Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 154: Fierce Beast Riot

Xiao Lang explained that he asked Dongfang Baiyin to make his own decision against the current, but he ignored the other patriarchs, except for the Cha Family, who was not familiar with it. Cha Mu transferred to Tianzhou, and his family would arrange it himself.

He is not a philanthropist, he has a lot of things, and it is impossible to manage the life and death of others. As for Qianxun being the emperor of the Soul Land, he really believes that Qianxun will not mess around. Of course, it is estimated that there will be more harem concubines. Many...

Ignoring the dry gazes of Xiao Buhuo and others, Xiao Lang indifferently walked into the back courtyard, looking for Dongfang Hongdou. Led by the maid, Xiao Lang came to a courtyard. In the courtyard, Dongfang Hongdou and her mother were sitting around and chatting together, but Xiao Qingyi and Madam Ya were not in the courtyard, and apparently went back to rest.

"Hello Auntie!"

Xiao Lang saluted Hong Dou's mother very politely. Hong Dou did not look like her mother, but like her grandmother. This is also the reason why Hong Dou was especially loved by Dongfang Bai. Her mother was also a pretty lady, and she was very generous, and when she saw Xiao Lang there was a smile in her eyes.

Hongdou's mother was very sensible, and she immediately got up and smiled with Xiao Lang: "Hehe, Xiao Lang is here, talk to you, my aunt will come to see Hongdou tomorrow!"

"No, Auntie, I have something I want to discuss with you!"

Xiao Lang hurriedly greeted Hongdou's mother to sit down, and then said politely: "I once promised Hongdou to give her the biggest wedding. Now I officially propose to the Dongfang family, um...there are some bridesmaids, begging aunt for the most pleasant Xiao Hongdou marries Xiao Lang!"

The customs of the Shenhun Continent are very peculiar. When you propose a marriage, you don't propose to the head of the patriarch, but rather like a woman's mother. Of course, the big man in their family must make the final decision.

Dongfang Hongdou didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so direct, blushing, shy and joyful. Originally wanted to leave, but was caught by Xiao Lang.

"Good, good, good!"

Hongdou's mother said repeatedly, naturally one thousand agreed to ten thousand joys, but the gift was not received, but she pushed to Hongdou and said, "Xiao Lang, you can save the red bean. This is the biggest gift for the Dongfang family!"

"Accept it, I'm not bad, there are some profound stones in it, and two magic weapons, which can be of some help to the Dongfang family!"

Xiao Lang said firmly that he was not short of profound stones. Before Mushan Ghost left, he left him with a Xumijie. There were thousands of profound stones in it, enough for him to squander some time, and the current Divine Soul Mansion also has a steady stream of profound stones. Hand it in.

He must have a flash, and there was an extremely beautiful and gleaming raincoat in his hand. He looked at Hong Dou with affectionate eyes and said, "As for the gift of Hong Dou, I have prepared it! Hong Dou, this is a gift from the Phantom Great Emperor to his beloved woman. Raincoat, I use it to propose to you today. Will you marry me? Will you be my wife forever?"

"I...I do!"

Dongfang Hongdou's eyes were full of tears, without a glance at the raincoat, he rushed into Xiao Lang's embrace. For her, Xiao Lang is the greatest gift!

Hongdou's mother quietly smiled and left. The two embraced tightly. The night in the distance was blurred and the breeze was blowing. It was a beautiful autumn night.


On the second day, Xiao Lang took Xiao Qingyi, the knife, and Emperor Yin left the imperial capital and went straight to the Yinzong.

There are still a lot of things in the Divine Soul Mansion, waiting for Xiao Lang to be busy, and the biggest thing to do alone. Xiao Lang didn’t have time to take care of the Divine Soul Continent’s affairs, so the Yin Emperor directly took the Heavenly Mirror Chariot and flew straight to Hidden. Zong.

The speed of the Tianji chariot was too fast, and it reached the center of the Death Mountain in only half an hour. The Tianji chariot broke through the air. The hidden emperor opened the restriction, and a group of people returned to the beautiful hidden sect, which was like a peach blossom.


Xiaobai just woke up, saw the hidden sect who had lived for a while, and immediately flew out happily and started running around.

"call out!"

The arrival of Xiao Lang and others shocked the Hidden Sect's Heiming Ziming and others, flying out of the palace one after another. Xiao Lang nodded faintly at several people, and led the Yin Emperor directly into the main hall.

"Emperor Yin, Qing Ming is probably still on the way at this moment. When he comes back, you can send him to Tianzhou. Of course... if he wants to stay in the Soul Continent, you can also! There is also an unfortunate news to tell you that Lu Ming is dead. Now! She is with Xiao Futu's eighth master Xiao Demon, Xiao Demon and Lu Ming were sucked into a life restricted zone, and it is estimated that ten of them have died!"

Xiao Lang said straightforwardly, making Yin Emperor and Heiming Ziming startled, but he didn't say anything. Xiao Lang asked again: "Emperor Yin, I now know some supreme powerhouses in Tianzhou. You frozen the corpse of my foster father back then, and still retain a trace of the remnant soul? If I ask those supreme powers to take action, will it be possible to resurrect he?"

The Yin Emperor groaned, then took out a secret book, and handed it to Xiao Lang and said, "The reason why I was able to keep the trace of the remnant soul of Lonely Walk back then was precisely because of this secret scroll. I got it by luck in Tianzhou, but Looking at the years, it is still incomplete, and there is no way to resurrect. But since I can get such secret scrolls, Tianzhou is immense, and the strong and strange things are like clouds, there must be a way to resurrect alone! "

"Okay, great kindness from Emperor Yin, Xiao Lang keeps it in mind!"

Xiao Lang yelled, and both his eyes and Xiao Qingyi's eyes lit up. Even Xiao Tsingyi has great confidence in resurrecting Duo Xing. His beautiful face is radiant, making people seem only eighteen years old!

"Take me to see the foster father!"

Xiao Lang got up, the Emperor Yin quickly led the crowd to follow, and quickly arrived in the secret room.

"Foster father!" "Dugu!"

Looking at the Du Gu Xing in the ice coffin, both Xiao Lang and Xiao Qingyi's eyes were moisturized. The appearance of Du Gu Xing was not as pale as a corpse. Instead, it looked like a sleeping man, still full of spirit and jade, which reminded people involuntarily. His white clothes are fluttering, calm and calm, with the peerless appearance of a generation of military gods.

Thinking of Duguxing leading ten thousand demon guards, bravely rushing into the domineering Qingyi Pavilion, thinking of Duguxing taking care of him in all manners in Northern Xinjiang, thinking of his unwavering heart towards Xiao Qingyi, Xiao Lang clenched his fists and made up his mind secretly. Resurrect him at all costs, because it is not only related to loneliness, but also to his favorite aunt!

Collecting the ice coffin into Xu Mijie, and at the same time putting away the magical instrument containing the remnant soul of the lonely walker, Xiao Lang could no longer stand still. Explain to Emperor Yin that whether he wants to go to Tianzhou or stay in the Soul Continent, Xiao Lang guarantees that the hidden sect can develop and grow.

Under the complicated gazes of Hei Ming and others, Xiao Lang flew straight back to the imperial capital and quickly explained to a group of people. I also asked them to arrange some time, and finally took the Dongfang Hongdou Ya's knife and Chamu, and flew towards the Soul City under the eyes of countless people either hot, complicated, or regrettable.

As for the chores of the Soul Continent, how did Qianxun unify the Soul Continent, and how to deal with the blood dynasty of the Emperor Yuyu Dynasty. Xiao Lang didn't want to care about that much anymore. Ask Dongfang Bai to help Chihiro with Old Chamu, and plan by the way. Anyway, the teleportation formation of Soul City can be teleported to Tianzhou at any time, so let them come slowly in the future.


In Tianzhou, in the city lord's mansion of Divine Soul Mansion, a small teleportation array suddenly flickered, immediately alarming countless powerful people.

The light of the teleportation array weakened, and as soon as Xiao Lang appeared, the countless strong men and guards in the backyard of the city lord's mansion immediately knelt down on one knee and sang, "Participate in the palace master, the deputy palace master, participate in the ladies and adults! "

Chamu swept around, her eyes suddenly shrank, her mouth opened so that the boss swallowed a few salivas, and his heart was about to jump out. Good deed, so many powerful people are going to scare people to death...

Xiao Lang waved his hand at random and asked everyone to stand up, but a strong human emperor immediately gave an urgent report: "I’m sorry, Lord Hoshino reported this morning. The beast in the cursed forest rioted again. A fierce beast for a million years. He has already taken people over. Please come back, and let Master Dao immediately send a message back to the Shenjia Mansion for assistance, otherwise the eastern city will be razed to the ground."

"Million-year fierce beast? Isn't that a natal gem?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and he immediately sighed: "Don't call for help, let's go with the knife. This is Young Master Chamu, and will be the Vice-Palace Master of the Soul Mansion in the future, please treat me!"