Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 185: position

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"Thank you, thank you. On behalf of the six million citizens of Jiangcheng, I thank you. You are worthy of the title of Rock. You have defended the lives of countless people and protected millions of innocent families. I will personally take credit for you!"

The leaders in the city came to this corpse-controller's lair, witnessed the magical and tragic battlefield, and were afraid of cold sweat. At this time, the gratitude to Ma Liang and the Rock Squadron was from the heart.

"We are Rock, and Rock's responsibility and obligation are to defend!"

"It's a good thing, a good thing. Through this incident, we learned an important lesson and fully realized that under the new situation, an organization like the Rock Squadron is indispensable and has an irreplaceable role. In the future, our place You must fully cooperate with your work, and you need to continue to assume important responsibilities for the society and people in Jiangcheng and even in northern Hunan."

"The main battlefield is not here, our Jiang squadron leader is still at the nursing home, look..."

"Okay, let's start now... on the spot?"

"Leave it to us at the scene, we are professional after all!"

"That's right, Commander Lin, this will be handled by the Rock Squadron. Let's go to the nursing home as soon as possible, but don't make any mistakes, otherwise you and I can bear this kind of responsibility."


Ten minutes later, Ma Liang got on an armored command vehicle. Xiaoyin and Xiaomiao sat aside curiously, leaving a sequencer who handled the tail of the hand to the window and listened to him instructing Yi Yi: "... Cleaned up, but the corpse controller and the degenerate left a lot of good things, all of which are put into the library, waiting to be counted afterwards."

"Don't worry, I must scrape the ground three feet, nothing is left!"

"Everyone has worked hard, especially in the nursing home. Later I will think of the squadron leader's suggestion that everyone will be compensated tonight. Just stick to it during wartime."

"Then dare to love you, old horse...oh, Captain Horse, everyone listens to you."

The convoy set off majestic, the roar of the car motors in the middle of the night, the people who didn't know, looked at such a team armed to the teeth, they stopped curiously, and pointed at them.

"Dad, they don't know, are we unsung heroes?"

Ma Liang looked back and gave her a forehead, and said, "Be bold, and I will clean up you?"

Xiaoyin rubbed his forehead and muttered aggrievedly, "I have already made up for it, no regrets."

"Huh, this is a reminder for you. The sky is big and the earth is big. Do you think you can go with your little ability? I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, it's you."

"Meow, it's Xiaoyin in the end..."

Ma Liang's eyes widened, and Xiao Miao suddenly said, "In the end, Xiao Yin was rescued by the master's action. That demonized person was too powerful, so it was almost, it was almost a bit, Xiao Yin, you are miserable."

"...I know, I won't dare to do it again next time."

Xiao Yin said dejectedly.

The convoy went out of the city, gathered a large number of military vehicles, and went all the way to the battlefield near the nursing home.

When they arrived, the sky was about to dawn. The two little girls lay in the box and fell asleep. Ma Liang and others were guarding a group of high-ranking officials. When they arrived on the battlefield, Jiang Liying was leading someone to do the final finishing touches.

I saw that the vast battlefield was full of fallen magic units, such as zombies, skeletons, monsters, etc., maintaining the appearance of fighting to the last moment.

The canine-toothed front shows a different kind of blood and cruelty. Although there is no gunpowder smoke and no bullet crater, it has a reality that is no less than that of ordinary war.

Magical reality, supernatural reality.

When Ma Liang arrived, they witnessed the most glorious and majestic moment of the Rock Squadron.

The true heroes and victors have quietly exited, giving them all the light and honor.

Everyone around me was extremely shocked.

"You have worked hard, you have worked hard!"

"All of them, salute to the comrades of the Rock Squadron!"



Ma Liang saw that there were many old blushing people among the sequencers, but Jiang Liying did not change her face, with exhaustion and mess, and cautiously returned a salute.

The teams on both sides converged, and after a few conversations, the battlefield began to be blocked.

"...Don't worry, as soon as the sun comes out, all the filth will be melted and evaporated. Just clean it up at that time."

The heads in the city, wiping cold sweat, said repeatedly: "That's good, that's good. If you can keep silent, try to keep silent, so as not to cause unnecessary panic."

"Secretary Liao, the snakes, worms, rats and ants in Xiangbei have to be cleaned up. This time I blocked them, next time, next time?"

"Don't worry, we will do our best to cooperate with your work this time, no matter who is involved, no matter what unit..."

"I'm relieved with your words."

After dealing with a kind of bureaucracy, Jiang Liying found Ma Liang and said wearily: "Do you think I'm crossing the river to demolish the bridge, grab someone's honor, and want to kill them?"

Ma Liang shook his head and said, "This honor does not belong to them."

"This honor belongs to you!"

Ma Liang Of course, I’m doing my part. By the way, can you give me something practical, besides the spiritual reward, is it a material reward? For example, what is the exemption of the final payment for the second phase of the underground project? "

Jiang Liying rolled her eyes and said, "You don't want to have such a big appetite. You don't want to pay, do you let the squadron pay you in advance... Don't be kidding, get ready, we will set off at dawn!"

"go there?"

"Shangjing headquarters...if you fool around, don't say anything when you arrive at the headquarters. I don't think there is any spiritual or material rewards. Maybe you have to recite a punishment."

"It's not enough, it's solved perfectly."

"Internal warnings and punishments should be given, and external honors should still be accepted... You don't understand these, as long as you know what to do." Jiang Liying turned and looked at the ending of the scene for a while, suddenly remembering something, and turned to ask: "That's right. What about the extraordinary characteristics of the demonized?"

Ma Liang took out the small silver box and gave it to her.

Jiang Liying breathed a sigh of relief after taking it, and said, "If we count our luck this time, with it, this internal punishment may be offset."

"I've always been curious, what's the use of you collecting this kind of things? Would you like to create another demon?" Ma Liang said jokingly.

"I don't know, I only know that a scientific research project with a high level of confidentiality is involved...What are you asking about?"

"But just ask's a coincidence, the trip to Beijing...our manuscripts can be handed in together."

Jiang Liying was shocked slightly, her expression stunned, and excitement gradually appeared in her eyes, "I found that my position has quietly changed, and I unknowingly stood with you, a bold guy."

Ma Liang laughed and said: "Welcome, and honor!"

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