Demon Becoming the Lord

v4 Chapter 86: get out

Yeyue City was originally a small city, because it was the closest to Yemo Mountain. After the eruption of Yemo Mountain for more than a hundred years, Yeyue City immediately prospered and became the second place in Yesen Mansion. Big city.

There are many big families in Yeyue City, and these families are more or less related to Ye Family. These families formed an alliance to carve up the outer area of ​​Ye Mo Mountain. In the past few years, Ye Mo Mountain's spiritual veins erupted more and more frequently. These families also grew rapidly. All of them are rich and rich, and the strong in the family are like clouds.


The teleportation array of Yeyue City lit up with a ray of light, and two figures slowly appeared. One was dressed in brocade clothes and looked like a big family son with extraordinary tolerance, and the other was nervous, wearing a purple cloak, as soon as he teleported out. Immediately glanced around tremblingly.

"Follow me!"

Xiao Lang ignored the curious gaze passed by the martial artist on the nearby square, and walked quickly out of the city. Ba Ye didn't ask any more questions, and honestly followed!

"Where is that villa?"

As soon as he left the city, Xiao Lang turned around and asked Ba Ye. Ba Ye pointed to the east. Before he said a word, Xiao Lang raised his body and ran towards the east.

Heavenly demon combat skills have reached the fourth level, Xiao Lang has reached the peak of the kings at this moment, the speed is very fast, like an electric shock, all the way without looking at the road directly rushing away.

Ye Mo Mountain was not far away from Ye Yue City. In just one hour, Xiao Lang could see a huge mountain range that was not as high as the top, and was surrounded by white smoke, completely unable to see the mountains inside.

Wangshan is running to death!

Even though he had already seen Ye Mo Mountain, he rushed for an hour at such a fast speed as Xiao Lang was able to see the countless villas at the foot of the mountain.

"This Ye Mo Mountain is really big!"

The closer you get to Yemo Mountain, the more you feel the majesty and grandeur of this mountain. At this moment, dozens of miles away from Yemo Mountain, Xiao Lang feels a feeling of palpitations in his heart. He feels that this is not a mountain, but a huge giant* *, that breath is comparable to the beast emperor in the abyss of death, which is depressing.

Feeling the strangeness of Xiao Lang, Ba Ye immediately explained to him: "This Ye Mo Mountain is even more terrifying at night, and as long as it is night, anyone who is close to the white mist of Ye Mo Mountain will be sucked in and will never leave again. Not coming. This is also the origin of the name of Ye Mo Mountain."

"Suck it in? Is this also a tomb of the emperor?"

Xiao Lang was secretly frightened, but didn't ask too much. He glanced over the countless villas at the foot of the mountain and asked Ba Ye, "Which villa is it?"

Ba Ye hesitated for a moment, and still said: "The third villa on the left!"

"call out!"

Xiao Lang immediately turned and ran to the left quickly. He was already at the foot of the mountain. The road was relatively rugged. Xiao Lang didn't take the main road but ran in a straight line, relying on the power of his body, like a fierce body, continuously bounced away.

"Is that the villa?"

Standing on a small col, Xiao Lang looked like a cold arrow, locked onto a huge mountain village ten miles ahead, and started drinking. The Eighth Master nodded hatefully, but said in a little fear: "Young Master, don't be impulsive, you have to consider this matter in the long run!"

"You stay here!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Lang left a word, and he hurriedly rushed towards the front. He was full of momentum, and he rushed away arrogantly and arrogantly, appearing to be looking for something.

Ten miles away, Xiao Lang quickly traversed. From a distance, he saw more than a dozen kings and martial artists guarding the entrance of the villa. There was a huge sign "Mochizuki Villa" hanging on the door. Xiao Lang roared before he even approached: "Mochizuki Villa's owner, get out of here!"

Xiao Lang’s voice was like a thunderbolt from a blue sky, extremely loud, and even the Eighth Master hidden in the mountain col behind could hear clearly. His body trembled with fright, although he seemed to be stronger than Xiao Lang. The Buddha is stronger, but... There are thousands of warriors in the Mochizuki Villa, and there are two strong people in the emperor.

"call out!"

More than a dozen warriors of the kings guarding the gate had already rushed over, and there were countless warriors in the villa. All eyes were locked on Xiao Lang, and countless cold murderous intent instantly filled the entire villa.

How dare someone provoke Mochizuki Villa so much?

More than a dozen warriors at the door surrounded Xiao Lang, with top-grade weapons in their hands. The weapons were surrounded by profound strength, and they waited for the big man in the villa to give orders.

"call out!"

Dozens of people in the villa flew over. The leader was a peak warrior of the kings. His eyes scanned Xiao Lang coldly, and he was sure that Xiao Lang was not the son of the big family in Yeyuecheng. Then he coldly shouted, "Who are you? Making trouble in Mochizuki Villa? Do you know whose site is here?"

Xiao Lang stood proudly in the field, ignoring the martial artists around him, locked onto the peaks of the kings and asked coldly, "Where are Xiao Futu and Xiao Demon God?"

The peak warriors of the kings frowned, and the doubts swept away at the people around them: "Who is Xiao Futu Xiao Demon God?"

The surrounding guards were also very puzzled. One person suddenly remembered something and suddenly said: "It seems that when the son caught the god-soul woman of the day a few months ago, there was a Xiao Futu?"

"Take it!"

The warriors of the peak of the kings suddenly started to drink when hearing this, and the warriors of the kings around immediately rushed towards Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang's body moved before them, and his legs glared on the ground. The stone slab underneath suddenly cracked numerous gaps. His body rushed towards the peak warriors like a cannonball, ignoring the attacks of the other kings and warriors.

"Qiang Qiang!"

Countless weapons slashed on Xiao Lang, but they made the sound of gold and iron colliding. Xiao Lang's clothes were cut into cracks, but there was nothing wrong with his body. Instead, all the weapons bounced back. The seven or eight people who attacked Xiao Lang were immediately dumbfounded, and a trace of confusion flashed in their eyes, as if they were wondering whether Xiao Lang's body was made of iron, or whether their weapons were fake?


Xiao Lang's hands turned into sharp claws, easily piercing the profound energy shields of nearby low-level warriors. His speed is so fast, those warriors were in a trance just now, and when they woke up at this moment, they found that a sharp claw had pierced their hearts!

One face to face, six warriors of the kings died, two of them flew out with heavy injuries.

"The fourth battle skill of the demon!"

The kings peak martial artist was obviously a person of knowledge, and he immediately shouted, surrounded by an iron fist with profound strength, and slammed into Xiao Lang's fist.


Xiao Lang and the peak warriors of the kings flew out at the same time. Xiao Lang immediately shot up when he fell to the ground, and rushed into the group of warriors of the kings, resisting their attacks with a powerful force, his hands protruding like lightning , Every time you attack the enemy, you will not die or hurt.

In just a few blinks, he killed more than ten people again, countless screams rang out, and the ground was stained red with blood outside the gate of the villa.

"call out!"

The screams awakened all the warriors in the villa, and in an instant countless figures rose into the sky, as many as thousands. Seeing that Xiao Lang outside the villa was constantly chasing down the kings and martial artists, every time his hands flashed, one person died. In an instant, everyone's complexion became gloomy, and they all flew toward the gate of the villa with bursts of water.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in Mochizuki Villa?"

With a loud shout, two majestic auras rose from the backyard of the villa, and the two elderly men in Huapao cut through the sky like two meteors and flew to the entrance of the villa in the blink of an eye.

"Little thief, look for death!"

Seeing Xiao Lang still killing people unscrupulously, a human emperor martial artist immediately shot down in rage, and a treasured sword in his hand appeared out of thin air, carrying a rock that shattered the sky, cutting through the void, and smashing Xiao Lang's body heavily!