Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 633: Broken sacred artifact!

Xiao Lang's heart jerked.

This is not his random suspicion, but inferred from a series of performances by Chaohou just now. Even if Xiao Lang is not good at guessing people's hearts, he still heard it just now when he was listening to Chaohou talking to himself. many things.

There is comfort.

Finally there is a qualified inheritor, which is my own joy.

There is nostalgia.

For the years on the eternal continent, or other.

But more, still a kind of firmness!

What's more, there are loopholes in his words, loopholes that cannot be explained.

What kind of inheritance does it need 15 days of preparation?

That's definitely not a real thing.

If it is a real thing, he can take it out directly, and he doesn't need to wait for such a long time.

"What the **** is he going to do?"

Xiao Lang's mind was shaken, but he felt helpless again.

Obviously, Ting Chaohou, like him, is the kind of person who will walk to the dark once he makes a decision. Now he can no longer enter the Refining Pavilion, which means that it is impossible to stop him.


Xiao Lang let out a deep breath, closed his eyes and sank into practice.

They come, the security.

Since listening to Chaohou asked him to wait for fifteen days, wait.

Xiao Lang sank into cultivation.

In fact, to say it is cultivation is actually a kind of adaptation.

The greatest benefit brought to Xiao Lang from the trial of the Heart Refining Pavilion was that the original realm of Divine Soul was improved, reaching the level of the Sixth Heaven of Immortal Soul. This also made his Divine Soul realm surpass the realm of the physical body, causing a slight imbalance.

Of course, this imbalance is not a problem at all for Xiao Lang.

A bigger imbalance has happened to him.

This also makes him more detailed and nuanced in his control of his power.




More than ten days passed like this.

The ancestors of Jinling, Jiuyoubat and others were still at a loss, but seeing that Xiao Lang had been immersed in cultivation and not anxious at all, they had to follow suit.

In fact, for the Jiuyou Bats, their gains in the Lianxin Pavilion during this period are not small, and they need time to digest.



A crisp footstep sounded beside Xiao Lang, awakening him.

"Little Lord."

"The master calls you in."

Ah Fu stood aside respectfully, he seemed to realize something, his attitude was much more respectful than before, but he didn't show any sadness on his face.

Just a puppet.

It is indeed difficult for him to want it to have its own emotional expression.

Xiao Lang turned his head and looked at the stone wall, only to see that the second portal belonging to Tianxin Pavilion was opened again, with a sharp glow in his eyes, Xiao Lang stepped out without any hesitation and stepped directly into it.



down to earth.

Xiao Lang opened his eyes.

Familiar scenes, familiar everything, and listening to the tide.

At least from the surface, nothing has changed in the surroundings, but it's different when listening to the tide. When Xiao Lang's sight fell on Ting Chaohou's face, he couldn't help being surprised.

Listen to the tide, getting old!

Not seeing him for fifteen days, he was impressively old for dozens of years. From a young man who seemed to be in his early twenties to an old man with white beards and beards, Xiao Lang also learned from his breath and The contours on his face can only be recognized, he is indeed listening to the tide!

"Senior, you..."

Xiao Lang couldn't hold back his horror, and expressed surprise.

However, Chaohou waved his hand and interrupted his words, looking extremely vicissitudes of life, but his eyes flashed with calmness and smiled:

"No need to say anything, I have decided."

"If it weren't for you, I would have ended my life hundreds of millions of years ago. Now, it's just right."

"Don't interrupt me, my time is running out."

Is it irreversible?

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide, clearly perceiving and listening

Chaohou's breath of life was indeed declining rapidly, and his mind became heavier for a while. But obviously, Ting Chaohou himself doesn't care about this, just a flip of his wrist.


A crimson token appeared in his palm.

Like blood!

It does not simply refer to its color, but its breath!

As soon as the **** token appeared, Xiao Lang felt a warm **** smell rushing over his face, but I don't know why, this breath brought him a strong sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it from somewhere. same!

Xiao Lang couldn't help being surprised.

Hearing Chaohou smiled when he saw the change of expression on his face.

"Very familiar, right?"

"Yes, this is the seal token of the Shura world."

"From today, it really belongs to you."

Listening to Chaohou's words, with a lightly thrown, the Shura Realm Order immediately floated towards Xiao Lang, and Xiao Lang almost subconsciously took it in his hands, his expression was taken aback, and his expression changed drastically.

Shura World!

Devil Blood World!


Doesn't this breath belong to the world of magic blood that he entered in the first level?

Xiao Lang had always thought that the Demon Blood World was just a peculiar space, but now, when he heard the message revealed by Chaohou's words, Xiao Lang's heart was suddenly shaken.


But not everything is eligible to be named this word.

One side of the world!

The Devil Blood World is a real world!

And now, Ting Chaohou actually handed this world to himself so easily?

The shock in Xiao Lang's heart can be imagined.

Listening to Chaohou, he still looked calm and said:

"This Shura realm is the world left by the original state that I killed in the past. I have killed countless people in my life, and the initial state is even more numerous, but only this realm order is left because it is indeed unique. Place."

"It is a world composed entirely of the power of energy and blood. It can be described as one of the three sources of martial artists. And in this world seal, there is a body refining method that is crude and simple, but the effect is excellent. It should be good for you. Useful."

Body refining method?

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

good stuff!

Xiao Lang also noticed the contact during this period of time, and he was aloof after listening to the tide. The quality of what can be praised by him can be imagined, and it is definitely a rare good thing!

"Thank you senior for the gift!"

Xiao Lang respectfully thanks.

Listening to the tide, Hou smiled and said:

"Don't be busy thanking me for now."

"Although this Shura realm is good, I am afraid you have also discovered that in its depths, there was once suppressed a divine dragon, a divine dragon with bright attributes. Now, it should be obtained by someone around you?"

Bright Dragon!

Chi Guo Guo!

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's pupils shrank.

"Senior mean, that bright dragon, has cause and effect?"

Listening to Chaohou, he glanced at Xiao Lang appreciatively, nodded gently and said:

"Not bad."

"But I didn't kill the bright dragon, even if I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, I dare not provoke the dragon clan."

"It was not killed by the master who controlled this Shura realm in the past. I have probed his memory. The divine dragon should have been abandoned in the eternal continent before it hatched. It accidentally fell into his hands, but hatched. Come out, merge with the Shura world and cannot be separated."

"If you have been unable to separate, it will be fine. As long as you don’t penetrate the Shura realm, no one can discover its existence. But now, since it has been integrated with humans, it means that the Dragon Race may be able to detect it. exist."

"Dragons, but extremely powerful ancient races, their famous flaws must be reported. If they are discovered, it will not be a disaster. You kid must be careful."

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, once suppressed in the Shura realm, the light-attribute dragon that is now integrated with Chi Guoguo would have such a magical experience.

The dragon's making things difficult...

Xiao Lang's heart was shaken slightly.

This is not a good thing.

Xiao Lang didn’t understand the Dragon Clan, but he could see that even listening to Chaohou was very jealous of the Dragon Clan. Obviously, the latter was not.

So easy to deal with!

Xiao Lang smiled wryly.

If he could terminate the contract, he would definitely try to get Chi Guoguo and Xiao Bai to terminate the contract this time, but he knew that Chi Guoguo and Xiao Bai were already in a symbiotic relationship, and the contract between the two could no longer be resolved. opened.

"Junior, remember!"

Xiao Lang bowed his hands and kept these words firmly in his heart.

Now, we can only take one step and see one step.

I only hope that when this incident erupts in the future, the Dragons can accept their own explanation.


Listening to Chaohou nodded lightly, looking at Xiao Lang's calm, uncompromising eyes, curled up the corners of his mouth in admiration, and smiled, but the next moment, his face became extremely serious again.

Flip your wrist.

Another token appeared in the palm of his hand.

It's just that what appeared this time was jade.

The silky breath came out, and the moment Xiao Lang saw it, his complexion changed drastically.

"Senior, you..."

However, listening to Chaohou didn't seem to hear what he said at all. After taking out the token, he just said to himself:

"This one is the old man's phantom world order!"

Phantom World Order!

The conjecture became reality, and Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly.

Phantom World!

This is the world of Ting Chaohou, and it is the basic source of his martial arts. He actually... pulled it out?

Is this so?

Inheritance, why is it so cruel?

Xiao Lang didn't understand.

In his opinion, even if listening to Chaohou teaches everything to himself, he cannot die, but now—

Deprived of his basic martial arts roots, wouldn't he have a dead end?

He seemed to see the incomprehension in Xiao Lang's eyes. Hearing Chaohou's low voice, he continued:

"I said, if you can pass the most difficult test set by me, then I will give you a secret treasure that can block a blow from the Tonggu realm."

"That's it."

"The phantom world was indeed created by me, but this token is not."


Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard this.

What does it mean?

Fortunately, listening to Chao Hou didn't mean to sell Guanzi, a trace of recollection flashed under his eyes, and he continued:

"Back then, like you, I was just an ordinary Venerable Heavenly Dao. At that time, I hadn't met Master yet, and got this token in a secret realm."

"It's mysterious."

"It was even enough for me to create my own world in it. In the end, it was precisely because of it that I achieved the initial state, which attracted the attention of the master and became his disciple."

"My phantom world was built within this token. Similarly, it is also a soul defensive artifact! I asked Master to check it, and found that its power is enough to block the strong people of Tonggu realm. One blow, and..."

Hallows of defense!

Listening to Chaohou’s phantom world, it was not created in the void, but directly condensed in this token!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, as if a stormy sea was rising.

Is there anything like this?


This is too strong!

However, Xiao Lang couldn't think of it. What shocked him even more was still to come.

After listening to Chaohou's words, finally, the second half of the sentence came out, but even if it was him, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

"Master said, it is very likely to be broken and has defects."

Have any regrets?

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately became messy.

What the hell?

A sacred artifact that can block a blow from the Tonggu realm is actually broken?

If it is complete, how strong is it?

Is it really just a sacred artifact?

Looking at the jade-colored phantom world order in Chaohou's hand, Xiao Lang couldn't calm down anymore, his heart was surging, and he couldn't help but set off more memories, such as--

Those huge illusions in the depths of the phantom world!

Those are related to its origin?
