Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 119: friend

Fengxue Pavilion is a good hotel in the east of the city. It was almost night, and the streets were full of traffic and lively. Countless princes and young ladies angered horses in fresh clothes, while browsing the scenery in the city, while walking slowly.

"call out!"

At the other end of the street, a fast running figure caught the attention of the pedestrians on the street. It stands to reason that if you are in a hurry, you can fly fast in mid-air and run around on the street.

However, everyone felt that it was a warrior who practiced the combat skills of the Heavenly Demon, all of them suddenly realized but also secretly contempted. There is no future in cultivating the combat skills of the Heavenly Demon. Although this person has reached the fourth level of speed, it is nothing.

This person was wearing a cyan battle armor, which was shining with a dark blue light. At first glance, he was not a common product. His whole body including his face was enveloped in the battle armor, only a pair of eager and excited eyes were revealed. He was very fast, flashing from left to right on the street, turning into a breeze, and shooting directly towards Fengxue Pavilion.

There were two guards outside the Fengxue Pavilion. When they saw Xiao Lang, they would rush inside. They quickly stopped, and one of them said politely: "My lord, hello! Our shop has been fully packaged. Please change your accommodation to another house! "

"Go away!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were cold, and he shouted, "My son is here to see Miss Hongdou!"

"Miss Red Bean?"

The two waiters looked suspicious, and one of them replied respectfully: "Miss Hongdou, Young Master Heiqi and others have already gone to the auction! Son, today is the day of the auction. Why are you here to see Miss Hongdou now? ?"


Xiao Lang was stunned and dumbfounded for an instant. He just asked about Dongfang Hongdou and Mu Xiaodao. He didn't know that today was the day of the auction. He glanced coldly at the two of them, and made sure that he was not lying, Xiao Lang said haha: "Oh, my son drank too much last night, he is still confused at the moment, and forgot it! If Miss Red Bean comes back, Tell this young man and say...Lone wolf young man came to him!"

After saying that Xiao Lang strode away, his heart was extremely urgent. There is another change? The auction is the finale of the Exotic Treasure Fair. Fortunately, I came quickly. If it is a day or two late, I guess it would be a waste of time.

After walking around in the street, Xiao Lang hesitated, waiting for the auction to end nearby? Or go to the auction venue to take away Dongfang Hongdou directly? The problem is...the auction venue is likely to have a strong Emperor.

In the end, Xiao Lang decided to go to the auction venue immediately. Knowing that Dongfang Hongdou was close at hand, he could only wait here stupidly. This made him very uncomfortable and lived like years. Go to the auction venue, if there is a strong emperor, just don't do it, you can still pursue it all the way to find the most suitable mobile hand.

Finding a passerby and asking for the address of the auction, Xiao Lang immediately rushed away. The location of the auction venue is very easy to find because it is on the second floor of the City Lord’s Mansion in the square.


When Xiao Lang arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, he was dumbfounded again.

"Please show your invitation card!"

There were dozens of guards outside the city lord's mansion. Before Xiao Lang approached, several guards walked up and locked Xiao Lang with cold eyes.

Xiao Lang has a fart invitation. He can only pretend to be stupid and said: "My son forgot to bring the invitation. How many brothers will give me a face? This black stone invites everyone to drink!"

Xiao Lang took out a handful of profound stones, at least nearly a hundred. The eyes of a squad leader among the guards suddenly shined, but he still said in a pity, "My son, sorry! No one can enter without the invitation!"

"My son is a big customer. I have millions of profound stones on my body. If you don't let my son in, it is your loss to the auction house!"

Xiao Lang continued to speak with the tyrant, then glanced at a steward at the far gate, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you go and ask your sir?"

The team leader shook his head and said resolutely: "Sorry, this young man, please leave. No invitation, no guarantee, no one is allowed to enter, this is an order from Emperor Xian himself!"

Xiao Lang was gone, and his heart was like an ant on a hot pot. It is estimated that this auction will be at least late at night, but he can only wait outside. This is a torment for him.


At this moment, a large group of people came in the distance. A group of strong people guarded a young man and a young lady came slowly. Xiao Lang's eyes swept away and suddenly lit up.

He saw an acquaintance, Ouyang was naive!

Ouyang has grown childishly and tall, but still a beautiful little loli, like an elf in the jungle. At this moment, she is looking around excitedly with her big eyes open, with a mischievous expression on her face.

Xiao Lang hesitated. The last time he went to Hongdi City to submit a greeting note with Broken Shoes, the little princess did not see them and seemed to have forgotten her "friend." People who just drive away?

Ouyang's naive status and honorable status, with her guarantee that this auction site would naturally be able to enter the auction, Xiao Lang finally decided to give it a try. Of course, he also has a little extravagant hope, hoping that Ouyang naive will still treat him as a friend, even the most ordinary kind.

"Little naive, do you still remember Xiao Lang of the Lost Mountain?"

Xiao Lang's mind locked Ouyang's childishness, and quickly passed through.

Although Xiao Lang changed his face, his voice did not change, and he famously told Ouyang Naozhi his own name. If she still recognizes her as a friend, she must meet him.


Ouyang's childish reaction was a bit unexpected to Xiao Lang! As soon as the sound transmission fell, Ouyang's childish and petite body trembled abruptly, and then his gaze suddenly turned towards Xiao Lang, shocked, ecstatic, and unbelievable in those big watery eyes.

"Little naive, she didn't... forget me!"

Xiao Lang's body trembled at this moment. He understood everything from these eyes. Looking at the big eyes that had been shrouded in mist, his eyes became slightly moist.

He woke up immediately and didn't dare to show too much. Instead, he strode towards Ouyang naively and shouted from afar: "Miss Ouyang, Miss Ouyang, I am the son of a lone wolf. Oh, I can meet you here. , That’s great! I forgot the invitation, so I just asked the young lady to protect me and let me enter the auction!"


The strong man of Ouyang's emperor immediately became alert, and a martial artist of the emperor's peak yelled loudly. What bird boy? Hidden head and show tail, still want Ouyang childish guarantee? Does this person want to enter the auction room crazy?

A cold light flashed in Ouyang Xie's eyes, how naive is Ouyang? How can ordinary sons qualify to make friends? As for the famous son Ouyang Xie, he had never heard of this **** lone wolf son.

"Get out, this is my friend!"

Ouyang naively was a little excited and even choked up, but an unusually sure voice sounded. Ouyang's guards were all dumbfounded, and Ouyang Xie's brows were instantly twisted into the word Sichuan.


The weight of this word is not light!

Ouyang naively disregarded everyone's doubts, quickly walked out, grabbed Xiao Lang's arm, still full of excitement, opened his eyes in disbelief and said, "Big Brother, really you? Naive didn't dream, right?"



[Author's digression]: Yes, there must be another chapter today, update before 12 o'clock!