Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 490: Complete later!

"Do not!"

With the death of the giant axe man, some of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect team screamed in shock, some were dumbfounded, and it was difficult to move for a while.

They never expected that Li Batian and the others would be so decisive, without any warning, they would directly kill the strongest of them.

More importantly, they actually did it!


Standing in the distance, Xiao Lang saw the giant axe's body burst and the giant axe fell from the void. He couldn't help but his eyes shrank suddenly and his spirits were shocked.



Li Batian's knife really lived up to his name.

Of course, there is actually a pity in Xiao Lang's heart. He knows that the Great Axe is the strongest venerable. He also knows that the opponent must have not used all his power just now, because at least from the situation, they have not been forced to. The most dangerous moment.

This is precisely because of this, Li Batian's cut seems so overwhelming.

As the saying goes.

Soldiers against soldiers, will against generals.

I haven't used my full strength yet, why do you dare to target me like this?

Xiao Lang knew that he probably didn't think about such a problem at the moment before his death. It can only be said that the cooperation of Li Batian and others is too tacit, and the shot is too decisive!

"Unfortunately, I didn't see him display the power of the great fusion."

The Great Axe was not the first strongest person Xiao Lang had ever seen, and neither was Sun Wuji. But so far, Xiao Lang has never really realized the process and effect of the integration of the power of the so-called complete Dao of the strongest Venerable.

This has always been a pity in his heart.

Only soon, Xiao Lang faded away from this thought.

Compared to his own selfishness, what he wants to see more, of course, is the victory of the team, the victory of this battle.

Fang Jin’s team is over!

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with excitement.

The fact is also true.

At the moment when the giant axe died, Fang Jin's entire team around him suddenly became chaotic.


Everyone rushed to the outside, not daring to fight again.

In just a short time, they have already died three top venerables, and one of them is still the strongest among them, and the strongest combat power has been directly reduced by a third!

How to fight this?

Defeated like a mountain!

And Li Batian and others certainly couldn't let them leave so easily.

Chase after victory!

They want to keep everyone here.

On one side, the momentum is like a rainbow. On one side, there is nothing sharp.

This situation also directly announced that this sudden encounter is really nearing its end at this moment.

One can't escape!

In the depths of the team, Fang Jin panicked and looked at all the chaos around him. He saw that every top venerable was desperately fleeing outside, but he couldn't run out at all. He was stopped by Li Batian and other life students. It was just a moment. Several people died tragically, and among them there were two top Demon Venerables. At this moment, he was completely panicked.

"Do not!"

"I can't die!"

He never expected that his guardian suddenly died suddenly, and the whole person suddenly had no master, just like other demon lords of the beast demon sect. At this moment, he only cared about his own destiny, nothing else.

The protector is dead.

Fang Jin knew that the reason why he could control the entire team had nothing to do with his status as an overseer. In the cruel world of the Heavenly Demon Realm, status and status are all secondary, and only strong is the only right to speak.

Because of the great axe, all other talents will listen to themselves.

And now, his protector is dead, what is the difference between him and an ordinary Era Realm Xiao Perfect Venerable?

no difference.

No one cares about him!

"I surrender!"

"I am the fifth envoy of the Heavenly Demon Realm. I know the Demon Lake Holy Land better than anyone! Let me have a way out. As long as I know, I will tell you all!"

Fang Jin shouted loudly.

As the fifth Superintendent of the Heavenly Demon Realm, he unexpectedly chose to surrender and betray!

If he were in Tianfu Palace, he would have been killed by his own as soon as he spoke. Tianfu Palace, no traitors are allowed to appear!

However, when Fang Jin yelled at these words, no Demon Venerable of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect cared about him.

Because they do it too.

And it's much louder than Fang Jin's voice!

a mess.

Hearing the crowd's surrender calls, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed coldly, without speaking. Li Batian and others did not stop their actions.

beg for mercy?

How can you have a chance to survive!

It wasn't until a vine rushed towards Fang Jin that Xiao Lang spoke;

"Five seniors, let him go first. I still have a lot to ask. As for the others, don't show mercy, just kill them all."

Li Batian and others heard this, and finally stopped and turned to attack others.

As for the next battle, it's all one side.

As the giant axe man was killed, the people of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect lost their backbone. If they still had 80% of the combat power, they could show half of them, and it was still a small half, and most of their thoughts were on fleeing. How can it be the opponent of Li Batian, who is vigorous and courageous.

In less than a cup of tea, Fang Jin's team was completely destroyed.

Do not.

There was one person left, and that was Fang Jin himself.

At this moment, Fang Jin suddenly regretted it. Because he found that although he survived, he was more uncomfortable than death.

Mainly because of the origin of the stars.

Because Xiao Lang used the power of the Dao Origin to cover up the aura of Li Batian and others, so when everyone in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect team died tragically, the only thing that the Star Origin clone could perceive was Fang Jin. Came swiftly.

With Xiao Lang's order, Li Batian and others certainly couldn't just watch Fang Jin go to death, but they didn't throw Fang Jin out of the battle, but did something that would make Fang Jin have nightmares every day in his next life. .


Li Batian and the others used Fang Jin as a bait to seduce the Star Origin clone, while they waited for the opportunity to launch an offensive nearby to consume the power of the Star Origin clone.

Slowly consume.

Now that the result of this battle is doomed, of course they will not continue to take risks, a little bit of grinding.

This process, of course, couldn't be easier for them.

But the other party came in and said that he could not only be described by the words ecstasy and dying, at this moment, he really wanted to die!

Unfortunately, until the end, he didn't have the courage.

Xiao Lang kept watching.

Watching the power of the Star Origin Clone rapidly decline, until the transpiring aura on it finally reached the level of the Era Realm Small Perfection, the bloodthirsty star vine's voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Lang's heart:

"about there."

"We can do it now."

"According to what I said, divide the accounts between three and seven."

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, looking at the bloodthirsty star vine on his shoulder, and nodding lightly.

This is indeed their previous agreement.

37 points.

Xiao Lang naturally occupies 70%.

In fact, when he said these words, Bloodthirsty Starvine was very nervous. Because in its imagination, even if they found the avatar of the origin of the stars this time, it would be a difficult battle, but unexpectedly, Xiao Lang thought of such a wonderful idea to use the origin of the great spirit body in his body. The force concealed the aura of Li Batian and others, and directly blinded the perception of the origin clone of the stars.

This battle seemed very grand, but in fact, Li Batian and the others were not at all dangerous.

Under such circumstances, would Xiao Lang still be willing to give him 30%?

What surprised him was that Xiao Lang nodded without hesitation.

There is nothing to entangle.

Just follow the agreement.

"Senior, leave it to me."


Xiao Lang rushed into the battlefield. From the beginning of this battle, he was also regarded as his first public appearance. Fang Jin obviously didn't expect that there were other people next to him, so he was taken aback.

However, Xiao Lang's face was extremely strange to Fang Jin. To be honest, not only Fang Jin, I am afraid that no one of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect knows Xiao Lang, nor does he know everyone in the Tianyu City team.

No need to care.

Xiao Lang did not look at him either.

"it is good."

Without any hesitation, Li Batian and the others retreated. In fact, if they had not been ordered by Xiao Lang to kill the Star Origin clone directly, they would have done it directly and would not be surprised by Xiao Lang's request at this time.

"What to do next?"

Looking at the Star Origin clone who was directly rushing towards him, Xiao Lang continued to question.

kill him?

Just like killing the poisonous chrysanthemum, kill it, and then draw the power of the origin of the stars in it?

But I heard the excited voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine:

"No, I'll come."

"That would be a waste of power. I'll help you refining and absorbing its power, so as to absorb it 100%."

Bloodthirsty Starvine wants to shoot?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

Bloodthirsty Starvine was seriously injured and attached to his body. This was the first time that Bloodthirsty Starvine actively asked for a shot.

However, since Bloodthirsty Starvine requested it, Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't have any opinions.

Xiao Lang had never been 100% relieved of the Bloodthirsty Starvine. Since it asked for a shot at this time, Xiao Lang was more happy to see this scene, so that he could know more about the Bloodthirsty Starvine.


At the next moment, Li Batian and the others were surprised to see that a huge vine suddenly rose up from Xiao Lang's shoulders, like a wild beast, suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the avatar of the origin of the stars.

On Xiao Lang's side, the vines also expanded sharply, wrapping his whole person in it, forming a whole.

"Xiao Lang wants to absorb the power of the Star Origin clone?"

Seeing such a scene, how could Li Batian and others fail to see what Xiao Lang was going to do. However, when this scene also fell in the eyes of Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​it was not just as simple as surprise, but also astonished!

"Bloodthirsty Starvine!"

"When did Brother Xiao Lang get together with Bloodthirsty Starvine?"

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian looked at each other, and both saw horror and worry in each other's eyes. In their consciousness, bloodthirsty star vine is not a good thing.

At this moment, Xiao Lang didn't think too much, nor did he think so much. Because at the moment when the bloodthirsty star vine wrapped him in it, what he felt was not the bloodthirsty star vine, but the full power of the origin of the stars, lingering around him, full of it, making him sink in. Comprehending the power of Dao.

You know, it was just a bull at the top venerable level. The power of the origin of the stars in it allowed him to comprehend the power of the great Dao to the level of 80%, and this time, the clone of the origin of the stars consumed a lot of power But what remains is still a hundred times as many as that rhino spirit beast.

Therefore, it was just a moment of effort. With its stimulation and promotion, Xiao Lang had already mastered 90% of the power of the great dao!


This is already the peak of the late Era Realm, and it's only a tiny bit away from the Era Realm Xiaozhu!

"Do I have to be promoted again?"

Xiao Lang felt the power of most of the stars around him, and his heart suddenly shook.

too fast!