hit each other, and the splashing blood made the hot sand battlefield look extremely dazzling.