Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 750: Just showing up!

Qin Liancheng is still alive? !

Just when Xiao Lang was shocked--


Qin Hai's exclamation came out, and Xiao Lang realized that Qin Hai was also shocked, as if waking up from a dream.

He hadn't recognized it before!

Although he entered Qinzhong a year ago to find Qin Liancheng, he has not found it for more than a year!

Xiao Lang suddenly realized that he was shocked.


It was a coincidence that Qin Liancheng appeared. At the moment when Qin Hai was about to commit a danger, he successfully led Qin Juanyi away. If he happened to appear here, Xiao Lang killed him. Do not believe!

He is always there!

Always guarding Qin Hai's side!

Perhaps, this is the most important reason why Qin Hai can survive for a full year in such a dangerous place!

Distracted thoughts flashed through my heart.

Xiao Lang was awakened again by Qin Hai's call.

"Four brother!"

"Help my father!"

Succinctly and concisely, Qin Hai's voice was full of urgency and tension, Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, almost without any hesitation, he twisted his waist, stepped out, and broke through the orchid in front of him!

But what he never expected was that the moment he stepped in--


A torrent of great power roared from the front, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top! At this moment, Xiao Lang felt that his whole life had been hit on a high mountain.


The pain is coming!

Xiao Lang was lifted off all of a sudden!

His whole body was numb, and even a physical body that was comparable to the nine-fold indestructible body could not dissolve the pain in a short time. Because it is not instant, but continuous!


Only then did Xiao Lang clearly sense that what was blocking him was not something substantial, but—


Violent coercion!

Will exceed the level of heaven!

It was also the will he felt the first time after stepping into Qin Tomb!

However, the pressure here is obviously more violent, making Xiao Lang feel like a boat dangling in the stormy waves, unable to stabilize!

In the dantian, the power of the Dao’s spirit body seemed to feel the needle-piercing coercion outside, violently evaporating, and it was out of control, giving Xiao Lang a touch of purple in the depths of his eyes!


What power is it!

Xiao Lang hovered in the void, looking forward in amazement. And at this moment, the most mysterious place in Qin Tomb was finally lifted before his eyes——

A temple!

In front of him, there was a shrine towering into the clouds, huge. Hovering in front of it, Xiao Lang couldn't help feeling his own insignificance...



Surrounded by the radiance of orchids, mysterious and terrifying, the two palace doors that looked like a moat were tightly closed.

Xiao Lang soon discovered that the reason why he felt such a strong sense of oppression was not just because the great hall in front of him was so simple, its source was--

Two huge statues standing in front of the main hall!



They were dressed in strong costumes, holding swords and axes, and their faces were hidden by masks made of strange materials. The center of their eyebrows was hidden in the dark, and it seemed that inexplicable complex patterns were faintly visible.

Their body is even comparable to the shattered barbaric ape Xiao Lang and the others encountered in Tonggu Tiandi!

However, Xiao Lang's aura was stronger than that of Shattered Barbarians!


This is the reincarnation of the **** of war in the temple of war? !

Xiao Lang suddenly wondered, but before he waited for more thoughts to come up in his mind, suddenly his complexion changed drastically, and his eyes changed suddenly when he looked at the two sculptures in front of him.

There is power in their bodies to recover!

It seems to be coming to life soon!

They are actually alive, not so-called statues?

Xiao Lang's face changed drastically. The oppressive feeling brought to him by the two statues in front of him was too strong.

Up! Even if he is now Venerable Heavenly Dao, in front of these two statues, he still feels a naked life threat!

"Staring at me?"

"Where are Qin Duanyi and Qin Liancheng? Where did they go?"

For a time, Xiao Lang's mind was full of distracting thoughts, and for a time he was even a little confused about the situation in front of him.

I came in to help, why have I been targeted?

Know that suddenly--


The wind sounded behind him, and Xiao Lang sensed the entry of the two.

Profound Lord and Qin Hai, they are here!


Xiao Lang's heart trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to blast the Profound Master and Qin Hai out of this place.

Too dangerous!

With these two burly statues, even he felt the suffocation from the depths of his soul. In case of trouble, he would definitely not be able to stop it, let alone protect the Profound Lord and Qin Hai.

But at this moment, before he could take a shot, a surprising scene appeared--


The huge bodies of the two war gods trembled, as if sensing something, they stopped and froze.

Not moving?

Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, astonished. You know, just now, he almost shot!

"Is it because of Qin Hai?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang's thoughts were like electricity, and he had guessed the truth in an instant.

The two Gods of War stopped moving, and it was definitely not because of the Profound Master of Heaven. He had nothing to do with the Temple of the Gods of War and the Qin Family. Among the three, the only one involved is Qin Hai!

"God Bless the God of War?"

At this moment, Qin Hai's voice also came from behind, Xiao Lang caught it, and his spirits suddenly shrank.

God bless the **** of war!

Not the God of Reincarnation!

Is there any difference among them?

It's just that at this moment, even if Xiao Lang's heart is ten thousand perplexed, it is not a good time to find the truth.

The two Gods of War did not attack them, whether it was Qin Hai or not, this was the best opportunity!

"Where are Qin Liancheng and Qin Duanyi?"

Killing Qin Duanyi is the key!

Xiao Lang looked towards the huge door of the hall in front of him.

There is nothing else here, only the square hall in front of you, where Qin Liancheng and Qin Duanyi went after they entered, the answer is self-evident.


Both of them are definitely inside!

"Get in!"

Xiao Lang was decisive, especially in these times of crisis. He never procrastinated. His will was like an invincible steel gun, invincible!

But at this moment, what Xiao Lang never expected was that suddenly, a voice stopped him--

"Master, don't be impulsive!"

It's the Nine You Bat!

The voice of Jiuyoubat suddenly sounded, the inner voice hoarse, and the urgency to the extreme, so that Xiao Lang's footsteps suddenly stopped. Hearing the trembling in the words of Jiuyoubat, Xiao Lang's heart suddenly trembled, and there was an ominous premonition.

Without waiting for him to ask questions-

"Really... it turned out to be that Qin family..."

The Qin family!

Which Qin family?

Xiao Lang immediately remembered, Jiuyoubat's previous assertion--

The Qin Family in the Holy Land of Yikong!

The Qin Family in the Eternal Continent!

The Temple of War is actually related to the Eternal Continent?

Moreover, its source is actually one of the 36 holy places? !

At this moment, even Xiao Lang was stunned.

what does this mean?

The Temple of War is a chess piece buried by the Qin family in Yikong Holy Land?

But didn’t the Nine Youbats have said before that the Holy Land of Yikong is the most superpower on the Eternal Continent. How could their branches appear here?


Distracted thoughts arose, even if the soul was as powerful as Xiao Lang, at this moment, I felt a headache and it was difficult to sort out the important joints.

Without waiting for him to think about--


Inside the hall in front of you, there was a roar

It's like a tens of thousands of thunder bursts in it instantly!


Even the pair of huge palace gates seemed to be overwhelmed, unable to withstand the aftermath of the sudden eruption, creaking and creaking, although they were not directly exploded, they were also crumbling and almost collapsed!

It's fighting!

Qin Duanyi and Qin Liancheng started fighting inside!


Xiao Lang stepped back subconsciously, his expression ugly and extremely solemn.


These aftermaths from the cracks in the door alone brought him a fatal threat!

This is the terrible thing about the upper three realms?

Lei Zhen!


But this is not everything that Xiao Lang and the others heard. In the explosion that rushed into their ears, they even heard wild roars and rants, and even overwhelmed the fierce explosions——


This rage against Xiao Lang had never been heard before, obviously, this was Qin Liancheng's voice.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Duanyi's crazy laugh:

"Hahaha, I am a traitor? My dear brother, aren't you the first to betray you between you and me?"

"As the Patriarch of my Qin Family, the Master of the Temple of the Gods of War, you are the real traitor if you don't follow the orders of the heavens and go against the way. As for me, I just obey the orders of the heavens, follow the orders, and follow the trend. Skywalk!"

"When you decide to betray your ancestors, you are already damned!"


The roar burst and became more and more violent. Even if the palace gate was isolated, Xiao Lang and others could not see everything that happened in it, and they could judge the current battle situation in the hall from these roars.

Qin Liancheng was at an absolute disadvantage!

"Destiny, that is wrong!"

"Jieyi, do you still have to make one mistake again? You also heard the order from the heavens, and understand that if you do that, my Qin family will definitely become the enemy of the entire world of Lihuo, and even my Temple of War will be completely destroyed! you……"

Qin Liancheng screamed in pain, and his voice was trembling. Hearing this, Xiao Lang and the others trembled again. Even Qin Hai couldn't help but tremble with confusion and fear.


Qin Duanyi and Qin Liancheng, the brothers and siblings who had been incomparably united since childhood, turned out to be a conflict caused by the destiny of heaven, and they were out of control, reaching the level of life and death at first sight?

The fate of heaven!

If it were before, Xiao Lang would definitely not understand the meaning of these four words, but now, he understands——

It is the Qin family of Yikong Holy Land!

They really have something to do with the Temple of War!

Even, what the Temple of War has done over the years is under their guidance!

But this time, I don’t know what kind of instruction Yikong Holy Land gave to the Palace of the Gods of War again. Qin Liancheng, as the lord, knew about it, but he didn’t want to follow suit. What he didn’t expect was that Qin Juanyi also knew. He even raided him directly!

This is the real secret of Qin Liancheng's disappearance!

What kind of command was Qin Liancheng's mouth even enough to determine the fate of the entire God of War Temple and the Qin Family?

Xiao Lang is unclear.

In fact, since the Nine You Bats revealed the origins of the two Gods of War in front of the main hall, Xiao Lang has been in a state of confusion.

Before that, he really thought that there were only eighteen giants in the world of Lihuo. Even so, it was already very complicated. And now...

The Temple of War God turned out to be a chess piece buried in the Great World of Lihuo in Yikong Holy Land, then--

What about other giants?

Does their roots and feet also contain other secrets?


Xiao Lang's spirit shrank, and a gleam of light burst into his eyes.

He finally understood the words that Lord Blue Moon had told him some time ago--

"The water away from the world of fire is very deep. With your current martial arts training, there are some things, it's better to not know."

This is what the Lord Blue Moon hides?

He already knew? !

Xiao Lang's mind trembled.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had vaguely discovered a brand new field and world...
