Demon Becoming the Lord

v2 Chapter 75: Ren Jun picks

However, Xiao Lang had been prepared long before he came. Naturally, he was not a little bit strange at this moment. His face was full of pride, and he glanced at Yun Zishan with a slight smug, coughing slightly and said:

"Speaking of this battle, it can be said to be shocking. I was wrong not long ago. I was wrong. Didn't I take the demon chicken into the psychedelic forest to explore? I used witchcraft to kill a warlord and several warlords. , Hundreds of war commanders. This time and Mayer led into the psychedelic forest, first to collect the buried head tokens. Originally, the military merits of these heads were enough to make the Red Guards a regular army, so I persuaded the commander to go back. The demon chicken and I continue to hunt down the blood barbarians. But the leader has to go into the depths of the psychedelic forest. You know that Mayfair commands the temper of the two fools..."

What Xiao Lang said in this passage is true. Yun Zishan did not find any doubts. He nodded in cooperation and said, "Hehe, Miss Fei Er's temper is a little hotter, please go on, Young Patriarch, Zishan I really like listening!"

Xiao Lang picked up a glass of wine and poured it down, and said again: "We went into the depths of the psychedelic forest. As I expected, we soon encountered a large army, starting with a 500-member vanguard. I didn't bother to kill. This class of low-level soldiers, but the commander of Mayer gave the order. I had no choice but to perform witchcraft, a roar of the earth, suddenly shaking the mountain, the whole nearby earth trembled violently, stunned most of the five hundred people at once, and the rest People were so scared that they lay on the ground and did not dare to move. I immediately rushed over with a hundred red guards, and killed when I saw people. In just a few blinks, 500 people were cut by more than half by us, and the others were scared to death. Now, we will run away."

"How am I willing to let these sinister blood barbarians escape, and immediately release a witchcraft wind whistling the world again, and the remaining two hundred people were immediately blown around and all fainted. Your Highness, do you know? What happened when we were about to kill those hundreds of people?"

Xiao Lang's expression was attentive, the true and the false were mixed, and the voices were mixed. He was startled by Yun Zishan, but he was suspicious but could not ask questions. He could only agree with him: "What happened?"

"Blood Red Moon is bringing the army!"

The **** Xiao Lang mysteriously leaned over, almost close to Yun Zishan's ears, and then suddenly opened her mouth and frightened her. Before she was ashamed, Xiao Lang sat back, and said solemnly, "You Knowing that nearly ten thousand army, surrounded from the front like locusts, how dangerous the scene was? The red guards were all scared to death, and the leader of Mayfair was immediately taken away by the two warlord guards. Originally, the monster chicken and I thought Run for life immediately, with our strength, even if the King of War comes to chase and kill it will be fine. But what about the one hundred red guards? He is a low strength, although he is an ordinary soldier, but I can’t just watch them die? So I did. A crazy decision was made, staying behind and interrupting the Red Moon Army, so that the Red Guard can escape!"

Yun Zishan's beautiful eyes became brighter, and he looked at Xiao Lang in admiration in unparalleled cooperation, with his chin in his hands, and exclaimed: "The young patriarch is really a hero, and Zishan admires it!"

Xiao Lang's face was red, and he waved his hands humbly and said, "The princess was ridiculous. Well, the situation was extremely urgent at the time. In desperation, I could only use my clan's witch **** forbidden technique, the group of demons danced! In an instant, the situation changed color, a powerful force. Built from the sky, the great mountain **** used his divine power to make the blood-red moon army insane, and hallucinations appeared in front of them and began to kill each other. Your Majesty, don’t you know, at that time I forced the forbidden technique, and my body was weak and vomit A few catties of blood. But at that time I saw the blood red moon. I knew the time was not to come again. I could only forcefully initiate witchcraft again. The wolf walks for thousands of miles. It turned into a quiet wind and floated into the army of ten thousand people, captured the enemy chief, and then the demon The chicken quickly took me and started running madly..."

Xiao Lang was still talking with eloquence, Yun Zishan was skeptical at first, but became more and more confused afterwards, and finally felt that Xiao Lang was talking nonsense.

What witch **** forbidden technique, what mountain god, what wolf walks a thousand miles is completely nonsense, such a powerful witchcraft in this world?

It's just that she couldn't say it clearly. She could only wait for Xiao Lang to finish speaking and say a few words of praise. Then she frowned and expressed her doubts: "Young patriarch, witchcraft is really so magical and Powerful? According to you, does this world really have gods?"

Xiao Lang froze for a moment, then became very angry, and said indifferently, "Of course! Your Royal Highness, you can question my witchcraft, but please don't question the great mountain god! If there is no **** in this world, how can our spirit be awakened?"

Yun Zishan was startled, confused, thinking of the miraculous soul awakening, and feeling that what Xiao Lang said seemed very reasonable.

Seeing Xiao Lang's sinking face, she hurriedly said with a smile: "Young patriarch, don't be angry. Zishan doesn't mean to question the mountain gods. I just doubt that the nobleman's witchcraft is so powerful, why the world has never heard of it before?"


Xiao Lang seemed to be still angry. He glanced lightly at Yun Zishan and said, "When my clan's witchcraft was the most powerful, it was ten thousand years ago. His Royal Highness had never heard of it. It was normal. If I hadn't possessed the True Spirit. Body, our witchcraft will still be known to the world!"

Yun Zishan became suspicious, Xiao Lang's expression was not fake, could he really have such a magical witchcraft? He blinked his big eyes quickly and asked, "What is the true spirit body, it seems to be very powerful?"

"It's not very powerful. The patriarch of our clan is the true spirit body. When his witchcraft reached its peak, he had killed three war emperors!"

Xiao Lang said lightly, and then suddenly stood up and said coldly: "My lord has said it for a long time, and it feels like your Royal Highness doesn't believe what I said? That being the case, the evil spirit is leaving!"

"Kill three war emperors!"

Yun Zishan's beautiful eyes were bright and scary in an instant. Seeing Xiao Lang walking outside, he quickly stood up, chased after him anxiously, and shouted, "Young patriarch, wait!"

Xiao Lang turned around, looking at Yun Zishan indifferently, and said, "What do you have to order?"

Yun Zishan was obviously very excited, her delicate body trembled slightly, and the small peaks on her chest were very alluring. She showed a pitiful look on her face, and said aggrievedly: "Don't be angry, the young patriarch, Zishan knew it was wrong. Shouldn't doubt the abilities of the young patriarch, Zishan is willing to apologize!"

Looking at Yun Zishan's pity, Xiao Lang sneered inwardly. Yun Zishan remained unchanged, still so snob. He was heard that he was the body of the true spirit, and the peak of witchcraft might be able to kill the war emperor, immediately put down his figure, and even put on the appearance of Renjun picking, just to win himself.