Demon Becoming the Lord

v6 Chapter 25: Sentiment

"Oh, how nice Xiao Lang would be if you were not the son of Emperor Xiao Qing?"

Yun Zishan's face was also filled with sorrow. Xiao Lang was the son of Emperor Xiao Qing, so he was destined to be the enemy of the Yun family and his enemy to Yun Zishan. There was a trance in her eyes, thinking of many things with Xiao Lang. At this moment, she still thinks that Xiao Lang is the only man in this world who can match her, but it is a pity that he... is destined to die!

Xiao Lang had stopped screaming, he was holding Ouyang Lengyan idiotically, his eyes closed and his face was full of despair. He could not hear the screams of millions of sea beasts outside, and forgot that he was still flying inside the city. Forgetting that there are millions of eyes looking at him around him, his mind is empty, he just wants to hold the woman in his arms forever...

And at this moment, countless love words on Xiao Lang's body sprang out automatically, whizzing around him, those love words seemed to be extremely sad because of Xiao Lang, making those who saw these love words feel even more sad. .


The angel extinguisher in mid-air looked at these love words in surprise, his eyes showed a vigilant look, and he suddenly said coldly: "Kill this person!"

Although the people in the Lost Palace no longer tried to protect Xiao Lang, the angel destroyer was a little too lazy to do it. After all, Xiao Lang was seriously injured at this moment and had no resistance at all.

"Kill Xiao Lang!"

Yun Feiyang woke up and sighed at the group of people not far from Xiao Lang. It's just that the group of people, you look at me, I don't think you dare to do it. After all, Xiao Lang is famous, and the situation is so strange now.

"A bunch of trash!"

Yun Feiyang cursed a few times, his soul power surrounded his body and turned into lightning, and the dark green dagger in his hand gleamed, directly piercing Xiao Lang's mind!

Yun Zishan turned his head away unbearably, but then woke up instantly, staring at Xiao Lang! Seeing that the corner of his mouth suddenly bends to an arc, his face becomes dreadful, and he immediately pales in shock and shouts: "Father, be careful!"

Yun Feiyang reacted in a daze, but saw that Xiao Lang had suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes. The coldness inside made him feel frightened.

Xiao Lang was seriously injured at this moment, and it was even difficult to move, let alone release the ruthless sword aura. The grass vine was also crushed. He didn't understand what other ability could threaten his life?

But at this moment, he instinctively felt a death crisis enveloped him. Without any hesitation, his body suddenly became golden, and a huge golden dragon appeared behind him and whizzed towards Xiao Lang.

The golden dragon is his soul, but at the moment this golden dragon is dozens of times bigger, and the original eight claws have also become sixteen claws. Many warriors in Feiyang City knew this golden dragon. This was also the most powerful attack that Yun Feiyang used to sweep the Human Emperor Realm by virtue of the strength of the Human Emperor.

Yun Zishan became the saint of Soul Destruction Hall, and naturally he would deliberately help her father improve her strength. This golden dragon was nurtured by the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and mutated! The power has also become huge, and anyone who is strong can easily sweep it.

Seeing this golden dragon roaring over 100,000 meters, Xiao Lang's expression didn't have any mood swings, his eyes were cold, and his body did not move a bit. He just opened his mouth and uttered a few words:

"The third state of emotion-emotion!"

The abrupt light of countless love characters outside his body flourished, then violently rotated, and finally condensed into a huge love character in the air. This love character is a hundred meters high, and it is actually composed of a small combination of love characters. The word "love" is ruthlessly printed on the golden dragon with the aura of destruction!


There was no explosion, the huge love character composed of countless colorful love characters, easily passed through Jinlong's body!

And something very strange happened--

The golden dragon actually howled in pain, then directly turned into nothingness little by little, and disappeared into the air.


The soul was destroyed, Yun Feiyang screamed in pain while holding his head in the air, his body could no longer stand in the air, rolling down in the air and falling down. And that huge love letter is still printing on him like lightning!

Yun Zishan screamed in horror: "Father! The angel destroyer will save my father?"


A small handprint suddenly condensed in mid-air and turned into an afterimage. The afterimage has not disappeared. The small handprint over there has caught up with the love letter and has been heavily photographed!


The love characters collided with the small handprints, and there was still no explosion! The little handprint that could easily slap the blood tower flying away was easily penetrated by the love word, and then the little handprint slowly dissipated in the air, and finally the love word whizzed past and was printed on Yun Feiyang!


Yun Zishan's beautiful face was pale as snow, her beautiful eyes widened, and she watched the words of love fly through the clouds, and then... Yun Feiyang's body slowly turned into powder!


The entire Feiyang City millions of warriors, at this moment, is as silent as a dead city!

All eyes staring at Yun Feiyang's body turned into powder slowly drifting down, everyone's heads are stunned!

What magical power is this?

Even if such a powerful Golden Dragon Soul is directly shaken into nothingness, Yunfeiyang Human Sovereign Seventh Layer's strength actually kills? Or is it directly shocked into powder? The most important thing is... can even the attack of the great emperor be annihilated?

The dramatic changes in the field made everyone's mind dizzy, as if they were dreaming, countless people began to tremble, and more people fixed their gazes on Xiao Lang's awe-inspiring face.

This white-haired boy is amazing. He comes from a small area where there is no black stone, but he rises like a comet. He walked out of the abyss of death where no one can come out. He became the first son of Tianzhou and did a lot. What people dare not do and cannot do.

He led millions of sea beasts to attack Feiyang Mansion today, and can record the history of Tianzhou.


At this moment, he gave everyone a big surprise again, and he was able to disperse the Great Emperor's attack! This attack cannot be explained by magical powers, it can only be called a miracle!

The eyes of the messenger from the land are also filled with doubts, but the eyes of the angels are flickering, and finally he suddenly remembered something, and the energy in his eyes suddenly rose, and he muttered in disbelief: "It is love. Dao? Is Tianyu Great God’s Love Dao! Or you have cultivated to the third state of Love Dao! No wonder... it can annihilate my immortal imprint!"


The Envoy of Destruction woke up, staring at Xiao Lang with shock in his eyes. He had vaguely read this sentiment in an ancient book, and Xiao Lang's ability to drive the beasts proved this. Tianzhou has been passed down for tens of millions of years, and there are still a few ancient books left by the Great God of Tianyu, but no one can successfully cultivate.

The messenger of Miedi groaned, and suddenly said: "Mietian, this Xiao Lang can actually understand the ancient love! Or...Shall we report to the Lord? Maybe he will be the one we are looking for?"

"Hmm! No need to ask for instructions!"

The angel destroyer snorted coldly: "The only one who can save Tianzhou...only the saint! Since this Xiao Lang has already made vengeance with our Soul Destruction Hall, he is destined to bring endless harm if he doesn't kill today! Do it, The deity doesn't believe it anymore, is his sentiment really so powerful?"



[Author's digression]: Happy National Day, brothers and sisters, um... There are five chapters today, and one chapter is around 11 o'clock!