Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 329: Those who enter this line, die

how is this possible!

Li Xueya clearly has the blood evil in his body, and the blood evil lingering around him has not yet dispersed. How did he get promoted to become the top venerable?

How could he not be enchanted!

Not only the Flame Demon Lord felt incredible, but also the Li Family Patriarch and others.


With Li Xueya's breakthrough, the blood evil can still keep his mind clear when he enters the body. This is simply a miracle, a miracle that the Devil Blood World has never seen before!


This time it was the Li family ancestor's turn to laugh wildly.

Happiness came so suddenly that he couldn't help but feel excited.

From great compassion to great joy, it was too sudden.

Top Venerable Li Family!

The No. 1 giant in the Devil Blood World!

"Blood demon, what a blood demon! This name is domineering!"

The ancestor of the Li family has a high voice because he sees the hope of victory. Li Xueya's breakthrough can completely break the balance of this war!

Life and death matter.

After realizing the possible impact of Li Xueya's breakthrough, the expressions of all the top Venerables present had undergone tremendous changes, but their changes were completely different, and they developed in two extreme directions. The ancestors of the Li family and others were all smiling. The Lord of the Flame Demon looked sour, it was hard to see the extreme.

But in the end, the most scheming Balrog master reacted fastest:

"kill him!"

"He has just been promoted to the top venerable, and his realm is unstable and he can't fully use his combat power! Come on, you have every chance to kill him!"

It was not the top Demon Venerables around him that the Flame Demon Lord bewitched, but the people in the Demon Blood City who had already had signs of enchantment. They also saw Li Xueya's promotion, knew that he had entered the ranks of the top venerables, and also knew that his breakthrough and promotion might have an impact on this war.

For a while, everyone's heart is cold.

However, when the Balrog Lord was full of bewilderment, the words sounded, causing their hearts to fight again, and the blood in their eyes deepened.

Upon seeing this, the Flame Demon's pupils lit up, throwing out the biggest temptation:

"Kill him!"

"If you kill at a higher level, your reputation will definitely remain in the history of the Demon Blood World, even if your lifespan cannot be eternal, but everything you have done in the past will definitely be heard in the Demon Blood World!"

"And I promise that whoever can kill Li Xueya, my Flame Demon Lord will worship his brothers, and vowed to exhaust his last bit of strength to help him become the top venerable, and share the glory and wealth with me in the Demon Flame Palace. !"

"One generation, two brothers!"

As soon as the Flame Demon Lord said this, there were still many sages who hesitated in the heart of the Demon Blood City, and the eyes were red and brilliant.

Heart moved!

This time they were really moved.

Especially those veteran powerhouses who didn't know how many years of stagnation were unable to make progress at the peak of the Era Realm, they are the people who are most tempted.

Only in their position can they know how painful they have been in these years.

Obviously, only a few minutes away, you can become the top venerable, but this half a step away, they have exhausted most of their lives! In particular, some of these people were from the same age as Li Xueya. At this time, watching Li Xueya rank among the top venerables, in addition to horror and shock, they were full of jealousy——


"Why did everyone practice for the same amount of time, and for tens of thousands of years, you have been a useless person, but in the end, why did you succeed, not me!"

"My! This glory should belong to me!"

Seven emotions and six desires, jealousy is the deadliest.

What's more, there was also the deliberate inducement and arousal of the Flame Demon Lord. In an instant, their mentality immediately exploded, and the many powerful people who were still watching from afar in the scope of the Demon Blood City rushed toward the battle circle!

Over the years, the martial arts realm in the Demon Blood City has stayed at the peak of the late Era realm, struggling with pain, but can't see how many veteran powerhouses who hope to become the top venerable?

do not know.

The peak venerate in the late era of the era has a life span of at least a million years, and the Demon Blood World has existed for longer than this, that is to say, for a million years, almost all martial arts cultivation have stayed at the peak of the late era of the era. All are still alive.


more than!

At this time, the people in the Demon Blood City should be half of all the warriors of this type in the Demon Blood World, but only half. In the Demon Blood City, there are already tens of thousands of figures that have steamed up, stepping out of the scope of the Demon Blood City. In an instant, the momentum was unleashed, united as one, and the violent impact that even the ancestors of the Li family and the top veterans of the level of the flame demon could not help but change.


too strong!

Tens of thousands, this is the sum of all the high-level combat power of the entire Demon Blood World for millions of years, how can it not be strong? This is the greatest heritage of the Devil Blood World for millions of years!

Of course, not all of these people are casual cultivators. At least one-third of them are from various major families. Before, in the Devil Blood City, no one dared to take a step out of the Devil Blood City. Until now, they couldn’t. Don't stand up anymore.

With so many people, even if the top venerables have complete protections, it is difficult for these people to threaten their lives. They leave as they want, and stay as long as they want. However, if they want to kill them cleanly, any top venerable will have a headache.

When does that have to be killed?

The situation changed again, and so did the top venerables in the center of the battlefield. The Flame Demon Lord had already revealed surprises. He never expected that a greeting would cause such a big movement.

The balance of victory and defeat, once again reversed!

Now, it's Patriarch Li's side that has changed.

"Do you know what you are doing now!"

The ancestor of the Li family was going crazy.

Li Xueya alone can't stop these people's offensive!

Too many people.

What's more, Li Xueya couldn't retreat, so he could only stand firmly in front of Xu Mizhu, because once he retreated, he would definitely not be able to stop the joint offensive of so many people!

Xiao Lang, Li Qingshan, and Zhao Feng didn't even have a chance to come out, they would be directly strangled inside.

However, how can the words of the ancestors of the Li family shake the killing thoughts in the hearts of the peak powers in the late era of the surrounding red eyes? If the ancestors of the Li family were able to move freely now, there would be palpitations, or even shrink back, and return to Qingming. But now, everyone can see the situation clearly.

The ancestors of the Li family are trapped!

All they need to deal with is Li Xueya!

Oh, yes, and the descendants of the Li family and the Zhao family who have a mortal heart and stand on the united front with the family.

But their number is too small to be a cause for concern.


Seeing hope again, and the hope is so great, of course the Flame Demon Lord will not have any hesitation. While a roar spread throughout the battlefield, it also aroused the killing intent in everyone's heart.


The war started again, and in an instant, it directly entered the white-hot stage.

The battle circle of the top venerables is still the same, boring to tell, no need to repeat, but the circle in which they are fighting is obviously suppressed a lot.

For the tens of thousands of Venerable Pinnacles in the late Era Realm, this power is really too huge, especially when they all shot together, the sky and the earth burst, and the void trembles violently. It seems that this Xiaotiandi is on the verge of being shattered. The marks of the avenue were surging, and even the ancestors of the Li family, the Flame Demon Lord and others felt the tremendous pressure, and the battle circle was forced to shrink.

"So many people, if they unite, if they are willing to resist, I am afraid that even we will not get any benefits, right?"

For the veteran top veterans such as the ancestors of the Li Family and the Flame Demon Lord, the development of this battle to this degree has greatly refreshed their three views.

As top venerables, they always thought that they were invincible. But after experiencing such a battle, they discovered that sometimes the number exceeds a certain limit, and it can be so terrifying!

However, they are not the ones who feel the deepest.

After the war resumed, they were still dealing with their previous opponents. Only Li Xueya, in an instant, felt the violent pressure from the sky!

He is the person who bears the brunt of the brunt, and he is the target of countless venerable peaks in the late era of the era!


At the moment when the war started, more than a hundred sharp attacks and killings came from the air, using the gaps created by other people's wars, it came crashing!

"Li Xueya, go to death!"

"Li Xueya, tens of thousands of years ago, you killed my ancestors, and now I have reached the peak of the late Era Realm, it is time for you to pay for your blood! I will use the head of your top venerable to pay homage to my ancestors!"

These people came the fastest, because they simply ignored the others around them, and the resentment in their hearts made them attack Li Xueya for the first time.

Obviously, the reason why these people are like this is that the temptation of the Flame Demon Lord is second, and the most important is the causal fetters between Li Xueya and them.


The world shook, the void shook, and even aroused looming ripples.

Its momentum is fierce!

Facing these people's desperate attack, even Li Xueya couldn't help but change his face.


It was just a slight change, not the big change that the ancestors of the Li family, the Flame Demon Lord and others thought of. Although the top veterans are still fighting, they know that they can't tell the victory or defeat for a time. At present, the most important link is Li Xueya.

If he can stop it, this war may continue.

If Li Xueya can't stop...

This war must be ended!

"You must hold on!"

This is not only the prayer in the hearts of the ancestors of the Li family, but also the prayers of Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng in Xumizhu. Under their gaze, Li Xueya slowly lifted the **** long knife in his hand, without saying a word, his face It was very cold, and it was slashed against the void ahead!


The blood is like the sun, shining on the audience!

In an instant, everyone in the audience saw Li Xueya's sword. It was like a round of sun, but it was sharper than the sun. The thick blade of the sword rose up against the wind, and it was a hundred feet long. It was a combined blow with the peak of the late century. Hit together!


The earth-shattering roar burst, the power of the avenue was madly scattered. Under everyone's horrified gaze, the knife light directly tore the combined blow, and then pierced the chests of more than twenty people one after another, crushing the flesh, which was fierce. The ground exploded.

The blade is sharp and sharp, even the bursting blade has created amazing lethality. More than 100 people, nearly 30 people died tragically, 50 people were seriously injured, fell into the void, and some did not even fall to the ground. Beheaded by a blow from the battlefield who didn't know where it came from!

The last more than ten people were all injured. They were either missing arms or legs, or scars were deeply visible. Obviously they were unable to fight again in a short time. They looked at Li Xueya's long knife in amazement and finally fell on the ground in front of him. , And also on the ground in front of Xu Mizhu, a knife mark that was dozens of miles long was opened!

"Those who enter this line, die!"

Li Xueya's still cold voice did not fluctuate at all. It sounded in the sudden silence of the battlefield. At this moment, everyone looked at him, especially those who were from the same era as Li Xueya, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

This sense of familiarity drew their memories, thinking of a young man covered in white and blood-stained under the siege of tens of thousands of horses from more than a dozen families hundreds of thousands of years ago. How similar is this scene?

Li Xueya, the same Li Xueya!

"Kill God, Li Xueya!"