Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 250: Slavery

When Xiao Lang discovered that he had entered the West Desert Sea of ​​Stars, and immediately teleported and settled down to Longyang Star, although he did not show it, from the bottom of his heart, he was quite disappointed.

What treasures and opportunities can there be on a planet where even a true **** has never been born?

For Xiao Lang, time is really life!

If there are not enough resources or opportunities in the West Desert Star Sea, he might really die! Moreover, this probability is extremely high!

Until now.

The existence of Mu Jingpo finally gave Xiao Lang a glimmer of hope.

"Although Mu Jingpo cannot completely repair my Dao spirit body, it can also delay the decline of my state."

On the first day of coming to Longyang Star, Xiao Lang was already very satisfied when he discovered the Wood Spirit Soul.

And the appearance of that strange spar brought him a huge surprise!

Xiao Lang had never seen this kind of spar.

But after personally experiencing the impact it brought to him, Xiao Lang was already 100% sure that this was the opportunity and hope he wanted. It came so fast and so timely that even Xiao Lang was caught off guard, unable to restrain his surging emotions.


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, trying to calm his mood, his eyes flickering.

"I see hope."

"But I need more smoky quartz."

Smoky Crystal is the name Xiao Lang gave to the strange round spar. Xiao Lang looked at himself and felt the changes in his true spirit, his eyes closed with joy, and he gently shook his head:

"If the number is small, it is far from enough."

"At the speed of my true spiritual transformation, the power in a smoky crystal can meet my needs for about seven days. However, as my degree of transformation deepens and the speed increases, the consumption will increase!"

Xiao Lang frowned, feeling helpless.

This seems to be an endless loop.

On the one hand, he needs the power in the smoky crystal to repair his true spirit, but while absorbing the power in the smoky crystal, it will also speed up his understanding of the Dao, which will greatly speed his transformation into the Dao.

This also makes the amount of smoky crystals he needs must be huge!

"I hope Hungu mining area can give me a miracle."

Xiao Lang sighed and made a decision.

He must go to the Hungu mining area. Even if there is only Wood Spirit Soul among them, it is worth visiting, not to mention Smoky Crystal.

As for how to go, Xiao Lang had already thought about it and looked at the child crawling under his feet. However, when he lowered his head, he couldn't help but stunned.

"Where is the big fat man?"


The big fat man is gone.

Under his feet, Xiao Lang only saw a huge pit. Although the big fat man was gone, Xiao Lang could sense that he was in this deep pit, and a pungent **** smell filled his nose.

what's the situation?

Xiao Lang was taken aback, and subconsciously asked:

"what are you doing?"

After a long time, the big fat man's voice finally came from the deep pit, but it was a low cry and cry for help:

"My lord, save me!"

Xiao Lang frowned, raised his hand, and then came out of the different space, pulling the big fat man out of life. He was bloodied and horrible. In many places, he was covered with flesh and blood, and the blood kept flowing.

The big fat man finally breathed fresh air and regained his freedom. He quickly took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and no matter how many pills were in it, he poured it into his mouth and the effect was not bad, but he stopped the blood gushing out of his body after a while. , The scars are not there, but the clothes are broken and his face is pale.


The big fat man was panting heavily and was very embarrassed. He raised his head subconsciously, just to see Xiao Lang's eyes focused on the porcelain bottle in his hand, his movements suddenly stiffened, and he smiled flatly:

"It's no wonder the adults, this is a little bit of the villain's possession, I really forgot just now, really, I will never deceive the adults."

Private possession?


Xiao Lang smiled slightly, not paying attention.

This cunning big fat man, does he think he can't smell it? As soon as Wei Tong opened the porcelain bottle, Xiao Lang smelled that the main material of the pill was Mu Jingpo!

But Xiao Lang didn't care.

Obviously, cunning is the nature of this big fat man.

But no matter how cunning, he is only in the early stage of the world.

"What happened to you just now?"

Xiao Lang continued to ask the question just now. When the big fat man heard the words, his face suddenly stiffened and turned paler, his face was like gold paper, and he hurriedly knelt to the ground, prostrate:

"It's okay, senior. The villain accidentally fell down just now!"

Fell down?

Hearing such awkward answer from Xi Tong, Xiao Lang frowned. In fact, there is no need for the big fat man to answer, he already guessed it.

The mark of the avenue!

It must have been that he had caused the Mark of the Great Dao at such a close distance, and the aura that inadvertently leaked brought such a great deal of pressure and damage to Xiaotong. As a result, he had to bury himself and escaped.

This made Xiao Lang once again realize the gap between Venerable Era Realm and World Realm Martial Artist.

You know, he is not a true venerable yet, but he can only use the power of the mark of the great dao, and the exudation of breath alone is no longer a world-level martial artist can resist.

The majesty of the Venerable is evident!

This also made Xiao Lang even more fortunate that the wolf E he slaughtered in Magnolia City was not a Venerable who relied on his own efforts to comprehend the Great Way, otherwise he would have a hundred lives and would not survive that day!

From the changes in his body, Xiao Lang could faintly sense his power when he evolved the Mark of the Dao, which made him look at the fat man kneeling on the ground several times.

"The coercion of the mark of the road at such a close distance, I am afraid that even the physical training in the early stage of the world is difficult to contend. It is possible for the body to burst and die. This big fat man can actually block it, and there is still a chance to dig underground to hide. Here, his skin bag is not as simple as it seems."

Distracted thoughts flashed across Xiao Lang's heart, and his eyes soon returned to clarity, and he said loudly:

"Don't kneel, get up."

"Sacrifice your soul blood and take me to the Hungu mining area."

Hearing Xiao Lang's first words, Mi Tong immediately felt relieved and was about to get up from the ground. After all, he was so big that it was really uncomfortable to keep kneeling on the ground.

But when Xiao Lang's second sentence came, his plump body suddenly trembled, and an unstoppable shock appeared on his face.

Soul blood?

He couldn't know what soul blood was.

The soul of the monk, the blood of the heart!

If the secret technique is integrated, it is soul blood!

Soul blood is very important to a monk, if it is controlled by others, it can be cut off in one thought!

"He wants to enslave me!"

Although Fei Tong was shameless and had no lower limit, when he heard that Xiao Lang wanted to take his soul blood, he still couldn't help but resist. After all, he is also a martial artist, a strong world realm who has grown stronger step by step from weak, how can he easily succumb to others?

Xiao Tong subconsciously wanted to fight, but when he thought of the powerful pressure that had suddenly risen from Xiao Lang just now, he was instantly horrified.


"He must be an Era Realm Venerable! I have seen a world realm Dzogchen peak powerhouse. Although it is not comparable to me, it will definitely not make me unable to arouse even the slightest resistance!"

"It doesn't seem to be so embarrassing to be committed to a venerable person?"

"If I refuse, I will definitely die!"

For a while, Mi Tong's small eyes shone brightly and flashed again and again, revealing his inner struggle, but it soon calmed down and was full of flattery again, as if nothing had happened before.

"Yes, master."

He hadn't sacrificed his soul blood yet, and his name to Xiao Lang had changed, extremely flexible. Immediately afterwards, he saw his eyebrows open and smile, the blood flashed through his eyes, a breath of smoke was spit out, and a drop of blood between his heart orifices appeared, and the two merged into one and sent to Xiao Lang respectfully.

Xiao Lang saw the smile on Xiao Tong's face, although he knew that the latter was pretending to be a gesture, he couldn't help but want to praise him.

What a clever ghost!

I have to admit that there are also some reasons why Xiao Lang is willing to accept children as slaves.

Xiao Lang knew his state.

It's okay if it is occasional shots, but if it is a daily fight, especially after entering the ruins, there will be constant disputes. He needs a helper, and the big fat man in front of him is a good target.

"The cultivation base is lower, but it is better than being a wise man."

"Smart people are easy to handle."

Xiao Lang took the drop of painstaking effort from the hand of Wei Tong and melted it into his body. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he took a deep look at the big fat man in front of him, and said,

"Little boy?"

Fei Tong shook his fat head and nodded quickly:

"It's the villain."

Xiao Lang was more satisfied with Zitong. In the drop of heart and blood entrusted to his life and death sent by Zitong, it also included all the information of Zitong, including the inside and outside of the Hungu mining area that he knew.

This saves Xiao Lang.

"Get up."

Xiao Lang digested the message from the child while saying:

"Follow me, don't be so restrained."

"I stayed here for a short time because of the wood spirits and smoky crystals in the Hungu mining area. When I leave, I will set you free."

Good things come first.

Xiao Lang loves words like Tao, and he knows human nature. Even if the life of the child is within his own thoughts, but in the cultivation world, for a blessing, a treasure of heaven and earth, and the slave backlash, are there few things happening?

Xiao Lang said this, of course, to stabilize Xi Tong's mind.

If the other party took advantage of his carelessness and really publicized his existence, even if it was not a crisis, it would be troublesome. Xiao Lang would never make a move if he could not make a move now, because his condition was really bad.

Hearing this, Fei Tong nodded and said, "The villain understands."

With Xiao Lang's permission, Wei Tong finally got up from the ground, but still did not dare to look at Xiao Lang's eyes. Xiao Lang knew that he was in awe of himself, so he didn't click on it, and directly expressed his request:

"You know the Hungu mining area better than me, but tell me, how can I sneak in so I can't be discovered?"

sneak into?

Mi Tong caught this word, and a suspicion flashed through his eyes.

This new owner of my own is a venerable one, so I still need to sneak into the Hungu mining area?

Isn't that enough to just kill in?

He was about to express his suspicion in his heart, suddenly his spirits fell, and he realized another possibility--


"With the master's force, he can certainly get in, but he still asked me this question, he must have other plans..."

He Tong thought for a while, suddenly his pupils lit up:

"The master is testing me? Yes! It must be testing me! The time has come to show my loyalty, and I must show my worth!"