Demon Becoming the Lord

v6 Chapter 92: Scary heart demon

"Xiao Lang has quietly escaped his heart demon for the sixth time? Did he not tell me?"

In the Xingchen Pavilion, Cha Mu knew that Xiao Lang was saving his heart, and his whole person was not well. At this moment, the world is in chaos, and many things are waiting for him to deal with, but he has no thoughts.

Xiao Lang was the heaven of all of them. After Xiao Lang died, the Soul Mansion could not be kept, and the good situation that had just started would be destroyed. Nothing was as big as Xiao Lang's affairs.


At this time, the outsiders of the heart demon can't help at all. Chamu can only make people **** the backyard of Xingchen Pavilion, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to disclose the news to them. People were also guarded outside the partial hall where Xiao Lang was practicing, and even Hongdou and others could not enter without his order.

Xiao Lang had always been cultivating his soul, but his original intention was to let himself in the process of cultivating, and unknowingly enter the demons. In this case, he will not think too much in his mind, and meet the demons with the most relaxed attitude. Unexpectedly, a big event happened in Tianzhou, just after his soul was sucked into the space of the heavenly devil.

However, even if Xiao Lang happened early, it was impossible to go. After all, the heart demon was about to strike, and he himself didn't know whether he could survive, and going to the battlefield of the gods would be even more dead.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's soul shadow was standing in the void space, and his soul was sucked in and naturally awake. He didn't worry at all in his heart, he was full of confidence anyway. Because... his soul shadow is now tens of meters high! Incomparably condensed, just like a real person.

After three months of hard cultivation, his soul became stronger again, and he got a qualitative leap, which made him very excited, and he was full of expectations for the sixth demons.

As long as he survives this time, his own strength will reach the Emperor Realm! Even if the Supreme Heavenly Emperor is approached by the God of Splitting Hand, it is a spike. The most important thing is that he can enter the forbidden land of the ancient gods to save Dugui when he reaches the strength of the emperor. The loneliness has always been a knot in Xiao Lang's heart, and Xiao Qingyi will not be so lonely and lonely if he can resurrect the loneliness...

"Come on, Inner Demon! Let me see how terrifying the sixth Inner Demon is?"

Xiao Lang howled in his heart, and the surrounding scenes suddenly changed. The void turned into a battlefield. The yellow sands of the desert rolled up a thousand layers of smoke, the cold wind was cold, and there was a chill everywhere.

A body walked in the distance in the dim distance, and the man was murderous and vigorous. After Xiao Lang saw the man clearly, he sneered.

Clouds fly up!

Yun Feiyang was personally killed by Xiao Lang outside Feiyang City. This person's strength is also low, and the overall strength is only the peak of the human emperor, which is completely different in Xiao Lang's eyes. What is the use of creating a flying phantom in this void?

Soon Xiao Lang knew that because Yun Feiyang was whistling behind a golden dragon, he actually used a killer move when he came? And this is obviously an illusion or that this Yunfeiyang is transformed by a resentful spirit, why can he release the Golden Dragon Soul?

"Then I can release Cao Teng's soul and love?"

Xiao Lang was uncertain, and didn't know what the **** was going on in this void? He called the grass cane for the first time, condensing love, but he did not expect to succeed.


Xiao Lang laughed wantonly in his heart, and he didn't need to attack with affection. Let Cao Teng whistle away directly and collide with Jinlong. Easily swallowed the Golden Dragon, and by the way swallowed Yun Feiyang.

Xiao Lang felt carefully and found that the grass and vines were also illusions, but the effect was exactly the same as the real one. In other words, although this is an illusion, it can be regarded as a real battle. This surprised Xiao Lang. The restrictions set by the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor are too powerful and magical, right?

"The first wave was so easy?"

Xiao Lang was even more strange to see no figure flying, but his heart became more alert. The sixth level heart demon is definitely more horrible than the fifth level, otherwise the few strong people who cultivated the sixth level would not all die here.


Before long, the second wave of people came. The strength is also much stronger, reaching the Heavenly Emperor Realm, Mu Tiandi!

The Emperor of Heaven is not a problem, sentiment can be relaxed and can be crushed, but Xiao Lang's face suddenly becomes serious. The second wave is the emperor of heaven, how can it be done later?

It's just that the enemy has already arrived, Xiao Lang can only fight, he let the grass cane whizz to envelop Mutiandi, and at the same time he shot up, and shouted, "Split God's hand!"

The long-lost hand of God Splitting could actually be released again, the right hand on the soul shadow was densely covered with dark golden scales and turned into dragon claws, and his body rushed towards Mutiandi like a ghost from the grass and vines.


Emperor Mu Baitian, who was transformed by the resentful spirit, shot out thousands of sword lights from his body and shot in all directions, shaking countless grass and vines into nothingness, and Xiao Lang's soul shadow was also penetrated through his left shoulder. He actually felt a heart-piercing pain. It feels like a real battle.

"Cao Teng is back for treatment!"

A large part of the reason Xiao Lang rushed forward was to test it to see if he was injured or not, to check the real situation, so that the subsequent battles would be more confident.

Cao Teng flew over to wrap him around, glowing with a blue light, the pain in the shadow of his soul suddenly disappeared, and the fake wound on his left shoulder was slowly healed.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang continued to rush up, his body shot like a cannonball. He didn't plan to kill Mu Baidi immediately, but wanted to have fun, adapt to the Phantom's combat ability, and accumulate experience in order to cope with the next battle.

The result was very tragic. He was wounded again and again. The Mu Baitian emperor transformed by the unjust soul had the same true ability as Mu Bai. His body is only the peak of the human emperor, and he can't get close to Mutiandi and is easily injured. If it were not for his quick reaction and strong perception, he might have been pierced into the heart.

Although this was the shadow of the soul, Xiao Lang felt that if he was pierced through his heart, he would suffer severe damage even if he did not die. So he worked hard and kept experimenting.

"call out!"

Where do I know——

After Xiao Lang spent an hour, a figure rushed into the distance again, or an acquaintance... Ouyang indifferent? The enemies of the second wave have not been killed yet, but the enemies of the third wave of inner demons have appeared in advance?


Ouyang's indifferent body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared beside him, a sword gas in his hand turned into a starlight and enveloped him...

Fly across the void!

Xiao Lang's heart was shocked. Is this illusion so real? Even Ouyang's indifference can fly across the void. And he actually held... the Supreme Divine Soldier!

At this moment, Xiao Lang naturally couldn't save his strength. The love words he had been surrounding him were immediately typed, and the emotional injury was activated! Hit Ouyang indifferently when he emerged. Then his body exploded back at lightning speed, and the love words condensed in the air to form a huge love word, hitting the starlight that Ouyang indifferently emitted.


The power of love is huge, Ouyang Indifferent, even though the attack from the Supreme Divine Soldier was also shaken by the emotional, the love word continued to whizz and pass through Ouyang Indifferent body, and then the Ouyang indifference turned into the spirit of grievance disappeared in midair.

"Malle Gobi, it seems that he is about to die in the sixth heart demon!"

Although he had killed Ouyang's indifference that the Wraith had transformed, Xiao Lang's heart sank to the bottom.

The enemies of this third wave of Inner Demon have reached such a level, and there are seven waves behind, one wave after another, how can he survive?