Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 684: Tensions!


Almost as soon as Jin Jiu's voice heard--


The world was silent, and a huge coercion suddenly came!

It is not as thick as a mountain, domineering and majestic, like a tide moving with the moonlight, it has a water-like intrusive feeling, permeable and penetrates the depths of the human bone marrow!

For an instant, Xiao Lang suddenly felt like he was trapped in a swamp, as if a behemoth opened its blood basin and wanted to swallow the entire world!


So strong!

So fast?

Xiao Lang was surprised and immediately stood up from the ground.

He had discussed the opening date of the land of inheritance left by the original master of the heaven and earth before with the Profound Master Tian. The Profound Master said that he could not determine the exact time, but one thing could be certain--

When the high priest came, at the moment when the three Heavenly Profound Orders met, the land of inheritance was bound to be aroused, and signs of heaven and earth might come down.

Now, the high priest is here!

"One month?"

Xiao Lang roughly estimated the distance between the battle between himself and the high priest Tiandao clone, his eyes shrank slightly, his expression more solemn.

The Profound Lord Heaven also told him his plan.

According to the Profound Master Sky, it would take at least a month for him to enter the inheritance land with the strongest posture before he could condense the blood bone puppet.

The high priest is similar.

But because his Heavenly Dao clone was destroyed by Xiao Lang before, it must take a certain amount of time to perfect himself.

Under this circumstance, the high priest still made all the preparations in just one month, and can only explain--

He is really strong!

It is stronger than the judgment of the Profound Master of Heaven!

In other words, the death of the Heavenly Dao clone did not cause much impact on him. However, the destruction of a Heavenly Dao clone had minimal impact on him, which was enough to prove his power from the side!


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, his expression also becoming particularly serious.

The enemy met, extremely jealous.

He could foresee what attitude the high priest would treat him now.

But even so, he did not step out of the courtyard for the first time, but glanced at the spiritual pet bag tied around his waist, and then walked out one step at a time.

When he walked out of the house, he saw another look.

Xiao Lang was still curious about how Jin Jiu discovered the high priest so quickly, even before him. Now he understands.

Because the high priest did not hide his menacing presence at all!


Thousands of miles high in the sky, the clouds are soothing.

It's just dark clouds!

It's noon now, and the sun is shining brightly, but in the distance I don't know how far away the sky is, it has been completely shrouded in darkness!

There are two suns in the sky!

One black, one white.

The two suns are shining together, shining the whole earth into black and white, and everything is gray.

The world fades!

Without even identifying the breath, Xiao Lang's eyes were firmly locked on the black sun.

High priest!

he came!

"This is the ontology?"

Feeling the majestic coercion brought by the black sun, even he had to mobilize the power of life heaven to fight, Xiao Lang's expression became more serious.

Not the body!

Since the place of inheritance does not allow Venerable Heaven to enter, the high priest must also know this and will not make such a mistake.

It's just a blood bone clone.



Unconsciously, a breeze came from behind, but Xiao Lang didn't look back, because he was already familiar with this breath during this period of time.

Jin Jiu is here.

Jin Jiu didn't speak, but stood beside Xiao Lang. Behind him were Old Man Qingmu and others.

Xiao Lang felt a lot of pressure, let alone Qing Mu and the others, their brows furrowed, and their faces were extremely ugly, like facing a life and death crisis!

The oppression is too much!

"The deity?"

They didn't know the limits of the place of inheritance to the Venerable Heavenly Dao, and immediately decided that it was the deity of the high priest who came. Only the deity can cause such a great pressure to them. They feel that the high priest in this state can even crush them to death by moving a little finger!

Venerable Heaven!

This is the will and coercion of Venerable Heaven!

Even if all the half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses present are aiming to become the Heavenly Dao Venerable, and their hearts are full of upward vision, but at this moment, they still can't help but feel shocked.

Some people are more tenacious in martial arts.

But some people even show signs of bursting in their Dao Heart!

"Is this really the level that humans can reach?"

Unknowingly, the arrival of the high priest has already brought them a great impact, and some people even have a psychological shadow, self-doubt, and planted the root of the disaster.

This is the Lord of Heaven!

Before the high priest even showed up, some people were afraid to make enemies with him.

However, there are a lot of fears in the heart, and the ones that are greatly or less affected. Whether it is the people of the Lihuo Great World or the powerhouses of the evil spirits, most of them try their best to maintain their prudence and will to fight. A little bit of relaxation.


"Ha ha."

Accompanied by a cold, without any emotional sneer, above the sky, the black sun burst, and the endless light swayed, and a line of people came out.

Headed by one person, he is a handsome boy in black.

However, when Xiao Lang saw his eyes full of vicissitudes and did not know how many years passed, he was suddenly shocked and recognized his identity——

High priest!

This time the high priest actually made his blood and bone clones into this young man!

Behind him, there are a total of ninety-nine people.

Exactly one hundred!

Obviously, this is all the people he brought to participate in the opening of the inheritance land.

"Seventy-two magic puppets... thirty-six saints..."

Xiao Lang looked at these people, and the names of the people and horses of the high priest flashed in his mind that the Profound Master Sky once said, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes, but he didn't care about the attitude, his gaze stayed on the high priest.

The high priest is the only person he cares about at this time, and the only opponent he cares about.

As for the others--

Xiao Lang didn't pay attention at all.

But for the others behind him, that was not the case. When so many demon puppets appeared behind the high priest, Xiao Lang immediately heard it, and countless exclamations sounded.

"Brother Liu!"

"Junior Brother Yuyang!"


Calls rang out, the crowd commotion, Xiao Lang immediately realized what had happened——

Among the people behind the high priest, in addition to the warriors of the Guwu Alliance who was first controlled by him and turned into demon puppets, there were also other wealthy warriors. On the day the stronghold was cleared, their bodies were also planted with demons. Kind, became a puppet of the demon clan!

Various emotions exploded and fluctuated.

Feeling these strange shouts, Xiao Lang's brows immediately frowned.

Not good!

The mood swings of these people are too great, enough to affect the state of each of them. But in fact, even if they dare not, no matter how they try to call back their fellow brothers, the people behind the high priest, none of them have any slight fluctuations on their faces, they are all indifferent and bloodthirsty. .


They have been controlled by the demons of the high priest!

They may still know their previous fellow apprentice brothers, or even remember the past, but their inner emotions have long been different.


Xiao Lang had no doubt that if the high priest gave an order at this time to let the magic puppets behind him attack himself and others, they would not hesitate, just like cold-blooded animals that annihilated their minds!

The most familiar stranger

, Nothing more!

At this moment, Xiao Lang once again deeply felt the horror and evil of the Celestial Demon Race, and finally understood why the Lihuo Great World wanted to eliminate the existence of the Celestial Demon Race.

As long as a demon seed, a small demon seed, it can completely change a person's character, completely annihilate all his previous experiences and feelings, and destroy humanity.

This is not the most evil in the world, what else is it?


Suddenly, Xiao Lang felt the gust of wind whistling behind him, his mind swept away, his heart moved, and he saw all the human warriors who had arrived, one of them counted as one, even if it was the only three evil sects Ran Bin, Liu He and others. After hesitating, he also stood up.


I have to admit that human beings are really complicated.

When there is no foreign aggression, they fight in their dens more than anyone, but once foreign enemies appear, they are more united than ever.

However, no one dared to go in front of Xiao Lang. Obviously, even if Ran Bin and others could not understand Xiao Lang anymore, they had to admit that he was the only one who could contend with the high priest.

The high priest has appeared!

His face was cold, his eyes swept, and everyone suddenly felt a huge sense of oppression sweeping over him, violent and terrifying, suffocating, some people lack the martial arts realm, the foundation is unstable, and it is quite difficult to even stand firm. Can't help backing two steps.

Only Xiao Lang.

Just like a steel gun, standing between the sky and the earth, like a high mountain that cannot be climbed, blocking most of the power before the high priest.

"Li Qi!"

"Xiao Lang!"

At this time, the high priest was the focus. Similarly, instead of the face-to-face Xiao Lang, it was also one of the absolute focus. Seeing this tit-for-tat scene, everyone was shocked and realized once again that Xiao Lang was powerful. !


Xiao Lang really blocked the high priest's aura from erupting!

Including Luo Zifei and others who recognized Xiao Lang's true identity, they couldn't help feeling shocked.


It is hard to imagine that two or three years ago, this was a young man whose combat power had only reached the level of the three-star strongest venerable, but now, even the venerable Tiandao, he is not afraid!

In the same way, this also made them feel more attached to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang, there is definitely a big secret in him!

And this secret is probably the main reason why he can achieve such a realm in such a short time!

Plus the primitive teleportation circle...

Luo Zifei and the others' depressed eyes shining brighter and hotter.

At this moment, the high priest finally stopped his figure, and a pair of blood-red eyes fell on Xiao Lang's body. The killing intent was steaming without any concealment. On the one hand, he seemed to admire Xiao Lang for coming here. As if laughing at Xiao Lang's uncontrollable ability, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Hehe, you really came."

really? !

As soon as the high priest said this, Luo Zifei and the others couldn't help but stunned.


Jin Jiu didn't say panic.

Sure enough, Xiao Lang and the high priest had seen it, and even actually killed his avatar of Heaven. Otherwise, how could the high priest directly stare at Xiao Lang and have such obvious killing intent as soon as he came here?

The words of just a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable are far from being regarded by the high priest!

Xiao Lang, how would you respond?


Suddenly, everyone’s attention was focused on Xiao Lang, waiting for his answer, but what they didn’t expect was that Xiao Lang just stood quietly and did not make any response, just like the high priest was talking to him. It's the same as talking in the air, but the aura on his body is also surging and soaring, like squally rain, stormy waves, and has already broken through the half-step Heavenly Dao's extreme!

Everyone's eyes are colorful.

Xiao Lang is...

Declare war?

Everyone was surprised.

But how could they guess that Xiao Lang at this time would care about such superficial things as declaring war? What he did is more important than this!

No one saw it, Xiao Lang looked at the high priest's eyes, and a flash of purple light flashed across...