Demon Becoming the Lord

v7 Chapter 92: Peerless Genius


On the thirty-fifth day that Xiao Lang was in retreat in the Sea God Mansion, a sound of surprise suddenly came from the Tianyu Hall of the Ancient God Forbidden Land. Then the space trembled suddenly, and a stalwart man appeared in the air. This man had a cold face, with two black horns on his head, and his face was full of surprises. He suddenly said in a deep voice: "Candle Yin, Fanxin, Shuhai, come here!"


Four figures appeared in the hall, all phantoms, three men and one woman, all young in appearance. The woman's still enchanting face was obviously a charming woman during her lifetime.

"What's wrong? Your Highness!"

The woman smiled and spoke, and the other three men looked at him strangely. After all, it was very soul-consuming for the remnant soul to appear in the air. Under normal circumstances, the Great God Tianyu would never greet everyone to appear.

Great God Tianyu's eyes flickered for a moment before he said solemnly, "That kid... actually trained the Prajna palm!"


The shock of all four of them was in disbelief.

The woman pondered for a moment, and first said: "His Royal Highness, you didn't check it wrong, did you? You have only cultivated to the second level, and it took hundreds of years, and the third level can't be cultivated. This kind of palm is your father's. The fame stunt, especially the third level, is basically impossible to cultivate successfully. How could he successfully cultivate in just one or two years? This is absolutely impossible!"

The others also shook their heads, but the Great God Tianyu sighed and said: "There is such a peerless genius in this world. I gave him a token. I can feel the situation of his cultivation clearly. And I can feel it. I have already sent him a call, so check it yourself when he comes."


The four of them hushed, since the Great God Tianyu said so, they naturally believed it. But they didn't understand, how could this little fourth-class domain face such a genius?

The Great God Tianyu was silent for a while, expressing his inner suspicion: "This kid can cultivate so fast, I want to have a relationship with his soul! His soul has reached the realm of soul golden pearl at this moment, and he has a very magical state. , I suspect it is similar to the state of Liuhuo Tianzun’s perception..."


The four of them were completely speechless now. They were born in the realm of God with a high vision, and naturally a little arrogant. They also looked down on this small fourth-class realm, but they did not expect to have such a peerless genius...

"Oh, you all go back!"

The Great God Tianyu suddenly thought of something and sighed: "Wait for the kid to come, we will burn our spirit power to break the seal! As for whether we can leave a trace of spirit power and let this kid bring it back into the realm of God, it depends on our luck!"

Xiao Lang did leave the customs, and he received a call from the Great God Tianyu for the first time. He didn't immediately rush to the ancient **** forbidden land, but out of the sea god's mansion, and then flew across the void to a deserted island in the **** soul sea.

Prajna palm is great, he wants to test his current combat power.

He checked the neighborhood and found that there were no islands thousands of miles ahead, thinking that it would be fine to shoot a palm casually?

With the revolving prajna palm, the energy of the whole body quickly circulated, rotating through the one thousand and eight acupuncture points of the whole body, and finally a huge energy was condensed in the palm of his hand, and Xiao Lang suddenly slapped a palm forward.


The energy in the palm of the palm had not yet appeared, but the space in front began to vibrate violently, turning into ripples radiating out in all directions, and the waves flying. An aura of destruction in the surrounding world passed away, countless sea beasts fleeing in fear, the entire sea beasts of the Soul Sea rioted, and many beast kings and beast kings fled to the deepest part of the seabed for the first time.


Xiao Lang felt it, but at this moment the energy had reached the palm of his hand, it was impossible to hold it, so he could only send a lightly forward palm.


A big, dreamlike, colorful palm was condensed and formed. The moment the palm appeared, the surrounding space was distorted, and the sea below suddenly disappeared. The palm of the hand flew to the front quickly, all the seawater below was evaporated, a huge gully appeared in the sea, and the foremost waves roared forward, one after another, one after another, one after another.

In the end, a huge tsunami was formed. The highest wave reached tens of thousands of meters, but the length was endless. I was afraid that it would cross half of the sea of ​​souls...

"Damn! I am afraid that most of the islands in the Soul Sea will be submerged, and Lengdi City will suffer too..."

Xiao Lang touched his nose in a jealousy. Fortunately, he didn't use his full strength during this rise, and he was in the sea. If he was inland, he would accidentally hurt a lot.

The dreamlike colorful palm flew thousands of miles, the energy gradually weakened, and finally slowly escaped into the air. But the tide, like silver dragons, whizzed to the west frantically, and all the islands along the way were submerged. If it weren't for the ban on the islands to start quickly, I'm afraid the city would be destroyed. The waves raged all the way, and finally reached Tianzhou, flooding more than ten provinces in eastern Tianzhou...

Such a major event immediately caused the entire Tianzhou to tremble, and countless powerful people rushed to Lengdi City for the first time, and even Xiao Devil and Wuhen arrived.

When everyone was going to the Sea of ​​Souls to find out, Xiao Lang flew across the void, leaving a casual explanation, and sent it to Xiao Dicheng: "What is the fuss for? I just practiced the exercises casually..."

A group of powerful men looked at each other, but Emperor Leng and many emperors had scalp numb and their bodies trembled. Casually practicing functions cause half a tsunami? Is this still alive? What if it hit someone? Who can resist?

After Xiao Lang returned with a group of people, he immediately convened the powerful! However, it only summoned all the warriors whose strength reached the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

After everyone arrived, Xiao Lang said with a serious expression: "In a while, I will go to God's Domain! Can anyone of you be willing to follow? Explain to you that God's Domain is one of the three ultimate realms, the whole The center of the chaotic space is estimated to be as large as hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou. The strong there are like clouds, and I don’t know how dangerous it is. But I can assure you that if one is not careful, ten will be there. Nine dead! Of course... Danger and chance are often complementary. Maybe you can make a great future in God's Domain and develop Tianzhou!"

He promised the Emperor of Heaven to lead Tianzhou to glory and make Tianzhou famous all over the world. But he planned to go to God's Domain and then returned. There are people in Tianzhou who want to go to God's Domain for development, so he will naturally not interfere, and will help anyway.

He explained in detail the information he knew about the chaotic world, and before everyone responded, he got up and went to the ancient **** forbidden land.

He knew very well that after returning from the forbidden land of the ancient gods, the seal of Tianzhou was about to break, and the frog trapped in this dead well in Tianzhou could finally go to the wider world outside.