Deconstruction is Weird

Chapter 1009: information exchange

  Chu Dong asked with a strange face: "The culprit? Aren't those things a side effect of his playing with time?"

  The pawnshop owner hummed, nodded and said: "It can be said that, but time is also a kind of information. What do you think time is? Is there really a river that changes everything from top to bottom?"

   "I don't understand what you mean, I don't think the River of Time will exist."

The pawnshop owner shook his head slightly, pushed open the partition door and sat on the chair outside, "I can feel that your understanding of the information is still very vague, I may have to waste some words to let you understand, First of all, back to the original topic, what do you think the message is?"

   After thinking for a while, Chu Dong hesitated and said, "Some kind of characteristic?"

  "It is true, but it is not comprehensive enough. It should be said that everything you know is information, and information is the basis of everything."

  Chu Dong retorted without confidence: "Isn't it right? Information shouldn't be the only material, isn't there physical objects?"

   "What is the real thing you are talking about? For example, the iron ball in your hand, what else does it have besides information?"

  Chu Dong held the iron ball in the palm of his hand, and said seriously: "There is also this real substance, something I can touch."

"What you touch is still information. The operation of the world, the interaction and collision of various information in essence, there is a lot of information contained in an iron ball, and they form a whole. Its strength, color, and weight are all It is a kind of information. All the things you recognize are all recognizing and receiving information.

   In addition to information, there is nothing else in this world.

  I know it’s difficult for you to accept. In your cognition, information is just a certain kind of object. In your words, it is data, but the essence of information is not so thin.

  Take a step back, now you can feel a soft thing, it is round, its color is red, and its intensity is composed of particles”

  Chu Dong's left hand was obviously empty, but now he could feel, even see, that there was a certain rubber ball, and suddenly the rubber ball disappeared completely.

  Chu Dong was surprised: "Did you manifest a ball just now?"

The pawnshop owner shook his head, "That's not the case, I can't do it, I just let you feel all the information that you can understand a thing, and you think it exists, you think this world really exists, and you think it is what you call it Objects instead of information, because the world has given you enough information.

  I know that you created something called a game. There are many villains in it. It is very interesting to manipulate the villains to play. You call it virtual. "

  There must be game consoles in the three thousand worlds here. The pawnshop probably received a lot of similar things, so the pawnshop owner probably has a good understanding of modern knowledge.

  Chu Dong nodded slightly, expressing his acknowledgment.

  The pawnshop owner continued: "Then what do you think is real and what is virtual?"

  Chu Dong tentatively said: "The virtual does not exist, so it is virtual?"

  “The reason why you think games, dramas, and movies are virtual is because the information is incomplete, and the information conveyed to you by these things is not comprehensive enough.

  There are tens of millions of beings in this world, and the amount of information required to understand reality is different. For example, the iron ball in your hand exists in reality, and it is assumed that the amount of information it can provide is infinite.

What does an ant need to confirm that the iron ball is real, an incomplete picture, and a relatively comprehensive smell, the ant will think that the iron ball is real, and will not question it, so it confirms the real information Quantity is assumed to be 2.

  But you humans want to confirm the real existence of this iron ball, but you need more abundant information, such as vision, smell, touch, weight, and even its history. Multi-dimensional perception can recognize it as true. The amount of information is 30.

If you collect the smell of the iron ball, make a three-dimensional projection, and then provide the smell, and provide it with 2 units of information in the eyes of the ant, then this is true for the ant, and it will never be able to find it. The amount of information that humans provide 30 is also true.

  The amount of information in the game you created is only 10, and you cannot generate more information through information interaction, so it cannot be recognized as true by you.

  The boundary between real and virtual is the amount of information provided. When the amount of information provided is sufficient, you will think it exists.

   Now, here comes the key point, when we talk about the real and the fake, is there anything about the existence of the physical thing you are talking about? "

  Chu Dong widened his eyes, shook his head lightly, and after a long silence, he suddenly asked, "Do you know about brains in vats?"

   "Of course, these interesting little stories can also be exchanged for money here, and they can also relieve my boredom."

   "Is that what you mean?"

  The pawnshop owner smiled mysteriously, "It seems that you reached this level by accident, and you were forcibly pushed up.

  That story is indeed similar to what I said, you can understand it this way, this world is what you think it is, and you are that head.

  For this head, everything is real, and information is being exchanged all the time. In this process, there is no real, touchable thing that you think.

  What do you mean by touchable objects? Isn’t it an information complex of touch and temperature? "

  Chu Dong understood what the pawnshop owner wanted to express to him. What he meant was that there is only one thing in this world, and even in the heavens and myriad worlds, and that is information. All things are composed of information.

  It is only necessary that the amount of information interaction can reach the amount of information required by the species, it is real, and there is no need to stick to the so-called real existence at all.

  Chu Dong continued to ask: "What is the illusion?"

  "It is an information group that can provide enough information but cannot generate interaction. This is also the essence of the games, animations, and movies you create.

  The knife hurts you, makes you hurt, and makes you bleed. This is information interaction.

  If everything in the game can interact with you and be felt by you, is it still false? "

Chu Dong's breathing became a little heavy, because his three views were somewhat subverted. In his cognition, information is the data written in a mass of material that actually exists, but now the pawnshop owner told him that everything is It's information and nothing else.

  The pawnshop fell into dead silence again, Chu Dong was thinking about everything crazily.

  After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief, "What exactly is detachment?"

"Let's continue with the example. If an ant becomes a human, it gets everything that a human has, and it knows how to use technology to provide ants with false information. Then in the world of ants, what they see is the truth. , What they get is also true. Is this person who used to be an ant a **** to them?

   Is it a **** who can change everything at will?

The so-called detachment is to jump from the level that only needs 30% information to a higher level. Some beings are born with several more dimensions and layers of information than human beings, and the information they can use is also more Many, these beings are collectively called gods in the eyes of you humans.

  Detachment means upgrading information and understanding things with more information dimensions.

  You are just a smarter ant now, you start to acquire more information faster, and use all kinds of information more intuitively, but you haven’t fundamentally changed the fact that you can only understand 30 information.

   That is, an ant still hasn’t changed its limitation of only understanding two kinds of information, so you are not detached. "

  Chu Dong clenched his fists tightly, he finally knew what detachment is, and he felt that the pawnbroker was completely reasonable, jumping from an ant to a man, for an ant, it is indeed detachment.

  The key is to understand the dimensions of information. It is not enough to have length, width and height, and there must be more.

The pawnshop owner looked at Chu Dong and nodded lightly, and said with some admiration: "Human beings are worthy of being the master of all spirits. You are born with innate talents that are incomparable to other beings. Your acceptance and utilization of information is much better than other beings. up.

The so-called gods are lives with a higher dimension of information than your cognitive information. There are so many types of such lives that they are innumerable in the heavens and myriad worlds, but I have never seen any kind of gods that can transcend. On the contrary, you humans often can Be the gods of those gods in turn. "

  Chu Dong continued to ask: "Then how can I make myself recognize the dimension? As you said, I still can only understand what I used to understand. The change is only the method and time."

   "This is going to go back to the original intention of talking about these things. What do you think the time is now?"

  Chu Dong pondered for a while and then said in a deep voice: "The interaction of huge information."

The pawnshop owner looked at Chu Dong and nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, in a certain space, a large amount of information interacts with each other to generate new information, and the new information exists to continue to interact to generate new information, some old information In this process, it disappears again. This process is a big exchange of information.

So time never exists, it is just a concept that you humans use to understand the great interaction of information, you are very interesting, you can always transform some incomprehensible things into something understandable but vague, and the dimension increases , but after all, it was a step short.

And what you know about playing with time before is to find a certain stage of information interaction and reshape it. I told you that the information in a world is limited, and information interaction occupies most of the space. Reproduce the backup of the past, it will still be squeezed out of space and disappear in the constant interaction.

If you want to make the reproduced information stage exist permanently, you can only erase the existing information interaction to make room for the past, and it will naturally grow into a new information interaction. Grafting for the timeline.

The concept of timeline does have some truth. You have changed the high-dimensional information into a low-dimensional comprehension, and summarized it with a line. However, any life that can understand this line is a terrifying existence for you. .

  The essence of playing with time in your opinion is playing with information, and the price of playing with information is the collapse of information, and the broken information group is the culprit.

  The dimension enhancement you want is also in this process, that is, the artificial information interaction. By obtaining a large amount of information and understanding the interaction in your mind, you will eventually transcend the existing dimension. "

  Chu Dong suddenly felt that No. 0 was superfluous at the time. It was impossible to understand what a big information interaction is with his brain, let alone detachment. Now that there is such a teacher teaching him, he can't even fully understand it.

  What is the difference between No. 0’s playing with information and playing sandbox games to create the world?

But if you think about it, what is the difference between a sky-ridden monkey and a spaceship, and what is the difference between a toy car and a supercar? He controls all kinds of information, and for other people who are still in the low dimension, he is a god.

   But this is not the limit, this detachment is only within the scope of Chu Dong's cognition, just like an ant evolves into a primitive man, he thinks he is a god, but there are more and higher dimensions above him.

  Chu Dong sighed, and asked in a deep voice: "So the only thing I can do now is to understand more information?"

  "That's true, but you have more simple and time-saving methods. The culprit itself is the product of information collapse. You can try to understand it. You will be shocked in the process, but you will make great progress in the end.

   Also, you have to decide if it's you trying to get out or the guy in your head. "

  Chu Dong asked vigilantly, "What do you mean?"

The pawnshop owner said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I know more about you than you think. After all, I have been here for so long, and the customers I can see every day are all kinds of you. That thing should be called a brain. ?

   Beware that it is not you who is detached in the end.

  I have already said almost what I should say. Your level of detachment is far from what I thought, and I don’t expect you to really give me freedom. Today’s words are worth investing in.

   Please, it's closed today. "

  Being looked down upon by the pawnshop owner, but Chu Dong couldn't say anything. He really couldn't understand many things the pawnshop owner said, and he still couldn't really agree with what he said that everything in this world is composed of information.

  Why is there only information, and not life can only understand information? But having said that, do incomprehensible things really exist?

  For the primitive people who drink blood, molecules, atoms, and electrons do not exist, because they cannot understand and recognize them, and they will not be primitive people when they can recognize them.

  In addition, Chu Dong really has to think about the last question about the pawnbroker. The little prodigy is an example. Isn't the little prodigy's understanding of everything a sign of his impending detachment? Why he has that kind of ability, Chu Dong didn't understand before, until the pawnshop owner said the key to ascending the dimension, the great exchange of information.

In the final analysis, it is still necessary to understand enough information, and let these information confirm each other to deduce new things, and the little prodigy is a unique life produced by the fusion of a large number of brains. The complex information brought by the fusion of a large number of brains makes it Began to detach.

   That is to say, if Chu Dong wants to transcend, he cannot rely on his brain to understand everything, he has to rely on himself. For Chu Dong, this is not just as simple as cutting off his own arm.

  If a world can only transcend one, is there still a place for him now? Before, the pawnshop owner had already considered the pawnshop as a detached person by default. No. 0 had competed with him. Now even if No. 0 is not there, the **** shop may still be a problem. It is probably because there can only be one detachment restriction, and the love shop has always been open. did not appear.

  All possible detachments are his competitors, **** shop, number zero, and... little prodigy.

   First release latest.