Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 48: Deathmatch

The reason why Hongdi City is called Hongdi City is because the Ouyang family once produced a supreme emperor named Tianzhou. This supreme emperor understood the way of killing. He once slaughtered thousands of people just to prove the Tao.

When Emperor Hong was alive, the entire Tianzhou was shrouded in his prestige. Even the several Supreme Heavenly Emperors who existed at that time did not dare to fight with him. Ouyang's family rose at that time. This city was also changed to commemorate him. To Hongdi City.

Hongdi City is very big. It is the largest city Xiao Lang has ever seen. The hotel Xiao Lang is staying in at this moment is also the largest hotel he has ever seen in his life.

Liuyan Pavilion!

The castle where Liuyan Pavilion is located is simply a small city. This castle occupies a few kilometers of space. It has everything to eat, live, and play. Even the Asura Hall has a branch pavilion in it, where warriors can buy and sell treasures and accept tasks.

Of course, if you want to live in such a super luxurious hotel, it is obviously impossible to have no black stone on your body. Not to mention eating, drinking, and having fun, you need a black stone to live in it all night, which is extremely luxurious.

"Tsk tusk, this boss is a wonderful person, he really knows how to do business, and I will also get one in Potianfu when I look back. I will definitely have a lot of money!"

The son of broken shoes is not bad for black stone. He wants to live in the best place to live naturally. He took Xiao Lang and Po Shu into the Liuyan Pavilion, settled down first, and was submitting a greeting note, waiting for Miss Ouyang's summons.

After opening the room, Po Shu was arranged to go to the city lord’s mansion to submit the greeting note by the broken shoe. The broken shoe turned boringly. Xiao Lang was planning to continue his cultivation, but he dragged it around in Liuyan Pavilion.

"The strong of Hongdi City will really enjoy it, luxury, the owner of this Liuyan Pavilion is also a strange person, how many profound stones should this castle have in one day?"

After strolling around a few side halls, Xiao Lang had seen the great world. In Liuyan Pavilion, there were not only restaurants, brothels, casinos, and tea houses, but also a super-large Death Fight Pavilion.

The fighting in the Death Fight Pavilion is not a fierce beast but a real person. Any warrior can fight in the ring, as long as the realm does not differ from the three levels, they can go to war. Once in the ring, only one can walk down, not accepting surrender.

After Xiao Lang and Broken Shoes entered this super hall, they were shocked by the frenetic atmosphere inside. There were actually three floors full of people, at least tens of thousands of people. The two warriors on the middle ring were fighting, and both were bloody. The spectators outside were yelling hysterically, and many of the spectators had red eyes, as if they were going crazy.

"Wow, this thing is good, I have to figure it out and get one in Potiancheng!"

The boy with broken shoes had bright eyes, and he was very excited when he looked at the spectators who were shouting hysterically. Can make spectators so excited and crazy, this Liu Yange is too good at collecting money.

In the first few side halls, Xiao Lang turned around and left with his torn shoes. This time he found a seat uncharacteristically and took the initiative to sit down. The atmosphere here reminded him of the Colosseum in Misty Rain Villa, of the days in the Soul Continent, of Xiao Qingyi, Xiaodao and countless old people.

He has always been a nostalgic person, and his journey to Tianzhou has been bumpy, leaving him no time to think about the Soul Continent. At the moment, sitting in this death fight pavilion, his thoughts start to fly.

On the front arena, two warriors of the king's realm are fighting there, and the two are about the same strength. On the not spacious arena, they flicker and move, their eyes are staring at each other, murderously.

There was also a forbidden shield on the ring, and the two powerful energy waves attacked the shield from time to time, bursting out dazzling rays of light. Many of the spectators in the stands are warriors, of course, there are also ladies from large families, ladies and the like. These people don't know whether they are here to pursue excitement, or they want to feel in the battle, they are extremely crazy.

Soon the battle came to an end. A warrior was stabbed through the body with a sword from the opponent, and blood shed all over the ground. Another warrior showed a grinning smile, and his whole body roared with excitement.

"Damn, miscellaneous, it's so useless, I lost three profound stones!"

"I won, I won, hahaha, I won two profound stones!"

"Dead? Good death, causing my lady to lose three hundred profound stones, and later find someone to whip your body, hum!"

Xiao Lang was still silent in the past, but the boy with broken shoes was extremely astonished. He swept the audience and found that most of the people were extremely ecstatic, and the younger half were cursing. I immediately realized that most of the tens of thousands of people in the field participated in gambling!

"I'm going to such a big casino, just drawing the game fee to make a lot of money! If this is secretly controlled, this dead battlefield won't make money?"

The boy with broken shoes secretly exclaimed, and his eyes were scaryly bright at the five-body admiration of the owner of Liu Yange. He has done a lot of business in the eastern part of Tianzhou. Although it is still boring compared with the top ten chambers of commerce in Tianzhou, how many years has he developed? Needless to say, I have a talent for business, and I can figure out the taste from it.

"In the eighteenth game, the two dead fighters will play!"

The corpse dragged down quickly, and two more warriors slowly entered the arena. At this time, countless maids in the field began to get busy and distributed information to all the two people in the away game.

The Broken Shoe Young Master and Xiao Lang also suffered twice, and Xiao Lang was also awakened. He curiously looked at the manual in his hand and watched the rules of the battlefield.

"Fun, fun! Come on, beauty, help me bet on a hundred black stones!"

The broken shoe glanced casually, and the maid threw a hundred profound stones, and the maid also handed the broken shoe a token as a proof. If you win later, you can get ninety-five black stones, and five black stones are naturally a processing fee.

"Anyone can enter a death match? The opponent level of a death match does not exceed triple? Win a game to get a hundred profound stones?"

Xiao Lang had no intention of betting, and there was no extra black stone to bet. He stared at the rules of the Deathmatch in the manual, and soon the gamblers finished their bets, and the warrior on it immediately went to war.

These two are not strong. One is the sixth king of the kings, the other is the seventh king of the kings, one is wearing a white armor, and the other is wearing a black armor. The two do not seem to have powerful combat skills, but rely on their own speed. The speed of force reaction is fighting.

Xiao Lang glanced at the battle above. The black-armored death fighter was obviously not the opponent of the white-armored death fighter. He said strangely and with broken shoes: "How do you buy the black side to win? Isn't the black side one level lower?"

The broken shoe smiled mysteriously and whispered: "You don't understand this, because everyone thinks that White will win, so it must be Black that wins in the end. Otherwise, Liu Yange won't lose? You are the boss. Will you do something secretly?"

Xiao Lang turned his suspicion and cast his gaze on the ring. As a result, the battle was quickly over, and the warriors of the Seventh Kings easily defeated the Sixth Kings, and lost a hundred profound stones with broken shoes.

"This makes no sense!"

The boy with broken shoes was puzzled, touched his head, took the information of the next group of players handed over by the maid, again cruelly, threw out a thousand profound stones and said: "I will continue to buy black, this young master still doesn't believe in evil!"