Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 330: Invincible killer

There is only one killer in Devil Blood World.

In other words, there is only one Killing God recognized by the entire Devil Blood World, and that is Li Xueya.

The times make heroes, this sentence is not fake at all.

The name of the killer Li Xueya was accumulated by the number of dead souls under his sword! Back then, due to special reasons, the top families of the Devil Blood World rushed, but the top veterans were not allowed to interfere because of some kind of pressure or mutual restraint.

The Li family became the focus of that war.

Because the Li family is the oldest.

In that battle, many top ancestors only wanted one result——

Another top-notch Venerable was born in the Devil Blood World.

The Li family has the deepest background, because the ancestor of the Li family is the oldest among all the top venerables, so many of the geniuses of the Li family have become targets of public criticism.

That war may not have the wide coverage of the war that broke out suddenly today. Only the top families participated in it, but the duration of the round is definitely not comparable to today's war.

That war lasted for a hundred years!


How can the birth of a top venerable be so simple that one can be born in a day or two?

Hunt for geniuses!

It is precisely the strategy implemented by many families and the Li family. Whoever is most likely to be promoted to the position of top venerables is not those who have accumulated years of inability to advance at the peak of the Era Realm.

They couldn't break through for so long because of their limits. No amount of accumulation is useless. They have reached the end of their potential.

Relatively speaking, naturally the geniuses of major families are the most promising.

Therefore, killing the flame of hope in the opposing family has become the primary goal of the major families. In that era, Li Xueya was also one of the geniuses cultivated in the Li family.

He is more talented than him.

However, he was the only one who persisted to the end!


When he was young, Li Xueya was an absolute main fighter. He was never afraid of being a genius of the Li family. He must be there in every battle. He was dressed in white, not all dyed red, and would never accumulate a thick layer of plasma. go back.

That's how the name of the killer Li Xueya was accumulated.

From the initial disdain to Li Xueya becoming the most daunting existence of the Li family, this process took only a few decades, and Li Xueya's name as a killer completely shocked the entire world of magic blood.

It is recognized that this is the origin.

As a result, that war ended early, and most of Li Xueya's reasons were also due to Li Xueya. In the last battle, he was the protagonist, and more than ten families united to target him alone.

Because in the eyes of the world, if he does not die, the new top venerable must be him. One can imagine how much pressure Li Xueya has put on many families with the long knife in his hand that can make many families have such thoughts.

Although the Li family was strong, it couldn't stand the teamwork of more than ten families, and it was quickly breached. Of course, there was a ban among the top veterans, and the door could not be destroyed.

They didn't want to kill the Li family either, they only wanted to target Li Xueya alone.

As a result, before today, the biggest battle that could be regarded as the Devil Blood World broke out, and the peak powerhouse in the late stage of the century, besieged and killed Li Xueya alone.

On that day, Li Xueya was still dressed in white, with a long sword, and proudly volleyed to meet the challenges of many peaks in the late era.

In that battle, the situation changed and the sky shook. There is no need to repeat the process. In short, two words——


Every quarter of an hour, the corpses of the peak powers of the late Era Realm fall from high altitude, and their corpses have only one knife mark, a knife mark that killed directly!

Li Xueya was incomparable in all directions, fiercely smashed among the peak powers in the late stage of the Hundred Era Realm. With a sword spirit, he killed more than half of his opponents in a battle. There were as many as fifty or sixty people. He was seriously injured and never had a long sword in his hand. There was a little stagnation.

As for the peak powers of the late Era Realm from more than ten families, they came with the idea of ​​killing Li Xueya at first, but as the battle continued, there were fewer and fewer people with this idea.

They are afraid of being killed!

Li Xueya dressed in blood, with a long knife in his hand, proved that the name of the **** of homicide did not come out of thin air, and that battle was to prove that the name of the **** of homicide was the strongest.

That battle finally ended with the appearance of many top Venerables.

They had to show up.

Because he doesn't show up again, I'm afraid everyone will be killed by Li Xueya!

That war also came to an end because of the end of this battle.

No top nobleman is born.

But in everyone’s eyes, after this battle, Li Xueya, even if he had a small gain, would definitely be able to break the final shackles and become the top venerable. After all, in that battle, Li Xueya had already shown a half-step top Strength.

For a time, the name of Li Xueya, the white-clothed killer god, spread throughout the world of demon blood, which was heart palpitating.

Quasi top!

Devil Blood World is most likely to become the existence of the top venerable!

Killing God in White!

I don't know how many names fell on Li Xueya. Suddenly, at that time, Li Xueya's reputation in the Demon Blood World even surpassed some of the top venerables in the Demon Blood World and was very strong.

But what people never expected is that after that war, Li Xueya never appeared again. Everyone only thought that Li Xueya was hidden by Xueya to prevent the final breakthrough from being disturbed. Until a thousand years later, he should have appeared in the demon. Li Xueya, who participated in the ring battle on the sixth floor of the Blood Proving Ground, still failed to appear, and everyone realized something unusual.

Under the pressure of various parties, the ancestors of the Li family couldn't bear the pressure brought by all parties, and finally revealed the truth.

Li Xueya, scrapped.

The blood wicked into the body, the whole body's cultivation was turned into nothing. In other words, he was still at the peak of the late Era Realm, but he couldn't show it anymore. After thousands of years of attempts, the Li family could not expel the blood evil power in his body.

Sure enough, on that day, Li Xueya appeared outside the Demon Blood Trial Ground.

The blood evil enters the body, it is almost the same as being banned by the blood essence, his breath is completely covered, and he can't even catch the demonic blood trial field, just like an ordinary person, it is no longer possible to enter the demonic blood trial field to participate The ring is over.

They saw a desperate Li Xueya, completely different from Li Xueya before, and Li Xueya who was completely abandoned by the Li family, because that day, the Li family also announced to the public that Li Xueya's injury could no longer be cured and had given up treatment.

They couldn't imagine how much impact this incident had on Li Xueya.

But since then, the name of killing **** disappeared. I don't know how many people went to provoke Li Xueya, but the latter was not moved at all, and even began to sell pills, trying to maintain the suppression of the blood evil in the body.

Later, there were fewer and fewer people looking for Li Xueya to provoke.

Because Li Xueya didn't resist at all, they naturally had no fun.

In short, Li Xueya's legend in the Devil Blood World seemed to end like this, drawing an unsatisfying period that no one could help but sigh.

until today--

Li Xueya slashed the pinnacle of the late stage of the Era Realm with a single slash, severely wounding more than half, and almost no one of the pinnacles of the late stage of the 100 Era realm retreated.

"He is back!"

Someone was fortunate enough to witness or even participate in that battle. Looking at Li Xueya standing motionless in front of Xumizhu, his legs were weak, and the soldiers in his hands were trembling. The fear of the past came to his heart again, drowning them, his eyes were shocked , Where dare to have the slightest intention to kill?

Today as the day before yesterday, the nightmare is still there!

For a moment, in front of Li Xueya, there was a thousand feet in the void, and no one dared to stay. Beyond a thousand feet, everyone looked at the blood knife in his hand with trepidation. His body trembled and couldn't control it.


They are really scared!

Invincible Killing God is back!

What is invincible?

One person, one sword, beat the heroes!

Just standing with a knife, no one dared to come forward, this kind of aura made the Li family ancestors, the Flame Demon Lord and others unconscious. Although they are also strong men who have come out of a sea of ​​blood, and their lives are not much less than that of Li Xueya, but in these years, they have been in high positions, and they have rarely had such a life and death struggle.

Li Xueya is different.

Over the years, he has been fighting, fighting against the blood evil invading his body! Today, he finally defeated his greatest enemy and successfully controlled it!

This is invincible!

The Flame Demon Lord was finally anxious:

"Come on! Don't give him time to breathe! He is not as strong as you think! Being able to swing a knife does not mean that he can swing a second one! Do you really want to wait for the wild wolf to master the Devil Blood World, Stuck down and die?!"

The Flame Demon Lord was not reconciled, yelling bewitched.

I have to admit that his research on the path of the heart is indeed at the top level of the venerable. Every sentence has poke the weakness in the hearts of many warriors around. Someone has just escaped, but when the words of the flame demon came, theirs The fundus immediately fluctuated and hesitated.

It might die.

But if they don't, they will definitely die when the wild wolves take control of the entire Devil Blood World!

In this case, what choice will they make?

no doubt.


"Even if it is piled up with flesh and blood, we must kill him!"


Finally, someone gathered again, and more than just now, the Venerable Pinnacle walked out of the crowd near the end of the two-hundred era realm, and the aura became one, surging violently, and the color changed.

Come again!

They can't help it.

The current situation is desperate!

They dare not bet what decisions the wild wolves will make after mastering this world, so they can only put their destiny in their own hands!

"Come on, I'll admit it if you die!"

Outbreak in desperation.

This kind of breath is suffocating. It is rolling in, the torrent is torrential, and they face life and death together. At this moment, they have a tacit understanding that is difficult for ordinary people to experience. At almost the same time, the power of the Great Dao burst out, and nearly two hundred magic soldiers raised. .


Another wave of fierce offensive directed at Li Xueya alone, only to see a flash of blood in Li Xueya's eyes, and the long sword in his hand raised again.



Do not retreat, see who will die first!


The domineering confrontation began like this, the power of the great avenue was vertical and horizontal, the blood was splashing, and the aftermath was enough to kill the ordinary venerable, and the peak power in the late era of the era did not dare to face the aftermath, and countless physical cultivation began to rush towards Li Xueya. .

Melee, entanglement!

It's just that the remote attack will never end this battle. As the top venerable, Li Xueya's background is much better than them!

The raid had an effect.

After not knowing how many people were beheaded by Li Xueya, a blood-colored spear came to his side. The timing was just right, sinister and vicious, just when the venerable Qiqi of the late stage of more than a hundred eras ahead launched another round of long-range attacks. .

Li Xueya's clone was weak, and was finally hit by this insidious shot——


The light of the protective body was penetrated, even though Li Xueya's body was exquisite, but Mizhu could not move, it was equivalent to being confined to the spot. Li Xueya could not move. Once he stepped back half a step, the shot would fall on Xu Mizhu.

Therefore, he resisted the shot, but dodged the vital point, instantly bleeding from his shoulder, and the **** long knife retracted, killing the opponent instantly.

The crisis is lifted.

But this scene also made the crowd besieging him instantly boiling.

Li Xueya is injured!