Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 235: Ninho

"I... uh... uh..."

What else did Wolf E want to say, but as soon as he uttered a word, his throat was already blocked by the continual flow of blood. The blood poured out like money, and poured into the sky. He could only open his eyes and stare blankly. Looking at Xiao Lang, his eyes were full of panic and...



Wolf E is scared!

He is not afraid of injury, but of death!

He has clearly sensed the changes in his body, exactly the same as he had previously expected. And these changes brought him the cold of death!

"Am I really going to die?"

"Dead here...dead in the hands of a small world?"

Wolf E could not accept this reality.

However, on the verge of death, even if he had no idea how much blood was stained on his hands, that was not what he thought of at this time. He seemed to have seen the past while his soul was shaking.

He saw that 30,000 years ago, the young man practicing sword at the back of the wolf’s mountain, holding a wooden sword weighing no more than three kilograms side by side. The teacher taught him to stand for an hour, but he stood three full times. At Shichen, he looked stubborn until he couldn't bear it, and he fainted and fell to the ground.

He saw that when he was twelve years old, the young man of swordsmanship went to the mountain for the first time with his family team. The scared-faced young man gritted his teeth for the first time and killed a beast.

He saw the sixteen-year-old boy, the fifth-ranked genius in the wolf family, when he was arrogant, but he was willing to hang his head to a girl in a barefoot long skirt by the clear water.

He saw the spirit of reaching the world realm at the age of fifty, and the panic of the 100-year-old being trapped in the world realm Dzogchen peak. Naturally, he saw the one stretched out in front of him when he was struggling to break the realm. Hand, and the **** pill in the wooden box on the palm.

Langwu closed his eyes in pain, and two strings of blood and tears shed.

"If I was able to stick to myself and not be deceived, would I not fall into the magical way, and there would be no disaster today?"

Wolf E failed to find the answer.

Because the next moment--


Wolf E, it exploded!

It was like a firework, suddenly blooming, but it was not a flame that poured out, but a rain of blood and green gold!

Jin Kemu!

The Qi of Wood restrains the power of Qi and blood in Wolf E. It is only suppressed, but the collision between Jin Zhi Qi and Wood Qi is not that simple. It is tantamount to throwing a spark into a barrel full of oil. , Langwu is not like Xiao Lang, with the protection of purple mist in his body, the wood exploded and it was shocking!


What is the experience of a small sun bursting overhead?

This question, those who have seen this scene in Magnolia City at this time are lucky enough to answer.

The sight of Langwu's explosion is like a small sun bursting directly. In an instant, the wind blows on the face, and the anger is swallowing tigers, roaring and transpiring, it is comparable to a natural disaster!


One of the buildings within a radius of tens of miles was counted as one, and it collapsed instantly. This is true even for hundreds of miles around, not to mention the battlefield in the center of the explosion. There were still some ruined walls, which immediately turned into flat ground. The hurricane plowed past three feet, extremely rough!


In an instant, Magnolia City was in chaos, and the survivors flee desperately, for fear that they would be involved in this air wave, and there would be no dregs left.

Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunli were left on the wall of Magnolia City by Xiao Lang, hundreds of miles away from the center. Of course, they were not affected, but they could clearly see that some people fled under the storm. Too much, was involved in the air wave, and the skin and flesh were wiped out instantly, there was no bones left, and there was really no bones left.

They did not die in the hands of the real magic repair, but died in the aftermath of the explosion of Wolf E. I have to say that this is also a sad reminder.

Of course, those who can live in Magnolia City to the present are at least the powerhouses at the world level. Although some people died from the aftermath, they are still a minority. Most of them escaped. When the energy behind them was exhausted. He didn't dare to stop, and he fetched more than ten miles before the bold person stopped, looked behind him, and couldn't help taking a deep breath, dumbfounded.

Behind him, it is flat!

Everything in the city was flattened by the air waves caused by the explosion of Wolf E. The rare leveling was palpitating. There are dozens of miles in the radius, a blank!

"Wolf E, dead?"

It took a long time for someone to finally relax, and uttered a word, and also awakened a bunch of people around——

"What about Xiao Lang?"

"Is Xiao Lang also dead?"

Xiao Lang is in very bad condition!

Before Wolf E exploded, he had only half of his body left, and the remaining half of his body had already turned into a skeleton. Can he survive this explosion?

Seeing the flatness in front of them, everyone was palpitated, they shook their heads, their expressions were sad, and there was no hope in their hearts. But even so, they overcome the fear in their hearts and stepped forward again.

No matter what, Xiao Lang is their benefactor for the reason they have been able to live so successfully.

"Perhaps dead, but it would be nice to leave a little corpse."

They are all sentient and righteous people. If they were truly ruthless and unjust, they wouldn't be still in Magnolia City now. When they approached, they saw the flat bricks and mud under their feet, and their hearts became more sad.

Sweeping around for a week, where is half of the body left?

The previous corpses were also blown away by the violent wind caused by the explosion of Wolf E.

The bottom of everyone's hearts was cold.

But at this moment, suddenly—


Ahead, a hand suddenly rushed out of the mud and grabbed the ground. The ground was high and protruding, and a head without any hair came out, full of mud and blood.

this is……

Everyone was shocked.

Xiao Lang?

Is it Xiao Lang?

With such a violent explosion, and at such a short distance, Xiao Lang could actually bear it?

It won't be Wolf E!

Everyone was nervous, no one dared to say a word, until--


The mud fell, and the person's face finally appeared. Everyone's eyes widened suddenly, dumbfounded, unbelievable, because they were so shocked that they couldn't say half a byte for a while—

Xiao Lang!

It really is Xiao Lang!

He is still alive!

After killing Wolf E with his bare hands and enduring the shocking explosion at such close range, he didn't even die!


So silence.

I'm afraid I can hear even a needle dropped in the huge clearing. Thousands of people survived, and nobody said a word. Just because they were too shocked, they watched the shirtless Xiao Lang burrow out of the mud and stood on the ground, covered in blood stains. The mud on his body was wet with blood and turned into mud, but he didn't care about it, just He raised his head and grinned at the void in front of him:

"Ha ha."

I don't know if it is mocking Wolf E or something.


Xiao Lang was not dead.

Not only that, the audience even discovered that his two dead bones were surrounded by weak green light, slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although the speed was slow, it was indeed recovering!

"How did he sustain it!"

Observing Xiao Lang closely at this time, everyone's hearts were more shaken, and they couldn't help thinking of the previous battle between him and Langwu——

Demon Lord of Dry Bones Town!

Xiao Lang is just a world realm! In such an overbearing and unreasonable way, he killed a demon of the Era Realm. Who has seen such a record except legend?



People are fearful!

Everyone wants to know what is going on, but who dares to ask questions at this time?

The only person who can explain the reason is of course Xiao Lang alone.

After Xiao Lang sneered, he lowered his head to look at his arms that gave birth to granulation, a faint purple light flashed away in his eyes, and he was lucky.

"Fortunately, the power of the veins I have drawn before is enough!"

Only Xiao Lang knew how lucky he was to survive. If he were another person, let alone the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, the Venerable Era Realm would have to die in the explosion of Wolf E!

The explosion of an Era Realm Venerable is too cruel!

Fortunately, there is a force in Xiao Lang's body that far exceeds what he can withstand in the martial art realm at this time-the power of the earth veins, and the power of this earth vein is mostly the vitality of the wood. Of course, the most important thing is the purple mist, which insulates Xiao Lang from at least 90% of the impact!

Therefore, he can survive successfully.

But even so, his loss is huge.

Almost exhausted!

The strength of the earth veins lost 90% the moment it resisted the explosion! As for the purple mist, it was even worse. There was only a thin layer left. It couldn't even cover Xiao Lang's whole body. It could only be gathered in the eyes.

"However, I won."

A tragic victory is also a victory!

Xiao Lang raised his head again and looked at the cloudless and clear sky because of the explosion of the wolf E blasting the clouds, and a touch of fear flashed in his eyes.

Too dangerous!

Almost died!

Had it not been for Ning Guanghe to detonate the Five Elements Prison before his death, giving him the best chance to make a move, Langwu would not be able to fight back under his infinite bombardment, and he would definitely not win!

Many factors are indispensable.

Without any of them, it would not be Wolf E who died at this time, but himself!


"In the end, I won!"

Xiao Lang dispelled the confusion in his eyes, as firm as a rock!

Winner and loser!

The result is the most important, isn't it?

The next moment, Xiao Lang's figure stopped, turned his head, and looked at the two people rushing in the distance. One of the girls, Pear Blossom, was crying hard with rain. Xiao Lang couldn't help but grinned, wanting to give her a brilliant smile. But at this moment, suddenly--


"I have to celebrate now, it's too early to be happy!"


Accompanied by a low roar that looked like a thunderstorm, everyone only felt a violent and awe-inspiring pressure suddenly descend from the void, like a heavy mountain pressing on their shoulders, their chests dull and out of breath, they hadn't waited for them to react--


A big blood-red hand was suddenly caught out of thin air. The crowd of onlookers did not check for a while, but dozens of them were taken away. The rest of the people looked at it in amazement, but only saw a blood basin closed, like eating jelly beans. Putting dozens of people into their mouths and chewing, the sound of cracking bones, splashing blood, and wailing before death entangled in the ears, which made people sore and timid, but even these were better than If they didn't see the appearance of the owner with a big mouth, they were even more horrified and shocked-
