Deep Space Beyond

v2 Chapter 569: flat push

In the otherworldly place, in the Four Great True Sacred Dojos, many extraordinary people stared at the **** battlefield, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and their hearts were bleeding.

Those are the elite among the heavenly masters, after this battle, they are destined to disappear and be killed! Even the Yiren who guarded the dojo and didn't leave home to join the war couldn't sit still, walking around and sighing.

At the critical moment, Wolverine made up his sword: "A group of scum, come on, spray me again. I can hear the wailing of the defeated dog across the Chaofan network. This king is waiting for you in the heavenly battlefield!"

In the real world, people from the Four Religions have no time to talk to him, the heavenly battlefield began to crumble, and even the stranger's face was extremely gloomy.

In the outside world, people were even more uproarious, Kong Xuan started to push flatly, sweeping away the last batch of opponents!

In the Scarlet Battlefield, after Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada took over, they followed Kong Xuan's style and used wild methods, swiping their swords to cut through the Paper Temple and cleaning up the remaining masters of the Four Religions.

This is a battle without any suspense. The two holy insects are creatures of the ultimate 5-break domain. They enter the master Hunyuan Shenmu, holding the ancient bronze sword of origin, destroying the dead.

The withered yellow paper of the Paper Temple danced all over the sky, and ashes rose up, but they couldn't block the way forward of "Kong Xuan", and his sword cut through the starry sky, and the enemies from all directions exploded.

"This is a real flat push, crushing all the way, the disciples of the Four Religions are not on the same level as him at all, Kong Xuan, who is the ultimate 5-breaker in the field, has no solution for the heavenly masters of the Four Religions!" Yi Renxu Yan comments. As for Chang Cheng, the immortal watcher, since seeing Chen Mu die in battle, he stopped connecting, sighed, and left the stage silently.

The 28 members of the Four Religions, these true elites are being bloodbathed, unilaterally massacred, quickly emptied, and completely collapsed.

Even the hardliners from earlier, the stalwarts who vowed to fight to the death, are now crumbling because it is a pointless battle.

The people they rushed up couldn't play any role at all, they could only die in vain. Some people couldn't stand it and started to flee.

However, now that "Kong Xuan" has become murderous, how can he let anyone go? Exercising the sword control technique, it was a flying sword that was manifested one after another, roaring, densely packed like raindrops, and flew out directly, cutting through the meteorite and piercing the starry sky.

The blood rained, no matter how the opponent tried to dodge, it was useless, even if he used the invisibility talisman and performed various secret techniques, such as escaping into the space vortex, he was still pierced by a sword, either nailed to death, or split in two.

"Killing star, this is a killing star!"

"Kong Xuan's murderous nature is too strong. When such a person grows up, it will not be a good thing!" Tattoo Palace, Paper Temple, Guixu, people from Time Sky, or the superhumans related to them all couldn't sit still. , verbal criticism.

However, to kill to this point, no one cares because of the general environment. The essence of the primitive **** battle has long been known, and the goal is to completely defeat one side.

A small number of people sympathized, but more people shouted, killing happily.

No matter how you look at it, it is someone else's tragedy and comedy. For the superhumans watching the battle, it is better to say that they are watching a "mythical blockbuster" than paying attention to the official decisive battle.

This is the reality of the extraordinary world. Even for the weak who are sympathized with, or the more tragic Five Tribulations Mountain, once they encounter a battle of annihilation, more than 90% of the people outside the arena must be spectators.

The starry sky was stained red with blood.

The remaining celestial-level superhumans from 28 parts of the Four Religions tried to activate the time hole and the return funnel many times, but it didn't work, and was resisted by the six broken formations. "Explode, let's destroy together!" Someone went crazy. At this point in the battle, they were on the verge of annihilation. They didn't want to leave behind their own heritage, and wanted to bring along Kong Xuan's killing plan and destroy it together.

They naturally thought too much.

Wang Xuan just glanced at it for a while before throwing himself into collecting Dao Yun again.

In the distance, after fighting and fighting, the 6 broken formations broke the two forbidden magic circles, causing them to be unstable and cracked.

"Self-destruct!" Some of the 28 living members shouted.

It's a pity that part of the two magic circles collapsed, but most of them remained, and they couldn't last, and were taken away by Kong Xuan's control of the 6-broken formation map.

"Keep the research, you can break the limit with the ultimate

The taboo circle against the opponent is worth exploring. "Wang Xuan said to himself, this time he did it himself, sending the remnant formation into the mist.

After a while, the entire battlefield fell silent, and all 28 members of the Four Sects were wiped out!

Broken planets, blood and broken bones that have completely lost their vitality, as well as the fast-moving Dao rhyme, and the long-lasting murderous aura, filled the dark place.

After absorbing the Dao Yun, Wang Xuan took over the Hunyuan Shenmu again, and then said to the void in the distance: "Come out, is there any point in hiding?"

He scanned with his spiritual eyes, and found and forced out the genius from the dusk wonderland—Fei Ei.

Chen Mu was killed by Wang Xuan's punch, and Tian Zhao was killed by him repeatedly piercing his body with the Hundred Thousand Immortal Sword. There is only one non-evil left here.

"The defeat was complete. I thought I was on the side of the general trend, not against the torrent of history, and chose the right camp, but I didn't expect that I would still die."

Fei Ei opened his mouth, with short black hair, and now his whole body is crystal clear, and quickly brightened. As a limit breaker, even if he dies, he will end in a **** battle.

His appearance is quite handsome, his sword eyebrows are very long, close to his temples, his eyes are piercing, and he is full of heroic spirit.

The moment he opened the five fingers of his right hand, there was a clang, and a silver halberd appeared. It was heavy, thick and long, with a bright and sharp blade. The whole person stood holding the halberd, full of aura.

But Wang Xuan didn't put him in his eyes, he glanced over coldly, and said: "I don't know what the general trend is, and the so-called direction of the torrent of history, I only know that you, a rebellious person, chose to stand on the opposite side of me , destined to be crushed into powder!"

The two supreme workers communicated in secret, and felt that this 6-level "boss" was really extraordinary.

"Don't you want to say that the faction you are in is in line with the general trend?" Fei E opened his mouth with a halberd, and his whole body was shining with dazzling silver light, like divine flames burning, illuminating the dark and cold cosmic void. .

"I don't believe these things. Chen Mu is practicing Karma Silkworm Sutra and Destiny Cicada Sutra. As a result, I can't even control my own destiny. I believe in the knife in my hand even more!"

This time, Wang Xuan used the Daheitian Saber, which would completely end the battle here. "You just say it directly, you represent the general situation." After thinking about it, Fei Evil concluded like this. "Understand it as you like." Wang Xuan didn't want to talk to him any more, so he grabbed his long knife and slashed at him. It was simple and direct, without any imaginary formula.

Fei'e's complexion changed on the spot, he was using a superb escape technique, trying to avoid the first knife.

However, at this moment, the sky and the earth, the cosmic sea of ​​stars, are full of saber lights everywhere, boundless, and the grand saber intent blocked all his escape routes. The Heavenly Knife slashed out, everywhere, and there were dazzling blade lights everywhere. His scalp was numb, so he could only wave the long halberd and try his best to block it.

Amid the clang and clang, the halberd in Feixi's hand, which was made of prohibited main materials, was cut off by the light of the sword. With a puff, one of Fei'an's arms fell in the light of the knife, and exploded, splashing the bright red extreme blood that broke the limit.

"I'm punishing you for being lazy, let's go!" Wang Xuan slashed with his saber, and slashed out again.

Fei evil roared, the whole body was bursting with imperial textures, dozens of hundreds of spells, and great supernatural powers were released together, and he was like a colorful, extremely bright big ball of light, lasing divine lines, laws, etc.

But all this was in vain, Wang Xuan returned to the basics and returned to the truth, swept across with the true meaning of Tao, extinguished all dharmas, dimmed Fei Ei's whole body, and was cut in the waist with a bang!

Then, another saber light slashed across, which was more terrifying than chaotic thunder, slashing non-evil, and even the primordial spirit disintegrated in the saber light, completely wiped out.

The **** battlefield, the decisive battle in the sky-level domain has officially come to an end.

The 28 divisions of the Four Religions carried four taboo circles, and invited Chen Mu, the first limit breaker before the 7th century, to come with great momentum. No matter how you look at it, it is an invincible torrent that can crush all obstacles.

However, on the contrary, such an almost invincible army in the eyes of everyone was pierced by Kong Xuan alone, bloodbathed by one person, and swept away forcefully.

This battle shocked the extraordinary world.

Whether it is the real star sea, or the fairy world and the outer sky,

Or the otherworldly places, as well as the 36 heavens, down to the ordinary transcendent, up to the true holy dojo, were all alarmed.

Boiling everywhere.

Only the Four Great True Sages were shrouded in clouds, and it was difficult to spit out the heavy gloom in their hearts. "What a disaster, he wants to kill the elite of our heavenly domain!"

They naturally realized that the Heavenly Level battlefield was completely over and completely collapsed.

In fact, it was true. For them, the most cruel and terrible thing happened. In the **** battlefield, they invested a large number of disciples.

This time, the 28 elites of the Four Religions who came to encircle and suppress Kong Xuan were not very exaggerated in terms of their number, and they were less than 10% of the total number of people in the entire heavenly battlefield.

However, if you consider it from the perspective of high-end combat power, 90% of the combat power was wiped out by Kong Xuan alone!

This means that although a large number of members of the Four Sects are still there, they have lost their respective leaders, and there are no high-level leaders or elites in the heavenly battlefield.

To put it in an ugly but realistic way, there is a group of "chicken and tile dogs" left, a group of people who are slaughtered.

"Explode them, clear the sky-level battle zone!" This is the cry of the Five Tribulations Mountain camp. It has reached this point. If you don't kill the sky-level, I'm sorry for the good situation Kong Xuan has created for them.

Their side is not damaged, there is Wu Mingxiu, the ultimate magic circle, and the nine elites. Now the momentum is like a rainbow, the key is that the high-end combat power is too strong.

Now, with Wu Mingxiu in charge, it is enough to lead them to sweep the sky-level area.

In addition, Fei Yue, Cheng Hai, and several other people in the Twilight Spectacle, such as Hong Lan, once boasted at the Twilight Exchange that when he was young, he urinates against the wind and created a prehistoric flood.

Also, the former green-haired bartender at the Twilight Exchange, and the silver-haired middle-aged man who tasted the wine, are all masters.

With this group of people following up, it was a breeze to break through the remnants of the Four Religions.

After this day, Wujie Mountain began to counterattack! In the Heaven-level region of the Four Sects, there are still more than 90% of the troops left, which can be called the best "gift" and fully enter the new era of Scarlet Hunting.

"Let your people stop and renegotiate the original **** battle." Some people from the Four Sects couldn't sit still, and the aliens who stayed outside tried to communicate and talk.

"Negotiate with your daughter!" The people from Wujie Mountain killed their red eyes. Before the start of the thousand-year **** war, when the two camps were confronting each other, some good luck places in Five Tribulation Mountains, their branches, and followers in the outer areas had all been attacked, and **** incidents happened frequently, so naturally they wanted to take revenge.

"If you don't stop at Wujie Mountain now, we will also bloodbath you in the super peerless area!" Someone intimidated and threatened in the four avenues.

"Kong Xuan asked us to tell you to He is ready to take the wizard in the dusk wonderland directly into the super peerless battlefield at any time!"


The Four Avenues of the True Sacred Fields really has no idea, Kong Xuan can no longer be measured by common sense, the fighting power of this monster is beyond the charts! "Unless you allow all of us to leave the heavenly battlefield."

During hunting and confrontation, the two sides are also wrangling, communicating, and negotiating.

As for Wang Xuan, he has already left the **** battlefield and has come out temporarily. He returned to the 36 heavens, the ancient and modern dojos, and began to retreat and understand the Dharma.

In the next few years, in the lifeless and inactive Alien area, a big movement finally broke out, and the digital Alien battle between the two sides. But after the fight, it seemed that they were all incarnations again. Their real bodies hid in nothingness, dormant in the space-time vortex, and did not really go shopping.

The 18th year of the original **** battle, that is, 8 years after Wang Xuan pushed the sky-level battlefield, the battle officially broke out in the true holy battlefield in the core area!

Obviously, the Four True Sages entered the arena at the same time, fighting with the blood of the Wujie True Sage.