Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 461: Rattling

Broken Soul Valley.

It can almost be regarded as one of the most iconic landmarks of Red Yan.

Not only because it is the largest and deepest canyon on Red Yan, but also because there is a poignant legend about it.


Tens of millions of years ago before the creation of Tianfu Palace.

A super strong once appeared in Chiyan Star.

Suspected Monarch of Immortality.

He is not a native of Chiyan Star, he traveled, but fell in love with a woman on Chiyan Star. The two stayed together and lived a sweet life.

And with his help, the woman was also promoted to the Great Perfection in the Era Realm and stopped at the peak.

They have lived together for hundreds of thousands of years.

However, there is a problem that has been bothering him.

That is the life span of his wife.

Only the emperor of the immortal realm can live with the world.

Even if Venerable Dzogchen Pinnacle of Era Realm is only a few minutes away from the position of Monarch of Immortal Realm, it is impossible to live forever.

He didn't want to watch his wife die like this.

Ever since.

He chose to go to a distant place to seek opportunities.

The opportunity to allow his wife to be promoted to the level of the immortal monarch.

This walk is ten thousand years.

For the immortal monarch, life is endless, ten thousand years is only a moment, and any change is just a drop in the ocean.

However, for ordinary people, even for Venerable Dzogchen Peak in Era Realm, this is not the case.

Relatively speaking, they are still in the world.

Compared with the immortal monarch, there are too many dangers and accidents that may happen to them.

Such as his wife.

When he went through all the hardships and dangers, finally got the opportunity he needed and returned to the Scarlet Yan Star, only to discover that his wife had died thousands of years ago.

It is not natural to age.

It was a team with only two Era Realm Dzogchens who came to Chiyan Star to kill and plunder and seize resources.

The cultivation world at that time was quite chaotic.

There is no Tianfu Palace yet.

Any family and force can only fight separately.

His wife couldn't bear the charcoal of her hometown and stood up decisively.

She successfully killed the entire team, including the two Era Realm Dzogchen Venerables. But in the end, because the injury was too serious, it disappeared within a few years.

After knowing all this, the immortal monarch went crazy.

Cut it with a knife.

This huge canyon was formed.

In order to commemorate his wife and to let future generations remember this poignant legend, since then, this canyon has been named the Valley of Broken Souls.


At this moment Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of this legend.

And because of it, I thought of myself and Nymph.

"If Fuer dies..."

Xiao Lang's heart was full of distracting thoughts, his expression dignified, and his expression ugly. At this moment, he suddenly lost his energy and let himself forcibly walk out of the legend of Broken Soul Valley.

"Do not!"

"Furkendi will not be surprised."

"Otherwise... even if you are a Jin Xun clan?"

"I swear to take the entire Jin Xun clan to pay for Fu'er!"

Xiao Lang's heart was full of killing intent, and it was steaming. The young vows are like clank and iron bones.

And when Xiao Lang's heart was disturbed by thoughts--

Broken Soul Valley.


The starlight outside was like a wave, Xiao Lang couldn't help looking out, and when the entire Broken Soul Valley came into view, his eyes suddenly trembled, and everyone was stunned.


Although Xiao Lang had heard of the legend of Broken Soul Valley.

After all, it was a canyon where the immortal monarch was born with a blow from his anger, and it must be huge.

However, at first sight, Xiao Lang was still shocked.


More than huge!

It is too majestic!

The entire canyon was like a Milky Way in front of your eyes, the stars were so bright that Xiao Lang couldn't even see the end at a glance.

Judging from where they are, the entire canyon is as if the red yan star was cut into two directly. The surface is smooth, even if tens of millions of years have passed, the marks of Guanghua are still there.

The starlight in the sky is reflected by it.

I don’t know if it’s because of the wind.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, Xiao Lang seems to be able to feel a kind of extreme sharpness and fierceness from it. Although there is no lethality, the momentum contained in it is enough to shock and shake the mind. , My chest feels tight.

Xiao Lang is not the only one.

By his side.

Qiu Tian, ​​Qiu Zhan and others looked at the Valley of Broken Souls in front of them with the same expressions, seeming to be quite moved.

The only ones who were not affected were the top venerables like Chen Shou. As the Dzogchen Peak Venerable of Chance Realm, they not only comprehend their own Dao, but also control them thoroughly. Of course, they are not so easily affected.

But Chen Shou still looked at Broken Soul Valley outside the window and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Really domineering!"

"Although it is not the first time I have seen Broken Soul Valley, I still have feelings every time I see it."

"That senior is really powerful!"

Beside him, many top veterans nodded one after another, expressing the same feeling.

But with the continuous progress of the flying boat.

Chen Shou looked at the outside eyes suddenly, his expression serious and cold.

Xiao Lang also moved his heart, his eyes focused.

Among the stars reflected by Broken Soul Valley, there were three or four black spots, which seemed out of place and quite abrupt. It's like a beautiful picture is destroyed.

Xiao Lang's eyes condensed, he saw the black spots clearly, and a sharp light flashed through his eyes.

It's human!

At this point in time, the person who actually appears here can of course only have one identity——

The devil boy of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!

They have arrived long ago!


In an instant, the evil spirit in the entire flying boat was flooded, the killing intent spread endlessly, and everyone's faces were blue and silent.

No one would appreciate the majesty of Broken Soul Valley anymore.

The enemy is out!

Who cares about this wonderfully crafted valley?

at last.

The flying boat stopped, floating in the void.

Chen Shou didn't say a word or communicated with anyone. The next moment he took the lead in walking out of the flying boat.


After more than ten breaths.

Both sides of Broken Soul Valley were full of people.

The two sides stood opposite each other, separated from Broken Soul Valley and also separated by hundreds of miles.

For the top venerable, Baili, this is the limit of safe distance.

Rush and kill the enemy.

Retreat also calmly.

On Chen Shou's side, everyone's eyes were torch, full of anger, and murderous intent. At the other end of the Valley of Broken Souls, many demon lords of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect showed disdain.

However, the killing intent is also solemn!

The enemy met, extremely jealous.


The atmosphere is depressing.

Xiao Lang was hidden in the crowd. His eyes were focused on the limited number of people in Broken Soul Valley.

Su Han!

Uncle She!

At the other end of Broken Soul Valley, the demonic cultivation of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect was divided into four camps, with the same number of people in each camp, 225 people.

In one of the camps, Xiao Lang suddenly saw Su Han and Uncle She!

This camp is faintly led by Su Han and Uncle She.

Among all the people in front of him, Xiao Lang didn't only know Su Han and Uncle She.

In another team, Xiao Lang saw Mad Demon Lord!


When he pretends to be the magic repair of the ancient magic tower, he encounters the crazy monster who is chasing after him!

He stood in another camp, and this camp was also faintly headed by a young man of the same age as Su Han.

"Liu Zi?"

Xiao Lang thought of the power distribution of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect on the Scarlet Yan Star that he had heard from Su Han before, and he realized that he looked at the two young men headed by the other two camps.

"It seems that they are Fang Jin and Qin Hongbin."

Who is Fang Jin and Qin Hongbin is not so critical. The most important thing is that, from their distribution and standing, it can be seen that although their number is nine times as large as on their own, their hearts are uneven.

"If we can make use of it, our trip will definitely be a lot easier."

Xiao Lang thought to himself, looking at Chen Shou, he saw that the latter's eyes were also gleaming, and he looked thoughtful.

The only trouble is--

Even if the other side is not in harmony, the number and combat power of either side surpass them.

And more than twice!

Including Xiao Lang, everyone in Tianyu City had a rather solemn expression.

A fierce battle is inevitable!

No matter they are surrounded by any of these four teams, they will probably be in danger of annihilation.

"Fishing in troubled waters?"

Distracted thoughts flashed through Xiao Lang's heart, but they quickly converged.

The responsibility for this matter lies with many top Venerables in the team, including Chen Shou. As the peak Venerable of the Mid-Era Realm, he has no say at all.

It's useless to say it.

Therefore, Xiao Lang remained silent.


The mountain breeze howled, bitterly cold.

No one speaks.

The solemn atmosphere began to spread.

Xiao Lang had no doubt that if it weren't about the Demon Lake Holy Land today, the two sides would have fought long ago, **** everywhere.

at last.

Out of Xiao Lang's accident, Su Han was the first to stand up to break the deadlock.

I saw him look serious and didn't even look at the team on his side. Of course, he didn't look at the other teams of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, and said coldly:

"Uncle She, let's start."

Uncle She immediately walked out from behind him, nodded, and walked directly to the center of Broken Soul Valley, pacing in the void, and the magic energy is steaming. When he reaches the established position, he immediately stops. At the same time, he He took the pitch-black dagger out.

The dagger is not pure black.

But its surface is carved with intricate patterns and looks like a weird silver.

When Xiao Lang's pupils contracted subconsciously, he wanted to remember the marks on the surface of it in his heart, only to feel a shock, and the power of the great power in his body faintly boiled, tending to fall into disorder.

Xiao Lang immediately looked away, only to realize that Chen Shou and other top venerables were also the same.

It's just that the traces engraved on the dagger will affect even the top venerable Dzogchen in the Era Realm!

"Could it be that this dagger was refined by the immortal monarch?"

This is the only reason Xiao Lang can think of.

And at this moment--

"Array, get up!"

Uncle She let out a loud roar, and suddenly thrust his dagger under him.

call out!

The dagger turned into a silver light and fled directly into the void, and then—


The crisp sound of cracking sounded, as if something suddenly collapsed, everyone only felt that the void was shaking, and from the position where Uncle She's dagger pierced, a mysterious and huge aura was born and bloomed!


The world shook and roared.

Xiao Lang immediately realized.

Magic Pool Holy Land.

To be turned on!
