Death Notice

v8 Chapter 3: Great elf civilization

"You, if the leader of the caravan is no problem for the elf, then look at the background of the task given by the broken starry sky. Do you think it is a bit strange?" Qin Lu smiled and added, when he heard the words of the youth, the fortress team The apostle revisited the background of the mission and fell into meditation.

Compared with other plot races, the apostles of the Devil's Horn are familiar with the elves. The five major management races of this apostolic city are the moon-night elves.

Although the elves have many ethnic branches, most elf races love nature and advocate self-sufficient jungle life. Not very accustomed to opening cities and daily life to other races, they are somewhat closed compared to humans.

The trade between elves and humans is usually initiated by human beings. The human caravans enter the forest and bring in daily necessities and luxury goods such as tea, porcelain, silk, spices, etc., in exchange for elf crafts and precious herbs.

Such transactions are often of great interest, but they are not easy to achieve. The elves have always had a deep guardative attitude toward human greed and deceit, and the elves are mostly indifferent, not like human beings. Forests can make them self-sufficient, and the goods that humans provide are not essential to life.

Based on this, it is difficult to imagine that a large forest elf will form a caravan and take the initiative to walk out of the forest to seek trade with humans. In particular, the elves of this forest are still in a deadly relationship with the human kingdom outside the forest.

Usually, when giving a guided mission or a mainline mission, the broken starry sky will give a brief introduction to the relevant mission background. Some aspects of it are not so detailed and require the apostles to make inquiries according to their own needs.

Of course, according to the different exploration of the mission world by the broken starry sky, these materials will also be quite defective. The lower the original degree of exploration, the more general the data will be, and the more detailed it will be.

The current exploration degree of the Torrel world is still very low. Therefore, the introduction of the mission story of the Starry Sky is also very general, basically giving only a rough world background. However, for the current mainline story, some historical data of the Jondar Forest area are still given.

The Jondar Forest area is located to the south of the mainland of Faeren. The north is the human kingdom of Jondas and the Viking Sea. The west is the two river basins, the continental granary of the Aran and Naga rivers, the golden plain, and the south is still red. The legend of the dragons in the Felstech Mountains, the east is the Meswochi Mountains and the Serpentine Peak.

The Joandal Elves belong to one of the Keldomore elves. Before the Valley of the Valley, 23100 - 17100, it was at the time of the first prosperity of the Great Elf civilization. A joint team of the Moon Elf, the Green Elves, and the Dark Elves who crossed the Daybreaking Curse, for the Elf National War, which is far from the Golden Elf, in the Kyle Domo Forest (including now the entire Taysel, Am, Kalinshan In the Jondal area, a large settlement has been established.

These settlements later formed the three main elves of the kingdom, according to the place in Ank and Jondal's Seo Pia, in the thorny forest of Senthal, in the Winter Forest of Eyril. The size of these forest settlements is so large that it is almost one-fifth of the entire Ferenian continent.

The current thorn forest, Anke, Dongsensen and Qiongdal forests were all part of the Keldom Forest. Later, the Kyle Domo Forest was destroyed by fires, especially the two dragon wars, and the five Crown Wars of the Elves, splitting into the Dragon Forest, Dattel Forest and the Tesell Forest.

The Dattel Forest later split into many forests such as Verdas, Silminster and Mill, and the Tesell Forest split into Anker, Thorns, Winterson and Jondar Forest.

In fact, the name of Tassel comes from the king of Kyle Domo, the first recorded elf toad dragon and the commander-in-chief. He used the Dragon Slayer to kill two ancient red dragons on the mountains and saved the lives of many compatriots.

After the division of the Kydomo Forest, its largest forest was named Teselle Forest under his name. The heroic spirit of the Elf King won the respect of the dragon for the elf. The dragon had always looked down on the elves and only used them as food and ignorant bipedal animals.

In 17500, the three forest elf kingdoms of Senthal, Ayur, and Seo Pia began to discuss the establishment of a unified kingdom to fight against the golden elf country "Ai Rivanda", which is called the Sun Elves in the North. And the dark elf country "Iris Sri" who believes in the goddess of Rose.

Unfortunately, their unified plan was destroyed by "Ilisri". The Dark Elves sent spies and assassins to kill the three kingdoms who supported the reunification, and supported the rival heirs, pushing these three elves to the multilateral melee. This conspiracy was discovered by chance only a few centuries later.

From the pre-century 17100 to 16800, this three-century melee was called the Three-League War. The peace-loving Green Elf and the Moon Elf were finally involved in the Elven Civil War for the first time, just like their tribes, the Golden Elves and the Dark Elves.

Compared to other wartime periods in the Elven era, the Three-League War, although lasting three centuries, is still more like a family. After all, the Green Elves and the Moon Elves were peaceful and loving, and the war between them did not cause much damage. Especially after they had broken through the conspiracy of the "Ilisri" Dark Elves, the war ended. .

However, the reason why the Three-Leaf War was remembered by all the elves was because the first period of prosperity of the Great Elves civilization was over with the end of this war.

Then, with the "Ireifanda" Golden Elf's Waxing Ning people established the Waxing Nanta Empire, and the "Ilisri" dark elves began to rise, the elves began a second period of prosperity.

If the elves were in the first boom and the theme was survival and reproduction, then in the second boom period, the elf civilization attracted a real development, with themes of art and magic.

Due to the geographical focus of the various elf kingdoms in the north and the south, the "Mai Le Lita" Elf Kingdom gradually became the art and high-level magic of the All-Ferren Elf by virtue of geographical and trade exchanges.

At the same time, this also makes the "Eri Randa" Golden Elves who are self-proclaimed elf leaders extra uncomfortable. They built the first elf empire, the Waxing Nanta Empire, and called their forest the highest forest. It laid the groundwork for the war between the future and the Mai Ye Lita.

With the escalation of the conflict between the beliefs and conventional trade between “Ai Rivanda” and “Mai Ye Lita”, the second period of prosperity of the Great Elf civilization finally ended in the spring of 12000, and the two countries broke out. Large magical war.

However, at that time, no elf could have expected this war, but it was only the beginning of a series of wars, and finally let the elf step down the throne that ruled the mainland.

These wars included the "Mai Ye Lita" aggression war launched by the "Eri Fanda" Golden Elves; the battle between the giants and the dragons of Kylemore (the first dragon war); Vandal’s aggression, the “fire attack war” against Seo Pia, and the “worship war” of the Keldomo coalition counterattack Elyss, the war of annexation of Eyre's to Eyur, and so on.

These large and small wars were classified into five Crown Wars in chronological order. The two most influential events in the Crown War were the catastrophes and the fall of the Dark Elves.

The catastrophic ruin completely destroyed the kingdom of the syllabus, leaving only a piece of scorched earth now known as the highest wilderness.

Perhaps because of the barbarism of the Crown War, or perhaps because of the belief in the goddess Rose, the dark elves have fallen in this era. After launching many wars and doing many cruel acts, they were forced to emigrate to the underground of the planet. It became an underground elf, the drow.

The five Crown Wars continued the four generations of elves, equivalent to more than three thousand years. From 12000 before the period until 9000 years ago. Many wars have destroyed a large number of forests. Covering the large forests of the western part of the continent, it was split into small forests. Compared with the previous forests, these small forests are almost less than one-seventh of the original area.

In the last and fifth Crown War, with the complete failure of the Vaughan Natta and the division of Eric Randa, the long and complete war was finally over. Many places in the supreme forest have been abandoned, allowing the forest to live freely, so that it is possible to restore its vitality.

The elf colonial movement, which was later called the Year of the Miracle, began, and Eric Randa, tired of the war, began to transfer to the Comanso Forest in the eastern part of the mainland. It was only because of the destruction of the upper layer of the Waxingnta Empire that the transmission of the Golden Elves suffered tremendous damage.

Although the surviving Golden Elves later migrated to the Yongju Island and transplanted the seeds of the original World Tree to the heart of Yongju Island, claiming that they are still the royal family of the whole elf, but in fact the completely preserved continental elf civilization, Only Il Franc and Keldomore are left.

The elves that exist in the eastern part of the Supreme Forest are the survivors of Santa Osriel, McGrady, Olishal and Ayur, and basically have the empire of the Golden Elves. No relationship.

From then on, the golden elves who belonged to the upper elves of the elves could no longer enjoy the elves of the elves. The full-fledged Kyle Domo and the Il Farang Elf and the Green Elves are more qualified to claim their legitimacy.

However, in the 8500 years before the 9000s and before the epoch, a group of red dragons attacked the heart of the Keldomo Forest, and the flames they erupted caused an unstoppable forest fire. The fire destroyed the entire population of the four elves, destroyed 11 giant settlements, killed at least four green dragons, and destroyed thousands of forests.

This disaster was called the second dragon war to distinguish the giants from the dragons during the Crown War. Due to the division of the fire and other causes of damage, Kyle Domo split into three forests: the Dragon Forest, the Dattel Forest and the Tessel Forest (named after the King of Keldom).

In the 6200s before the age, the Tassel elves ushered in the era of fire. The country "Cadom" established by Qi Giant and the "Mai Nong" established by Fire Giant began to fight in the Kalinshan and Tesir areas. The continuation of the war lasted for a hundred years, and the fire once again split the Tesell forest into four forests such as the existing Anke, Thorns, Winterson and Jondal.

Because the war was not an elf civil war, the Keldo Mo elves suffered huge casualties, but did not affect the inheritance. With one of the other seeds of the World Tree, one of the Keldo Mo elves established the Devil's Cup Elf in the Jondar Forest, and was the predecessor of the Joandal Elves.

The disaster of the elves is good news for another continental race. The burned forests became plains and brought fertile soil. Humans began to rise and gradually replaced the elves and became the new rulers of the Ferenian continent.

The remnant gas giants and fire giants were driven away by the coalition forces of humans and dwarves. Some humans rebuilt the port of Kalim and Kelta in the original country of the gas giant, and formed the "Korean" human kingdom ( Later, the Kingdom of The dwarf formed the Sanata Alliance in the original nationality of the fire giant, and later split into many dwarven kingdoms.

In addition, another human being established a kingdom named Zamdas in the north of the Jondar forest, which is the predecessor of the current "Kingdas Kingdom", and fought for the control of the steam lake area. For centuries.

In the 255 years before the circumstance, the war between the Qiongda Elf and Zamdas broke out due to dissatisfaction with the “Zamdas” logging industry. The human army that invaded the Jondar forest was washed away by the waves of the elves' high-level magic. The land of the Zamdas in the north of the forest was washed away as part of the mainland's inner sea, the sea of ​​stars, forming today's Viking waters.

Since then, the Kingdom of Zamdad and the Jondal Elves have become enemies.

Although the "Kingdas Kingdom", the successor of Zamdas, has weakened into a small country, and the Joandal Elves have not weathered the past and reached a superficial harmony, in fact, the relationship between the two is in no way Not relieved.

This is the strange point that Qin Lun pointed out that the leader of the caravan is an elf! How can the elves take the initiative to walk out of the forest and trade with the Jondas people, in the relationship between the kingdom of Jondas and the deadly enemy of the Joandal Elves?