Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 120: Buy a raincoat!

Hearing this familiar title of "Big Brother", Xiao Lang's eyes moistened again. The little naivety was still the little naive he used to be, or the mischievous little naive, who he guarded and slept directly without regard to anything.

"Big Brother Xiao Lang, you are the naive first friend!"

The childish words of the past reverberated in his ears, and now looking at these excited eyes, Xiao Lang was very pleased. He nodded heavily, and whispered with great certainty: "I am the little naive, and you still treat me as a friend. I am really happy!"

"Sorry, big brother!"

Hearing Xiao Lang’s words, Ouyang Naive knew that the last time Xiao Lang went to Hongdi City, the family blocked Xiao Lang from misunderstanding, his eyes were filled with apologies, and then he whispered very firmly: "You must be a naive friend for a lifetime. friend!"

Xiao Lang nodded again but didn't say much, because he already felt the coldness in the eyes of Ouyang Xie and a group of guards behind him, and he quickly said loudly, "Miss Ouyang, can you help me guarantee it? I want to go into the auction room to take a shot. Important things, trouble you!"

Ouyang naively acted very cooperatively: "Little things, little things, alone... the son, let us go!"

Ouyang Xie's eyes were filled with surprise, but he couldn't remember Xiao Lang's true identity for a while, and it was not easy to investigate now, so he could only lock Xiao Lang on alert. The group of guards was even more nervous, and only breathed a sigh of relief after Ouyang's naive return. This little ancestor is the old man's darling, and they will die by the slightest.

"Big brother, don't run around when the auction is over, you will follow Naive to go back, Naive has a lot to say to you!"

Xiao Lang followed the crowd, naively and deliberately came over. Although Ouyang is naive and mischievous, he can also tell the seriousness of the matter. Seeing Xiao Lang conceal his identity, he pretends. In addition, Xiao Lang had come out of the abyss of death, and there must be a big secret hidden. It was inconvenient to talk at this moment, and he didn't dare to be too swagger.

Xiao Lang didn't dare to reply. He didn't have time to reminisce with the childishness right now, and maybe he would take Dongfang Hongdou directly across the void and leave. Then he was hunted down by countless emperors, for fear that he would never know if he could meet again.

As for asking the people of Ouyang's family to help Xiao Lang, I don't want to. One is that there is no habit of being sent to others, and the other is that she is so naive, no matter how noble her status is, how can such a small girl influence the big people in the family? Moreover, he is still entangled with Mrs. Yan, but the lady who sees him will kill him...

With Ouyang's childish protection, even a beggar can enter, and a group of people walked into the city lord's mansion and went directly to the second floor!

The City Lord's Mansion is very large, and the second floor is specially designed for the auction house. There are not too many locations but nearly 10,000 locations. The two positions are separated by half a meter wide, and a small table is placed next to it, on which exquisite tea, wine and snacks are placed.

Xiao Lang glanced away, and he discovered that there was a middle floor on the second floor, with nearly a hundred accords on it, with bead curtains hanging in front of the accords, and the names of the distinguished guests sitting inside or their families were marked below.

"Prince Demon... Ouyang Family... Master Yixuan... God Armor Family? Will the knife be in it?"

Xiao Lang looked all the way, his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the four characters of Shen Kai Family. It's just a pity that there is a bead curtain in front of the Accord, which cuts off his sight, only to see some people in a blur.

"Big Brother Xiao Lang, go upstairs to the Accord first, naive, and remember our agreement!"

Ouyang's childish voice transmission arrived, awakening Xiao Lang, and he nodded quickly. Ouyang Naozhi and Ouyang Xie walked from the corridor with a group of guards to the upper accord.

When everyone left, Xiao Lang's eyes swept across the crowd to find Dongfang Hongdou. As a result, he was very surprised. Many people sitting on the second floor were princes and young ladies. There were also a few guards from various families sitting beside him. He swept it three or four times, but he didn't find Dongfang Hongdou.

Suddenly, his gaze was looking upwards, sweeping through the accomodations. When he saw a sign hanging in front of an Accord with the six characters "Miss Oriental Red Bean", he shuddered instantly.

He kept his eyes wide open, trying to see clearly the dream-crawling figure in the Accord. Unfortunately, the bead curtains were extremely dense, and the light in the Accord was very dim. It is estimated that there were some prohibitions, and Xiao Lang could not see clearly. Silhouettes inside.

He lowered his head and his eyes flickered, wondering whether to find an excuse to go to Dongfang Hongdou's Accord, find her and immediately kill someone from the Black Scale family, and then take her to fly across the void and leave.


At this moment, seven or eight people poured in from the door, Xiao Lang quickly stepped aside, and his eyes suddenly shrank, because the group headed by this group of people turned out to be a powerful emperor.

"Can't do it!"

That day the emperor took a group of people to the upper accord, but Xiao Lang was bitter and secretly thanked, but fortunately he didn't do it. Who knows how many Heavenly Emperor powerhouses lurking in the above Accord, I am afraid that with one hand, the Emperor Shengwei will immediately envelop him that day. If you dare to do it in the auction house, Emperor Xian will never show mercy. No one will save him in this world!

"This son, please inside, you can find a place to sit anywhere."

Not far away, one of the several maids walked up and saw Xiao Lang standing alone at the door, and quickly said respectfully. Although the gate is large and does not affect people's access, it is always bad for Xiao Lang to stand there to influence it.

Xiao Lang had no choice but to walk inside, waiting for the end of the auction, and then looking for a chance to do something. Finding a corner at random, Xiao Lang sat down and waited for the auction to begin.

Several people were sitting together not far ahead, talking in a low voice. Xiao Lang's hearing was very good and he could hear clearly. He listened to a few words, and immediately focused on the sound. It's always good to be able to inquire about some intelligence, and it might be helpful to his actions.

"Have you heard? This time, there are countless ancient treasures appearing, and many of them have a trace of the imprint of heaven, which is very powerful!"

"Hey, my son has made inquiries early. I brought a million profound stones this time, just to take a picture of a treasure with the imprint of the Heavenly Dao, so I can go back and study it and understand the Heavenly Dao inside!"

"Millions of profound stones? Brother Liu, you should ask your uncle to prepare thousands of profound stones for you. It is said that the final treasure of this time, but the fire clothes, it is one of the top ten treasures in the world!"

"Ten Thousand Profound Stones... kill me! You don't know the strength of our family. Ten Thousand Profound Stones are afraid to sell our family's business!"

"Don't think about it, everyone, Lord Mandrill has already released his words, he is determined to win this hot clothing. And... I also heard that he is going to propose this raincoat like Miss Dongfang Hongdou. It is said that Miss Hongdou likes this raincoat very much. It is estimated that as soon as this raincoat is given to her, she will definitely agree to Master Mandrill’s proposal. The Demon Family is one of the top ten families. I think Master Mandrill prepared at least ten million profound stones this time..."


Hearing this, Xiao Lang's head suddenly exploded, and the following words were completely inaudible.

The sons of the top ten families want to propose marriage like Dongfang Hongdou? And listening to the tone, Dongfang Hongdou still has a good impression of this Mandriller? A treasure might marry him?

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly seemed to have knocked over a five-flavored bottle, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, everything tasted. Even though Dongfang Hongdou's memory was sealed, he still felt it was not a taste.

A thought suddenly surged in his heart, this bird raincoat must not be photographed by Lord Mandrill. He wants to buy this raincoat and give it to Hongdou. Since Hongdou likes it, even if he sells all the treasures on his body, he will not hesitate to sell the Supreme Chariot...


[Author's digression]: Chapter 5 is here!