Demon Becoming the Lord

v6 Chapter 24: It’s nice to die in your arms!

In the last five words, Xiao Lang almost roared out, and that wild voice echoed over Feiyang City, resounding in everyone's hearts.

Nearly a million people in Feiyang City looked at Xiao Lang standing in the ruins covered in blood. Although Xiao Lang was their enemy, he couldn't help admiring him at this moment. Even if Xiao Lang died in battle today, his deeds will be passed down forever in the long history of Tianzhou, at least those present will never forget the scene at this moment.

"When you are in your early twenties, you can be famous for moving Tianzhou and crushing the Supreme Heavenly Emperor! Xiao Lang, you are also worth it in your life!"

Some heavenly emperors sighed in a low voice that there is no shortage of peerless genius comets in the history of Tianzhou, illuminating the night sky of Tianzhou. But no one can make such a big momentum like Xiao Lang.

But even if Xiao Lang is stronger, he is destined to fall today. The two most powerful forces in the world, one is the enemy, and the other has given up on him, who can save him?

"Xiao Lang!"

A sorrowful roar suddenly sounded in the air, and then a crack in the air burst, and a noble and beautiful woman shot out. Ouyang Lengyan had been lurking nearby. At this moment, he heard Xiao Lang’s sorrowful roar, but he returned without hesitation. Up.

"Ouyang Lengyan! You idiot, get out!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were calm as stagnant water, and two brilliant lights suddenly shot out, glaring at Ouyang Lengyan who was flying towards him and roared.


A cold snort sounded, and the angel extinguisher in the sky waved his sleeves, a ripple spread from his body like a ripple, easily blasting Ouyang Lengyan directly, and the person had fainted with blood spraying in the air.

A powerhouse with the great strength, let alone the Heavenly Emperor, even the Supreme Heavenly Emperor can sweep, Ouyang Lengyan's strength is no different from an ant in the eyes of the Emperor.

"Cold smoke!"

Except for the leftover root of Xiao Lang's body, all parts of Xiao Lang's body were destroyed just now, and the grass vine became extremely weak, so the treatment was very slow. He didn't recover much from his injuries, but he couldn't take care of so much at this moment. He endured countless serious injuries all over his body, and shot towards Ouyang Lengyan who was falling quickly.

"call out!"

A figure was faster than him, a big hand easily grabbed Ouyang Lengyan's neck, and at the same time, he slapped Xiao Lang's body into the square below.

Xiao Lang was hit hard again, and got up with difficulty, even his body was trembling non-stop, but he still stood stubbornly, with murderous intent in his eyes, looking at the cloud in midair holding Ouyang cold smoke with one hand. Feiyang roared: "Yun Feiyang, dare you?"


Yun Feiyang's face was full of cheerfulness, Yang Tian laughed wildly, Yun Zishan frowned above the sky and seemed a little unbearable, but he glanced at Yun Feiyang and finally said nothing. As for the two messengers from the Hall of Soul Destruction above, they were like wooden people, standing proudly and continuing to suppress the sea beasts.

"What dare I?"

Yun Feiyang gave a long laugh. Seeing that Yun Zishan and the Soul Destroying Messenger did not respond, he was relieved a lot. He looked at Xiao Lang mockingly and said, "Xiao Lang, you are not crazy? Very awesome? Very mighty? Back then in the snow. Didn’t the deserted city threaten to kill our father and daughter? In the imperial capital, dare to severely inflict my spirits? He came to Tianzhou and was still under the mission to chase us in the Stars? Just razed Feiyang City? Crazy, continue mad!

Xiao Lang was silent, but stared at the pale Ouyang Lengyan. She had fainted, but a blood stream slowly flowed out of the corner of her mouth, which made him extremely distressed and angered him, but she was powerless, because at this moment... he had difficulty even standing.

"Xiao Lang is one of your favorite women, right? She is indeed good looking and strong, she is still the daughter of the Ouyang family!"

Yun Feiyang glanced at Ouyang Lengyan in his hand, tweeted a few words of praise, and then his other hand flashed, and a dagger appeared against Ouyang Lengyan’s belly. He stared at Xiao Lang suddenly. Drinking: "Xiao Lang, don't want her to die, so I...kneel down!"

Xiao Lang trembled, and his body trembled even more!

Yun Feiyang hates him to the bone, and even humiliates him before killing him? He knelt down to his parents all his life, but he never knelt down to an enemy, and his pride told him not to kneel. But Ouyang Lengyan's pale face and the dagger that had been pierced into her lower abdomen told him that if he didn't kneel, Ouyang Lengyan would die!


Ouyang Lengyan was awakened by a stabbing in her lower abdomen and Yun Feiyang’s burst of drinking. She opened her eyes weakly and looked at Xiao Lang who was about to kneel. There was a gentle color at the corner of her mouth. She suddenly shouted: "No Xiao Lang, you can’t kneel! My man, you have always been Leng Yan’s pride. How can you bow your head to the enemy? Even if you die, you must stand to die! Xiao Lang, Leng Yan must be your wife in the next life."

"Cold smoke! Don't!"

Hearing Ouyang Lengyan's words, Xiao Lang was shocked and roared!

Not surprisingly Xiao Lang!

Ouyang Lengyan was full of power, but he wanted to resist, but Yun Feiyang directly crushed his neck, stabbed more than a dozen knives in his abdomen and chest, and finally fell weakly into the air.

She had been severely injured by the soul-killing messenger just now. At this moment, her neck was crushed, and her meridian dantian heart was pierced. Her brows were frowning, but her eyes were staring at Xiao Lang, and the corners of her blood-stained mouth were always filled with a sweet smile...

"Cold smoke! Cold smoke! Cold smoke!"

Xiao Lang roared through the entire Feiyang City with a crying voice. He ran forward frantically to catch the falling Ouyang Lengyan. But because he was not burdened, he was smashed to the ground. He got up frantically, held Ouyang Lengyan in his arms, and shouted heartbreakingly: "Lengyan, Lengyan!"

Ouyang Lengyan hadn't completely died yet, but blood kept flowing out of his mouth, chest and abdomen. She looked at Xiao Lang foolishly, with a sweet smile at the corner of her mouth, but her eyes slowly closed. Finally, she squirmed her lips with difficulty, and uttered a few faint and inaudible voices: "Xiao Lang, can die in your arms... true it is good!"

"Cold smoke, ah! ah! ah!"

Feeling the vitality of Ouyang Lengyan slowly weakening, Xiao Lang yelled up to the sky, calling out Ouyang Lengyan’s name loudly, without tears in the corners of his eyes, only endless anger and sadness...

His white hair danced wildly in the air, constantly roaring with sorrow, and his whole body was enveloped in an aura of sorrow. The aura was so strange that the entire Feiyang City was silent in sorrow.

Countless people feel a kind of sadness inexplicably, and a few female warriors cry sadly. They know that crying at this moment is out of season and will make Yun Feiyang hate, but they just want to cry, inexplicably want to cry...

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Woo!"

Although the sea beasts outside the city were suppressed by the two great emperors, at this moment they heard Xiao Lang's sorrowful roar, and they actually roared and howled at the same time. Their voices were shaking, but they were full of human emotions, incomparable sadness...

The scene in Feiyang city at this moment is extremely strange. A white-haired young man is holding a corpse with a mournful roar. There are a million warriors on the wall in the city to be silent, and there are millions of sea beasts roaring to the sky. The warrior will never forget.