Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 725: Three ways!

For a time, the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

Almost everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Lang, with worry and helplessness in his eyes.

They have been with Xiao Lang these days, and of course they know what kind of torture he has endured in his heart these past few days, especially at this time, when he is facing a decision.

Hope is sometimes a torture.

Just as at this moment.

Face life and death!

No one wants to face life and death. It is everyone’s instinct to seek good and avoid disaster, but now--

Xiao Lang had to do this!


Taking a deep breath, Xiao Lang looked solemn and bowed his hands in salute:

"I also hope that seniors will give me advice."

Even if it is a disaster, resist it!

The original owner didn't change his expression too much, as if he had already seen life and death and the red dust in his realm, he was just looking at the face of the relationship between Sun Wuji and Xiao Lang, he said happily:

"The first way comes from her own."

"Speaking of speaking, this talented supernatural power of the Thousand Souls can be regarded as big fish eating small fish, small fish eating dried shrimps, the weak die, and the strong live. It is not only in the early, middle and late stages of fighting and swallowing each other, but also at the end. When there is only one of the nine clones left, the soul of her deity will be completely complete at this moment, and then it will be the most dangerous moment."

"Whoever wins will become the master of this body."

The most dangerous moment!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.


The "she" in the first sentence of the original owner refers to Ning Fuer, and the second sentence refers to the ancestor of Jin Xun!

The truth about life and death is at the end!

Of course, the premise is that among all the clones, Nymph is the last to survive, and this possibility can exist.

At the last moment, see life and death!

If Nymph wins, of course everything will be fine, but once you lose...

"No, I won't lose!"

Xiao Lang forced himself not to think any longer in this bad direction, his eyes burned with ignorance.

In this way, the opportunity is still great?

It seems not as serious as you think?

Xiao Lang was a little surprised, thinking about the original owner's words repeatedly, and before he could figure out the truth, he only heard the original owner's voice continue to come:

"But this method, strictly speaking, cannot be regarded as a complete solution to your problem."

"Because even if someone survives or even swallows the inheritance memory of her deity, there is still a drawback."


Xiao Lang was taken aback, his expression returned to seriousness.

It is certainly not an ordinary thing that can be specifically mentioned by the original owner.


"That friend of yours is very likely to be tainted with the characteristics of the Thousand Soul Race and possess her innate and supernatural powers when he is against the guest."

When the original owner said this, everyone was slightly taken aback.

Possess the innate supernatural powers of the Thousand Soul Race?

It means that you can use this to avoid disasters in the future, or even not die?

Isn't this a good thing?

Xiao Lang thought the same for the first time, but when he suddenly thought of the original owner's introduction about the Thousand Soul Race, his face changed drastically.

Possess the talents and supernatural powers of the Thousand Souls!

Does this mean that Ning Fu'er will become a member of the Thousand Soul Race...

Her life and death will be controlled by the ancestors of the Thousand Soul Race!

"No way!"

"This is definitely not possible!"

Xiao Lang immediately shook his head. At this time, Jie Yuan and others finally thought of this, and they hesitated. To them, this method seems feasible.

However, Xiao Lang would definitely not agree.

Let the will of others determine the life and death of Nymph?

On this point, he will never compromise!

The original owner was not surprised at Xiao Lang's reaction to such a fierce one. In other words, he had already seen through Hong Chen, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, raised his eyebrows, and said:

"Can not do it?"

"Then I will tell you about other things."

"Since you don't want your friend to be contaminated by the talent of the Thousand Soul Race, then you must keep her spirit pure. There are two ways to do it."

"The first one is reincarnation."

"Abandon everything in this life and reincarnate. Doing this will definitely make the soul pure and no longer be affected by the talents of the Thousand Soul Race. After entering the reincarnation, it will naturally choose another substitute."

"However, things like reincarnation are difficult to control and grasp. Even in the Eternal Continent, no one can guarantee a 100% success rate, especially in the Lower Realm... I estimate that there is a 30% possibility, which should be good, because You said that her realm is slightly lower."

"If you can survive and have a chance to regain your past life memory, this trouble will be completely solved."


Only 30% possibility!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

Is this probability high?

It sounds quite big, but you have to know that this 30% probability of success means that there is a 70% probability of failure!


"Dare to ask Senior, how likely is it that she can awaken the memory of her previous life?"

Xiao Lang's expression became more solemn.

The original owner heard this and shook his head:

"This is hard to say."

"The most important thing about reincarnation is not whether you can survive or not, but the memory problem. Of course, if you can find her in the vast crowd and help her recover, there are still opportunities, but if she is just a mortal... die again , Even if the memories of past lives are still stored, I am afraid it will not help."

Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly.

He understands what the original owner meant--

The 30% success rate of reincarnation is not the lowest. The most important thing is whether the memory of Nymph can be awakened!

When did she succeed in reincarnation?

When will the memory be awakened?

If you really become a mortal... the life and death of a mortal, but quite ordinary, even accidental death! If Nymph is really successful in reincarnation, how would one know her success and how to find her in the vast crowd?

These are difficult points!

And if Nymph is dying for mortals before awakening the memories of previous lives, because of certain disasters, then it’s not just the difficulty—

That is despair!

This risk...

Xiao Lang's heart was dull, unable to make a statement for a while, he pondered for a long time, and finally:

"The juniors also want to hear the third method of seniors."

Xiao Lang didn't make a decision. Obviously he was thinking and worrying. The original owner was not surprised at all, and continued:


"As I said earlier, the easiest way to completely get rid of the influence of the Thousand Soul Race's innate supernatural powers is to obliterate it directly from the law level."

"If you can find a helper to help your friend annihilate her deity's spirituality and natural instincts when she is facing the final battle, then she will naturally be able to regain her freedom."

"The difficulty of this approach lies in how to obliterate the deity's instinct. After all, that is the power of the law level, and for you, the level of this power is too high."

Obliteration of the law level!

This means that the player must have the power of the law level!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he immediately raised his head, but this time, he was not looking at the original owner, but Sun Wuji standing beside him!

Although he didn't know anything about the power of law, Xiao Lang knew that the three divine fruits refined by Sun Wuji contained the power of law. Otherwise, the three divine fruits would not be called the law divine fruit. Up!

Sun Wuji immediately caught the heat in Xiao Lang's eyes. He was shocked, and he subconsciously began to speak:

"Of course..."

But before he could speak out, he was interrupted by the original owner.

"He doesn't have this qualification yet."

"Only by thoroughly mastering this world can he truly understand the power of the law. This can be regarded as a small test left by my ontology."

"The power of the law is not so easy to grasp, even if it is the peak of the initial state, not many masters it. The biggest difference between the primitive state and the initial state lies in it."

"Hope, you can find a trusted helper."

When these words were said, the original host's tone was obviously much faster, more relaxed and clearer. Obviously, that's all he can give. After saying these words, he will leave...

Or it disappeared.

Guarding this place for dozens of times, and finding a suitable inheritor for his ontology, his task has been completed.

as expected.

"I'm leaving."

"Never see you again."

The original subject had a calm tone, and finished speaking to Sun Wuji without waiting for any response from the latter——


Under the surprised gaze of everyone, the original owner's body suddenly turned into a spot of light, dissipating in the void, and Sun Wuji didn't even have time to say goodbye to him.

The original owner, disappeared!

As the one-mind clone of "destruction", his disappearance should be disappeared forever!

Everyone was shocked.

Sun Wuji was reluctant to give up.

As for Xiao Lang, the disappearance of the original owner did surprise him a bit, but immediately, his mind sank back to the difficult problem before--

Sun Wuji, can't make a move!

Find the right helper?

Who can help yourself?

It turned out that the power of the law turned out to be a power that only the strong in the Primitive Realm could understand, and the Primitive Realm could not do it!

Does this lower realm really exist comparable to the primitive realm?

Xiao Lang was at a loss.

Therefore, he also did not see that just when the original owner said that Sun Wuji could not be his helper, he seemed to glance at Jin Jiu. But it was just a glance, an understatement, and did not attract Xiao Lang's attention.

There was silence in the world.

The original owner is gone.

At the moment he left, everyone immediately sensed that a huge repulsive force suddenly condensed in this world, like a tide, coming from all directions to push them away from this world.

Tonggu Tiandi is repelling them!

Instinctive rejection!

At the same time, they felt more clearly that in the distance, just where they had just arrived, a portal appeared—

The portal to leave!

Not only leaving Tonggu Tiandi, but also a gateway to the great world of Lihuo!

They can go out!

Finally, free!

For a while, Jie Yuan and the others were filled with tears and gratefully looked at Xiao Lang.

Fleeing for a full year or two in the original land, they are suffering from the deadly threat brought by the high priest at any time. They have been suppressed by the body and soul for too long.



And all this today was brought by Xiao Lang!

He is the key to killing the high priest, without him, I am afraid that everyone present would have died long ago!


Of course they wanted to thank, but when they saw Xiao Lang's austere brows and solemn expression, how could they dare to bother?

The original owner did not give Xiao Lang the most satisfactory answer.

Four options.



Life and death choice!

There are hidden dangers and difficulties, and it is the most difficult kind!

They were fully able to empathize with Xiao Lang's feelings at this time, so for a time, they didn't even dare to disturb Xiao Lang, for fear of disturbing his thoughts.

Until, the pressure from the surrounding space became stronger and stronger.

Sun Wuji looked at Xiao Lang with a pensive expression and couldn't help sighing, finally breaking the calm.

"Disciple, don't think about it so much, let's go home first."

"Perhaps, your master has other ways."

Come back home!

Xiao Lang's heart was slightly shaken when he heard the words. It seemed that he realized the current situation and his pupils lit up.

They can go home!
