Death Notice

v7 Chapter 62: exchange

"Unfortunately, I can't use this thing!" Hansen was silent for a long while, a little hard to say.

The combat profession of the disciples is called the Viking warrior, and the skill system tends to be controlled by weapons. It is the main direction of using all the common cold weapons. The "super-destructive boxing" belongs to the martial arts and is not suitable for his skill system.

However, A-level skills are powerful enough to be a killer. Hansen is able to resist this temptation, and also shows that his willpower is strong and firm in his career path.

Qin Lun originally wanted Frank to learn "Super Destructive Boxing" and internally digest this A-level skill. On the one hand, given that the next mission world may be a dangerous world of magic, he needs to strengthen himself as much as possible.

On the other hand, Qin Lun reconsidered the "super-destructive boxing" during the period of "super-destructive boxing" is not really suitable for hunchback servants.

The "Super Destructive Boxing" level has reached the A-level, and the higher the skill, the more demanding the apostle is. To Frank, he didn't know when it would be used.

Just like the clock eye and the tree world that Qin Lun has, the former can only use three pointers in the B-level skill stage, and only have a "star black hole" attack ability when it is upgraded to the A level. The A-level tree boundary will not be said to have a seal, even if there is no seal, it will be used if it does not meet the skill requirements, and there will be danger to life.

In addition, with Qin Lun's familiarity with and use of his ability to read, he vaguely felt Frank's law of the body, may reject this ability to read skills. The reason is very simple. The ability to read is essentially life energy, and Frank's lineage is the first-order necromancer.

Can an undead learn the martial arts of the living system, and the power of this martial art is based on the abundance of life energy? In this way, Qin Lun discovered that his original idea was too simple, and the hunchback servant used the skill scroll of "Super Destructive Boxing". It is very likely that it will be indigestion.

The reason why Qin Lun took out the "Super Destructive Boxing" reel on this occasion, in fact, there is only one person who is tempted, that is, Clown Grant. Grant is a parasitic virus, although it is also a very strange bloodline, but this lineage has a very obvious feature, that is, it is very resistant and strong.

In other words, the biggest advantage of parasitic virus lineage is that life energy is extremely active, and may be more suitable for the ability system than human lineage.

In fact, Qin Lun does not know that his judgment is very accurate. He has just been to the world of hunters, and after a while there will be an event of alienation that threatens the world.

An alien ant queen gave birth to a powerful human ant army by engulfing humans. Shortly after this, when human ants learned to read their abilities, people almost discovered that these ants, who had just learned to read, were more powerful than those who had practiced for decades.

This is certainly not because these ants are smarter than humans. In fact, their wisdom is basically derived from human beings swallowed up by the queen. But because the ants' physique far exceeds that of human beings, the life energy in the body is much more abundant than that of human beings. This leads them to just learn to read their abilities, and their strength exceeds that of the original human teacher.

"What do you want, even though, except for my mask, everything else can be given to you!" I have to say that the instinct of several murderers is very keen. After Grant listened to Qin Lun’s introduction to the system of reading ability, he immediately understood. Super Destructive Boxing is of great significance to oneself.

Clown Grant's career change is called a colonizer. He can use his parasitic virus to form exoskeleton and various bone spurs. With the "clown gift" skill of human skin mask, the melee combat is very powerful.

In this respect, even if the disciple Hansen did not dare to fight with him in the "clown gift" time, it was purely looking for abuse.

However, Grant's short board is also very obvious. The quality of the human skin mask has reached the quality of more than a thousand people. The speed of the promotion will slow down. How to say that the masses are not casually achieved.

The launch time of the "Clown Gift" is still very short, which makes Grant's combat effectiveness very unstable. In a short period of time, he can play more and more combat power, but when the time of "clown gift" is over, his offensive style is extremely monotonous.

Although the colonizer belongs to the MT profession, how can Grant be willing to be a full-time defense MT, which will only be seen by several other murder companions. Think of it this way, the "Super Destructive Boxing" scroll is particularly important.

For Grant, this is not only an A-level skill, but as long as he completely controls the "Super-Destructive Boxing", he may be able to expand the martial arts system of this pulse. Just like Qin Lun's "eye of the clock", it can be used for reconnaissance assistance, but also for simulating martial arts, and developing the "star black hole" attack skill, from a single skill to the entire skill system.

"Super Destructive Boxing" is not only powerful, but because it is based on the apostle's own laws, it is also widely applicable. At least it is more suitable for all kinds of different time and space worlds than pure magic skills. In this respect, the "super-destructive boxing" is even more valuable than the "tree border".

After thinking about these points, Grant gave up the bargaining price with bachelor, and the dead skin was occupying the entire projector screen. A dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. That means that this thing is going to be a brother. As for the reward, anyway, the whole body of the brother is the two meats, you can do it!

Seeing the appearance of Grant, the eyes of Qin Lun flashed a glimmer of light.

There must be something good in the clown. However, Grant believes that the combat profession is very different from him. Apart from the human skin mask, other things may not be suitable for Qin Lun. It is said that he is left to choose, but he still wants to take advantage of it.

Only the clown has forgotten that since Qin Lun will come up with "Super Destructive Boxing", it means that he definitely thinks about what to trade from him.

"Cough, are you sure?" Qin Lun coughed down and concealed the smile of his mouth. "Well, I want your medal..."

“What medal?” Grant whispered, asking a little uncertainly, “Are you not talking about the Iron Cross?”

"Well, it is your first-class iron cross medal!" Qin Lun nodded innocently.

Grant only felt a sigh of anger on his heart, his face was blue and white, and he couldn’t help but yell at the projection: "Do you have it yourself?"

Grant and Qin Lun once cooperated in the World War II, and the two men made war in the war as the German abilities.

Because of the story sniper of Qin Lun’s possession, Captain Gerthardt had already won the battle. On this basis, he got the sub-legendary medal, the Knight Iron Cross, and Grant’s possession of the plot character was poor, only got First class iron cross medal.

When the clown talked with Qin Lun about the transaction, the reason why he couldn't think of the Iron Cross was because he felt that Qin Lun already had a more advanced Knight Iron Cross and would not consider the lesser Iron Cross. .

The problem is that Qin Lun’s Knight Iron Cross is gone, and in the world of Nars was taken away by the forest goddess Anna Eldimis.

Because Qin Lun and Anna Eldimis belonged to the conscious contact, he did not mention the Knight Iron Cross with Hill and Hansen afterwards, so no one knew that Qin Lun had lost an Asian legendary medal.

The Iron Cross has two powerful passive abilities: “Honour of Aura” and “Steel Will”!

The former can be based on the body of the law, improve the physical fitness of 10% (excluding equipment additional data), and enhance the power of an active skill of the apostle (improved in battle).

The latter allows the apostle to exempt some of the mental control skills (based on the apostolic perception and the level of enemy mental control skills).

Qin Lun’s Knight Iron Cross has two follow-up seal skills. Although he did not know what these two seal skills were until he lost this Asian legendary medal, it did not prevent him from attaching importance to and remembering the Iron Cross. .

At the beginning, when Qin Lun got the Knight Iron Cross, he had not changed his position, and his body was weak. 10% of the four attributes of explosive power, agility, physique and perception are at best less than seven or eight points.

However, it is different now. His elf lineage has evolved. With the strengthening of the transfer and the strengthening of these missions, it is not the spiritual consciousness and protection that have just been added recently. It is the old four bodies. When the data is added together, 10% is almost 20 points, which is quite impressive.

"Mys has been lost!" Qin Lun stunned his eyes and slowly introduced the things that happened in the world of Nars.

"So you are eyeing my Iron Cross!" Grant swallowed a bad breath, but when he thought of the value of "super-destructive boxing," he couldn't help but slam his head. "Can't you change the same?"

"Yes, as long as you come up with the equivalent items I can use, I would rather keep the 'Super Destructive Boxing' and wait until later to trade!" Qin Lun said.

He is not afraid of "super-destructive boxing" and can't sell it in his hands. It is good to sell it to himself, but if you let yourself suffer, it will be fine.

"That's okay!" After thinking about it, Grants eventually succumbed to the frosted agreed to the deal.

However, Qin Lun did not intend to let him go, so the young people thought that the deal was a loss, so he had to add something to Grant.

"No, the value of the Iron Cross is no less than the 'Super Destructive Boxing'. I will never add anything more!" Grant’s attitude was very determined. He turned his eyes and displayed the Iron Cross on the projection. "You think For so long, have I not promoted my first-class iron cross?"

Qin Lun looked at the first-class iron cross on the projection, and suddenly it was a bright eye. This is only the first-class iron cross of the Purple Gold Medal, and was promoted to a legendary item by Grant.

Although there are not two seal skills like the Knight Iron Cross, the original second-level honor aura has been upgraded to a first-class honor aura, and the 10% attribute increase has become 15%. It was originally only possible to exempt some of the passive ability of the mental control skills "steel will", and now even physical control such as dizziness, coma, stiffness, etc., can also resist a part.

"Okay, changed!" Qin Lun ignored Grande's resentful eyes and finalized the deal on the spot.

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