Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 77: He might be able to turn the dragon prou


After Long Luo arrived in Wanyan City and explained his future intentions, Wanyan Lie, the ancestor of the Wanyan family, was stunned. He did make an appointment with Longqi back then, but isn't Longqi dead? Why does their family have to fulfill their marriage contract? Those two girls almost committed suicide last time. If they are forced to do so this time, I am afraid they will kill them.

Wan Yanlie hurriedly said with a bitter face: "Lord Long Luo, this is not okay. The two girls in our family are very stubborn. I am afraid that we will kill them. Besides... we signed the marriage contract with your Long family back then. Qi, now Longqi is dead, but let this young man go on top? Isn't that justified?"

Long Luo only had the middle stage of Tianzun, but facing Wanyan Lie, he was arrogant. He squinted and sneered: "Wan Yanlie, what you said, the marriage contract only states that the two are married, right? It doesn't specify that it is Dragon Knight, right? Since your family has already received the gift money, how can you still retreat? Where to put the face of our Long Family? I brought the gift money. This marriage has to be tied if it doesn’t end. This... but what our ancestors meant! If you dare to refuse, your Wanyan family will wait for it to disappear, my ancestors But being angry, Lord Shura can't keep you. As for the two girls who died? Are these two girls not afraid that the Wanyan family will be wiped out? For the sake of the family, I believe they will learn smarter. Besides, where is Longyu? The two sisters Married in the past is to enjoy the happiness..."

Long Luo's words were extremely straightforward, and even made it clear that Long Ao had already nodded his head. If he dared to refuse the Wanyan family, he would wait for his family to fall apart!

Wan Yanlie's body shook, and his beard curled up with anger. Long Luo actually tore his face and threatened him directly. If ordinary people would fight desperately, but the two words "Long Ao" would overwhelm him like a mountain. Angry.

Seeing that Yan Lie did not refute, Long Luo sneered and stood up and said: "We will go back first, and give you three months to think about it! I hope you can give me good news then."


Long Luo left, Wan Yanlie sat down on the ground with a gloomy face.

After a long time, he opened his muddy eyes and murmured: "I knew that I should have married Xiao Lang to the two girls. I was always confused. If at first Ruo Shui allowed them to talk to Xiao Lang. Lang will not cause Xiao Lang to fight with Dragon Cavalry, let alone cause so many disasters! Alas... these two girls will hate me forever."

"Shameless! Shameless!"

After the news came, the entire land of destruction was full of curses, and Qingli Liandong Xiujian became even more furious. But everyone could only curse secretly that no one dared to come forward. Long Ao was a mad dog at this moment, and anyone who dared to come forward would definitely be bitten by him.

Qingli and Liandong Xiujian begged to see the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui all night, trying to show their determination, comfort the beautiful woman, and win the hearts of the two beautiful women when they were most helpless. It is a pity that the Wanyan sisters have not seen anyone. The three can only return to the family with anger, trying to see the Supreme God of their family.

The two of Wan Yan Ruoshui were completely desperate, and the two sisters washed their faces with tears all day long. Even if Wan Yan Ruoshui was so smart and brilliant, it would be no difference. Either the clan is ruined, or the two sisters can only admit their fate.

At this time, the two sisters regretted a bit. They had known that they would just marry Qingli Xiujian and they would be better. At least they don't have to suffer such humiliation and the family. They know very well that once married like this, the life of welcoming the two sisters will be like hell. Long Yu is the second son of the Long family. He has been living in erosion and his personality has changed tai. This is something that many people in God's Domain have heard of. …

"Sister, do we have to marry that beast? There is no way? Can we not die?"

Wanyan is as cold as a jade, and he doesn't like to use his brain very much. He just likes to practice, his strength has reached the middle stage of the **** ancestors, and his talent has changed very much. At the moment when she received the news, she had no idea at all, so she could only put her hope on her clever and unparalleled sister.

Wanyan Ruoshui’s eyes were sparkling, but not as violently as Wanyan Ruyu’s crying. She looked out of the yard with her eyes and laughed incomparably beautiful and pitiful, and she sighed after a long time: "You can die! But... You must go to the Dragon Realm to die, otherwise the father and the others will all die!"

Wanyan Ruyu stopped crying as soon as she heard it, and nodded heavily, "Okay, then we committed suicide the day we got married, and we will blew ourselves up! Even if we die...our body can't be cheaper than the animal of the Long family."

Wan Yan Ruoshui closed her eyes and smiled again, her beautiful red lips lightly opened, and she muttered in a voice that she could only hear: "Big Brother Xiao, if Shui is going to die, can I see you before I die? Just one look. …"


At this moment, there was a rushing voice outside, and a maid quickly walked in to report: "Miss, Miss, Xuanyuan Tianzun is here, do you see or not?"

"Uncle Xuanyuan? Hurry up!"

The two sisters looked at each other, hurriedly got up to wipe away the tears, arranged their clothes, and stood respectfully at the door.

Xuanyuan Tianzun walked in a stride, looking at the two beautiful sister flowers, a trace of distress appeared in his eyes, and after walking in without speaking, he waved his hand to let the elder of the Wanyan family retreat, and then looked at the two. "Don’t talk nonsense, I also know that you like Xiao Lang, two wise nieces, Xiao Lang treats you like younger sisters, so naturally I can’t just sit idly by at this juncture. But I can’t help with this. Your only way is to go. Shura Mountain, kneel and beg Master Shura to take action! Otherwise, no one can save you. As long as Master Shura nods, nothing will happen."

Wan Yan Ruyu's beautiful eyes lit up, but Wan Yan Ruoshui frowned hesitantly and said, "Will Lord Shura pay attention to us? He...what should we do if we marry Xiujian?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun shook his head and said: "You don't know Master Shura. The adults are the most arrogant. He doesn't like the kind of sword repair. You just need to kneel and beg. I don't guarantee it, but at least there is a 30% chance!"

After Xuanyuan Tianzun finished speaking, he sighed and shook his head and left. The two sisters looked at each other speechlessly, and finally gritted their teeth and said: "30%, that's enough! The big deal is that we can marry in Longyu and die."

The two sisters went out of the house and went down to Shura City under the supervision of Wanyan's parents. Then, under the shocking gaze of countless people, they could not afford to kneel under the Shura Mountain.

This kneeling lasted for a whole month, and the two sisters both got in with a grain of rice water. Because they hadn't washed for a month, they became very haggard. So Xiujian and Qingli Liandong who heard the news almost replaced them with distress. Kneel down.

The two sisters didn't say a word, Xiujian and others approached, and they were forced to retreat by their decisive eyes. There was no movement in the Shura Palace above, and the two continued to kneel down, fully kneeling until the March period was approaching, and there was still no movement above!

"Let's go back!"

Elder Longhu sighed, tears shining in his old eyes, and the two sisters supported each other and stood swayingly. After more than two months, the two sisters lost a whole circle.

"Sister, let's go back, this is our life!" Wan Yan Ruoshui closed her eyes, two tears slid down, and fell on her lips slightly, feeling very bitter.


Xiu Jian and the others flew away furiously, Wan Yan Ruoshui and the others flew towards the city of Shura with sad faces. When the teleportation array was just opened, an indifferent voice sounded in her mind: "Little girl, if you Believe my feelings, I promised the marriage, and then dragged it on for three years. After three years, Xiao Lang will be born, and by that time he might be... capable of turning Longao!"

Wanyan Ruoshui's beautiful body trembled, her beautiful eyes suddenly bright as stars, her smile like a flower, and her beauty was so beautiful.