Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 23: On the path of god

   Ma Liang won more than four thousand in one night.

   This is the case when he deliberately released the water.

  The imminent problem is solved, at least for the time being.

   It’s just that his mood is never easy.

   The sky was dark and the cards were scattered. After losing so many, I didn't see any obvious negative emotions from these people.

   talked and laughed and left the scene, only to say that the old horse has the level, usually I don't see it, he is still a master.

   Ma Liang couldn't see the follow-up effect.

   However, the calming effect of time and space is sometimes not a feedback from a positive direction, but may act from other directions in an absolutely unexpected form.

   By that time, I realized it was too late.

   Back to the dormitory, there was no time to sleep. Ma Liang had used up his leave slips, so he took the toiletries and went to the water room.

When    came back, someone was already awake.

   Ma Liang woke up Wang Fei, who was still asleep, and paid him back 500 yuan last night.

After    went out alone, I went to a small restaurant and bought breakfast for 6 people.

   After coming back, Wang Fei said, it seems that Lao Ma was a big killer last night, and big guys don't be polite with him.

   Ma Liang scolded, even eating can't stop your broken mouth.

   After breakfast, there is still some time before self-study in the morning, and the dormitory began to discuss the topic of last night.

   The first meal of Friendship was there to eat, what standard.

   Ma Liang is not interested in discussing this with them, anyway, just bring his mouth to eat when the time comes. There is neither their expectation nor the romantic beginning.

   Take off the order?

  He has stumbled on this. Love is a luxury for him, not a necessity.

   The final result of the negotiation was to eat private kitchen. Outside the west gate of the school, a new private kitchen restaurant in South Beauty was opened. It is famous and the environment is good. You have to wait in line every time you get a meal.

   Today is Thursday, and tomorrow is Friday. If it is tomorrow, you must make an appointment today.

   Wang Fei turned out the phone number of the restaurant and called, only to find that they were not open for work yet.

   When studying early in the morning, Ma Liang didn't sleep all night, and felt sleepy when sitting in the classroom. He slept on the table and found that his condition worsened when he woke up.

   A die forehead is really hot.

   But he was not surprised and rejoiced. If he used an aggravated illness as the price of last night, it would be far better than waiting now at a loss and anxiety.

   just as the counselor was there, Ma Liang asked for leave.

   The counselor is a woman in her thirties. She touched Ma Liang's forehead with her cold hand. She was shocked. She approved the leave. She was still worried, and she wanted to take him to the doctor in person.

   When I rushed to the school infirmary, I found that there were so many people who were sick today, and the infusion hall was almost full.

   This infirmary is privately contracted, so I just look at minor problems like colds, fevers, headaches and brain fever.

   Since Ma Liang’s disease has been ill for a while, it has not recovered, and now it has worsened, he cautiously recommended that he go to a regular hospital for a routine checkup and a blood test.

   Ma Liang hasn't said anything yet. When the counselor heard this, he dared to feel sick for more than a week.

   I blamed him for being so careless and insisted that he go to a regular hospital for an examination.

  Ma Liang didn't mean anything, so he could only leave the school with his groggy head.

   The counselor still had a job, so naturally he couldn't follow. He stood alone at the entrance of the school, facing the cool wind, and stopped a taxi for ten minutes.

  I feel even worse when I get to the hospital.

   Registered, lined up, and when I sat in front of the doctor, I was already confused.

   What the doctor asked, what he said and what he did, he had no impression. When he was sober, he was already lying on the hospital bed and put on a bottle.

   also wears a mask on his face, like a respirator.

  Ma Liang was surprised, so serious?

   "Are you awake? Just now the nurse was asking if you had anyone to accompany you, so I turned your pocket and looked at your student ID."

The one who was talking was a fat **** the next hospital bed. She should also be a student from the university town. Seeing Ma Liang's hand on the breathing mask on her face, she didn't dare to take it off, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, you It’s not dying. This is a mist suction device. You have a respiratory tract infection. It seems to be serious."

  Mist sucker?

   Isn’t this for kids?

   Ma Liang took off the cover on his face and said, "Thank you!"

   "Don't thank me, you are freshman, I am still your senior sister!"

   was talking, the door of the hospital bed opened, and the nurse came in with a medicine box.

   "Bed 4, are there any family members?"

   Ma Liang saw that his hospital bed was No. 4, and quickly said that he was not accompanied by his family.

This is a private hospital. It is a business for students. Ma Liang’s situation is very common. The nurse said, “If you have a high fever of 40 degrees, you will develop pneumonia later. Why is it so sloppy? Care about your body?"

   "Why did you take off the mist inhaler? Bring it on. It is full of medicine, don't you understand?"

   Ma Liang can only put on this uncomfortable cover.

   "Change the dressing, wait a little better, pay the fee by yourself, this is your list!"

   Ma Liang received the receipt and saw that the nurse took the medicine bottle and was about to change the dressing.

There was nothing wrong with   , but he felt that it was effective.

   Look carefully at the medicine bottle in the nurse's hand again, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com quickly took off the cover and said: "Wait, the medicine is wrong!"

   The nurse was about to insert the tube into the new medicine bottle. Hearing the words, he checked the label on it and said, “That’s right, bed 4 in Ward 516—Tian Jingjing?”

   The **** the bed next to her raised her hand and said, "Tian Jingjing is me. There was no one around him just now. It was the student ID that I helped to read. Maybe the nurse made a mistake at that time."

   "Oh, sorry, sorry, I'll change it for you right away."

   Ma Liang: "……"

  As soon as the nurse left, Tian Jingjing said: "It's dangerous, but fortunately, you have sharp eyes. If you make a mistake, your illness will get worse. I have stomach problems. This medicine is definitely not right."

   Ma Liang smiled, put on the cover, and lay down.

   I hope this is the end, don’t come again, don’t toss anymore, please!

   After a while, the head nurse brought a newly recruited nurse over to apologize.

   Nothing else happened afterwards.

   In the afternoon, Ma Liang's fever subsided, the symptoms slowly disappeared, and the people became energetic.

   The doctor prescribed the medicine for four days and asked him to give IV IV for four consecutive days. These can be done in the school's infirmary, and there is no need to come to the hospital.

   Back at school, Ma Liang felt that he had to speed up the schedule. The longer the delay, the more unexpected the situation would happen.

   The law of spirituality has already existed, and what is left is the path of each extraordinary sequence.

   This path is called the path of God.

   Sequence 9-Sequence 0, from low to high, until becoming a god.

  The height that the new system can reach is also the height that Ma Liang can reach.

   So, he will not be stingy.

   The key lies in the harmony, coexistence, co-prosperity and balance between the way and the way, between the way and the human society on the earth.