Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 153: Deputy Governor

Xiao Lang naturally didn't plan to kill too many people. Enmity must be embraced, and the main evil must be killed. As for things like affiliation with the Nine Clan, he couldn't do it, and even at the moment he didn't even have the intention of making trouble for the Zuo family.

Maybe it's that the status of strength is too high at this moment, and it feels a bit boring to kill these little people, or it may be that he can see some old friends at this moment, which makes him feel much better.

In the backyard of the Dongfang family, Xiao Lang was sitting with Cha Mu Ni Cang Long Ya Feier and drinking.

These three have the best relationship with him among the younger generation, especially Chamu and Longyafeier are absolute friends. What surprised him was that Longya Feier actually married Ni Cang? This made him feel a little strange.

Of course he has no affection for Longya Feier, although he accidentally saw her...the way she was bathing. However, in his heart, he still regarded Longyafeier as a younger sister, and was really happy for her at the moment, because Ni Cang was a good husband.

Long Ya Fei'er and Ni Cang were a bit embarrassed, although Long Ya Fei'er had always been a little ignorant of Xiao Lang, which was between friendship and love. It was just that Xiao Lang was chased by the Black Scale Family into the Divine Soul Sea. Everyone believed that he was bound to die, because so many people walked into the Divine Soul Sea and none of them returned.

During this period of time, because of their relationship with Xiao Lang, she and Cha Mu Ni Cang were each left out by the clan emperor's sons and ladies, and the three major families were also suppressed. The three of the same sick and pity often drink together. Cha Mu is already engaged to Nangong Youyou. Slowly, Long Yafeier and Ni Cang get together. Long Ya Ruo is also very satisfied. How can you say that there is still a current against the current in Nijia?

Xiao Lang didn't know the right and wrong of the grievances. He took out three weapons, two swords and a war knife from Xumi Ring, threw them on the table and said, "Congratulations, Brother Ni Cang, Miss Feier, your wedding. No, you have one of these three weapons each, as a gift for your wedding!"

"This is the kind of super weapon Chihiro has? Good thing!"

Nicang's eyes lit up, he immediately picked up a long sword and looked at it with sorrow, feeling the aura revealed in the long sword, making Nicang feel like his blood was frozen.

"Wow, Xiao Lang is still a friend!"

Although Longya Feier was married, it was no different from the original. She also grabbed a long sword and danced a few sword flowers in the air, very happy.

But Chamu pouted and said, "Younger Lang, you don't pay attention to it. Why do they have two for the couple, and I only have one!"

"You kid!"

Xiao Lang chuckled, knowing that Cha Mu was joking, but he felt that when he was young, the sincere friendship between friends made him very enjoyable.

He smiled faintly: "Chamu, I have set up a territory in Tianzhou, and no one manages it now. Don't you know how to manage things? Did you help me in the past?"

"Me? Mansion?"

Chamu was taken aback, and then asked: "How big is that mansion? It's too big for me to manage. There is not much population? How big is it than Soul Land?"

This time it was Xiao Lang's turn for a moment. They had never been to Tianzhou, which was hard to explain. He just roughly said: "I don’t know how big it is. But Blackscale Mansion, that’s wrong... Now I am changed to Divine Soul Mansion! Divine Soul Mansion has about hundreds of thousands of domains like Divine Soul Continent. As for the Soul Mansion itself, it is about the size of a million Soul Soul Continent!"


Chamu slid down directly from the stool, Nicang and Longyafei'er were also shocked by fright, their mouths were wide open, and they swallowed their saliva later, breathing extremely fast.

"That's great..."

Xiao Lang glanced at Chamu contemptuously, smiled, and continued: "There are hundreds of thousands of cities in the Divine Soul Mansion, and there are millions of people in each of them. Um...the lowest strength is about the war emperor! Hefei is everywhere in the realm of kings, and there are probably hundreds of thousands of people in the big city families of the human emperor warriors. How about? Dare to be the deputy chief of the palace? If I dare to find someone else! "

Xiao Lang and Cha Mu are the best friends, Xiao Lang has always believed in him, and Cha Mu has not let him down. Cha Mu is very capable, and his character is even more difficult to say. Xiao Lang had always been having a headache for the management of the Black Scale Mansion, it was impossible to trouble Mu Xingye forever, right?

That's why I have such an idea at this moment. As for Dongfang Bai and the others, Xiao Lang never thought of letting them out of the mountain. After all, they are old and lacking energy, Xiao Lang also wants them to enjoy the fortune, after all, it is not so easy to manage the big palace.

Cha Mu was silent, but Nicang's eyes lit up, but his relationship with Xiao Lang was not as good as Cha Mu, and it was not easy to speak at this moment. After a while, Cha Mu gritted his teeth and said, "I dare to dare, but my strength, I am afraid that I can't hold the place, so many strong people will not agree!"

"There is nothing to refuse!"

Xiao Lang waved his hand domineeringly: "Now that no one in the Soul Mansion dares to resist, I will also send you the strong to protect, and those who refuse to obey will be killed. Of course... your strength is a little bit low. When you go to Tianzhou, the profound stone technique can magically power you. I will give you as much as you want, and whether you can improve your understanding, of course, you have to take care of the Soul Mansion for me!"

There was a trace of determination in Chamu's eyes, and he burst into tears: "Okay, let's go! It's fun to follow Young Master Lang, there is nothing fun about this little Soul Land!"

Nicang's eyes are brighter. He has already found out that Xiao Lang is extremely powerful at this moment. It is said that in the vast Tianzhou, no one dares to provoke him? Being able to go to Tianzhou is a golden avenue with boundless prospects for Nijia and for himself. It's just that at this moment, I'm really ashamed to speak, it's impossible to say Xiao Lang, you take me there too?

Long Ya Feier looked at Xiao Lang with a complicated expression. She guessed Ni Cang's thoughts, and then gritted her teeth and said: "Xiao Lang, take our couple to Tianzhou for fun?"

Xiao Lang glanced at Ni Cang with a smile, and nodded: "You want to go, even if you go, I didn't stop it. Turning around, let Chamu arrange a city lord to sit with Ni Cang! Um... As for the Dongfang family and the Ni family. , I will go talk with the two grandpas later!"

"Hey, it's better to be brother Langshao!" Ni Cang rubbed his hands and swallowed a few spit, the city lord of Tianzhou! Isn't it that he has tens of millions of black money under his own power? Thinking about it, he felt like he was in a dream.

Now that he thought of the Dongfang family and Ni family's resettlement, Xiao Lang immediately got up and walked towards the inner hall, wanting to make arrangements as soon as possible so that he could take Duguxing's body to Tianzhou and think of a way to resurrect Duguxing as soon as possible.

Walking into the inner hall, a group of people were sitting in it happily, but Xiao Qingyi, the lady of Dongfang Hongdouya, was not there. It is estimated that they would chat with the parents in the rest of the courtyard.

The Dongfang family, the Ni family, the tea family, the Nangong family... The ten big families in the city are here, and of course... Xiao Buhuo is cheeky and sits on the side with a dry smile, Chihiro is also inside, looking at him constantly smiling . As soon as Xiao Lang came in, except Emperor Yin Dongfang Bai, stood up nervously and looked at Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang's gaze swept away, and finally fixed his gaze on Yin Emperor Dongfang Bai and Wei Shui Liu, and said: "Yin Emperor, two grandpas, I have already given Qianxun to the Divine Soul Continent. I once promised him to be his dynasty. Lord. This way... The Black Scale Mansion I am currently attacking has hundreds of thousands of domains like the Soul Continent. If the Hidden Sect and your two families want it, I can give you dozens of them. Of If you want to go to Tianzhou for development, you can do it. Tianzhou is like a cloud and there are thousands of races. Various treasures, opportunities and dangers coexist. Going to Tianzhou is an opportunity, and it may also bring disaster to the hidden sect and the Dongfang family. But in ten years, you don’t have to worry. No one in Tianzhou should dare to provoke me. In these ten years, I will also speed up my practice. As long as I don’t die, the hidden sect and your family will prosper and stay forever."


The Yin Emperor, Niu Shui Liu and Dongfang Bai's eyes were suddenly bright as stars, with Xiao Lang present, it would be difficult for the Yin Sect and the two families not to develop. As for Xiao Buhuo and the other clan chiefs, they all looked at Xiao Lang more eagerly. Especially Xiao Buhuan, he himself felt that at this moment, he was like a dog wandering his tail, only for the Xiao family, he could only save his old face...


[Author's digression]: There is a chapter later, which can be updated before 11 o'clock!

As for the reason, it’s okay, the old demon usually updates it at 8 o'clock in the morning!