Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 152: Resurrection

The cemetery of Xiao Budie and that of Emperor Xiao Qing and his wife are side by side, both in the Qing Emperor Pavilion. The courtyard of the Qingdi Pavilion is not large, so ordinary people are not qualified to go in, only a group of people brought by Xiao Lang from the Soul City walked in.

Xiao Lang's gaze fell on the two piles of graves, and he saw that the tombs were all neatly laid out with bluestone, and the courtyard was also very clean. There were always candles burning in front of the graves. Obviously Xiao Buhuo felt ashamed in his heart over the years. Renovated.


What made everyone startled was that the first person to kneel down turned out to be Xiao Buhuo. He cried out "Immortality" and knelt down in front of Xiao Budie's grave. He bowed and said nothing, just his face. Tears kept streaming down, his body trembled slightly, as if trying to suppress his inner emotions.

Dongfang Bai and Wei Shui Liu looked at each other, secretly saying that Xiao Buzhu was still smart, this kneeling, and doing it this way, let alone Xiao Lang forgiving them, at least he wouldn't continue to trouble the Xiao family!

In fact, Xiao Lang had never thought of making trouble with the Xiao family, otherwise he would take action when he saw Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Kuang. Maybe it was because he had gone through too many things in these years, maybe he didn't want to make his grandpa sad.

He has always known that Xiao Budie cares about the Xiao family very much, and hopes that he will bring the Xiao family to the prosperity. So Xiao Qingyi asked Xiao Buhuo to find Xiao Qinglong and the others, but he didn't say a word.

It doesn't matter whether Xiao Buhuo is really guilty and repentant, he just looked at Xiao Budie's grave in a daze. The short and thin figure appeared in his mind. This old man was extremely domineering and tyrannical, and he had been spoiling him under pressure.


He finally knelt down and kowtowed to Xiao Budie. Xiao Qingyi also knelt down in tears and knelt down. As for the knife, Mrs. Zen, Dongfang Hongdouya and the others had already knelt down.

Xiao Lang's kneeling made the Yin Emperor and Dongfang Bai Nishui Liu a little embarrassed. According to his generation, the Yin Emperor was still the elder of Xiao Budie. In the tomb in front, Emperor Xiao Qing and his wife were also buried together, and they were even younger generations. Nixueming is still the daughter of the upstream...

It is not good for them not to kneel, nor is it good to kneel!

"Grandpa Dongfang, you should go back first. We will have to check in at your house later. You can make arrangements. I will accompany grandpa and father here!"

Xiao Lang's voice sounded, letting Dongfang Bai breathe a sigh of relief. Xiao Lang also asked Hongdou to go home first to see their parents. Mrs. Xiaodao Zen Laoya asked them to leave, but Xiao Qingyi and him were left standing by the grave.

When everyone left, Xiao Qingyi showed a faint smile, walked between the two tombs, stroked the tombstones with both hands, and sighed softly: "Father, brother and sister-in-law, Lang'er is back! He did not disappoint you, help Your revenge is also promising, you can smile at Jiuquan!"

Xiao Lang walked to Xiao Budie's grave and sighed softly, "Master, Qianxun has already cut off all the heads of the blood sect and brought them back. I will definitely bring back the heads of Yun Feiyang and his daughter. You are bent on Xiao. Home, I won’t trouble the Xiao family, you can rest assured. Of course, I don’t want this Xiao family either. I will go to Tianzhou to create a Xiao family. You are in the sky and you can watch the new Xiao family in Tianzhou. Continue to grow and become a super family, Megatron Tianzhou."

Tears fell from the corners of Xiao Qingyi's eyes, but the corners of her mouth smiled beautifully, like a weeping lily. She closed her eyes and stopped talking, Xiao Lang was also silent, and the two stood in the Qingdi Pavilion for a long time.

After a long time, Xiao Lang spoke again: "Auntie, do you want to move the tomb to the Yinzong? Or to Tianzhou?"

Xiao Qingyi shook his head and said, "Your grandfather is the most important clan. If you take him away, he will be unhappy!"

It seems that because Xiao Lang mentioned the hidden sect, Xiao Qingyi remembered something, his face suddenly dimmed, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes. At that moment, Xiao Qingyi seemed to be ten years old, and even his body shook slightly and almost fell.

Xiao Lang was shocked, and immediately thought of walking alone, and said quickly: "Auntie, I know a lot of big people in Tianzhou. The knife family is also the second largest super family in Tianzhou. Later we will bring the ice coffin of the adoptive father. Going to Tianzhou, the remnant soul of the foster father is still there, and the body has been frozen all the time. I ask a big man to take action, and the foster father will definitely be resurrected!"

"Really?" Xiao Qingyi's eyes lit up and asked suspiciously.


Xiao Lang said firmly. Of course, he had no bottom in his heart. He was just comforting Xiao Qingyi. On the surface, he said confidently: "Auntie, you don't know how strong the strongest people in Tianzhou are? They can do it with one palm. Destroying the Divine Soul Continent is even more capable of possessing incredible magical powers. The remnant soul of the foster father is still there and it will definitely be resurrected!

"Yeah!" Xiao Qingyi nodded, there was another look in her eyes.

Xiao Lang looked at Xiao Qingyi's face, and he secretly vowed that he would find a way to save his life when he returned to Tianzhou. Otherwise, seeing Xiao Qingyi like this, even if he didn't seek death, he was afraid that he would not live long.

Xiao Qingyi's life was too hard. When he was still a young lady, Xiao Budie was suppressed by Longhushan and Xiao Qingdi and his wife were killed. She was left out of the cold by the Xiao family, leading Xiao Lang to travel far away, and was constantly chased and killed by the Black Dragon Association. Finally, Xiao Budie came out and fell in love with Du Guxing. In the end, Xiao Budie died, and Du Guxing died too...

Now Xiao Lang has a good life, and his revenge has been avenged. All the worries in her heart are gone. Xiao Lang is very clear about Xiao Qingyi's character. If she can't save her life by herself, she really...may die!

The two stayed in the Qingdi Pavilion for a while, and went straight away. Xiao Buhuo and a group of senior Xiao family were waiting outside, not daring to stay, and there was no face to stay. Leaving the Xiao Family Courtyard, Xiao Lang took Xiao Qingyi into the carriage prepared by Dongfang Bai and went straight to the Dongfang Courtyard.

The Dongfang Family Courtyard was very lively, everyone who was qualified to come came, and the whole thing spread, and the entire emperor had a huge earthquake.

After Heifei established the dynasty, the empress Feiyu also became the empress of the Soul Continent, and began to secretly suppress the other two dynasties. If you say the worst is the war dynasty, because here was the hometown of Xiao Lang. If it weren't for Xiao Lang to come back quickly, I'm afraid that within a year or two, the four super families of the top ten families in the imperial capital would be gone. People like Chamu Nicanglong Yafeier and others had a good relationship with Xiao Lang back then, and were left out by countless people for fear of causing trouble.

Xiao Lang returned strongly and killed the Hei Fei, or did he return from the Black Scale Family's teleportation formation? Although many people are extremely confused, in any case, Xiao Lang is now the king of Soul Land. And also heard... Xiao Lang is going to establish a new dynasty? Make his former guard Chihiro the emperor?

And when the night was very dark, when Qianxun brought a group of war emperors back, carrying countless heads of people, the emperor capital was even more shocked. With so many heads, could it be that... the blood sect and the blood dynasty powerful royal family were all killed?

Even though Yun Feiyang and Yun Zishan are gone, there are a lot of people in the Yun family, and the children of the Zuo family are even more terrified. Is Xiao Lang preparing to cleanse the whole soul continent?