Demon Becoming the Lord

v7 Chapter 53: Beheading

After Xiao Lang drank three cups of tea, a maid of the Heavenly Demon King really came to summon Xiao Lang, the Demon Bone and other Heavenly Demon youths were all jealous at first sight, and the eyes were full of resentment.

Xiao Lang's footsteps were steady, his nerves tense to the extreme, and he walked into a side hall under the leadership of the maid. Under the sweep, he unexpectedly didn't see Moxue, only Mo Qingqing and two Heavenly Demon Kings protected it.

"good chance!"

Xiao Lang's heart tightened, but he didn't act immediately. Because... he's not sure where Moxue is! He killed Mo Qingqing mainly to create chaos and escape! But if you don't kill Moxue, you will die even if you escape.

So he respectfully stroked his chest with his hands and saluted: "See Your Majesty Mofei, I hope you will always be as beautiful as a flower!"

Mo Qingqing's face showed a blush again, then glanced at the two Heavenly Demon King maids next to him, waved his hands and said, "Go down!"


Not only the two maids, but Xiao Lang was also shocked. Because Mo Qingqing's strength has not yet reached the Sky Demon King, Xiao Lang could directly kill him if he did it. How dare she... be alone with a stranger who has only met less than twice?

"Go down!"

Mo Qingqing confirmed her intentions again, and the two maids went down in conversation, but they didn't dare to go far, just walked to the door of the side hall. The whole body was guarding extremely nervously. If Xiao Lang dared to make a difference, he was afraid that he would rush in immediately. And the strength of a maid was very powerful, Xiao Lang conservatively estimated that he could hope the strength of Pavilion Master Yue.

"Do you want to do it?"

Xiao Lang was incomparably entangled in his heart, and finally concluded that Mo Xue would never do anything if he did not show up. He would be a dead end if he could not kill Mo Xue. There was no point in killing Mo Qingqing.

After the two maids went down, Mo Qingqing actually became a little shy, lowered her head and held a cup of tea and drank slowly, Xiao Lang could clearly feel her tension.

Mo Qingqing didn't speak, Xiao Lang didn't speak, but a voice transmission sounded in his mind, but Xiao Lang had to do it.

"Mofei, what are you waiting for? Do it now, or I will kill you immediately!"

The sound transmission came from outside the right door of the Partial Hall. Xiao Lang quietly released Cao Teng to search around for the first time, locking the magic snow in the garden outside the Partial Hall, and his eyes lit up.

Mo Xue was not far away from him, it was very likely that he had borrowed a small solution to go out. The purpose is naturally to create evidence of absence. Pushing all the responsibility on Xiao Lang, and at this moment, Mo Xue's side...not protected by any strong person.


Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, he was ready to kill Mo Qingqing for the first time, and then rushed out of the side hall, pretending to escape for his life and using the grass vines to make a sudden attack, drew Mo Xue's attention and killed her!

All the plans are so perfect, and all the timings are so right. Mo Qingqing transferred the two maids out, is it the best opportunity God arranged for him to get out of trouble? If these two maids were inside, even if he could kill Mo Qingqing, he wouldn't be able to kill Mo Xue right away.

His heart was extremely hot, and he slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of murderous eyes.

At this moment, His Highness Mo Qingqing also raised his head at the same time, looking at Xiao Lang. The two pairs of eyes looked at each other, but Mo Qingqing’s beautiful eyes were confused and gentle. She was a little shy and said: "Magic, Mofei, have we met before? I just mean you haven't come to the front of the Crazy God Fort. Why do I have a...very familiar feeling for you! Why do I feel so comfortable with the smell on your body..."

"call out!"

Halfway through Mo Qingqing's words, Xiao Lang's body had already shot up, and the God Splitting Hand was released immediately. He had already rushed to Mo Qingqing's side, and he was about to wave the God Splitting Hand to kill her.


After listening to Mo Qingqing's words, his body and soul were shocked, as if struck by lightning, his eyes were shocked, and then he gave up killing Mo Qingqing without any hesitation, and rushed towards the wall of the garden outside the temple. .


God Splitting's hand suddenly grabbed towards the wall, and the black wall burst immediately, and Xiao Lang's body was like a tiger descending a mountain, shooting towards the distant Mo Xue. His eyes were as cold as a glacier, and he locked Moxue's voice transmission: "His Royal Highness Moxue, run away, the devil mad **** is back."

Mo Xue's strength is very powerful, her soul is even stronger, and she has been investigating the sound inside. Feeling Xiao Lang's hand and then burst out, he was also shocked for the first time when he heard Xiao Lang's voice transmission, his eyes filled with doubts.

"Isn't the demon mad **** far in the north? How could he suddenly come back? Could it be that the matter of the father was exposed?"

Mo Xue was instinctively suspicious, but immediately woke up, only to find countless grass vines coming out under her feet, entwining her body and devouring it crazily. Her body is very powerful, if the grass and vines swallow it, it can only swallow some surface skin. But anyone who is attacked suddenly will be shocked if their body hurts?

What Xiao Lang wanted was this opportunity!

He dashed at full speed, but arrived next to Mo Xue's body in the blink of an eye, God Splitting's hand with some power to destroy it, suddenly grabbed Mo Xue's head. It was too late for Mo Xue to react. The last picture in her mind was to see a dark golden dragon claw, constantly zooming in her eyes...


A claw caught Mo Xue’s head exploded, Xiao Lang didn’t stop for the slightest moment and shot away, and at the same time he burst out in the loudest voice: “Mo Hong Moxue colluded with the devil’s thousand enemies and murdered the devil’s great god. The demon mad **** has an order to immediately kill Demon Hong Moxue's subordinates!"

Mo Hong is Mo Xue's Laozi, Mo Qianchou is an opposing god. This is the message Xiao Lang heard in the main hall just now.

Xiao Lang hadn't called out yet. At the moment he started his hand, the main hall was already in chaos, but at this moment, the entire Crazy God Fort was in chaos.

"Buff! Aston downsakes Sa Feicai...Buff! Buff!"

But at this moment, a demon king suddenly roared and screamed, and then the entire Crazy God Fort rioted, and many places actually began to fight each other.

Although Xiao Lang didn't understand what happened. But vaguely guessed it seemed... the news of the death of the demon mad **** came back. He whispered, "Heaven helps me too" and his body shot to the south, as fast as a lightning bolt in the night sky. Many high-level demons couldn't see his body clearly, and he had already flashed.


More strange screams sounded, countless heavenly demon kings fought, and at the beginning there were two heavenly devil kings chasing Xiao Lang, but no one was chasing after him.


There were quite a few high-level Heavenly Demon, and one or two Heavenly Demon Kings rushed towards Xiao Lang in the chaos, but he was easily killed and knocked off by him. His body shuttled through countless earthen castles and quickly disappeared into the night sky.


After rushing out a million miles, Xiao Lang paused and took a breath, then looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. Although the soul eroding pill toxin is still in the soul, it must be temporarily safe if Moxue is killed? Moreover, with his loud shout, it was feared that all of Mo Xue's men would be mutilated by a random knife.

He tore the robe outside of his body, then took out a long knife and shaved off all the white hair on his head. Only then did the demon turn into a demon king, completely naked~luo, and his skin turned into It is brown, and there are no pupils in the eyes, and a black hole in the center of the eyebrow is exactly the same as the devil. The little friend... is still hanging in the air, making him very embarrassed, but he can't take care of that much, and rushes away.

As he ran, all the words Mo Qingqing said in his mind: "Why do I have a...very familiar feeling for you! Why do you smell so comfortable..."



[Author's digression]: Chapter six is ​​here, sorry for being late!