Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 78: Issen

The voice of the supreme **** of Shura, Wan Yan Ruoshui did not tell anyone. After she returned, she told Wan Yan Lie that there were no harsh requirements, but that the marriage should be completed after three years, otherwise even if they were married, they would be two dead people. Please remember the URL of this site:.

This trick was used when he was engaged to Longqi last time, and Longqi simply agreed last time. Although Long Yu hesitated a little this time, after Wan Yan Ruoshui appeared and made a firm request, he promised to be a good wife and mother in three years' time. Long Yu's heart softened, three years quickly, for the warriors who had a long life, it was just a blink of an eye.

The marriage was concluded again. Although Wan Yanlie and others did not understand the meaning and significance of Wan Yan Ruoshui's doing this, they temporarily eased the crisis and left it alone. Of course, they wanted to control but couldn't control it.

Qingli and the others were furious, but the Supreme God of their family did not receive them at all. Even if they knelt and died under the Supreme God's Palace, they would not care, they were not the chaotic body of Dragon Knight.

Before Dragon Knight was born, it was not that they hadn't caught the attention of the two sisters of Wanyan Ruyu, but it was a pity that Wanyan Ruoshui's enchanting wisdom made everyone ashamed, and consciously not worthy of the two sisters, there was no need for them. At this moment, the Long Family was so tyrannical to propose marriage, and everyone secretly regretted it, knowing that they were also tyrant...

Long Yu went back contentedly, went back to secretly count the days, waited for three years, holding two perfect bodies into the bridal chamber night and night, what a pleasant life would be.

After returning home, Long Luo reported the matter to Long Ao, which made Long Ao feel much better, and at least made Qing Jia Lian Jia feel sick. If Xiao Lang lurked in one place, this matter would surely reach his ears in three years, and then he could be forced out.

Thinking of this, Long Ao suddenly moved in his heart, and said to Long Luo who was kneeling on the ground: "From the Purple Charm Clan, do we have spies in it?"

Long Luo thought about it for a while, then nodded: "There are some, but the level is not very high, they are ordinary monsters."[

Long Ao raised his brows and said: "Give those spies a lot of purple sacred stones, treasures! Let them buy more spies. This must be done in a more concealed manner. Let those spies go to the Purple Charm Imperial City and pay close attention to the vicinity of the Purple Emperor Palace. !"

"Follow the Purple Emperor Palace? You mean Xiao Lang will go to the Purple Emperor Palace?"

Long Luo asked, and immediately gave a thumbs up and said: "The ancestor's trick is wonderful, Xiao Lang will always go to see his family members, he has no evil spirit, even if he is hidden, he will be discovered."


A slap swept over, and Long Luo's teeth that hadn't been long after growing out flew out again. Long Ao glared at him and shouted, "You idiot, do your brains grow on your ass? Xiao Lang wants to go. Zidi Palace, Zi Meihuang won’t pick him up personally? He will also find out for you? If it was so easy to find that Xiao Lang had been killed. It would be impossible for so many spies to pay attention to the relatives of Xiao Lang’s family members. In the Purple Emperor Palace, once they come out, let those monster races communicate immediately."


Long Luo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face full of stunned, he said suspiciously: "The clansmen who caught Xiao Lang? The spread of this matter has a great influence on your ancestors' reputation!"


With another slap, Long Luo flew out again, and Long Ao closed his eyes in pain. Each of the four Heavenly Venerates that Xiao Lang killed was better than this fool. At this moment, Long Ao even wondered why Xiao Lang didn't just kill him?

He sullenly shouted: "You won't let the spies of the Qing Family Love Family contact the Shadow Clan, and go to the Demon Realm to be on standby at all times? Just catch any of Xiao Lang's relatives and let them hide themselves. Nothing else, just release It’s enough to get Xiao Lang out of the hole! Remember... this must not be done by our people, understand?"

Long Ao explained so clearly, if Long Luo still doesn't understand, then he is a real pig!

He quickly nodded and flew down to arrange. The Shadow Clan are the best assassins in the world. They are in and out of shape. Even the high-level Shadow Clan can't detect their figure even at the peak of the Celestial Lord.

After waiting for Long Luo to go down to make arrangements, Long Ao's eyes became gloomy and cold. He roared more furiously: "If Xiao Lang can't lead you out like this, three years later, I will have to find Fairy Baihua. At that time, I will let her use the treasure at all costs to find you out, whatever you do, you must die, you don’t die... My old face can’t see people."

Xiao Lang didn't know that Long Ao was so persistent. After looking for him for five years, he was still looking for him. He was focused on refining the Qi of Chaos. It has been two years since Xiaoyao King released him from the spirit bottle. Nei he has refined the chaotic energy nearby for a full radius, and the space he is in has turned into an underground square. [

The energy in his body is at least three times stronger, and the energy star field in the acupuncture path has become much larger. The acupuncture path was originally densely packed with sesame-sized star fields. At this moment, the sesame seeds have turned into soybeans, and the energy inside is surging and scary. .


In two years, his sentimental sentiment hadn't had the slightest comprehension. His sentimental sentiment still stayed in the eighth realm. There were still four realms away from the ultimate heavenly realm.

There is no need to comprehend the map of the avenue tree, because the meridian of his body has completely become the vein map of the avenue tree, so he refines energy so quickly. In the past two years, in addition to feeling sentiment, he has been perceiving the world evolution map with all his heart, and he is also thinking about how to combine energy and lightning to attack together.

It's just that he still got something in the past two years, thunder and lightning are thunder and lightning, and energy is energy! Even if they were released together, it was useless, they couldn't be completely integrated, and they couldn't increase their power at all.

"In three years, Xiaoyao King seems to have a bad temper? If he fails to achieve his expected results, I am afraid that he will be killed? The Supreme God is moody, this Xiaoyao King has no relatives and love, and his personality is very changed. what."

Xiao Lang thought secretly, his body shuddering. Enter the state of soul travel again, and honestly perceive the world evolution map, fusing thunder and lightning and energy. He has given up on Qing Dao, and the ten years set by the Jade Beast is not long. Even if Xiaoyao King does not kill him, the energy of his soul will destroy him...

The world evolution map in his mind began to unfold automatically, a chaos, a flash of lightning, the chaos began to open, the heavens and the earth formed, the heavens and the earth slowly expanded, a few small star domains evolved, accompanied by the continuous thunder and lightning, those domains It began to grow bigger, began to evolve into birth spirits, the world continued to grow, the world took shape, the world was prosperous...

"Thunder and lightning represent destruction and rebirth? This world was created by lightning? Where did the lightning come from? Is it born in the ocean of chaos? The ocean of chaos gave birth to everything and the whole world, but where did this ocean of chaos come from? Coming? The ocean of chaos is constantly releasing aura. Why hasn’t the ocean of chaos disappeared for so many years? Energy is conserved. If energy is released, there will be energy to add in naturally, otherwise the ocean of chaos would have disappeared long ago! …What does Chaos Ocean rely on to replenish its energy?"

Xiao Lang's spiritual consciousness locked onto the world evolution map, and the thoughts in his mind began to fly wildly. He felt inexplicably that he seemed to have grasped the key points in this picture. As long as he figured out some problems, maybe this picture would be cracked by him.

The world evolution map, the interpretation of this world, also contains the world's most important principles. Xiao Lang's soul trembled at this moment, if he really understood this picture, perhaps his strength would be more terrifying.

What is heaven? That is the supreme truth in the heaven and the earth. To understand the supreme principle of the heaven and the earth, doesn't it mean to understand all the ways of the heaven? Heaven and earth are close to you and fully agree with you, then can you mobilize this power of heaven and earth for your own use?


At this moment, Xiao Lang felt that the world had opened a fan for him, and he might be able to see through the world more clearly!


[Author's digression]: Five chapters, continue to explode tomorrow, continue to pay!