Demon Becoming the Lord

v9 Chapter 806: No solution? !

Even with Luo Xiao's martial arts cultivation and his accumulated xinxing all the year round, he couldn't help feeling a tingling scalp at this moment.

Something happened!

He knew the importance of the Penglai War Meeting to their entire Penglai Wonderland.

In the current world of Lihuo, the eighteenth giants, and Penglai Wonderland are definitely the top five powers, enough to be comparable to Tianfu Palace.

This was not the case thousands of years ago.

At that time, the Penglai Wonderland was ranked in the middle reaches at most, and it was not until the appearance of Luo Li and the comment of Lord Lanyue on him that Penglai Wonderland became famous for a while.

However, even if the birth of a strongest person can make Penglai Wonderland much more famous, it is still incomparable to Tianfu Temple in terms of influence.

Tianfu Palace, but known as the patron saint of the entire Eastern Region of Lihuo Great World!

The way the Penglai Wonderland rises is precisely the Penglai Battle!

It was precisely by using the Penglai Battle Meeting that it attracted a lot of casual cultivators to come to the trial, and its reputation had flourished day by day, and finally reached its current level.

So in this way, if you want to become the top power in the Lihuo World, there are two things you must do.

The first one is strong enough to have the strongest!

Lord Luo Li and Lord Lanyue belong to this category. In the Lihuo Great World, no one dares to say that he can defeat them. This is the deterrence of personal combat power!

The second is to have enough influence.

The influence of the Tianfu Temple comes from the protection of the Eastern Region for countless years. As long as the Tianfu Temple is there, the Eastern Region must be stable in all directions. This has long been the belief in the hearts of many people in the Eastern Region.

Penglai Wonderland uses the Penglai Battle Meeting to gather a lot of popularity!

This also led to the fact that although the strength of Penglai Wonderland may not be the top among all the giants, and it has not made much contribution to the sentient beings in the Lihuo Great World, but in the hearts of all casual cultivators, the Penglai War Meeting has already become The top event!

It is already a great honor to be eligible to participate.

If it were to be more serious--

The Penglai Battle will be the biggest support for the rise of Penglai Wonderland!

But now--

With this dependence, there is a big problem!

In the second stage of the Penglai Battle Meeting where no one has ever died, someone died this time, so strange!

What's more, this scene was directly shown in front of so many people.

How could Luo Xiao remain calm?


"Big Brother Song!"

Song Lie obviously had a lot of friends. At this moment, when he discovered something wrong, he immediately rushed to Xinghui and brought Song Lie out to try to rescue him.

And these actions of them also caused the commotion of the crowd to a higher level, which is almost difficult to control.

After all, there are tens of thousands of immortal monarchs watching here!

When Luo Xiao saw this scene, he was immediately shocked and instinctively stopped:


"Xinghai Town Domain, how can you allow you to enter at will?"


An extremely strong breath swept across the entire platform instantly, like a sea wave. Everyone felt that Mount Tai was overwhelming and could not be resisted by the huge force. All of them trembled suddenly and froze in place.

Luo Xiao's aura took care of the few people who were going to take Song Lie's body from the crowd. The steps of the few people froze instantly and looked at Luo Xiao with horror on their faces.

This is the strength of the upper three realms!

For a while, there was silence on the entire platform.

However, it was only a moment.

"Senior Luo, that's our brother! He is so unclear today, unclearly died in the Star Sea Battlefield, do you want to stop us from retrieving his body?"

Some people are filled with righteous indignation, with anger in their words.

And this sentence immediately became a lead that motivated the entire platform.


Someone stood up against Luo Xiao's momentum with an anxious look:

"Senior Luo, my father is still inside! Xinghai Battlefield is here

It has never happened in many years, but there must be an explanation for such a sudden change this time! "

"Even if Senior Luo wants to preserve the scene and the investigation is clear, we must first suspend the Penglai battle? This is just one dead. Juniors don't want to see my father die inside!"

There are not only the immortal monarchs, but also their relatives on the platform. After all, no one will travel far and wide to participate in the Penglai Battle. Just like Huang, he didn't sign up for it either. It was entirely because of Xiao Lang that he could come in.

There are many such people on the platform.

And this sentence immediately aroused the concern of everyone.

"My uncle is inside..."

"And my eldest brother, Senior Luo, you..."

For a time, the surrounding noises were louder, even more intense than when Luo Xiao was in control before. Seeing this scene around him, Luo Xiao's heart sank suddenly.

People are unstable!

This is what he worries most, and this scene really happened!

But of course he will not sit still.


Luo Xiao took a deep breath, and the next moment, a thunderous voice resounded through the audience, full of breath:

"Don't worry, everyone!"

"Since it is the problem that will arise in my Penglai war, I will definitely not shirk responsibility in Penglai Wonderland. I will definitely give an explanation to Song Lie and his relatives and friends."

"However, the Star Sea Battlefield was built by my senior brother Luo Li, and I don't have the right to control it. Therefore, please stay calm and not restless. When I go to see senior brother, I will suspend the Penglai battle first and inquire about it before continuing ."

"Since it was an accident, please don't worry."

Luo Li!

I have to admit that Luo Li, as the strongest person in Penglai Wonderland, has a strong deterrent effect. Luo Xiao only said his name, and the restlessness of everyone on the platform was immediately calmed down, and the suspiciousness was still in his eyes, but also Depressed a lot.

Luo Xiao was immediately relieved when he saw this.

Next, he certainly didn't want the restlessness on the platform to rise again. He immediately raised his hand to tear the space, and called for all the elders of Penglai Wonderland to maintain order. Only then did he step out and escape into the void.

This is a big event in Penglai Wonderland!

Therefore, in an instant, Luo Xiao had already mobilized all the immortal monarchs of Penglai Wonderland, even for the powers on the platform, this amount was a drop in the bucket.

However, there is no alternative.



Luo Xiao tore through the space, and in the next moment, he had already arrived outside that courtyard.

The courtyard where Luo Li is located.

There was no one around, and his face showed anxiety.

Today's change is really surprising. Even he has never experienced it. What's more, if it is not handled properly, this incident can even affect their reputation in the Penglai Wonderland and the reputation of the entire Penglai Battle!

This is the foundation of Penglai Wonderland!

So, as soon as he appeared, he hadn't settled yet, he couldn't wait to speak, and wanted to tell Luo Li about it. However, before his voice came out, the solemn words came out in the courtyard:

"Junior Brother, I know."

Luo Xiao's expression stiffened and he was relieved immediately.


Whether it was the first stage of the Penglai Wonderland platform or the Xinghai Battlefield, it was all created by Luo Li. How could he not know what happened inside?

But after relief, when he found that the courtyard was still calm, Luo Li's figure did not appear, Luo Xiao's face was immediately filled with confusion again.

Anxiously asked:

"Brother, don't you deal with it? What if you die again?"

Luo Xiao urged.

With his disposition and position, at this moment, he was still frightened by the abnormal movement at the Penglai battle meeting, his tone was anxious. But what he never expected was the answer from Luo Li next:

"I can't handle it either."


Luo Xiao froze all of a sudden, her expression dull.

What did Luo Li just say?

He... can't handle it either! !

Before he could ask further, Luo Li continued:

"Xinghai Battlefield, although it is the framework of my usage array, but the inherent mystery is not completed by myself. Therefore, I can't control its end, unless according to the rules, a new Hundred Warlord appears in it.

The Star Sea Battlefield was not created by Luo Li alone!

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Xiao's eyes immediately trembled.

This is a big deal!

A secret that even he doesn't know!

It is conceivable that if this matter spreads out, it will cause a sensation in the entire Lihuo World!

But what Luo Xiao cares most about right now is obviously not this, but--

Even Luo Li can't end this matter, is it really necessary to watch it continue?

If... another accident happens, will anyone die?


Luo Xiao was concerned about the fate of the entire Penglai Wonderland, and was so anxious that he couldn't help but express his worries. But at this moment, Luo Li was interrupted again.

"I understand Junior Brother's mood."

"However, this matter is really unsolvable, not you and I can think of a solution. If it can be solved easily, then it is not worthy to suddenly happen in my Penglai Wonderland at this time."

Not worthy?

Appear in Penglai Wonderland at this time?

Luo Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, and his spirit was stunned, and his face suddenly became particularly solemn.

Although he was a little confused just now because he was worried about the fate of the entire Penglai Wonderland, his mind must also be at an excellent level if he can cultivate to the upper three levels. Can he not hear what Luo Li said?

"Brother, what do you mean..."

"Someone is targeting me in Penglai Wonderland?!"

As soon as he said this, before Luo Li nodded his head to admit, the expression on Luo Xiao's face had become extraordinarily solemn, and his eyes flashed brightly, and there was even more surging murderous intent!

is directed at!

As for how to target... isn't it obvious?

These things that happened today are the key!

Destroying the Penglai war meeting is more than a grand meeting? It is the reputation and prestige that Penglai Wonderland has accumulated for thousands of years!

Luo Xiao couldn't imagine that if all of this was announced today, and the beings in the Lihuo Great World knew how badly their reputation in Penglai Wonderland would be!

Even if it's just negligence, it is enough to hurt their vitality.

Therefore, at this moment, when Luo Xiao heard Luo Li's extravagance, the first thing he thought of was to turn around and go back forcibly to block the news!

But at the moment he turned around, Luo Li seemed to have seen through his thoughts and interrupted coldly:


"If I guessed correctly, this news has already been disseminated by some interested people. Maybe, even before this event started, it would have been released in advance."


Luo Xiao's footsteps sank abruptly and turned around again, showing a hideous look on his face.

Such a deep scheming?

Such meticulous planning?

"Who is it that wants to harm me like this in Penglai Wonderland?!"

Luo Xiao gritted his teeth, full of murderous intent, almost irresistible, steaming like a wolf, straight into the bullfight.

Of course, he can only be regarded as venting.

Because after listening to Luo Li's words, he was completely confused, and he didn't know how the current situation should be resolved.

Is it true that as Luo Li said, their Penglai Wonderland was targeted, and this calamity was completely unsolvable?

Luo Xiao's face was ugly and at a loss.

Similarly, he did not expect that Luo Li actually answered his question:

"If I guessed correctly, this person should be Yan Jun!"

Luo Li's tone was equally gloomy and terrifying.

The name he said caused Luo Xiao's eyes to shrink suddenly, and his spirit suddenly shuddered.

"Evilman Valley, Jun Yan?!"
