Deconstruction is Weird

Chapter 322: Origin activation

   Chapter 322 Origin Activation

  【Complete data collection and comparison】

  【Soul strength generally increased, average individual soul strength increased by 30%】

  【Peak Amplification Individual reaches 50%】

  【According to the different performance of individual data on weekdays, the intellectual brain believes that the increase of soul strength has a great relationship with fear】

The person whose soul strength has increased by 50% is still hiding at home and shivering, because he thinks he is a handsome guy, and it will be his turn sooner or later, and those who increase the strength by 20% or less, mostly think that Things may not affect you, such as some older men, or most women.

Therefore, the more fearful, the more intuitive the increase in soul strength, but his soul strength is very unstable. Unlike Chu Dong, who cultivates souls, their souls fluctuate greatly. At this time, it seems to be internal friction and consumes their own spirit. , it is estimated that it will not last long.

Logically speaking, Chu Dong should have paid attention to this kind of increase before, but an increase of 50% for an ordinary person is too dispensable. This is like a poor ghost. An increase of 50% of the family property will only add 50 yuan. Money, but it would be terrifying if the richest man in the world increased by 50%. This time, with a large amount of data from Zhinao, one thing can be confirmed. Emotions can affect a person's soul strength.

  【Judging from the Qimen effect of the ontology in the past, emotions do have an impact, but it does not exceed 10%】

   "What do you think is the reason, that this kind of increase is only good for ordinary people?"

   [Intellectual brain thinks that this kind of increase is universal, but the mobilization of this kind of emotion takes time, and it is not possible to achieve the peak of emotion in a short period of time]

   [Usually, it takes time to achieve a certain purpose, which is accompanied by a change in nature]

   "Fear has a special soul fluctuation. I can indeed simulate it, but I can't last. You can control my emotions by affecting the brain. Let me fall into fear and maintain it for a period of time to see how it works."

  【It can be achieved, but after falling into fear, the judgment and daily actions of the ontology may be affected, please pay attention to control】

  【Fear has been implied】

Zhinao has always been able to affect his emotions, such as the mood when he first opened the talisman, but in the past, Zhinao always reached the peak of terror in a short period of time. It was like scrambled eggs. It's not familiar yet, so this time Chu Dong decided to try to make the fear last longer.

Under this kind of fear hint, Chu Dong always felt that something bad would happen, there would be unwarranted worries, worried that something went wrong with his own body, worried that the witchcraft could not be controlled, and finally caused a catastrophe. He wasn't afraid at all before, but Chu Dong also knew that this was only temporary and a side effect.

   Another day, most of the good-looking men in the city were kidnapped by Chu Dong and pretended to hang themselves. He also hung red lanterns at the door of every house. This was also a troublesome job, and they had to hang them one by one.

   Ghost-making witchcraft is a very interesting experience for Chu Dong. He can obtain a lot of data that cannot be obtained under normal circumstances, such as the universal change of soul strength, which is very valuable for research.

On the sixth day, the people in the city finally couldn't bear it anymore. They began to gather together to try to get out of the city. The first wave was more than 20 strong men. Together, they braved the city gate full of corpses at noon. Walking cautiously, the corpse on his head fluttered unreasonably, and he glanced at it curiously, which directly scared him to the ground.

   "Laugh! I saw that person smiling at me! His face was as white as a piece of paper!"

   The daring person who led the leader came over and patted his head, "Trash! Don't look up, go!"

   A group of people left quickly, and the people in the city were also waiting for the result. If they were not hanged at the city gate, it would prove that they could also appear. But less than half an hour later, this group of people actually came back, and all of them were pale, and they all said that they had been wandering in the corpse forest for a long time, but couldn't find a way out. After finally finding a way out, they entered Beiqingtuo again.

   At this time, Zhang Han stood at the gate of the city and looked at the group of people with a satisfied smile. With the illusion array he arranged, it was too easy to scare a group of ordinary people.

  Zhang Han couldn't help but admire these ordinary people who were so scared that they were about to scold their mothers, "Chu Dong, this kid is really good at making things right, he just played the people of a city with applause."

On the seventh day, everyone was assigned their own tasks, and the terrifying atmosphere in the city had gradually reached its extreme. Now, despair in fear may change the essence of the soul.

   And three days have passed, Chu Dong's soul has also undergone some changes.

   Name: Chu Dong

  Strength: 5.4 (+1)

   Constitution: 6.6 (+2.5)

  Soul Strength: 4.3

   Brain domain fusion: 16.2%

   Soul Power: 340

   Bioenergy: 32220 (330)

   Inner Qi: 9200

  Hashrate: 68

Before Chu Dong was attacked by ghost Gu for a while, his soul strength reached 4, which is Ruyi Realm. After that, his soul strength has remained at 4 and has not changed. Today, Chu Dong's soul strength has not changed. It suddenly became 4.3, a change without warning.

  【This is basically the same as the prediction of Zhinao, and the current increase has not reached the limit】

  【If you deepen the fear suggestion and time, the increase intensity may reach 100%】

The 100% increase was the limit of the data Chu Dong had collected in the city at present, but this man was on the verge of collapse, and even had various hallucinations. All aspects of him had reached the limit. If he continued, he might collapse. .

  Chu Dong asked Zhinao to remove the psychological suggestion, and carefully felt the changes in himself. He closed his eyes for half an hour before opening them, "This kind of strengthening is not permanent, and it will slowly return to normal after the emotions are calmed down.

   But it gave me some very strange feeling, it was like the essence of my soul was touched when I summoned the ghost body. This process may be called activation, and the long-term emotionalization has made my soul essence a lot more active. "

  [There is indeed a possibility that the essence of the soul should theoretically be an extremely inert energy or substance]

  【Because the emotional character of human beings is generally relatively stable, indicating that the essence of the soul is difficult to change】

  【The word activation is not unreasonable, but it still requires a lot of data testing】

   [For example, whether there are negative effects after activation, how long the activation effect lasts, etc.]

   "I will study this slowly. I have to confirm the process first. These people have almost reached their peak and can't be delayed any longer."

After the soul essence of ordinary people has been activated, although the soul strength has been greatly improved, their spirits have been squeezed. According to his reckoning, when the fear of these people at the wedding scene reaches its peak, when their soul essence is active to its limit, that is the best time to create ghosts.

  Chu Dong was lying on his bed sifting through the list of songs provided by Zhinao. The ghost bride is not worthy of a suitable song. I'm sorry Chu Dong's database.

"Singing can convey fear as well. People in this world have never even heard modern songs. The first time you listen to it, it should be very good. This "囍" is good. It's the perfect time."

   (end of this chapter)