Demon Becoming the Lord

v5 Chapter 21: Don't mess with me

Mo Gao was in a very good mood, at the moment he was in the second largest fireworks field in Beiming! He came with the orders of Master Mandrill as an inspector, patrolling all areas of Beiming.

In the great battle that year, the Mojia took all the Heavenly Emperor powerhouses in the northern part of Tianzhou to conquer Beiming, although it was finally stopped by the messenger of the Lost God Palace. But Bei Ming surrendered to the Demon House in name. Of course it's only in name. In fact, Beiming's large areas are independent.

Because of the mysterious palace, the people of the demon family have also learned to be smart, and instead of thinking about forcibly conquering these areas, they developed into alliances, secretly controlled some small areas, and adopted the cannibalization strategy. Even though Beiming's big domain is well aware, the devil family has controlled a lot of small domains over the years, but it has no choice but to fear it even more.

Therefore, although those large areas are not under the control of the Demon Clan, the people of the Demon Clan still have a great say in Beiming. For example, at the moment Mogao took people out for a tour, it was taken seriously by all major areas of Beiming. Therefore, at the moment, the fireworks field gathered a lot of young masters and ladies from the big field, coming here to accompany the magician envoy to be happy.

It is delicious and delicious, holding various treasures of profound stones, accompanied by a few high-class beauties day and night.

Mogao's life is very moist, and even he plans to continue to lead the team for the next inspection. Master Mandrill’s orders were carried out very well, and to add fuel to Xiao Lang's deeds, Xiao Lang was passed down as the first genius in Tianzhou. By the way, he euphemistically expressed Master Mandrill’s uncomfortable meaning, and finally revealed that Xiao Lang was in the North Ming at the moment, saying that he had traveled all over the world and severely stepped on all the geniuses in the world.

Some of the young masters and young ladies of the big area became angry when they heard it, but everyone was not a fool. She didn't even start her head right away. How could the young lady who is a big family have no brains?

Only when Xiao Lang's rampant crossing of countless realms spread to the fireworks realm, this group of young masters and ladies was completely angry. In their view, Xiao Lang really went to Beiming to prove the Dao. Such a provocation shows that it is vaguely declaring war with all the young masters of Beiming.

The uncle can bear it, the aunt can not bear it, and the several eldest young ladies decided to send someone to take action to teach Xiao Lang and suppress his arrogance.

"You guys, don't kill anyone. Xiao Lang still has some background in Tianzhou. It's not good if something goes wrong!" Mo Gaoyi immediately exclaimed when he heard the young masters and young ladies asking for help, but his heart sneered. Non-stop.

Huo Duyun, the first son of the Fireworks Realm, sneered: "The envoy can rest assured, just teach him about his background? How big can his background be? Could it be bigger than the Devil's Mansion and the Shrine? Haha!"

The other young masters and two young ladies also looked at each other with smiles. The nominal master of the Mojia, if there is a big family in Tianzhou who wants to avenge Beiming, can they just ignore it? Take a step back and say, what kind of background can have the magical palace? The Demon House, one of the ten largest families in Beiming Tianzhou, has withered. Who dares to make trouble in the other families? Besides, they have already explained that their subordinates are only crippled and not killed.


Mogao was just right for a moment, and then laughed at himself. He stopped talking and drank with everyone, but his heart was secretive. With Xiao Lang's character, someone wants to teach him? I'm afraid it's going to shake up the sky! As long as things make a big mess, they will definitely be out of control in the end, and when the time comes to irritate Beiming's major areas, things will definitely be fun.

Anyway, he had reminded them not to kill anyone, even if the Mystery Palace was held accountable, it would not be a matter of the devil family. The people under your own guardianship in the Mishen Palace killed Xiao Lang. This matter is in the face of finding the demon's house. Why can't it be justified?

Almost drunk, everyone broke up with joy. Mo Gao walked into the backyard with drunken eyes in his arms around two top-quality women. He hummed an unknown tune along the way, and the corners of his mouth were smiling. Things seemed to be fun. !


Things have indeed become fun!

Xiao Lang felt inexplicably happy at this moment. He was crossing a small area, and the road ahead was stopped by a young man with a group of powerful people. Moreover, this young man actually took a fancy to his chariot, clearly saying that Xiao Lang dared to run rampant on their territory, either leaving the supreme chariot to compensate for the loss, or leaving a leg, and still...a middle leg!

Xiao Lang always thought that Bei Ming was the place guarded by the Lost God Palace. It stands to reason that the fact that they wanted to protect themselves for ten years should have spread to Bei Ming, right? Even if Beiming retreats and shuts the country away, outside the independent world, those big families will always have some understanding of the events of Tianzhou, right?

Therefore, he has been traveling in a straight line in Beiming's small domain. Of course... he never hurts people. Several times when the warriors in the domain intercepted, he directly controlled the Supreme Chariot to bypass and quickly leave.

The appearance of this son today made him very surprised. This young man made it clear that he didn't look like a person from this small domain, because this domain was so small, it was impossible to have so many powerful people. In other words...this young man came for him.

He didn't know what conspiracy was in there, but he wasn't prepared to have any impulse with Beiming's people. It's not that he is afraid of Beiming, but this is the place guarded by the Mishen Palace. He comes to the Mishen Palace to do things, but kills the people he guards, for fear of the Mishen Palace's wrath!

And after so many things, he didn't bother to care about ordinary idiots. The situation of this idiot has not been investigated clearly, so he brought these five emperors and five powerful men to provoke. What is it not to be an idiot?

So he said indifferently: "Go back and tell your master that I am coming to Beiming to do a little business. I will return to Tianzhou immediately after I finish the work. I have no intention of making enemies with Beiming. Don't mess with me, understand?"

After speaking, he directly ignored a few people, and the Supreme Chariot slid through an arc, and under the dumbfounded gaze of the few people, it turned into a streamer and floated northward at a terrifying speed.

This young man was carrying only the Human Sovereign Fifth Layer, but the Supreme Chariot was flying at full speed to reach the Human Sovereign peak, and they couldn't catch up. The few people could only blink their eyes in disbelief, staring at each other and staring at each other.

After a while, the young man became angry.

Xiao Lang went to war with him and killed his people without being so angry. He felt humiliated like never before, ignored, dismissed, just like a lion disdain and a wolf dog at war. For Young Master, his face is the biggest problem, and his dignity can make them desperate. He immediately took out the jade talisman for the communication and sent it to Huo Duyun: "My person is not his opponent. This person is really looking for something, threatening to All the princes of Peking Beiming prove the Dao, and also named Dao and surname to... you step on your feet!

This young man is obviously not strong enough, and the strongest manpower that can be mobilized is Renhuang Wuzhong. He is very clear that his face cannot be recovered by himself. If Xiao Lang wanted to stay in Beiming and let out a sigh of relief, only the second son of Beiming, Huo Duyun, would make a move!