Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 174: Legion of the Fallen (3)

? Dungeon, in an unknown cave.

Zhu Min brought people back and shook his head to Ma Liang. Ma Liang said, "You don't need to look for it anymore. Xiaoyin and the others have already left, they are not here!"

"But... it's daytime now!" Jing Tian said in shock.

Ma Liang's face was frosty. After a while, he suddenly thawed and laughed, and said, "Two little things caught the fallen man's tail and couldn't wait to hit the road."

"These two little girls are really..." Hu Bing shook his head speechlessly.

"Boss, here, there are new discoveries!"

Lao Li poked his head out of a dark hole and waved to Ma Liang.

Everyone hurriedly rushed over and entered this cave, which was the passage of seven turns and eight turns. Under the leadership of Lao Li, after walking all the way for a few minutes, it was another hollow cave.

"Look, they are raising corpses!"

Inside the cave, there are corpses that have been bitten and destroyed. The smell of high decay makes it impossible to approach them. The densely packed pools have a greenish pus.

"The corpse controller?"

Ma Liang shook his head and said, "It's the corpse controller and not the corpse controller!"

"How do you say?" Hu Bing asked.

"This is indeed the handwriting of the corpse controller, but it is not the corpse of the corpse controller."

"Is there a difference, it's all a bunch of scum, scum!" Jing Tian cursed through gritted teeth.

"Yes, the main thing is to figure it out, don't miss the deputy."

"Captain, what are you still scratching, Xiaoyin is outside, hurry up!" Zhu Min's worried faces were all pulled together, the two little girls are really painful, and so special...

"Okay, I'll go after it, faster, you guys get ready later, and follow me again!"

"Should I inform the squadron?"

"I have already told the squadron leader, and I guess they are about to move... Without further ado, I will leave first."

Ma Liang hurried on the road alone, returned to the ground at the fastest speed, and started a Harley motorcycle at the entrance of the park. When the throttle was turned, he rushed onto the road with a roar.

After half an hour, following the induction of the extraordinary partner, the motorcycle hurried out of the city. At this time, Xiao Yin and Xiao Miao were no longer moving, and they seemed to have entered the enemy's lair.

During the induction, both of them were okay. Ma Liang was not in a hurry. Jiang Liying called in the middle and asked him to report immediately after finding the position. The squadron had completed the assembly and was about to make a heavy blow.

Even the local garrison is ventilated and will come to support if necessary.


A valley somewhere in the western suburbs of Lingxian County, Xiangbei Province.

Dense jungles, messy camps, smoky fires, and people with guns and black cloth masks patrolled everywhere.

In the camp, all kinds of sundries were piled up randomly, and two scuffled and tumbling people attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

The sound of applause, roaring, cursing, and gambling are endless.

The facial features of every onlooker were exaggeratedly distorted, especially during the scuffle, after one person broke the other's arm with a "click", the sound of applause and spitting burst into the sky.

The loser screamed with his twisted arm, and the winner spit on his feet and stood up, took a machete and swiped it round!


A head rumblingly rolled out a long way, and a headless corpse spouted a pillar of blood two feet away, then twisted a few times, and there was no movement.

This **** scene did not frighten anyone, but aroused their sickness and ferocity.

At this time, the strong ones flashed fiercely and looked around, while the weak ones bend over with a smile and humblely dodge!


"You, you, and you, clean up here, throw the corpse in, and give our baby a meal!"

A man armed with a gun gave a loud command, and the accused were also tamed like lambs.

Everyone here has a burn mark on his forehead, a stamp that is twisted and burned by black flames.

It represents an identity, a slave or a slave to a certain fallen person, even the sequencer is no exception.

Different fallen people have different badges. Everyone here has the same sign on their foreheads. Obviously, they all belong to a line of weapons that are fallen.

The most famous and notorious ability of the fallen is to induce people to "fall." The ordinary people after the fall are just brutal and evil, but the sequencers can get great benefits.

First, the ability of this sequence will not be cleared, and promotion will still be possible.

Second, join the chaotic camp and digest the potion in a pleasing way.

Third, the ability of this sequence will bring the spirituality of "chaotic genus", and it has a powerful erosion, disintegration and resistance effect on all other spiritualities.

The three selected people cleaned up the scene, then carried the corpse and walked into the entrance of a pile of graves.

Follow the low and wet passage to the underground, and cringe to a halt in front of a stone gate.

A bite by bite coffin, open, piled nearby, the stone door opened from the inside, and one came out.

"There are fresh flesh and blood again, good job!" The corpse controller licked his lips excitedly, looking at the fresh flesh, as if he had seen some delicious pastry.

"My lord, where shall we put it?"

"What to put in? Come in!"

"My lord..." said a bald man who carried the corpse flatly, "it's a forbidden land inside, we are all Muggles, we don't have this honor."

"Damn, you dare to talk back!"

"My lord, we are boss Lai's subordinates, not newcomers, please take care of us!"

"...Huh, a bunch of brave bastards, put things down, get out of here!"

"Yes, yes, let's get out of here, get out of here!"

Checked the head He shook his head and murmured something to this distorted face. Suddenly, he turned around abruptly, stared at the pile of coffins and shouted : "Who, who is there?"


A black cat jumped out of it and stood on the coffin, a pair of mysteriously discolored cat eyes staring at the corpse controller.

"It turned out to be a cat!"

The corpse controller shook his head without knowing it, then dragged the corpse and approached the Shimen with his head.

The cat on the coffin...oh no, it was Xiao Miao who stood up slowly, looked inside the dark Shimen, hesitated for a moment, and got in.

You can't see it at all on the outside, but inside is a huge space.

It's like the entire valley has been dug through the underground, there are many torches, and a large number of Muggle slaves are still beating on the corners.

Countless zombies are like a deadly army. Hundreds of five poisonous zombies are bound by chains, and several are being tamed.

The blazing torch illuminates an altar in the center, on which stands a mysterious statue of a sheep's head.

This is not some idol, let alone Sequence 0, but...

"Xiaoyin, you are there, why are you missing, Xiaomiao is so scared... Master, come soon, Xiaoyin seems to have been discovered, Xiaomiao can't find her, woo..."

At this time, a speeding motorcycle was already on the dirt road, not far from the valley.