Demon Becoming the Lord

v2 Chapter 7: Dog offal!


During the rush, Xiao Lang's feet suddenly softened, and an unstable body rushed forward, slamming heavily on the ground, blood was faintly visible on his arms and knees, and his expression was extremely ugly.

"Gong...youxie, how are you?"

Qianxun immediately threw the boulder away and lifted up Xiao Lang and asked nervously. Xiao Lang exhaled, feeling dry smoke in his mouth, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then said with difficulty, "Brother Demon many laps?"

Qianxun looked both distressed and angry. Xiao Lang's strength was only in the rank of warlord. With such a high-strength running, his profound energy could barely be used, but his body couldn't stand it at all. He looked inside the barracks bitterly and said, "14,000 laps, demon, should we go find...your uncle?"

"What are you looking for? Find him for everything, what am I doing in Northern Xinjiang?"

Xiao Lang stood up stubbornly, surrounded by profound energy, gritted his teeth on his back, and ran again. The not-so-large body and the huge stone created a strong gap, like a snail carrying a heavy shell.


Looking at this stubborn figure, Chihiro felt a little heartbroken. God was so tricky. He was in a wealthy family. He was supposed to be the top richest son. He enjoyed the riches and honors of the rich and the rich, but he was ill-fated. A squad leader plays like this...

Shen Shen sighed that Qianxun no longer thought about it, Xiao Lang could bear it, he could only follow it. Since Xiao Lang helped him get out of trouble with Xiao Qinglang, he has secretly made up his mind to follow Xiao Lang all his life. Regardless of whether he is in despair or suffering, no matter whether he will be involved, or even die, he gambled!

After running 15,000 laps, Xiao Lang was completely exhausted. He returned to the barracks and fell asleep. He didn't even eat a bite of food when Qianxun called...

On the third day, he still ran around the barracks with huge rocks on his back! Xiao Lang did not express anything, and ran in silence.

On the fourth day, still run.

On the fifth day, 18,000 laps! ,

On the eighth day, 20,000 laps!

Xiao Lang seemed to have completely resigned, without a word of retort, and his expression was calm and terrifying. The anger in Qianxun's eyes was hidden deeper, and the silence of the two was as quiet as the moment before the storm, which was depressing.

Xiao Lang went into a coma several times, woke up and rested for a while, and continued to run.

tenth day!

"Come with me!"

Today, Coach Ning did not let the two of them continue to run, and the silence of Xiao Lang and Qianxun for these ten days made it feel boring for Coach Ning to play.

The school lieutenant was afraid that the two would not understand the rules, and after entering the general's mansion, he ransacked and angered Miss Longyafeier and asked him to suppress their spirits. At this moment, Xiao Lang and Qianxun looked completely lacklustre, and they were as silent as a stone, leaving him at his mercy, which made him somewhat dull.

The lieutenant of the conscription office confessed that he had trained for a month at most, so today he decided to take the two out of the field to teach some necessary techniques for scouts.

Xiao Lang and Qianxun looked at each other, a hint of inexplicable flashes in the depths of their eyes, silently following them to the outside of the barracks.

After leaving the barracks, Ning taught his head surrounded by profound energy, and his body ran northward like a cheetah, with vigorous movements and running like the wind. Xiao Lang and Qianxun had some doubts but did not dare to ask more, and followed him to the north.

Running wild for thousands of miles, the terrain in front suddenly became complicated.

It was originally an endless Gobi, with countless rocks and a black forest in front of it!

"You two wastes, listen carefully to this instructor!"

Ning taught Vung to stand still and turned his head to proudly let the two of them, and said coldly: "The technique of scouts is to anticipate the enemy. You must find the enemy at the first time, and you must also hide yourself so that the enemy does not discover... You must use all available methods to discover all the hidden spies of the enemy...In short, a best scout is equivalent to a best assassin. Well, keep your eyes open and see how this instructor does it. "

Teacher Ning said a lot of talk, as if he was the best scout in the dynasty. Then his body turned into a ghost and ran forward, his movements were extremely vigorous, his walking route was erratic, and he used all objects that could be concealed to conceal his figure, emerging from here and from there, he was indeed a veteran scout. .

Half an hour later, Teacher Ning flew from a distance, and said proudly: "I have been in the rock pile in front of me just now, laying countless invisible traps, some can be triggered quietly, the enemy will not know yet, but I have already Knowing that someone is approaching, some can directly cause death."

Teacher Ning pointed to the black woods in the distance and said, "Have you seen the black cedar forest over there? It is a very common forest in northern Xinjiang, where the light is dim, and there are more than a dozen kinds of profound beasts that are unique to northern Xinjiang. I can Let me tell you, there are many black cedar forests in northern Xinjiang. Every time the black cedar forest is fought, it is the battlefield where the enemy and our scouts fought with each other. There are countless traps in it. For fools like you, there is absolutely a dead end now!"

Xiao Lang and Qianxun kept silently watching Teacher Ning's head flashing back and forth. When he talked eloquently and yelled at him, his expressions were calm and not even a little surprised or angry, and seemed to be numb.

Teacher Ning was a little dissatisfied with the expressions of the two of them. Without the expression of surprise and admiration, he said angrily: "You two fools, remember what I said?"

Qianxun blinked and looked at Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang also blinked, and said with some doubts, "This is the so-called scout technique? Nothing?"


Xiao Lang and Qianxun were silent for countless days, and they didn't have the slightest temper when they were played by Ning's coach, but they suddenly spoke like this at this moment?

It made him very uncomfortable, Xiao Lang seemed to question his ability? Now angrily said: "Idiot, trash, what is your tone? This instructor is enough for you to learn for ten years!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Xiao Lang blinked again, then looked at Qianxun and said, "Brother Demon Chicken, show Teacher Ning a look at your retreat technique!"

Chihiro sneered, but her body rushed forward abruptly, as fast as lightning, her figure was several times stronger than coach Ning, and her walking position was extremely windy, disappearing behind a stone in front of him in a blink of an eye, and then...the body was completely in shape. Disappeared.

After a while, Chihiro sneaked out from the other side weirdly, turned an arc and quietly came back from behind. Xiao Lang found it instinctively, but didn't make a difference. The coach Ning waited for Qianxun to sneak a kilometer behind the two of them before he woke up. He looked at Qianxun who was floating like a fox in disbelief.

Teacher Ning was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to say: "You... why did you come out from behind?"

Qianxun didn't speak, but Xiao Lang spoke: "You set countless traps in front of you? I'll go and see!"

After talking about Xiao Lang, he also ran forward, his figure was extremely vigorous. Although he did not move forward, the head of Bining was even worse.

He got into the rock pile, and after a while he walked out with a few small ropes that were not close and hard to see, and said lightly: "Teacher, you have set up a total of 18 traps? And you said it can cause people. The five traps for doom, seem to be rubbish..."

Teacher Ning's face completely changed, and he exclaimed: "Eighteen places? Have you found them all?"

"Your trap is too low-level, I will be ten years old!"

Xiao Lang shook his head and was a little disappointed. He originally thought that the technique of scout sounds very mysterious, and it must be incomprehensible.

Long Yafeier recruited two of them to join the Red Guard as scouts. He was afraid that he did not understand the art of scouts, and he would be really troubled when he got angry with Long Yafeier. Unexpectedly, the so-called scout technique, he and Qianxun played casually, and it was much more awkward than Ning coach!

After ten days of sin, it seems to have been in vain?

He didn't dare to move when he arrived at the barracks and was unfamiliar with the situation. At this moment, he probably learned about the barracks and left the barracks to the field.

The most important thing is-he found that he didn't need to compromise at all. What kind of scout skill did he learn from this **** teacher? It also seems... no longer have to bear it?

So his eyes flickered a few times, suddenly became cold, and winked at Qianxun! Looking at the black cedar forest in the distance, Xiao Lang suddenly leaned towards the teacher Ning, and asked solemnly, "There are so many profound beasts in the forest?"

Head Ning was also shocked by Qianxun's fascinating body technique and Xiao Lang's ability to break traps, and subconsciously nodded.

next moment.

He noticed that the face in front of him suddenly bends in a strange arc, and immediately becomes evil.


He instinctively felt the danger, and suddenly looked to the left, but he burst into horror and shouted: "What are you going to do!"


A fist hit from the left and turned into an afterimage. The speed was so fast that he couldn't avoid it at all, and his body was smashed out instantly.

The thing that made him completely unable to avoid was obviously Qianxun's move. Qianxun's body flashed and easily caught up with Ning's head, leaped gently and raised his thigh high, and then slammed down at his chest.


Teacher Ning slammed his head and body heavily on the ground, not knowing how many bones had been broken in front of his chest, Qianxun's body fell, and a foot slammed on his face, surrounded by profound energy, making him completely afraid to move.

"What are we going to do?"

Xiao Lang walked over slowly, squatting down, and staring at the pale face of Teacher Ning very calmly. His evil face was full of murderous aura. He was so cold that the voice of Teacher Ning as if he were in an ice cellar sounded again:

"Dog offal! It's great for us to play for ten days, right? I'll make you feel good later. I don't know if you break your bones and throw it into the black cedar forest. As an excellent scout, can you please Escape from the mouth of the profound beast? If we can’t escape, we can only go back and report it-Ning teaches us to take us out for training, but we lose the mouth of the profound beast and die heroically!"


[Author's digression]: Let me talk about the update, around 8 o'clock every morning!