Demon Becoming the Lord

v1 Chapter 23: Make mistakes

In principle, Xiao Lang believes that he is not a casual person, because he remembers there was a saying in his previous life that men should be reserved and can't let women sleep in their own bed. That is immoral.

So Mrs. Ya has always seduce him from time to time, he is not moving like a mountain, just like Liu Xiahui is able to control himself.

It's just that at this moment Madam Ya's pitiful look and those lonely and helpless eyes touched a certain softness in his heart.

The hateful must be pitiful, but the poor may not be hateful.

Xiao Lang didn't speak, but closed the door silently, while pouring a cup of tea from the table at the back end for Madam Ya, sitting opposite her and staring at her silently.

"Do you want to hear a story?"

Madam Ya held the cup in both hands and looked at Xiao Lang calmly. The fox-like flattering face under the moonlight was even more moving. Xiao Lang took a sip of tea, nodded, and said, "You say, I'll listen!"

Mrs. Ya is a person with a story. Xiao Lang was not in the mood to listen to her story before, but in this quiet atmosphere tonight, he really wants to hear what kind of sad story is hidden in the most famous woman in Medicine King City. .

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was born in a big family. Her parents spoiled her and her elder brother guarded her. She was innocent and romantic. She thought the world was very beautiful and filled with love everywhere... She has been very beautiful since she was a child. The first beauty, people who pursue and admire her can line up in a street. But she doesn't like those sons, because they are too hypocritical. Instead, she likes a poor boy who picks flowers for her every day and blocks her. That person is Her groom’s son, the two secretly fell in love with each other, and they vowed to love each other for a lifetime. It’s a pity... After this matter was known to her family, the groom and the groom’s son disappeared strangely and never appeared again!"

Speaking of the sadness in Liu Ya's eyes, Xiao Lang sighed slightly, of course knowing that the groom and the groom's son must have been either killed or driven away.

Liu Ya paused for a while, and continued to say in a slightly sad tone:

"In the beginning, the little girl didn't know, she was frantically looking for the groom's son in the city, because the groom's son once said that even if he died, he would not be separated from her. In the end, he still found him, a son of a martial arts school, with his own eyes. Seeing the groom’s son in a nearby city, Huajie Liuxiang was at ease! She didn’t believe it, and asked the young man to take her to find him, but she saw him in a kiln. She didn’t say anything, turned and left without a drop. Tears!"

There was no sadness and pain on Liu Ya's face, but loneliness and depression. Her eyes were long and she seemed to think of that distant time: "That little girl is me. Back in the family, I got a serious illness. Under the arrangement, I married the city’s first son, Mu Ding’s only son, Mu Gou! Mu Gou is also one of my suitors. After the wedding, he treated me very well, but my heart has not been hurt by the groom’s son. After recovering from the middle of the world, I have always been indifferent to Mu Gou. Half a year after the marriage, under Mu Gou's various kindness, I began to feel at ease to be a famous lady."


Liu Ya's expression suddenly became painful at this moment. She gritted her teeth and said: "Mugou, who has always maintained admiration for me, suddenly made a request that I could not accept. He wanted me to accompany a guest, a A wealthy son from the imperial capital. Of course I didn’t, but Mu Gou took the life of my family and forced me to give up. He also asked the groom’s son to be arrested and killed himself in front of me! Xiao Lang, you know How painful was my heart at that time?"

Xiao Lang didn't speak, but looked at this poor woman quietly. It was a sin for a woman to look beautiful!

Liu Ya wiped the tears from her face and continued: "Since that incident, my heart has been completely cold. No matter how Mu Gou pleases me, I never laughed again. Six months later, Mu Gou's trash, his own strength No, but he quarreled with people, and brought people into Devil Mountain, saying that he would cut a fifth-level profound beast with his hand. Hehe, he was carried back, and half of his body was bitten by the profound beast. Wang couldn't die in him, but his fellow was abandoned! He became a real cripple, a useless man! And in my world, the most painful years have arrived!"

There was a trace of fear in Liu Ya's eyes. It seemed that those years could not bear to look back. He trembled slightly, and said, "He is dead and can't cultivate. His life is gone and he can't be a normal man. During that time, I felt sorry for him. , Took care of him carefully, but he became psychologically perverted all day, drunk all day, drunk and beat me and scolded me, made me striptease, scolded me as a slut, used utensils to play me... , I almost collapsed, I can’t survive, because he said, if I dare to die, he will kill my family..."

In this passage, Liu Ya said with her eyes closed, her body trembling constantly, and a panic on her face. Xiao Lang still didn't speak, but just got up and sat on the bed, and then held Liu Ya's weak and boneless hand with his big hand, trying to give this poor woman some warmth.

Liu Ya did not speak or move, but her body was still trembling. After a long time, she let out a long sigh, grinned reluctantly at Xiao Lang, and continued: "Mugou is dead, drunk! Although he has a Yaowang father, he can't save his life. After his death, I returned to Liu's family, and I didn't recognize it as the Mu family's wife. My heart died and I began to wander around for a lifetime. So I became the most famous widow in Yaowang City! A shameless **** who was spit on by people..."

Xiao Lang still didn't speak, but calmly looked at Madam Ya, saw the best bed partner in the heart of the Yaowangcheng man, smelled the faint fragrance of her body, and his mind was strangely peaceful.

"Xiao Lang, do you... despise me? Despise me as a slut? That's why you have always been cold and indifferent to me?"

Liu Ya suddenly turned her head and looked at Xiao Lang, her eyes flashed with inferiority and fear.

Xiao Lang smiled faintly, and said seriously: "You should know that I am not that kind of person!"

"Of course I know!"

Madam Ya nodded heavily, her abrupt face became ruddy, she lowered her head, and her eyelashes flicked and whispered: "You are different from other men. Other men can't wait to eat me. They all regard me as A beautiful woman, but you treat me as a...person!"

Today, Master Huofeng came to the door, if it was Liu Ya from the past, perhaps not only would he not turn his face, but would rather entangle him as much as possible. Because Xiao Lang didn't want to, or didn't want to continue her previous debauchery at that moment. Liu Ya didn't want to say this, and at this moment also secretly thanked her for her persistence at that moment.


Madam Ya suddenly raised her head, with a sweet smile on her face, she sighed deeply and said: "Xiao Lang, you won! I can't play with you, I give up, I have fallen, I admit...I fall in love with you! No matter you How do you think about me, do you love me or not, I think I have the right to love someone?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, blinked his eyes and said, "Because of what I saved you at night?"

"Not at all!"

Liu Ya shook her head slightly and said, "Xiao Lang, you may not know that you have a trait in you, a temperament that can fascinate women. But you are a man like you, no woman is destined to stop you, maybe you fall in love with you It's a mistake, but I would rather make one mistake and make another mistake!"

Facing this beauty’s true love confession, although Xiao Lang's heart was soft, the surface was calm as water. He pondered for a long time before patted Madam Ya's little hand, and said softly: "Go to sleep, maybe when you get up tomorrow morning, you will find the world Still very beautiful!"

Liu Ya nodded obediently, and hugged Xiao Lang to sleep, like a little cat, hugging Xiao Lang tightly, never letting go all night.

This night the two did not meet frankly and lingered. They hugged each other tightly and slept peacefully, like a couple who have been together for many years.