Deconstruction is Weird

Chapter 846: huge breakthrough

   Chapter 846 Huge Breakthrough

Whenever the soul is hurt in the slightest, it will feel a thousand times the pain. Yin Ting has been smashed into the appearance of Chu Dong, and it is rare that he will not collapse. The soul has become like this, and Chu Dong is really nothing. way to help him.

Chu Dong let go of Yin Ting's body calmly, and said with a sad face: "His soul is so corrupted that he can't even feel it, so I have to think of a way. After that, there will be new changes.”

  Xu Su once again occupied Yin Ting's body and said with a smile: "My little gentleman's methods have exceeded my understanding. This body can last at least another year, and it must be his own cultivation that is important."

  Chu Dong hummed, turned and left Feng Luo.

After Chu Dong left, the smile on Xu Su's face disappeared immediately, and he muttered to himself: "What he found out without reason, Yin Ting's soul has no possibility to communicate, it should be because I think too much, because he is suspicious. It's normal to delay for a while, just wait."

  The room fell into dead silence again, and Xu Su continued to sit with his head down.

   Chu Dong returned to Zhinao's base in a blink of an eye, staring blankly at his split soul, and after a long time he suddenly said, "Since Xu Su wants to fuse his entire soul, why can't I be the host?"

  【Must be fused to trigger its backdoor】

   [Xu Su still completely controls the separation of souls, fusion is inevitable]

   [But once it is merged, the soul of the main body and Xu Su must be far apart and will be suppressed]

  【But it should not be as powerless as Yin Ting】

  【However, the possibility of the main body being controlled is still 100%】

Chu Dong's idea is that since he will merge, Chu Dong can choose the venue and arrange it in advance. It may not be possible to control Xu Su instead. Since Chu Dong can control the God Pavilion, it can theoretically control the God Palace. Xu Su is eroded. The Feng Luo can also be his thing.

   Chu Dong had a chance of winning in a head-on battle, but if he took the initiative to fuse his soul with Xu Su, the odds of winning were almost gone.

   "No, there is another way, copy my soul, create a computer soul clone, and at the same time copy the clone soul, let the two computer souls fuse with each other, can it also trigger Xu Su's backdoor?"

  【Theory is feasible, but there are unknown factors】

   [It is recommended to copy the soul of the main body more finely, so as not to let Xu Su find abnormalities]

  【At the same time strengthen the computer soul clone as much as possible】

  【Intelligent Brain can also set some underlying logic in it to limit Xu Su】

  【The strength of the soul copied from the current body has a high probability of being instantly obliterated】

  【It can't reach the strength of fusion at all】

   "Strengthen my avatar. The avatar is made up of a large number of basic units. At most, I fill each basic unit with more soul, but the strength is the same as my main body, which is more difficult than reaching the sky.

  Wait, haven't we tried to make the clone into a god? Ordinary soul computers are independent of us, but soul avatars are theoretically connected to me. Will there be new effects if they become gods? "

  [The computing power of the computer clone is only one thousandth of the normal soul computer]

  [its main function is to manufacture computer units, even if it is deified, it is still difficult to crack advanced rules]

  【It is an unexplored direction, worth a try】

However, before deification, Chu Dong must imitate a sufficiently real soul. The reason why Chu Dong can imitate his own soul is because he once smashed himself in the **** market of the beast master, thus imitating a kind of low-end soul. Essence and true soul are still far apart.

   But now that the sundial exists, Chu Dong can really study the essence of the soul, and explore its internal structure by constantly breaking the soul.

   Immediately after, Chu Dong began to study the soul body. Now Chu Dong has the conditions and the ability to really study some profound things. Even with the help of the sundial, Chu Dong also needs a lot of research materials.

   Ghosts, living souls, and spirits are all within the scope of his research.

Only one part of the soul is broken at a time, and then the other is broken, and the whole structure of a soul can be obtained by reciprocating cycles. The complexity of the soul fascinates him. Even the soul of an ordinary person still needs thousands of basic units to imitate him. , the problem is that no one is as smart after imitation.

   "Why is my soul-splitting computing power so poor?"

  【The main reason is that the magnitude is different】

  [The basic unit of the soul clone is around 6,000, and the basic unit of the computer is at least 200,000]

  [Followed by the rough imitation structure, unable to simulate the real soul]

  【The structure of the human body is very strange, and many structures cannot be seen clearly by the brain】

  【What is the difference between the thinking ability of the human brain and the thinking ability of the soul according to the host】

   "The difference? I haven't tried this. I don't think the difference is big, because every time the soul leaves the body, I don't feel that my brain is not enough."

  【It's not the case, the body can't feel it because the body can't reach the limit of the soul or the brain even if the brain is used to the limit]

  【But in fact, there are obvious differences between the soul and human thinking ability】

   [First of all, the thinking ability of the soul is significantly weaker than that of the body]

  【The memory of the soul is significantly different from that of the brain】

  [The intuitive expression is that most ghosts and souls are in a stupid state]

  [The reason why the ontology can think is because the soul of the ontology is strong enough to cover up the shortcomings of the lack of soul thinking ability]

  【Because there has been no good test material, Zhinao has not conducted in-depth research on this aspect】

   "No wonder if you want to have a three-dimensional soul, you have to visualize and practice for a while, otherwise you will be a silly living soul."

  【The neurons of the human brain can process information tens of millions of times per second, far slower than a processor with a trillion-level computing speed】

  【The human brain is still smarter than the computer】

  【The human brain is a complex network, all calculations can be performed in parallel, while the computer is performed sequentially】

   [Seeing, knowing, and talking all happen in an instant, which requires a lot of computation in a short time]

  【If you let the computer simulate this kind of calculation, it not only requires extremely high computing power, but also needs to consume a lot of energy】

  【The human brain calculates these things but only needs to consume some glucose】

  【The same is true for the soul, the imitation will always be much different from the real version in some aspects】

   "You mean you're not smart yet?"

  【To a certain extent, it is true】

  【The intellectual brain is much stronger than the human brain in some aspects, but it is not as good as the human brain in some aspects】

   This is also the advantage of Chu Dong and Zhinao's cooperation. Chu Dong can find directions that Zhinao can't find, and Zhinao can put Chu Dong's various ideas into practice.

With the enlightenment of the brain, Chu Dong began to study ordinary souls again. He began to try to break many different locations, and found that the data obtained this time was different from the last time, and the same soul did not occur. A fundamental change, but the internal data is completely different.

   As the sun rises and the moon sets, Chu Dong is stuck in the underground of the Winter Capital, studying day and night.

  【Judging from the inspection data of the past three days, the interior of the soul is dynamically changing】

  【One part changes, another part changes with it】

  【similar to some kind of simple electronic circuit】

  【But the number of such special soul circuits is extremely large】

  【The intellectual brain needs a certain level of testing to determine the function of this kind of soul circuit】

  The boring test naturally does not require Chu Dong to participate. The only thing he can do is to control the computer clone to make more incense modules. Because the intellectual brain needs to be constantly tested, the demand for incense has increased sharply.

  There is still no clue about the magic battery, otherwise it will be smoother.

   Another three days passed.

  【Completed a total of 3.45 million tests】

  【Soul circuit connects different soul areas】

   [In simple terms, the more soul circuits, the higher the soul potential]

  [The more soul circuits at the same level, the faster the cultivation speed, and the stronger the perception of various mysterious things]

  【A person's soul can be continuously strengthened, but its soul circuit will not increase with it】

  【It is also the soul circuit that imprisoned different amounts of the power of the soul】

  【The essence of the soul circuit is the soul, the power of the soul】

  【The soul imprisoned the soul, formed the soul】

   "We have researched the concept of soul confinement before, but this is the first time we have studied how it is imprisoned, so if we say that, then we can make it more perfect as long as we supplement the soul circuit for the soul computer?"

  【Theoretically so】

  【If the main body can successfully integrate into your own soul, it means that the soul circuit of the main body will double】

   [meaning that the potential of the ontology will double]

There is some kind of inexplicable connection between Chu Dong's soul and the original soul of this body, so that Xu Su can use the split soul to feed back Chu Dong's soul. There was finally a reason for the connection, that is, the soul circuit between Chu Dong and his clone was completely complementary.

   "Is it possible to artificially add some soul circuits?"

  [Currently, the means of ontology and intellectual brain do not have the ability to perform fine operations on the soul for the time being]

  【But the computer can be modified】

   Referring to the data deciphered by Zhinao, Chu Dong recreated a soul clone of himself, and added the same soul circuit to it, and finally created a cube with a side length of about 20 meters.

   In order to completely test out his soul circuit, Chu Dong shattered his soul more than 2,000 times. The kind of pain ordinary people have long ago collapsed, but for Chu Dong who has nothing to do with himself, it is commonplace.

   In the end, the intellectual brain calculated that Chu Dong himself had more than 60,000 soul circuits, and this was only something that could be measured.

   "More than 60,000 items, how is my talent?"

  【The database of Zhinao contains the soul data of about 400 people】

  [its soul circuit is between 10,000 and 80,000]

  【The average is 55,000】

  【The talent of the main body is not bad, but it is not very good】

  Chu Dong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He always felt that his talent was excellent, not to mention that it was unprecedented in the world.

  Chu Dong raised his head and glanced at his clone, and finally a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

   "Now Xu Su should not be able to find the abnormality. As long as we try to merge, we can summon him. The next step is to arrange some things. First, we have to go to the Ashes Continent and move the beast master there."

   To imitate the complete soul Chu Dong took the most difficult step. As for whether this soul clone can be successfully deified, it is no longer important, it is nothing more than whether it can be simpler when facing Xu Suzhi.

   Strengthening this computer avatar will make Xu Su unable to exert his full strength. In the end, they all have to fight Xu Su. Only when Xu Su is beaten to the point of weakness can Chu Dong be able to turn the tables.

   After a while, Chu Dong found the beast owner and explained his intention. At that time, the beast owner was completely stunned. The beast owner's family was quite big, so Chu Dong moved as soon as he said it.

  Although he has recovered a little now, after all this tossing is a bit of a waste.

The beast master said with a confused look: "I can probably understand what you mean, Xu Su wants to embezzle your soul, and then you want to use this to control him in turn, let's not talk about how whimsical you are, but you don't Should the location be in your den?

  I have also learned a little about the outside world these days. You are so intertwined here that it makes no sense to go to a place that we are not familiar with. "

  Chu Dong explained patiently: "Some things are a bit complicated to explain to you, Xu Su has something to do with an ancient country here, he was originally from this country, Yun Shangguo, you must have heard of it.

  What I am worried about is that Xu Su and Yunshangguo have reached some kind of agreement. When Xu Su and I are desperate, if Yunshangguo takes action, I will be very passive.

   And I can move most of my property to another place, in an absolutely fair away game, I can even decorate and remodel there.

  Xu Su did not have the support of Feng Luo, so I arranged it in advance, there was no reason to win. "

The beast owner was a little hesitant. After all, Xu Su put a lot of pressure on him. In his opinion, Chu Dong was thinking of swallowing an elephant. The problem was that he still thought that Chu Dong had a certain chance of winning. Of course, the premise was that Chu Dong could do it. everything he said.

  Chu Dong's many methods, even the beast owner, can only be said to be amazing, he has never seen it before, and he didn't believe it at all until he saw it with his own eyes.

After being silent for a long time, the beast master breathed a sigh of relief, "I will give my life to accompany the gentleman, I am immortal, but you are not, don't let yourself go to pieces, if you fail, I will sleep for hundreds of thousands more at most. years, but you are different."

  The corners of Chu Dong's mouth curled up, "Don't worry, my preparations will only be more or less."

To convince the beast owner, the second stop is to chat with Fu Mo, and then go to those Tongtians to make deals. It is not a bad thing to do more arrangements. Of course, Hongyan and these Chu Dong relatives and friends do not need to say more. Of course, neither of the two shrines is missing, and some magic circles that are enough to control the entire world have to be arranged.

  Winter is approaching, and time is getting more and more urgent. Yunshangguo is so silent now. Chu Dong always feels that something is wrong, as if they are waiting for something strange. It is difficult to say that they are not cooperating with Xu Su.

  The relationship between Xu Su and Yunshangguo is a mystery.

   (end of this chapter)