Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 106: Soul confusion

Xiao Lang naturally didn't know how to escape, his mind kept turning, and the survival of his heart made him feel a strong unwillingness! He has to go to Shen Kai Mansion to see the knife, he has to rescue Dongfang Hongdou's memory, and he has to take that lovely girl home, how could he die?

His heart roared and roared with rage. But how powerful is the Emperor Shengwei? It is still the Shengwei of two heavenly emperors, not to mention that he is the master of this city.

His ruthless sword can't be taken out, nor can the Supreme Chariot be taken out, but the grass cane can be released using mind control. The question is so powerful, can the grass and vines move?

"Xiao Lang, you are very good. Let so many of us follow you for so long and kill one of our heavenly emperors? Flee! Aren't you quite able to escape? Keep running!"

Following Feng Tiandi slowly walking towards Xiao Lang, his face was full of mockery. He saw the rage in Xiao Lang's eyes and the unwillingness in his heart. The more so, the more relieved he was. It seemed that Xiao Lang's killing of Emperor Mu Bai Tian was indeed accidental.

For safety's sake, Emperor Suifeng glanced at the other three heavenly emperors, and then directly released Tianli to shoot a pointed wind towards Xiao Lang's left leg.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and Xiao Lang's left leg bone was immediately broken. Although Suifeng Tiandi’s Shengwei was put away, the other Tiandi's Shengwei still enveloped the city, despite being shot by the wind. His body shook, Xiao Lang still couldn't move.

"call out!"

Another pointing wind came, and Xiao Lang broke his right leg, and his body was pressed directly down to his knees by the pressure of that long. The muscles on his face became slightly twisted, not because of the pain, but because of the infinite rage and unwillingness in his heart. The light in his eyes also became dark, like a lone wolf in the Jedi, silently Shouting, roaring!

"call out!"

One after another, the wind shot, hitting Xiao Lang's bones continuously. Emperor Suifeng didn't use too much power, he just broke Xiao Lang's bones, otherwise, with the strength of Emperor Suifeng, a random attack could kill Xiao Lang.

Soon, Xiao Lang's whole body bones were shattered. He was the same as last time. Even if there is no Shengwei covering his body, he can't move! Had it not been for Shengwei, he would be limp on the ground at the moment.

"call out!"

One of the four heavenly emperors suddenly shot two translucent electric snakes in his eyes. As soon as the electric snake hit Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly became confused, as if his soul was in confusion at this moment.

"It's done!"

The four of Suifeng Tiandi completely relaxed. The electric snake Suifeng Tiandi knew very well that this was a very powerful auxiliary supernatural power of that Tiandi, and the soul was confused. As long as the soul is not hit by his powerful martial artist, the soul will be completely confused in a short time, without a clear consciousness, Xiao Lang is now completely threatened.

The four of them looked at each other, and there was a mockery at the corners of their mouths, as if they were making a fuss! Emperor Mu Bai Tian was killed by Xiao Lang in a second, making the four of them too nervous, the stronger the stronger, the more afraid of death. Heavenly emperors live for hundreds of years. The four emperors present are the palace masters of the big mansion except for the wind, and they are the absolute masters in their own domains, and they can enjoy the glory and wealth. Suifeng Tiandi was more unrestrained with the larch with his back, and now he was instinctively more cautious.

"Emperor Leng Xiao, go and catch Xiao Lang!"

Suifeng Tiandi said to the Tiandi who shot out his soul confusion. That day the emperor's complexion became stiff, but he did not dare to show his inner curse, he could only pretend to be nonchalant and walk towards Xiao Lang slowly.

"Oh...the current emperor is getting less courageous. Without a heart to move forward, how can one attain the great path? To become the supreme emperor? A little Xiao Lang actually scared them like this. I'm afraid this matter will spread. Let countless warriors laugh out loud!"

In a nearby attic, there was a beautiful woman sitting. What was so strange was that the warriors in the city could not move, but she could still drink tea leisurely. The attic was a little far away from the place where Xiao Lang was, and there were curtains on the windows of the attic, so you couldn't see the inside at all, otherwise the Emperor Suifeng and others would be surprised.

The woman didn't look outside, her eyes drooped, her curved eyelashes trembled and her brows were slightly frowned, as if she was a little tangled.

"Can't you save it?"

The woman is naturally Mrs. Yan, the owner of Liuyan Pavilion in Hongdi City. She has been to Qingzhou Mansion a long time ago. It is not accidental that she can sit here at this moment. After she came to Qingzhou Mansion, she didn't look for Xiao Lang, but locked the Emperor Suifeng. Just now, she discovered that Emperor Feng Tian was teleporting towards Qingmu City, and immediately tore the void to Qingmu City and appeared in this attic.

She flies through the void faster than teleportation. She could have taken Xiao Lang away for the first time, but she hesitated at that moment. At this moment, Emperor Leng Xiao walked towards Xiao Lang slowly, about to catch him, Mrs. Yan He hesitated even more.

Xiao Lang fell into the hands of Emperor Luo Ye, and the ending would certainly not be too wonderful. If she makes a move now, she is not 100% sure that she will offend the larch, and she will definitely be scolded by Ouyang's old man after returning...

"If you save Xiao Lang, you can get a way into and out of the abyss of death. The naive will not be sad, and you can recruit this geek! But he completely offended the Fallen Emperor. Tianzhou was already surging. This matter might cause two parties. A big battle of forces, oh... it's really a headache!"

Mrs. Yan sighed again, but Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly appeared in her mind. Those eyes were not reconciled, and those eyes that looked like lone wolves. Her eyes suddenly opened, and she murmured: "Fine, nothing, for so many years, do you encounter a man who looks like Liu Lang, Ouyang Lengyan, you will be crazy again!"

Before the sound fell, Mrs. Yan's jade hands suddenly tore the space. In the next second, a space crack suddenly appeared beside Xiao Lang. A jade hand came out and grabbed Xiao Lang's shoulder.


The four Suifeng Tiandi immediately reacted. At this moment, Leng Xiao Tiandi was only less than ten meters away from Xiaolang, and the other three were not easy to attack. Suifeng Tiandi immediately burst into a shout: "Leng Xiao Tiandi, do it!"

"Flying across the void? A member of the Ouyang family!"

Emperor Leng Xiao originally wanted to do it, but he saw that it was the supernatural power of Flying Through the Void, and the aura in the crack was definitely the Emperor of Heaven, the only people from the Ouyang family. He hesitated for a while, until he heard the loud shout of Emperor Suifeng before waking up.

"call out!"

The two electric snakes immediately turned into lightning and went towards the crack. Xiao Lang had already been caught into the crack of space. He could only stop them by confusing the soul of the emperor that day.

Two electric snakes flashed and hit the master of that jade hand very accurately. Madam Yan's body trembled, but she was forcibly enduring the chaos of her soul, and her body shone through a few void spaces with a flash of electricity, and then directly tore the space and flew away with Xiao Lang.

As soon as she flew out of the space crack, Mrs. Yan finally couldn't stand it, her eyes became confused and her body was completely out of control. Xiao Lang was even more unbearable. He hadn't been sober all the time. He was **** and confused, and his eyes looked confused like a drunken drunk.

The two of them were like two kites with broken wires, falling down diagonally from the air, and finally fell directly into a jungle below, shocking the countless small beasts nearby and fleeing.


[Author's digression]: There are only four chapters today, and I just came back, a little tired!