Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 113: Prophecy and setting

   Ma Liang decided to make a prediction first.

   Speaking of prophecy, when he set the creator (pseudo), he also made one.

   After finalizing all the settings of the creator (pseudo), I asked two questions with a magic pen.

   The first question is whether with this kind of mighty power set up, can he perceive his existence with a similar "prophecy".

  The answer of the magic pen is: no.

   source is diluted by one-tenth, as the chaos source of the creator (pseudo), it has the ability to produce new content, influence and modify the original space-time content.

But after dilution and dimensionality reduction, the chaotic origin has undergone a fundamental change, both in purity and dimensionality, and it is no longer possible to transcend an invisible ceiling, allowing the creator (false) to jump out of the set rules. Let’s find out about the magic pen and the behind-the-scenes hands closely related to the magic pen.

   At that time, Ma Liang was relieved and asked the second question immediately.

   If the Creator (pseudo) finds out his clues, can he follow the vine and trace back to the truth?

   Shenbi's answer is: possible.


   Ma Liang struggled with this answer for a long time.

   After careful consideration, he found out the reason.

   The first type of "prophecy" is aimed at magic pens, which is naturally invalid.

   The second way is to bypass the magic pen and target him. This is the essential difference.

   Fortunately, it's just "possible", which means between the two.

   What determines the "can" and "inability" should be the clues and attention the Creator (pseudo) can perceive.

   For this reason, Ma Liang has set the principle of using magic pen for himself.

   When the Creator (pseudo) wakes up, he will never use it until the critical moment of life and death. When sleeping, limited, reasonable, and careful use.

  Besides, before use, use predictions to estimate the risk, and after use, erase the traces so that everything is lost.

   He is now not afraid of the effect of time-space calming, which has been shared by the entire new system, and he is afraid of the mighty power he set up by himself.

   Start writing.

  {Prophecy = facts that have happened, are about to happen, and will happen in the future.

   The prophecy is established = the handwriting of the magic pen will remain.

   The prophecy is not true = the writing of the magic pen will disappear.

   Prophecy is in the chaos between the two things = the writing of the magic pen will flash for two seconds and then disappear.

   Execute after 3 seconds countdown: prophecy.

   After the countdown starts: 3, 2, 1.

  Prophecy: My purpose of this trip to Shennongjia will be achieved, and I will obtain three main materials from [Preparation Expert]. }

   As soon as the last character was written, the content of the prophecy disappeared cleanly.

   The prediction is not true!

   Ma Liang raised his eyebrows, this result was not unexpected.

   The tip of the pen paused, and he continued to write at the position where the content disappeared: Shennongjia already has at least one main material of [modulation expert].

   The prophecy is established, and the writing remains.

   Ma Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

   Is it just one kind, two kinds or three kinds?

   Ma Liang is not prepared to continue to struggle with this issue, he only needs to know that Shennongjia originally had the basis for the birth of the main material, so that the subsequent operations will not appear abrupt and there is a reasonableness.

   Start a new line and continue writing.

  Prophecy: Use magic pen to set all three main materials to be generated, and let me get induction and know their location. The facts created in this way will not arouse its attention and alertness after the Creator (pseudo) awakens. "

   After the last handwriting fell, Ma Liang stared at the page nervously.

   did not disappear, nor did it flicker.

   The prophecy is established!

   He smiled in relief.

This kind of trembling and cautiousness seems to be overdone. The Creator (pseudo) is not a time-space calmness, but it also has limitations. There are also a bunch of preventive measures and restrictions at the beginning of the setting. How can he easily realize that he is for it? Well-designed "cage"?

   But the Wannian Ship that sails carefully.

   Before the energy of the magic pen returns to the orange scale, it still has to develop wretchedly.

  Once the energy scale accumulates to orange, its capital will be erased. In the worst case, it will be like a questioner, let it die out early.

   The prophecy is over, and the real setting is written.

   Turn a new page.

   {If: [Preparation Expert] Any one of the main materials does not exist in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve.

   Execute after three seconds countdown: the conditions for the birth of the main material are met within three days, and the main material is born within seven days, I will get the induction state to them. The closer the distance, the stronger and clearer the induction.

   The countdown starts: 3, 2, 1. }


   Ma Liang took a long breath.

   As soon as he stood up and prepared to move his muscles and bones, a vague feeling came to him.

   This kind of induction is like an invisible "thread" connecting him to something far away.

   When the body moves, this invisible "line" also makes it move, which feels weird.

   Ma Liang smiled, and went to the window on the third floor, looking at the boundless forest sea through the deep night.

   should be Haifeng Leopard.

   Ma Liang moved, it was also moving, and was very restless and frightened.

   It turns out that there is really a master material that has been born.

   And in the repeated search and hunt, Enron survived, advanced to Sequence 8, awakening the extraordinary characteristics of the second order.

   Sequence 8 beasts, it should be difficult to deal with.

   "Little Ma, come down to eat."

   "Oh, here it is."

   Ma Liang packed everything away, washed his face in the bathroom, changed into clean clothes, and went to the restaurant on the second floor.

   There are not only his teammates in the restaurant, but many other sequencers are gathering together, eating and chatting quietly.

   Dinner is very hearty, and they are all served for free in the form of a buffet.

   Ma Liang took the dinner plate and used it at will.

"Hello there!"

   Someone next to him was talking to him.

   Ma Liang turned around and found that he was a very handsome young sequencer.

"Hello there!"

   Ma Liang responded politely, but for some reason, he didn't know this person, but he felt that he was a little familiar.

   The young sequencer smiled and said, "I know you, a famous breeder in Jiangcheng."

   Ma Liang looked at him seriously, but still felt no impression, and said, "Have we seen him before?"

   The young sequencer blinked his eyes and said, "I have seen it, my main material is still obtained from you."

   "Sorry, no impression."

   "You are a nobleman, forget things... Then, see you later!"

"See you!"

   Ma Liang returned to the table of his teammates with dinner. Just after sitting down, [Blacksmith] Old Li asked, did you know the person just now?

   Ma Liang shook his head.

   "If you don't know each other, don't deal with it less. Don't look at it here. Hello, I'm hello, everyone. When you enter the forest, you must be careful that others pass knives behind their backs."

   "Isn't it?" Hu Bing stopped his chopsticks and said, "It's all from the provincial team and the following counties and cities..."

   Lao Li sneered and said: "If you come across the Extraordinary species and others jump out and grab you, what will you do?"

   "Of course..." Hu Bing dumbfounded.

   "Remember, don't use major interests to test others. Be careful from the beginning. Only by preventing minor troubles can you avoid unnecessary troubles and dangers."

   After hearing this, everyone was awe-inspiring, and they all agreed.

   [Dear friends, we are going to Sanjiang in the afternoon, and this book also ushered in an important moment. Please ask for a wave of assists and a wave of support! 】