Demon Becoming the Lord

v3 Chapter 102: Spiritual Eruption


The eyes of the sea beast were already red, and they kept making strange screams. Xiao Lang gave orders to it through the grass vines, but it didn't listen at all, and rushed forward to bite a sea beast.

"what's the situation?"

Xiao Lang and Qing Ming looked at each other, and both of them were slightly frightened. What happened to the nearby sea area? Why would sea beasts riot?


Xiao Lang did not hesitate, because there were already several powerful sea beasts rushing here in the distance. The Heavenly Demon's combat skills were running. Xiao Lang let out a loud shout. His hands directly tore the body of the sea beast and shot out, Qing Ming followed closely Afterwards. Xu Mijie flashed, the Tianji chariot appeared immediately, and the two rushed into the chariot. The chariot immediately lit up a mask, and Xiao Lang controlled the chariot to rush toward the sea.

The deeper the sea, the more sea beasts, if you want to escape, you can only flee toward the sea.

"call out!"

An iron tail covered with black scales swept from a distance and hit the chariot in one stroke. The chariot was moved out several thousand meters and hit a small sea beast halfway.

"This... Xiao Langlang, what kind of treasure is your tank, if you attack it powerfully, it will be fine?"

Qing Ming was shocked when he saw it. When the sea snake-like sea beast's tail swept over, he thought he was bound to die. Now there is nothing to do? His body didn't move a bit.

"Master Qingming, don't worry about so much, immediately release the profound energy, stick it on the tank, and inject energy into the tank!"

Xiao Lang's face was dignified, his gaze shot everywhere, and Qing Ming explained to him that he continued to control the chariot to rush toward the sea. The sea beasts below are getting more violent. If the chariot is smashed, the two of them must be dead.

Qing Ming was stunned and quickly tried to release profound energy, but the mysterious energy in his body was absorbed by the chariot as soon as the hands surrounded by the profound energy touched the chariot.

He was shocked in his heart, but couldn't ask too much, so he could only absorb the profound energy he had cultivated so hard into the chariot.


A sea beast that looked like a monkey violently hit the tank with its head. The tank had just been smashed and flew out. A sea fish with sharp teeth and dozens of meters long rushed forward with red eyes and continued the tank. Hit and fly out.

There are sea beasts everywhere, their eyes are blood-red, and they all seem to have lost their wits, only knowing to attack like crazy. The chariot was smashed back and forth. Fortunately, Xiao Lang had injected a lot of profound energy some time ago. At this moment, Qing Ming continued to inject profound energy with enough energy. And the defense of the tank is very against the sky, so many sea beasts attacked nothing.

After bumping all the way, the tank finally broke through the air and flew into the air.


When he went out to the sea just now, Xiao Lang discovered something even more tragic. There were countless warriors from all directions, piercing the air towards this side. Although the dense fog blocked the line of sight, the screaming noise produced by the fast flight was incomparable. Obviously, and there was a loud shout of excitement all around.

"For more than a thousand years, the spirit veins in the Divine Soul Sea actually erupted again, hahaha!"

"It's actually the eruption of spirit veins? Haha, I don't know how many profound stones can be expelled this time? If you get me a heavenly grade profound stone, you will send it out!"

"Attention everyone, be careful of sea beasts attacking, beware of enemy attacks, and wait for the eruption of spiritual veins!"

"People from the Beigong family are here, please be careful!"

"Listen to the people in the Ye family, don't get close to our Feixue's house, or else kill them!"

With loud laughter and loud shouts, Xiao Lang probably sensed that there were four people in the four directions by his voice, and he seemed to be in the center of the four people...

He recalled the map, as if this sea area was indeed in the middle of the four islands, and his eyes flickered with a sigh of bad luck.

Spiritual eruption? Will spit out black stones?

Thinking of the words of those people, Xiao Lang's body shook, but at this moment, how could he think about profound stones? People from four directions were constantly approaching, and he was discovered that he might be finished. Black Hawk Island is not far from here. It would be even more dangerous if the people on Black Hawk Island ask people from nearby islands to hunt down together...

He gritted his teeth and controlled the chariot to rush down the sea again. Although there were a lot of sea beasts under the sea, they all lost their wits and would not all attack the chariot. He could still escape by going to the sea.

The sea water has become blood-red and blood-red, the sea beasts below are all biting into a ball, and they are attacking each other frantically. Toothed whales, tiger skin seals, three-eyed sea lions, horned sea snakes, blood-eyed oysters, highly poisonous squids, all kinds of strange-shaped underwater creatures, and many strange-shaped sea beasts that Xiao Lang has never seen, and sea beasts that emit light waves. , The sea beast that can spray black mist, and the spiky sea beast.

Haixia was completely messed up, and it was because of the mess that Xiao Lang was fortunate to be still alive.

The chariot bumped and bumped, like a ball, being smashed all the way down. There were sea beasts all around, and Xiao Lang couldn't choose his way. Wherever the level of sea beasts was low and where there were few sea beasts, he rushed over there.

The tens of thousands of warriors above the sea did not rush into the sea, which made Xiao Lang breathe a sigh of relief, but thinking of the chaos under the sea, those warriors did not dare to come down and die!

Qing Ming had already injected half of the profound energy he had accumulated for so long. Xiao Lang did not stop him, he could only continue to infuse his teeth. Fortunately, there was Qing Ming, otherwise even if Xiao Lang injected profound energy while fleeing, he was immediately afraid that the tank had run out of energy.

"Huh? No, there are three very powerful sea beasts fighting in front of me!"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly shrank. Although the sea water had become blurred, he could clearly feel the terrifying aura of the three huge sea beasts below.

Just about to turn around, a tail over several hundred meters wide had swept over, the chariot was immediately smashed into flight, and the light shield outside trembled slightly, the attack was obviously extremely domineering.

"call out!"

The chariot flew to one side immediately, Xiao Lang looked back with a lingering fear, and then immediately stopped the chariot, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Because he saw the body of a huge sea beast with a body more than several thousand meters long, it actually rolled a few times in the sea, and then floated up and down, the breath slowly disappeared!

Is this powerful sea beast dead? His eyes flashed and he had an idea, and the chariot turned around again and rushed towards the body of the huge sea beast.

"call out!"

The grass vine shot out like a lightning, and turned into a phantom to swallow in the body of the huge sea beast. Xiao Lang immediately put away the chariot and rushed into the sea beast corpse with Qingming Xiaobai.

He discovered a very strange phenomenon. Although the sea beasts on the bottom of the sea are attacking each other, as long as the sea beasts die, they will basically not attack when they lose their breath.

The corpse of this sea beast is so huge, even if a sea beast comes to bite the corpse, it can't be swallowed instantly, right? So hiding in the carcass of a sea beast should be safer for the time being.

Entering into the belly of the sea beast, Xiao Lang leaned out the grass vines, lurking in the sea beast's body, and probed the surroundings.

At this moment, an incomparably rich aura of heaven and earth rushed out of the seabed, and that aura was as rich as the pure energy in the magic stone, Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, could it be... the spiritual veins mentioned by those warriors Erupted? Is there really a black stone spraying out?