Demon Becoming the Lord

v1 Chapter 76: Behind the strong



The body of the iron armored gecko did not move, but the tail and tongue moved at the same time. The iron whip swept towards the knife, but the tongue, which was more than one meter thick in the arm, shook for a while, flashing quickly in front of the eyes, and slid Xiao Lang's three flying knives. Sweep fly.


Xiao Lang shouted again, and the three flying knives in his left hand shot again, and at the same time a crossbow arrow shot out like lightning, followed by the flying knives and shot towards the iron-clad gecko's eyes.

After Xiao Lang screamed, the epee, which had been smashed at the iron-clad gecko's body, slid a beautiful arc in the air, and hit the iron-clad gecko's tongue with the backhand.

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the armored gecko, and the tongue shook faster, and the iron tail also accelerated suddenly, and the screaming sound became more piercing, and it smashed the knife brutally.


Xiao Lang waited for this opportunity, a remnant intent flashed in his eyes, and the speed soared. The profound weapon long sword that had not moved was thrown out forcefully. The target was not the eyes of the armored gecko, but the big fishy mouth.


Before the epee of the knife hit the tongue of the iron-clad gecko, the body was smashed out like a broken kite, and the iron tail continued to turn into an afterimage, bending a huge arc toward Xiao Lang.

The profound sword in Xiao Lang's hand was completely submerged in the big mouth of the iron-clad gecko. The iron whip struck, and when his front force was exhausted and his back force could not be reached, he turned around forcibly in the air, hit his back heavily, and flew out likewise.

Xiao Lang and Xiaodao both spewed a spit of blood in midair with their big mouths. Xiao Lang yelled hysterically, "Dongfang Hongdou, don't you release the spirit combat skills to shoot it in the eyes?"

Dongfang Hongdou's nerves have been tense, at this moment like a broken string, behind a long-condensed soul longbow, the bowstring is full of moon, and a silver-white long arrow pierced the air and hit the pain directly. The left eye of the iron-clad gecko with its mouth open.


The air wave flew, the mouth and eyes of the iron-clad gecko were severely injured, and the body of several hundred jin rolled on the ground. The huge tail swept wildly around, the huge old tree next to it was constantly swayed by its iron whip, and the small tree thorns around it were even flattened in pieces.

"What are you doing in a daze? Run!"

As soon as Xiao Lang fell to the ground, he rolled on the ground a few times to remove some of his strength, and could not care about wiping off the residual blood from the corners of his mouth. He got up and ran, jumped on the back of Xiao Bai who was speeding up in a few steps, and ran towards the distance.

The knife had already started to run wildly in a tacit understanding, and the three Cha Mu stared at the huge behemoth rolling on the ground in shock. After Xiao Lang reminded them, they woke up and ran wildly.


There was a roar that shook the sky, the sound of huge trees crashing down, Xiao Lang and Xiaodao ran wildly without turning their heads, everyone had to run wildly.

Run all the way, until the roar behind the back is already weak and inaudible. Xiao Lang let Xiao Bai stop and turn over, and immediately pounced on the ground with his eyes closed and gasping for breath.

"Younger Lang, are you okay?"

"Oh, Xiao Lang, you have a lot of blood on your back!"

Chamu and Dongfang Hongdou immediately dismounted and asked with concern, Yun Zishan also saw Xiao Lang's **** back, and sniffed a little unbearably.

The knife sat on the side, took out a pill, swallowed it, and immediately ran the profound energy to heal the injury.

"Help me get medicine!"

Xiao Lang took out a bottle from his arms and threw it to Chamu, got up and sat cross-legged with difficulty, grinning, and forced his profound energy to heal his injuries.

Cha Mu tore off Xiao Lang's clothes, took out the pill, kneaded it into powder, and sprinkled it on his back. Looking at his back without a piece of good flesh, he was sighing.

"Why work so hard? Wouldn't it be enough to send a signal for help earlier?"

Dongfang Hongdou glanced at Xiao Lang's back, turned around unbearably, and sighed in confusion.


Cha Mu gave Xiao Lang a good medicine and stood up, and said with admiration: "Miss Hongdou, if you are in danger, please ask for help. Then you will never experience the feeling of walking on the line of life and death for the rest of your life. He has such a perverted fighting instinct as the young wave. Besides, can you let the family bless you for a lifetime? If you want to become a strong man, and a strong man who can protect your family from wind and rain, you must grow up in **** battles!"

Dongfang Hongdou was silent, and then sighed: "It's no wonder that there are very few women among the strong in this world. It seems we are wrong. Women love their looks too much. They are so petite and expensive for fear of injury. How can they have high combat power? I want to come to Zuo Pingping to become the five powerhouses of the dynasty, he must have suffered a lot, right? The world only sees the superficial scenery of the strong, but how many people know the hard work behind them?"

The arrogance on Yun Zishan's face was gone, slightly lonely, Dongfang Hongdou was telling the truth. The reason why few women can become strong is not because of the extremely yin physique as the world calls them, but because of women's tenderness.

No matter how high the level is, what is the use without actual combat experience? Besides, the aristocratic lady wants to dress up to seduce men all day long, but the poor female warriors marry their children early, how can they have time to practice?

Dongfang Hongdou turned his head to Chamu and asked, "How is that mysterious beast?"

Chamu groaned for a while, and said hesitantly: "Lang Shao stabbed a profound tool just now, and your divine soul combat skill also injured his left eye. Surely it should have been severely injured?"

"It's not that it was hit hard, but it's going to die!"

At this time, Xiao Lang suddenly opened his eyes, stopped meditating, and said with great certainty: "I have applied poison on the profound tool, this iron-clad gecko will definitely die!"

The three Chamu's eyes shrank, and there was a cold sweat behind them, and Xiao Lang unexpectedly moved his hands and feet quietly in such a short period of time. Reminiscent of the incomparable cooperation with Xiaodao just now, the three of them were once again shocked, and being an enemy of Xiao Lang is not a fun thing to be true.

After half an hour of rest, Xiao Lang and Xiaodao got up at the same time, the wound on Xiao Lang's back was scarred, and the Xiao family's healing medicine was obviously effective.

Under the leadership of Xiao Lang, everyone began to run towards the loop looking for the iron-clad gecko. When they walked to the venue just now, the Chamu trio was panicked.

There was a mess in the field, countless big trees that had been overturned fell to the ground in all directions, and two huge rocks were smashed. The bark of the ancient tree in the sky was swept away by a large section, and the weeds and thorns around it were smoothed out piece by piece. The countless deep ravines on the ground were obviously smashed by the iron whip of the iron-clad gecko.

Everyone followed the traces all the way to find, and as expected, they found the behemoth a few miles away, lying on the ground and panting, the blood flowing in one eye was blind. The other cold eyes were blood red, and the scarlet tongue turned green, obviously poisoned.

"Yeah! Our team actually hunted down a Tier 4 peak beast, this time the first place is definitely ours!"

Dongfang Hongdou screamed happily, dancing with his hands, and his proud chest trembled, making Xiao Lang dazzled. Chamu swallowed secretly, not daring to look directly.

Under Xiao Lang's instruction, Dongfang Hongdou once again released his spirit combat skills and shot the other eye of the iron armored gecko blind. The iron-clad gecko was obviously injured very badly and couldn't even move. The other blood-red eyeball was shot blind and rolled a few times and completely died.

Holding the tea wood profound tool, Xiao Lang used to take out the badge from the iron-clad gecko's abdomen, and at the same time dug out the profound crystal of the profound beast and the profound tool that pierced his throat.

"Let's go, go back to the station and rest for a night!"

The sky was full of red clouds in the distance, and it was about to enter the night, Xiao Lang led everyone to the station between the fourth and fifth peaks.