Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 702: Each has something!

The Profound Lord Tian couldn't help looking at Yan De and the others.

He admitted that Qing Tianwei did say a good way, but this method was definitely not the first thing Qing Tianwei thought of, but him!

He had thought of it long ago.

When one after another, unable to take down the existence in the valley ahead with his own power, he realized that he needed a helper.

As for these people in Tonggu Tiandi, there is no doubt that Xiao Lang is the most suitable one.

Compared with the high priest, the Profound Master of Heaven was of course more willing to choose Xiao Lang. This was not a perceptual choice, but a rational one told him. Furthermore, they had already signed a contract and made a blood oath before, and the Profound Master Tian believed that Xiao Lang had not yet reached the point where he could ignore the blood oath.

If possible, he would prefer to be able to act with Xiao Lang. This was the case from the beginning, but as the leader of the evil spirit clan, he had to consider the opinions of other people in the clan.

For example, Yan De!

Yan De is absolutely against the cooperation between himself and others, especially with regard to the life stone, and he is completely uneasy about putting the destiny of the entire ethnic group in the hands of an outsider.

He had this idea a long time ago, but he didn't say it, and he also had this consideration. But now that Qing Tianwei said it, he didn't have this worry anymore.

But the Profound Master Tian knew that this time, Yan De might also choose to refuse.

He is even ready to be rejected.

However, what he did not expect was that when his gaze fell on Yan De's face, what he saw was not anger and disgust, but seriousness and dignity, and the depth of his eyes flashed brightly, as if he was thinking about something.


The Profound Master of Heaven was surprised.

He and Yan De have known each other for many years, and they know each other’s temperament well. He knows that Yan De has a very stubborn temper. Once a decision is made, it is impossible to change it. What's more, this matter is peaceful. Stone is closely related.

The more they came to the depths of this world, the stronger the familiarity of the blood in their bodies, and even the Profound Master Sky had a great premonition. If the lifestone really exists, it is most likely to be in the valley ahead. Body!

Under these circumstances, Yan De didn't even choose to refute and refuse immediately?

The Profound Lord was taken aback.

And at this juncture, something that surprised him even more, happened—

"I think this is also a way."

Yan De spoke in a deep voice, causing an uproar among the people. His only expression remained unchanged. It seemed that he had already guessed that he would make such a decision, and only those who were the elders of the evil spirit clan with him.

Yan De, promised!

He really agreed!

Not to mention Qingtianwei, already dumbfounded.

He proposed to ask for help to Xiao Lang, but he was helpless, and he was already prepared to be reprimanded, but he didn't want to watch the Profound Master attack again and again, returning from defeat again and again, his state continued to decline.

You must know that the current Profound Master of Heaven is just a clone, not the main body. Although the strength of the spiritual clone can reach the level of the heavenly master, its recovery ability is much worse than that of the outer world.

But I didn't expect--

"Elder Yan De, you..."

The Heavenly Profound Lord felt incredible.

Is this the Yan De he knew?

For some reason, he always felt that Yan De's sudden acceptance of such a proposal was quite wrong, so he couldn't help asking:

"Elder Yan De, I remember you before..."

But before he could finish speaking, Yan De was already looking straight, his eyes flickering, solemnly said:

"I didn't agree before because I didn't believe him."

"The same is true even now. He is an outsider and cannot get my trust, but—"

"I want to believe you!"


The moment these two words came to my ears, the **** of the sky trembled.

"I believe in you. As you who have led our clan for countless years, you will not lose your head when facing the problem of our clan's next, most likely eternal fate!"

Is it so?

The Profound Lord Sky trembled and looked at Yan De deeply.

These words of Yan De were indeed impassioned, especially the justice contained therein, which moved the listener even more, but for some reason, the Profound Lord Heaven still felt a little weird.

But before he thought about it, suddenly—



In the front, a popping sound protruded, and a roar that did not resemble a human voice, full of endless tyranny, came through the air, accompanied by the earth shaking, and smoke was filled.

Everyone, including the Profound Lord Sky, could not help but change their expressions.


"The ban imposed is broken! It may be coming out!"

"Qingtianwei, you go to the third world to find little friend Li Qi! Other people, follow me to repair the prohibition! We must at least last until the arrival of little friend Li Qi!"


I can't even think about it.

The crisis is coming!

The Profound Master Sky issued a series of commands, and in the next moment, it turned into a stream of light and swept forward, with an aura like a rainbow. Yan De and others joined him in the attack. Only Qing Tianwei was left in place.

To the third world?

Qing Tianwei stood there for a long while, until the roar of fierce fighting came from a distance, he finally woke up, did not dare to delay any more, turned and ran towards the time.


Must be fast!


The third world.

Xiao Lang didn't know that the Fierce Spirit Clan had encountered such a difficult opponent, and even the Profound Master Heaven had failed one after another, and even asked him for help.

If Xiao Lang knew it, he would surely be able to guess that the opponent that the Profound Master Tian met this time was extraordinary!

Even, it is directly related to the three major laws that Sun Wuji just told him not long ago.

If you think more deeply--

Even the fierce spirit clan, under the leadership of the Profound Master of Heaven, broke into the deepest part of the first world, and was about to face the fierce creature that kept the law and the fruit, then, what about the high priest?

Xiao Lang's sense of crisis will definitely skyrocket!

Because, no matter how powerful the Profound Lord is in the evil spirit clan, as long as he gives an order, everyone in the evil spirit clan can burst out with the strongest combat power. Luo Zifei and others under his leadership are simply incomparable, but even so. It is impossible to exceed the high priest's efficiency!

Because the high priest is stronger!

Because instead of saying that the high priest is leading a team, it is better to say that what he is carrying is his many clones!

Using the magic seed to fully control, whether it is the closeness of cooperation or the release of combat power, neither of their two teams is comparable!

Even the Profound Lord Sky has reached the end, how can the high priest fall behind?

In fact, it is true!


The second world.

Compared with the first world entered by the Profound Master Sky and the third world entered by Xiao Lang and others, the second world is obviously more abnormal. In the first two worlds, there are mountains and waters. In fact, they are not much different from the great world of fire, but this second world——

It's a **** world!

Qi and blood.

It represents the world of blood!

All the evil things in it are naturally composed of qi and blood.


For the high priest, it is naturally more comfortable to navigate this world. Because he was originally a magic repair!

Moxiu is not that everyone is good at Qi and Blood. Just like the demon race from the high priest, the demon seed is the best, whose origin lies in the soul.

However, in the Celestial Devil Realm, there are too many demon cultivations of Qi and blood together. If they can be combined, it will definitely be the largest branch of the Celestial Demon Realm. This also leads to the fact that everyone in the Celestial Devil Realm understands the cultivation of Qi and blood.

As a result, the high priest's intrusion became more smooth.

When the Profound Master dispatched Qing Tianwei to rescue Xiao Lang, he was standing in a blood-colored ruin, the world was the same color, and the black robe on his body was dyed more deeply.

Behind it, ninety-nine demon puppets are quietly suspended, giving people a breathtaking sense of oppression.

Everyone was injured.

It seems that they had just gone through a great battle, and even the high priest could not take care of their safety for a while.

But even so, none of them died, and they were recovering individually.

The high priest was standing on the ground, his eyes closed, his black robe flying in the wind, and a **** mark on his brows was faintly flickering, as if he was refining something.

Looking at the **** dust covered by smoke and dust under him, it is obvious that he has been standing here for a long time, and has been sinking into an inexplicable metaphysical level.

at last.

I don't know how long the soul has wandered, the high priest's eyes trembled lightly, and finally opened.


A dazzling blood burst out, but it disappeared in a flash, disappearing into the depths of his eyes, but it can also be clearly seen, in the bottom of his eyes, that uncontrollable excitement.

"So it is!"

"Only by getting the whole three magic fruits, can I truly become the master of this world, or even directly get this world, and become the real world of creation!"

Creation Realm!

That's the real world of creation!

In the eyes of the high priest, endless greed and ambition burst out, and he laughed wildly:


"My dear big brother, you didn't expect it! You treat me as a slave, sending me day and night, even forcing me into the land of origin, performing such a dangerous task, either life or death, and I, Peng Yu, can get such a chance !"

"While you are still trying to transform the entire Celestial Demon Realm into a complete world, and I will truly ascend to the Creation Realm!"

The high priest gritted his teeth, killing intent and hatred surging out in his eyes, and even the temperature around his body suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees. The frost manifested, seeming to suppress the anger of his life, and finally all broke out at this moment.

It's just an outbreak, not a catharsis.

The high priest quickly suppressed this emotion.

"Wait, then!"

"When I seize the opportunity here and become the creator of the world, the first thing I do when I go back must be to take your! I want you to give back everything I have endured over the years!"


The robe swept behind the high priest, and the blood roared!

He was like standing in an endless sea of ​​blood, proud of being a demon, his eyes full of tyranny and jealousy looked into the void in the distance, as if he had penetrated the shackles of many worlds and saw another world.

The corners of his mouth raised, revealing endless blood and a sneer.

"But before that, it's time for me to solve those little troubles."

With that, the high priest stepped out--


The void is shattered, and the shadows are filled!

The high priest stepped through this space with one step!

He is stronger than before!
