Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 15: Camp

   Many people didn't believe it, and they persisted.

   From morning to now, carrying more than ten kilograms of equipment, ran ten kilometers!

   Looking back at the way, I only feel that the distance is a little unbelievable, and a sense of accomplishment comes to my heart!

  艹, I'm not bad!

   For a moment, I forgot the torment of the death not long ago. Everyone was so enthusiastic and wanted to run back and forth again.

   Of course, no one really does that.

   Thousands of new students, a piece of camouflage, replacing the color of the valley, the tent appeared like a mushroom.

   The valley is not big. It is surrounded by hills, but there are mountains, waters, flowers, and forests. The scenery is beautiful and full of greenery.

   A mountain spring meanders down from the mountain, passing through the valley, forming a small stream, flowing into the river channel outside the valley.

   The aquatic plants on both sides of the creek are lush, the trees are shaded, and a lot of birds and insects inhabit.

   Although the midsummer has passed, the power of the autumn tiger is not weak at all. This is a good place to hide in the shade.

   The premise is that you can bear the swarms of mosquitoes flying around.

   At this time, listening to the whispers of insects and admiring the wild fun of amazing birds jumping and flying in the forest, I was really exhausted. I just wanted to find a grassy shade to lie down and fall asleep with such wind and scenery.

   "Ma Liang, old Ma, what are you doing stupidly, come and help!"

   Ma Liang spit out the grass stalks in his mouth, patted the dust on his body, agreed, and walked towards the camp.

  Everyone is setting up tents, because they are going to spend the night here today. I heard that there will be a bonfire party in the evening, so these animals are working hard.

   No need to rush, the tent is set up as quickly as possible, and the instructor is busy checking.

   The main thing is to see if the opening is sealed, or sleep until midnight, let poisonous insects, snakes, toads and the like crawl in, so you don't have to sleep.

   After setting up the tent, it was noon, and the instructor drove everyone out again.

   Of course they have to eat at noon, but there is no canteen or cooking class to serve them, so they can only do it themselves.

   Everyone has these things in their outfits.

   pots and pans, ingredients and simple gas stoves, etc., everything.

   "Hurry up, I'll be slow, look over there, people are almost eating it!"

   "But instructor, who cooks!?"

   The instructor stared, and said loudly: "Why, let me serve you?"

   "But neither can I, who knows how to cook, come forward and direct!"

   "Let's come!" Ma Liang was in a good mood, made a major decision, cast aside the burden and pressure that he had been carrying, and had a clear and clear plan for the road ahead, and relaxed as he had never thought before.

   Besides, he is also hungry.

   "Well, I listen to the old horse, what he says, let's do it."

   In front of Ma Liang, besides the ingredients, there are three stoves and three pots.

   One is used for steaming rice, and two are used for stew and small stir-fry, and the staff will be allocated immediately.

   The first step is to find water.

   The source of the water is the creek, and the spring water that flows down from the mountain is very clean, otherwise the campsite would not be chosen here.

   dispatched four boys to wash them with pots and pans and ingredients, and came back with two buckets of water.

   Ma Liang rolled up his sleeves and started preparing.

   Base the stove, cut meat, and dice. The instructor looked at it for a while and was relieved, and left the camp.

   Unexpectedly, he is almost ready here, those people have not returned yet!

   sent someone to look for it, but the one who was looking for came back, with a ridiculously ambiguous look!

   You don’t need to guess, there must be something good by the river.

   Look at it, and it's true!

   I saw men and women chattering on the banks of the river, washing and washing in full swing, I saw people coming, but rarely walking.

   Men and women are mixed in one place, without the usual group and boundaries. Some people are talking, some are arguing, some are laughing, some are making trouble... Ma Liang found the few in his company, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

   Have you eaten yet?

  撩Mei can still fill up the stomach?

   "Qian Yong, fat man, Wang Fei, you guys!"

   "Hey, old horse, come soon, I just talked about you!"

   "Say a fart, what can I say?" Ma Liang walked over and saw Zhu Ming and Wang Fei huddled with three girls. The cleansing and ingredients were thrown under his feet. He was talking with joy.

   "Hey, he is Ma Liang, the one who bites his lip!" Wang Fei pulled Ma Liang, and the honorable person.

   The growth of the three girls is only average, and they are looking at Ma Liang with curious eyes.

   Ma Liang grinned at them.

Others are not bad, and special circumstances have given him completely different characteristics from other people. It is said that it is mature and a little green, the sunshine is a little melancholy, and it is clear and pure, and its pupils are like a **** invisible to the end. The deep pool, quiet and deep, seems to contain infinite mystery. People can't help but want to fall into it and explore the secrets in it.

   The three girls unanimously bowed their heads, avoiding the smiling faces.

   The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird!

  Wang Fei: "Fuck, there will be electric discharge, old horse!"

   The three girls are even more embarrassed. The bold one took a bite, grabbed something and ran away.

   Zhu Ming: "Oh, don't go, what do you say about the friendship dormitory, hello!"

   Ma Liang shrugged his shoulders and took things to clean.

   Wang Fei: "The old horse is still your cow, but the target is not them. Look over there, over there!"

   Ma Liang looked in the direction he pointed.

   The creek turned a dozen meters in front of the left, and a shallow riverbed protruded. UU Reading exposed the rugged rocks, sparse weeds, and the location was excellent.

   But there was only one tall girl sitting there alone. At first glance, it seemed no different.

The   -like military uniform showed a graceful figure when worn on her. Sitting diagonally, her legs were extremely slender. The handkerchief was washed by no one, and the thin fingers waved on the surface of the water, and the reflection of the water surface hit her face.

   is like a filter, and like a hazy color, making her face extremely soft and beautiful.

   The bridge of the nose is very straight, and the eyelashes are very dense and long, like two cute little fans, but the big eyes are very cold, and the slightly frowning brows just right point out an arrogance.

   With Ma Liang's picky and samādhi vision, he can also score eight points.

   You know, he's also sensual, beauties... hum, don't talk about it.

Wang Fei: "Old Ma, if you can handle her, I will really convince you. From now on, you will be the boss of our dormitory. How about chasing the chicken?"

   Ma Liang just one word, get out!

   "Don't, Lao Ma, this girl is so upright, she's too arrogant, so proud!" Zhu Ming wanted to see but didn't dare to look more, sneaking up and pretending.

   Actually, it's more than him.

   Don’t look at the girl with no one around, but all the boys around, nine out of ten are secretly following her

   She must know it, or she is used to it, her face is indifferent, her arrogance is all over, she has an aura that no strangers should enter.

   Ma Liang has passed the stage of knowing lustful Mu Shaoai a long time ago, no matter what they say, he just stays unmoved.

   After a while, the girl left.

   The four animals sighed and helped Ma Liang finish the work.