Demon Becoming the Lord

v1 Chapter 135: For whom domineering and mad?

After Xiao Lang roared, he didn't move, but just stared blankly. Xiao Qingyi's blood-stained face was as pale as snow, and his body was trembling constantly as he grasped Zuo Xi's hand.

He is a person who does not belong to this world. When he comes to this world, the first thing he sees is the face in front of him. At that time, Xiao Qingyi was still a beautiful girl like a flower and a jade, like a fairy.

After eighteen years in this world, for these eighteen years, the only woman in front of him who has been with him, only the face in front of him, has never left him for too long in the eighteen years.

Eighteen years ago, this woman abandoned the prosperity of the imperial capital, the wealth of the Xiao family, and countless young Junyan admiring her took him far away.

Feed him mouthfuls of goat milk, pull him up with painstaking efforts, teach him to speak, teach him to write, teach him to practice, and teach him the principles of life and work.

For many nights, he saw her tears in sadness. For many nights, he saw her sitting alone at the window without sleep. How many times have she fought **** battles and blood-stained mountains, and how many times have she woke up in a dream, crying for her father and brother...


Since he grew up, this woman has never shown her fragility. In front of him and Xiao Dao, there was always so calm and calm, and the sky would fall, and he would smile and face it, so that Xiao Lang had forgotten her fragile and helpless appearance.

When he was very young, Xiao Lang told himself that he must work hard to become a strong person, and protect this woman for life, so that she will not be hurt at all, and she will not shed a single tear.

At this moment, Xiao Qingyi once again showed her fragility, as well as the embarrassment, humiliation, and misery Xiao Lang had never seen before.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's mind was completely confused and confused!

She didn't understand how the fairy-like aunt in white clothes could become like this?

After being confused,

Then came rage, rage, and furious rage.

The inexplicable horror of coming to this world, the depression from small to large, the humiliation suffered by returning to the imperial capital, the cold-eyedness suffered by the Divine Soul Festival, the urgency of rushing all the way, the suffocation of killing several people.

The backlog of various negative emotions deep in his heart and the hostility lurking in his body caused him to completely explode at this moment.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He swept Zuo Xi rudely with one hand, his hands held high and trembling violently, the blue veins burst, his mouth opened up and roared constantly, the hair band behind his back slipped, and the blue silk was full of wind and automatically, not tall. But his body exploded into the sky, his eyes flashed red slightly, and his face was hideous and terrifying, like a ghost.

At this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to have become a demon god, a demon **** who was ruthlessly choosing people and devouring him to destroy the gods and immortals!

Xiao Qingbao and the five guards trembled in their hearts at the same time, although they all thought Xiao Lang's strength, let alone Xiao Qingbao of the Battle King realm, the guards of these five commanding peaks were not opponents. But at this moment all six of them were frightened by the monstrous aura on Xiao Lang's body, and their hearts were frightened.

At this moment, they felt that they were not facing an eighteen-year-old junk boy, but... Xiao Futu, the **** of **** killing.

Next second!

The six people were stunned again, even Zen Lao and Chihiro, who were full of excitement and indignation, were shocked, their mouths opened quickly, and Zuo Xi who was swept out was even more shocked.

Under everyone's unbelievable gaze, the three thousand blue silks that Xiao Lang danced in the sky began to turn white quickly, turning into silver hair at a speed visible to the naked eye...


Everyone's eyes began to enlarge, and their scalp was numb by the strange scene. Although the young man's head turned white one night in the old saying, it still feels incredible to witness it. And this is not a night, but an instant blue silk turns into white snow.

Looking at the young man with white hair dancing wildly up to the sky, with a hideous face, everyone was palpitating. What kind of anger, what kind of madness, would it look like this?


A surprised voice sounded, and the knife attached to Xiao Bai seemed to be awakened by Xiao Lang's wild roar. He looked up suspiciously, but saw Xiao Lang's crazy appearance. His silly face suddenly changed color, and his gaze swept towards the Qingyi Pavilion. Seeing Xiao Qingyi's miserable look, his two-meter-high huge body also began to tremble violently, and his immature, silly face was completely distorted. Up.

"Auntie! Ow!"

The knife raised his head and roared. Although his right hand was still hanging weakly, his muscles began to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his upper body burst into a ragged robe, and he immediately transformed himself.

He danced wildly with black hair and a burly body that was so depressing that he rose into the air, his left hand turned into sharp claws, like the claws of a dragon, his body turned into a sharp arrow, and he shot towards the two guards holding Xiao Qingyi.

"Death, everyone who dares to hurt my aunt will die, die!"

Xiao Lang roared, his eyes red with endless killing intent, surrounded by profound energy, and his body followed the knife and shot forward, but the target was not the two guards, but Xiao Qingbao in the battle king realm.

"Xiao Lang Xiaodao, if you commit the following crimes, you should be blamed for their crimes and kill them!"

Although Xiao Qingbao's mind was frightened, he was a well-known and strong Xiao family after all. He only held his mind for a moment, and his eyes burst with mockery and murderous intent.

Although he gave the order, Xiao Qingbao did not do anything. In his opinion, Xiao Lang and Xiaodao's strength can easily be killed by dispatching two guards. He didn't want to be accused of killing the Xiao family members. Xiao Lang and Xiaodao acted first, and the guards missed and killed them, even Elder Pavilion had nothing to say.

The two guards carrying Xiao Qingyi and the guard who dragged Old Zen, gritted their teeth, put down Xiao Qingyi and Old Zen, drew out the profound tools and rushed towards Xiao Lang and the knife. The two guards holding Qianxun did not move, but became extremely nervous. Qianxun was in the battle-sovereign state.

The three guards' profound weapons gleamed, and three rays of profound energy sword light were directly released, two shot at the knife and the other shot at the Xiao Lang behind.

After the knife turned into a terrifying defense, they had heard about it, but Xiao Budie deliberately suppressed it. The members of the family are not very sure about it, and Xiao Qingbao even doesn't believe it.

But in the next scene, he couldn't help but believe it.

The Xuanqi sword light placed by the warrior at the peak of the commander, but with the power of nearly ten thousand tigers, the Xuanqi sword light that is more than one meter high is enough to easily flatten an attic.

Two sword beams slammed on the small knife that came in a rampage, and immediately burst out a powerful wave of air, and the small knife's body was easily smashed several meters away. It's just that the knife seemed to be okay, slapped the ground, then screamed and shot again, a bit faster.

Xiao Lang's combat instinct was much stronger than that of a small knife. After the guard at the peak of the commanding warrior issued a sword light, he immediately rolled on the ground, evading the sword light.


Xuanqi knife light smashed on the ground, the bluestone slab on the ground exploded directly, the stone chips flew up, and the smoke rose slowly.

"call out!"

In the smoke and dust, Xiao Lang slid off the ground like lightning, and the six flying knives in his hand turned into six lightning bolts, shooting directly at the deadly place of the guard.