Deconstruction is Weird

Chapter 306: mass grave burial ground

   Chapter 306 Mass Burial Mound

Li Hongxian was digging so vigorously that Chu Dong stopped him when he saw it. He picked up some dirt and put it in front of his nose to smell it. He took Li Hongxian and smashed two places. They were similar. The soil was soft and free of foreign objects, but it was very fertile, indicating that the corpse had completely degraded.

Chu Dong clapped his hands and said casually, "This should be the mass burial mound that was set up when the Yunshang Kingdom built Moragan thousands of years ago. Too many dead people will affect the layout, so when Moragan was built, in order not to It affects the overall feng shui, and the bodies that died inside were pulled out, and most of them were buried here."

  Li Hongxian also picked up some clods, but he didn't find anything, "How did you find out, isn't this just ordinary soil?"

Chu Dong pointed to the locust forest and said, "Looking at the age of the trees, this forest is at least a hundred years old. The locust tree has a lot of yin and ghosts. Even if there are no ghosts in it, there will be something similar to ghosts, such as that green talisman. It was made by the locust tree, but the forest's death aura was stronger than the ghost's aura, and it was definitely not something that Gu corpse could explain.

Let me make it simple. The soil is very fertile, and a large number of corpses have completely rotted here, so that these locust trees are nourished. According to my estimate, the number will not be less than a thousand people. This locust forest is not for raising Gu corpses, but for Keeping these corpses unchanged, it has also become a natural protective barrier for Beizhai. "

Mo Lagan is a big project. The entire construction period may take ten or even twenty years. Many people must have died during this period. After all, there are still so many black tides overflowing after the bronze gate is built. And knowing what the **** it would look like when it was not built, I'm afraid that every day there are all kinds of weird things calling for their lives.

It can be imagined how many powerful warlocks were sent by Yunshangguo to seal the Great Demon in order to build the gate of hell. People like the warlock family may be very cherished and powerful now, but in the era of Yunshangguo, they should be very ordinary existences. , It is precisely because of such strength that Yunshangguo can suppress the Great Demon.

  The state of Yunshang has this kind of strength. Obviously, it is not for its own comfort to suppress the big devil. This country has pursuits, at least Chu Dong thinks so now.

After listening to Chu Dong's explanation, several people looked at him with more and more strange eyes, because Chu Dong's perspective on exploring problems was always a little different from what they thought, what is fertilizer, why did they notice such strange details , but they were indeed more convinced of Chu Dong. The man's thoughtful thinking made them incomprehensible.

Without the interference of the Gu corpse, Chu Dong and the others drove straight in, and soon came to the village entrance of the North Village. The terrain of the North Village corresponds to the South Village. The terrain is very high. , and the North Village is not, the North Village is forcibly built up, in order to correspond to the South Village.

But the strange thing is that the entire Beizhai is lifeless and can't see any popularity. This is different from what Chu Dong thinks. In their imagination, Beizhai should be a group of stubborn lunatics. Chu Dong and the others dare to appear, they will definitely There was a life-and-death fight, but there was no such thing here.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing. Li Hongxian led a few people into the village. They came to the first room at the entrance of the village. The door was blown away by the wind and rain. What are you looking down at?

It's just that the man didn't breathe. He was a dead man. Chu Dong wanted to grab the man's shoulders and flatten him to check the body, but the clothes shattered like potato chips. It took too long to weather. Broken.

Zhang Han suddenly saw an oil lamp in front of the man, and he said with some surprise: "Ten longevity lamps? There is such a thing in this stockade. This is a kind of magic tool. It should be a set of ten lamps in total. The family once sold a set to our family, which was used by an elder to prolong his life. Ten lamps can be kept alive forever. This lamp uses the soul as fuel and is very evil.

But this one is a bit strange. I remember that the ten longevity are based on the ten animals of the Chinese zodiac: rat, ox, rabbit, dragon, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig as totems. Among them, there are no tigers and Snake, but something doesn't look right on this lamp. "

Li Hongxian echoed by the side: "It's not that there are none, but the tiger and the snake are two of the zodiac that are classified as evil. If the tiger lantern and the snake lantern come out, it will be more than just life extension. I have actually met."

A few people glanced at Li Hongxian strangely. They didn't expect him to say something so insightful. In fact, Li Hongxian is not stupid at all, and he has plenty of experience. He has been working for the family to make money, and there is absolutely no case for him to take action. Simple, and certainly not cheap.

There is a layer of rust on this lamp, a budding flower on the top, and a sheep's head on the front of the lamp, but this sheep's head is indescribably weird. It looks a bit like a person, and it looks very familiar. But can't tell.

  Chu Dong looked at the head and then at the corpse beside him, and was suddenly stunned. The sheep's head was five-point similar to the person in front of him.

  Chu Dong put the lamp next to the man's face, "Is it a bit like, was it carved in his image?"

   Several people nodded, it was indeed very similar, but this oil lamp was a few years old at first glance, but this corpse was obviously just dead, this man was only in his twenties, and it was not of an era at all.

Chu Dong squeezed the man's body. It was very soft, and he didn't even freeze, but this man definitely didn't just die. Whether it was the dust on his shoulders or the weathered clothes, it all proved that this man was dead. If it wasn't a day or two, the man might have been dead for decades based on the natural damage to the house.

Several people continued to walk up the mountain, and found that the people in this stockade were the same as the people they first saw. The houses were broken and collapsed because of time, but they still maintained all fixed postures. Some people are cooking, some are chopping wood, some are drying clothes, and their time seems to be frozen at a certain moment.

But without exception, these people all have a longevity lamp, and the appearance of these ten longevity lamps is the same as those who have grown up with their holders. Chu Dong found several homes without people, and put these no-ones. The Lord's longevity lamps were all gathered together, and in the end, it was found that the faces on these longevity lamps were five-point similar to those they killed.

   Those who targeted Chu Dong and the others were from this Beizhai, but they were soul shapers who had been stopped for decades like robots.

   (end of this chapter)