Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 727: Wait for you, see off!

No pretending to be deep.

There is no fear.

Yes, just look through life and death indifferently.

so easy.

Take a long walk.

In this way, Yan De stepped into the space portal at the most natural pace and disappeared into the gray vortex.

At the moment when his figure disappeared, Sun Wuji's sleeves were swayed, and suddenly, a huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone. It was just a void inside, but at the moment this light curtain appeared, everyone's eyes were gathered on it, including Xiao Lang.

Because they knew that this must be where Yan De was about to come out.

as expected.

Just a moment later--


The void cracked.

Yan De fell directly into the void as if he had taken a simple step.


All right? ?

Everyone saw that Yan De was stunned for a moment, and for the first time there was a shock on his relaxed face. It seemed that he felt something. The next moment, a scene that horrified everyone happened--


On Yan De's body, thousands of blood flowers burst open suddenly, almost staining the entire light curtain red, splashing blood, and faintly visible stubble of bones!


Yan De actually exploded like this?

Although the light curtain could not transmit sound, the silent but **** scene before him undoubtedly hit everyone's Dao heart even more.

Yan De, is dead?

Even Yan De, who has the deepest martial arts heritage, second only to the Profound Master of Heaven, is so simple that he can't even resist even the slightest, so he just died?

Everyone in the Fierce Spirit clan was stunned.

Everyone was dumbfounded, with horror in their eyes, as if it was difficult to accept all this in front of them, until--

"and many more!"

"he looks like……"

Even the Profound Master Sky couldn't help closing his eyes, tears streaming down, and silently commemorating Yan De's sacrifice. At this moment, Sun Wuji's voice suddenly sounded, and it seemed so harsh in the silence around him.


Is there a turning point?

At the moment when the blood was blooming in the light curtain, even Xiao Lang thought that Yan De was bound to die, but he didn't feel much sadness, but was thinking about what is going on and how to avoid this dangerous danger. .

Until Sun Wuji's voice suddenly sounded, awakening everyone present.

Their gaze couldn't help looking towards the light curtain, and the scene in front of them made everyone tremble and their eyes widened.


They were surprised to see that even though Pound's physical body collapsed, they did not fall directly like unowned things, blending into the world and disappearing.

What caught my eye was a cloud of blood.

Fragmented blood mist.

It is clear that there is a void, but there is no blood mist that collapses and separates!

In the blood mist, they couldn't hear any sound, but they could clearly see it, and there was a vague flash of thunder. In the beginning, the thunder light was only vague, not too much, but only for an instant——

Thunder and lightning!

The purple thunderbolt is like a dragon, shuttled in it endlessly.

"this is……"

Everyone, including Xiao Lang, was stunned.

Until the excited voice of the Profound Master Sky sounded:

"Kuang Lei Avenue!"

"This is the core power of Elder Pound!"

The original strength of Elder Pound turned out to be Kuang Lei Avenue, this...

Xiao Lang's eyes widened, and light gradually flickered.

This means that Pound is not dead!


"This is the transformation of the power of the rules of heaven and earth!"

Sun Wuji couldn't keep the calmness on his face either, and said excitedly:

"It is rumored that in passing from one world to another, in addition to the most difficult to break the world barrier, the integration of the rules of different worlds is also the biggest difficulty. If the realm is still low, the problem is not big, the stronger the one will encounter. The more dangerous it is!"

"He seems to have passed it, as long as he reorganizes his body, he is truly successful!"

Different world!

Xiao Langwen

Yan's spirit was shocked, and he immediately remembered the scene when he brought Li Xueya and others from the world of Shura to Lihuo World.


After Li Xueya and the others arrived, they faced the thunder calamity unique to Lihuo Great World for the first time, and then they completely adapted. However, the thunder robbery of Li Xueya and others was far inferior to the horror that Pound experienced at this time.

Pound collapsed even physically!

Is it because of the realm, or the longevity. Or is it both?

For a time, Xiao Lang did not think of the real answer, but within the light curtain, Pound had new changes, and it was exactly the same as Sun Wuji just said.

In silence, the purple thunder was gradually dissipating, and the blood mist was condensing. Finally, under everyone’s full of expectation and excitement, a strong naked body appeared in front of everyone, the light flashed, purple Robe covered.


He survived!

Pound was stunned in the void, it seemed that even he himself had not recovered from the magical experience just now. He looked down at himself and looked at him several times, as if he had finally confirmed something. The smile on his face bloomed and became brighter. In the end it even turned into a wild laugh.


Although everyone couldn't hear him, he could also feel the excitement from his heart in his behavior.

"Survived, I survived!"

"no problem!"

"Stay true to your heart, it's not difficult!"

Pound couldn't see the light curtain, and didn't know whether Sun Wuji and the others could hear his own voice. He said loudly and repeatedly, trying to tell what he had just experienced and dispel the anxiety in everyone's hearts.

He did it.

The Profound Lord Sky and the others immediately caught his words, and everyone in the Fierce Spirit clan regained their excitement and excitement, and the crowd boiled.

Yan De's success is undoubtedly like a reassurance for them, and it has completely relieved them.

"I come!"

"And I!"

The voice is full of people, and the ferocious spirits are vying for one another.

But even in this situation, the Profound Master Tian was happy in his heart, but he did not take it lightly.

"Elder Yan De was able to succeed because of his strong foundation in martial arts. The test of the rules of heaven and earth, this kind of thing varies from person to person, and you must not take it lightly."

"The next batch, one hundred people."

"Qingtianwei, you lead people to go first!"

As soon as the Profound Lord Sky said this, the evil spirits immediately calmed down, watching Qing Tianwei pick out a hundred people, and rush towards the space portal together.

The same light curtain.

The same is blossoming blood flowers.

But this time, just as the Profound Master Tian was worried, an accident really happened!


A hundred blood flowers bloomed, but the power of the rules that everyone expected came, and the scene of reshaping flesh and blood did not happen to everyone.

Some blood blossoms burst directly and fell into the abyss!


It is risky!

And it is a huge risk!

Of these people selected by Qingtianwei, a hundred and a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerables, including him, only survived--


More than 70% death rate!

Outside, Yan De was shocked.


The Profound Lord Sky finally closed his eyes and shed crystal tears.

What they worry about most still happened, and it hasn't changed because of Yan De's success alone!

"My family's fate!"

The Profound Master Sky sighed, loneliness and deepness, causing everyone present to tremble and feel heavy.

The grim reality!

This is the world of cultivation!

The choice between life and death is always the cruelest and most unwilling to face, especially these people, who have grown up with their own eyes, step by step to the same race today.

The grief in the Profound Lord Sky, Xiao Lang couldn't completely empathize with him, but he could also feel the pain that permeated his heart like a knife!


No one can accept this scene calmly, even Sun Wuji, Jin Jiu and others are accustomed to seeing people like life and death in the cultivation world. Sun Wuji couldn't help expressing comfort, but he was interrupted by the Profound Master of Heaven waving his hand.

"Brother Sun, you don't need to comfort

I, I also know that you can't let us continue to live here before you master this world. "

"These, I had expected it, but they couldn't bear it."

The voice of the Profound Master Sky seemed to be full of reason, but his body was trembling violently. He couldn't bear to look at the light curtain in front of him, but as the first person of the fierce spirit clan, he still opened his eyes forcibly and looked at everyone behind him.

The fierce spirits fell into dead silence!

A mortality rate of more than 70%!

This is still Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, if it does not reach the Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable level...


I can't even think about it!

One step to live, one step to die!

The space portal leading to the great world of Lihuo suddenly resembled a giant beast opening its blood basin, which made people shudder.

Seeing the sadness on everyone's faces, the Profound Master Tian was also sorrowful from the heart, unable to extricate himself, and almost couldn't help turning his head.

He can stay sensible when facing Sun Wuji, but now, he is facing his own person!

Now he is his own.

But once they step into this door, they may turn into a cloud of blood!

Who can face the death of a loved one?

No one can face it calmly.

On the same day, when the Profound Lord was in his throat and couldn't say a word of relief, suddenly--


Accompanied by a crisp sound of footsteps, one person in the line suddenly stood up, his face was full of sorrow, but his eyes were as firm as iron, and he looked straight at the Profound Lord, suddenly arched his hands and bowed over and gave a deep gift;

"My lord, thank you for taking care of you over the years. It is our greatest honor to follow you in this life!"

"I'm a rough person, I don't like to read, but I have listened to a lot of your teachings. Today's choice is our own decision, whether it is life or death, it is the destiny, and the adults do not need to blame ourselves."

"Many of us will survive. In the real world, survive!"

"In the past few years, if it weren't for you, we would have become immortal monsters, and now, we have lived long enough!"

This person raised his head, his eyes burning, tears shed, and his lips had been bitten, but in the bottom of his eyes, how could there be the slightest fear of death?

Only calm!

"In this life, we are worth it!"

"If it is fortunate to continue to follow the adults, it will be our honor! If it is today's life and death, I will have no complaints and no regrets!"

"My lord, please make way!"


The voice was loud, like a thunderstorm, not only resounding in everyone's ears, but also shocking in the bottom of my heart!

At this moment, Xiao Lang was taken aback, surprised to see, accompanied by this person walking out, saying these things--


Behind him, tens of thousands of warriors of the fierce spirit clan raised their heads together, tears in their clothes, but their eyes were as firm as a mountain and hot as fire:

"We are worth it!"

"My lord, please make way!"

"My lord, please give way! Please give way!"


The sound was like thunder, shaking the mountains and rivers, intertwined with the thunder above the void, and there was no wind in the slightest!

What is will?

This is the will!

At this moment, in Xiao Lang's eyes, the people of the evil spirits turned into a torrent of steel, constantly impacting his mind, even he had to applaud the courage of the evil spirits.

What surprised him even more was their loyalty to the Profound Lord!

If there are relatives like this, what can the husband ask for?

The Profound Lord Heaven was already in tears, his lips moved, but he couldn't say a word.

For a long time.

It seems that the Profound Lord finally stabilized his heart, raised his head again, and scanned the high heads one by one in front of him, as if he wanted to remember them all, suddenly, with a wave of his big sleeve, he suddenly turned around and turned back. The space portal stepped away.

At the same time, the firm voice is like a heavy peak, beyond doubt:

"It's not your turn yet!"

"I'm outside, waiting for you guys..."

At this point, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and his voice sounded again, calm as water, but firm as iron:

"Wait for you..."

"See you off!"
