Demon Becoming the Lord

v2 Chapter 66: Part ways

"Miss Mayfair, are you really not going with us?"

"Yes, Miss Mayfair, you are too dangerous to have more than a hundred of you!"

In the psychedelic forest, the army of nearly 10,000 moved forward slowly, and the army in the middle of the army was wearing gray armor and black armor and tea wood simultaneously speaking to Longya Feier.

The blood dynasty army has dispersed, and a new round of autumn hunting has begun. Zuo Jian is carrying the Sword God Guard, Dongfang proudly carrying Dongfang Guard, Nangong Yuer carrying Nangong Guard, and Hanmen leader Ye Fei with Ye Shen Guard has already entered. Psychedelic forest. However, Ni Cang and Cha Mu joined forces together, and the Ni family and Cha family once again used family power to mobilize the army to make up nearly 10,000 people for the two.

Long Ya Feier had followed the two army with the red guard, but at this moment suddenly proposed to act separately, that's why the two of them asked.

"No, the goal of your army is too obvious. It is safer if we have fewer red guards. There will be a period of time after the two leaders!"

Long Yafei'er had long been hinted by Xiao Lang to walk separately, so as to retrieve the head of the King of War that Xiao Lang had hunted, so naturally she would not follow the army at this moment.

Cha Mu was slightly anxious, his eyes swept towards Xiao Lang, and the worry in his eyes was very obvious: "Deputy Demon Commander, you can persuade Longya to lead, you are really dangerous like this!"

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "Thank you Master Cha, I only listen to military orders, but if it is too dangerous, I will persuade the leader to come to you!"

Cha Mu saw that Xiao Lang had said so, and knew that he had made up his mind, so she no longer persuaded him, and Nicang watched them, and Long Yafeier disappeared into the black shirt forest with a hundred red guards.

"Demon, where did you bury the head and the evidence? Can you still remember it?"

After being separated from the army by a kilometer, Longya Feier immediately rode his horse forward towards Xiao Lang in front, leaned down and asked. Chihiro sneaked out early with the blockade to investigate around.

The Red Guard only had Longyafeier riding a horse. In fact, Xiao Lang said that if it weren't for the horse riding in the Black Shirt Forest, it would be dead. However, Long Ya Fei'er is not easy to say, raised his head and Long Ya Fei'er smiled and said: "It should not be far away, half a day's journey. I will check it out in advance, and I should still have an impression!"

Xiao Lang hunted down the powerful king of the warlord and the three warlords, as well as the heads of nearly a hundred warlords and the armored swords. Xiao Lang actually stored them in Xumijie, but of course he couldn't take it out clearly. , Xumijie is so precious, how could he be possessed by a barbarian?

Taking a look at the warlord hemp armor who followed Long Yafeier, and the warlord hemp rope who was hiding in the red guard, Xiao Lang decided to stay away from the two to avoid being discovered by the two of his secrets.

After talking to Long Yafei'er, Xiao Lang ran forward quietly surrounded by profound energy, searching for Qianxun.

When they found Qianxun, the two immediately slid in the other direction, leaving the army for a full 10,000 meters. Qianxun inspected the surrounding situation, Xiao Lang immediately released the spirit and controlled the grass cane to penetrate into the ground.

There are dangers in the psychedelic forest. If you don’t release the spirits in advance, they will only release the spirits when the war begins. Any fool knows that this is not witchcraft. Moreover, there are many profound beasts in the psychedelic forest, and there are countless ant nests. Grass vines can continue to swallow the profound beasts and continue to grow underground!

"Hey! Good luck, I found an ant nest as soon as I came out!"

Nearly 1,000 meters of grass and vines emerged from Xiao Lang's body and gradually became larger. The section that emerged quickly burrowed into the ground. The scene was strange and scary. As soon as he got underground, Xiao Lang's face was immediately happy and he found an ant nest.

Thousands of sand ants were swallowed in a few blinks, and the two rushed towards the red guard. With their detection ability, the Red Guard was easily found after a while, and Chihiro continued to search around. After Xiao Lang went back and turned around, he found that the two war kings were not at all abnormal, and decisively slipped out, looking for the ant nest to swallow them.

With Qianxun there, he was not afraid of the enemy's scouts approaching, and he was also blocking the peak power of the warlord. Such a powerful person was used as a scout. Although the method was not very clever, it was not comparable to ordinary scouts.

The army walked for a long time, encountered several enemy scouts, and was killed by Chihiro and the blockade. Xiao Lang was about to figure it out. He sneaked out early to find a hidden place. He took out all the heads and war sword armor from Xumi Jie, buried them in the mud, and then disguised himself and walked away leisurely. come back.

"It's near here, I remember here!"

After returning to the Red Guard, Xiao Lang pretended to explore nearby, and ran back to talk to Longyafeier.

Longya Fei'er immediately became excited, and a hundred red guards also smiled. If it is true that Xiao Lang said, they did kill the war king, there are three war masters, and nearly a hundred war commanders. The Red Guard is likely to be able to reorganize the city's regular establishment, and everyone will be promoted. The reserve and regular army are the difference between heaven and earth.

When Xiao Lang led Qianxun Killing into a super-large bush and came out with countless human heads and saber armors, Longyafeier's eyes lit up, and then...turned around and vomited vigorously!

The contents of the Xumi Jie will not rot, but after storing for so long, the heads of these people still have a soaring smell, and with the black clotting blood, it looks really disgusting.

The red guards were all veterans whose bodies crawled out, but there was no reaction at all. A red guard immediately wrapped the head with a special military technique to avoid decay.

But Ma Jia walked over and picked up a battle axe and a black battle armor to observe carefully, and then his eyes lit up suddenly, and Longya Feier, who turned his head and vomited blue, said: "If I remember correctly, this It is the blood dynasty's warlord leader of this autumn hunt, and the son of the city lord of Xueqiu City! Miss, this time the evil spirit has really done a great job!"

There were a large number of spies lurking in the blood dynasty in the war dynasty, and countless spies lurking in the same blood dynasty. The famous powerful and genius of each big family on both sides will have detailed information for the record. Hemp armor is Long Yaruo's confidant, and it is not surprising that he can infer the identity of this warlord through weapons and armor.

"If you block you, take a few people immediately, and first bring the heads and exhibits back to the camp to the general for verification!"

Longya Feier's blue complexion suddenly turned ruddy, this thing is very precious, it is better to send it back first, it is not far from entering the psychedelic forest now, and blocking the others will not encounter any danger.

Blocking immediately found seven or eight clever soldiers, each carrying more than a dozen heads, and the battle sword and armor rushed out excitedly.

"Demon, what should I do next?"

After finding the head and evidence, Long Ya Feier didn't know what to do next, so she could only cast her gaze on Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang had a plan in his mind, and he bluntly said: "Two ways, the first one will tie the red guard back, and the big brother Demon Chicken and I will continue to hunt the blood savages. The second is to enter the depths of the psychedelic forest. I found some places to set up traps. We set up traps and wait for the rabbits!"

Long Ya Feier just pondered for a second, and immediately waved the profound tool in her hand, and said excitedly: "That's the point? The whole army went into the depths of the psychedelic forest and hunted the blood barbarians!"